Water supply infrastructure partnership design
The San Joaquin Valley region in California is home to over 4 million people and over 5 million acres of irrigated farmland44. The region’s long-standing water supply challenges have been amplified in recent years as climate change has made drought more frequent and severe, and as chronic groundwater overdraft has caused dry wells, widespread subsidence, water quality issues, and restrictive new regulations21,44–46. Local and state agencies are working to address these challenges by investing in new infrastructure and cooperative water management strategies20,26,42,47. In this study, we analyze two key ongoing infrastructure initiatives in the Tulare Lake Basin region of the San Joaquin Valley (Fig. 1). First, the Friant-Kern Canal is an important structure that primarily conveys San Joaquin River water south from Millerton Lake as part of the federal Central Valley Project. However, the capacity of the canal has been reduced by up to 60% due to subsidence-related damage48,49. In 2021, a collection of water providers known as the Friant Contractors decided to invest roughly $50 million to rehabilitate the canal and expand its capacity, with various federal and state programs providing support for the rest of the estimated $500 million cost50. We consider only the $50 million borne by local users in this study. The fact that we find significant financial risks even with this unusually favorable cost structure serves as a warning for other less-subsidized infrastructure investments in the region. We also consider a second infrastructure investment in a new groundwater bank, which would route surplus water available in wet periods into infiltration basins to replenish the aquifer and allow for additional groundwater pumping during dry periods20,27,28,42. We estimate this project would also cost local water providers $50 million based on cost estimates for other groundwater storage projects being developed throughout the region43.
Using the cooperative infrastructure investment context of the Friant-Kern canal rehabilitation and its potential augmentation with a new groundwater bank, we simulate the performance of alternative infrastructure partnerships using the California Food-Energy-Water System (CALFEWS), a highly detailed water resource systems model that simulates daily reservoir operations, environmental flow rules, water rights, interbasin transfer projects, and conjunctive surface and groundwater supply management at the level of individual water providers23,33. The high-fidelity system representation of the model allows us to generate new insights into infrastructure partnership design compared to existing lower-fidelity water supply planning models that cannot resolve the multi-timescale dynamics of managed aquifer recharge or the multi-spatial scale distribution of water supply benefits and financial risks for individual water providers23,33. Each partnership is evaluated across an ensemble of daily-time step 30-year hydrologic sequences from a synthetic streamflow generator that captures the spatial correlation across the state as well as interannual persistence of wet and dry periods (see Methods and Supplemental Note S1). This allows us to explore the impact of California’s severe internal hydroclimatic variability on the water supply benefits and financial risks resulting from these infrastructure investments51,52. The synthetic streamflows used in this study serve two major technical benefits: (1) they permit a well-founded statistical representation of the plausible flood-drought regimes that regional infrastructure investments will face in the near-term and (2) they are intentionally strongly optimistic in neglecting longer-term climate changes to show that even without climate change effects, there are immense uncertainties that challenge our understanding of investment partnerships’ water supply and financial risk tradeoffs.
Partnership performance is assessed over the 30-year simulation (a common municipal bond payback period53) according to five decision-relevant metrics related to partnership size, water supply benefits, and financial risk. We combine this ensemble modeling framework with a multiobjective intelligent search framework that leverages the Borg Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA)54,55 to test over 600,000 candidate infrastructure investment partnerships to discover the best-performing partnerships that represent the optimal tradeoffs across the five metrics (Supplementary Fig. S1). The elements of partnership design that are optimized can be described with three questions: (1) In which project does the partnership invest (canal expansion, groundwater bank, or both)? (2) Which subset of 42 water providers in the region should participate? (3) What “ownership share” should be assigned to each partner, governing its capacity in the project and its share of annual debt payment obligations? Additional details on our partnership design and evaluation framework can be found in Methods and Supplementary Notes S2-3.
Understanding diverse partnership design options
Our multiobjective intelligent search process yields a set of 374 approximately Pareto-optimal partnerships (hereafter referred to as “optimal tradeoff partnerships”), each of which represents a different balance of compromises across the five conflicting objectives. The vast majority of optimal tradeoff partnerships (99%) were found to invest in both canal expansion and groundwater banking (Fig. 2a). This suggests a synergistic relationship. The surface water gains from the Friant-Kern canal expansion generally occur during relatively high-flow periods, when available water supply exceeds immediate demand, so it is complementary to pair the expansion with additional storage29,56. The remaining 1% of optimal tradeoff partnerships invest only in a groundwater bank, with no partnerships investing in canal expansion alone. This highlights the importance of considering the interactive effects across alternative infrastructure projects and the potential for synergistic gains when bundling regional investments together.
There is a high degree of diversity in the way that partnerships can be designed. The optimal tradeoff partnerships range in size from 2 to 24 water providers, with 60% of candidate partnership designs having 10 to 17 partners (Fig. 2a). There is also diversity in the concentration of ownership across the partnerships. The smallest partnerships tend to distribute ownership roughly equally (e.g., three partners with shares of ~ 33% each). Larger partnerships tend to have a few partners with disproportionately large ownership shares and more partners with rather small shares (Fig. 2b, Supplementary Fig. S2). Considering the geographic context of these partnerships (Figs. 2c-e), we find that certain providers almost always participate and generally carry large ownership shares (black), while others rarely participate and tend to take rather small shares (yellow). There are also providers that regularly participate with small shares (light brown) or that irregularly participate with large shares (teal). These results demonstrate the complexity of partnership design and the range of roles that different water providers can play in partnership creation given their unique contexts: the local infrastructure networks, water rights, hydrologic context, and other factors that impact their ability to procure and store additional surface water as a result of the collaborative investment. Moreover, many providers can span a range of ownership shares across the optimal tradeoff set depending on how the rest of the partnership is constructed (Fig. 2d), which highlights the importance of capturing local-scale dynamics and network interactions between water providers when designing collaborative infrastructure investments.
Key performance tradeoffs for water supply investment partnerships
We find that water providers face severe tradeoffs across five decision-relevant metrics when designing collaborative infrastructure investments (Fig. 3). The optimal tradeoff partnerships can increase average surface water deliveries to partners by anywhere from 37 to 116 GL/year. For context, 100 GL (81 kAF) is equivalent to 15% of Lake Millerton’s capacity or 4% of Kern County’s average irrigated acreage57. With increased surface water deliveries, most partnerships are able to reduce their average groundwater pumping, which could help them meet their obligations under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act42. However, the effect on groundwater pumping varies widely across the optimal tradeoff partnerships, from a reduction of 74 GL/year to an increase of 3 GL/year on average.
In addition to water supply volumes, we also calculate the worst-off partner cost of gains, defined as the annual debt service payment divided by the annual captured water gain for the worst-off partner in each partnership. The 90th percentile cost of gains across alternative hydrologic scenarios, which we use as a proxy for partner-level financial risk, ranges from $78/ML to over $1000/ML in different partnerships (Fig. 3; see Methods for the detailed definition). For context, water providers in this region generally charge $32–154/ML ($40–190/AF) for irrigation water57, which is used to pay for debt service on infrastructure investments, as well as the cost of procuring water and other operating expenses. Financial distress can occur when a water provider agrees to future debt obligations as part of an infrastructure partnership but does not end up receiving substantial water supply benefits from the project. Optimal tradeoff partnerships with very high costs of gains may be unable to raise customer rates high enough to