2.1. Exogenous AA induces LDs formation and ATGL and cPLA2-dependent PGI2 release generated from endogenous AA in endothelial cells and in smooth muscle cells
Incubation of endothelial cells with exogenous AA resulted in LDs formation that was significant 4 hrs after AA administration and further slightly increased after 24 hrs of AA incubation (Fig. 1A). AA-induced LDs formation was associated with elevated production of PGI2 as evidenced by increased 6-keto-PGF1α concentration 4 hrs after AA administration, that further slightly increased after 24 hrs of AA incubation (Fig. 1B).
LDs formation was also associated with a considerable activation of PGF2α production that increased 4 -24 hrs after AA administration with a similar kinetics as that of 6-keto-PGF1α (Fig. 1C). Interestingly, AA induced also an increase in PGD2 and PGE2 production (Fig. 1D, 1E). In the presence of ATGL inhibitor, atglistatin (50 µM), the number of AA-induced LDs in endothelial cell was not significantly altered, but the concentration of 6-ketoPGF1α (Fig. 1A, 1B) was significantly lowered. Similarly, AACOCF3, the inhibitor of cytosolic phospholipase A2 inhibited the production of PGI2 and lowered 6-keto-PGF1α level (Fig. 1B). However, in contrast to the effects of atglistatin, in the presence of AACOCF3, the number of AA-induced LDs was increased (Fig. 1A).
Effects of atglistatin and AACOCF3 in smooth muscle cells were similar as in endothelial cells. AA-induced increase in 6-keto-PGF1α concentration was inhibited. Furthermore, the number of AA-induced LDs was increased 24 hrs after AA administration (Fig. 1.1A, B, supplemental materials).
Interestingly, there was a divergent effects of atglistatin and AACOCF3, on other eicosanoids released by AA either in endothelial cell (Fig. 1C-E) or in smooth muscle cells (Fig. 1,1C-D, supplemental materials). While these inhibitors inhibited PGF2α formation to similar extend as 6-keto-PGF1α, their effects on PGD2 and PGE2 formation, was absent or minimal.
To confirm whether eicosanoids are generated from exogenous or endogenous AA, exogenous deuterated AA (AAd8) was used. As shown in Fig. 2, AAd8-induced a significant increase in 6-keto-PGF1α concentration comparable to the effect induced by non-deuterated AA. Moreover, 6-keto-PGF1α release by AAd8 was inhibited by AACOCF3, SC-560 (Cayman Chemical) and DuP-697 (Cayman Chemical) (inhibitors specific for cPLA2, COX-1 and COX-2, respectively) suggesting that exogenous AA induced PGI2 synthesis from endogenous AA that was mediated by cPLA2/COX1/COX2 pathway (Fig2. C).
2.2. Exogenous OA induces PGI2 release generated from endogenous AA in endothelial cells, in smooth muscle cells and in isolated murine aorta
Similarly, to exogenous AA, oleic acid (OA) induced LDs formation and PGI2 release in endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells.
As shown in Fig. 3, incubation of endothelial cells with deuterated oleic acid (OAd34) increased the number of LDs. The effect was already seen 1 hr after OAd34 addition and remained at similar level 2,3,6, and 24 hrs after OA administration to endothelial cells (Fig. 3A).
In smooth muscle cells number of LDs induced by OAd34, was significantly higher after 24h as compared to shorter incubation times (Fig. 3B).
Parallel to the increase in LDs formation, the 6-keto-PGF1α concentration was elevated in either endothelial cells or in smooth muscle cells. However, a significant increase in 6-keto-PGF1α concentration induced by OAd34 in HAEC or MOVAS, was delayed as compared with rapid LD formation and was most substantially increased 24 hrs after OA administration (Fig. 3C, 3D). Interestingly, the concentration of 6-keto-PGF1α released by OAd34 was higher in MOVAS as compared with HAEC (Fig. 3D).
To further confirm that exogenous OA resulted in LDs formation that was associated with PGI2 release biochemical composition of LDs induced by OA and 6-keto-PGF1α released was studied in isolated aorta en face.
As shown in Fig. 4, OA induced LDs formation in endothelial layer as well as in smooth muscle cells in the isolated aorta as evidenced by fluorescence staining. The number of LDs in endothelium was significantly higher 24 hrs after OA administration (Fig. 4A).
Interestingly, in smooth muscle the increased LDs number was observed already 6 hrs after OA administration and remained at high level also 24 hrs after OA administration (Fig. 4B).
In the presence of atglistatin, but not AACOCF3, the OA-induced LDs formation in aorta was significantly increased (Fig. 4C). Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of LDs in endothelium and in deeper layers of the vessel wall after incubation with OAd34, and identified LDs rich in exogenous oleic acid (OAd34) uptaken from medium and LDs containing more unsaturated lipids then OAd34, most likely AA (Fig. 4E, 4F).
Similarly to the experimental system of isolated endothelial cells (Fig. 3A, 3C) and smooth muscle cells (Fig. 3B, 3D), OA-induced LDs in isolated murine aorta was associated with a time-dependent PGI2 production as evidenced by 6-keto-PGF1α release that was most pronounced 24 hrs after OA administration (Fig.5A). Again, atglistatin and AACOCF3 inhibited OA-induced PGI2 production as well as other prostanoids release (6-keto-PGF1α, PGD2, PGE2) indicating that ATGL and cPLA2 are required for LDs metabolism in vascular wall and mediate the production of vascular PGI2 in response to exogenous OA (Fig. 5E-G).
2.3. ATGL-dependent lipolysis regulates endothelial barrier function and postprandial endothelial effects
Functional role of ATGL-dependent lipolysis induced by OA, was analyzed by studying effects of atglistatin (50 µM) on OA (100 uM)-induced changes in endothelial barrier permeability in an in vitro assay and on olive oil (10 mL/kg bw) induced postprandial endothelial dysfunction in vivo.
As shown in Fig. 6, OA alone did not induced significant variation in the cells’ monolayer resistance as assessed by ECIS, however, the combination of OA with atglistatin caused a decrease in the resistance of the endothelial cells, indicating impairment of the endothelial barrier integrity (Fig. 6).
In in vivo experiments the dose of olive oil (10 mg/ml bw) was chosen based on plasma triglycerides measurements curve Plasma TG levels peak was obtained 360 min after olive oil administration (Fig. 7A), whereas LDs were detected 180 min after olive oil administration and were not been visible at later time points. LDs were detected via fluorescence and Raman imaging (Fig. 7B, 7C, 7D), and Raman spectrum of LDs indicated a higher lipid unsaturation than the administered olive oil as the ratio of the bands 1660 to 1446 cm-1, and 1266 to 1305 cm-1 was higher for the LDs spectrum than for olive oil. Interestingly, the fatty acid profile measured in isolated aorta wall by chromatography-mass spectrometry showed changes after olive oil administration in unsaturated fatty acids: oleic (18;1) and palmitoleic acid (16:1) as well as linoleic acid (18:2, converted from oleic acid) that were higher after 9 hrs as compared to 6 hrs after olive oil suggesting lipolisis. Furthermore, fatty acids: 18:1, 16:1 content was lower after olive oil and atglistatin treatment as compared to olive oil alone compatible with the inhibition of lipolysis However, in the case of arachidonic acid, the effects induced by olive oil alone or together with atglistatin was opposite as compared to effects for FA 18:1 and 16:1 (data not shown).
On the functional level, as shown in Fig. 7E-H, olive oil administration induced endothelial dysfunction as evidenced by impaired Ach-induced endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the thoracic and in the abdominal aorta in C57Bl/6 mice 6 hrs after olive oil administration. In the presence of atglistatin (200 µmol/kg bw), Ach-induced response was further deteriorated (Fig. 7E, 7F) suggesting that postprandial endothelial dysfunction was aggravated by ATGL blockade in vivo. In contrast, sodium nitroprusside (SNP)-induced endothelium-independent response in thoracic and abdominal aorta was not affected by olive oil gavage and by atglistatin (Fig. 7G, 7H) which confirms specific protective effects of ATGL-dependent lipolysis on endothelial function in postprandial phase after olive oil administration.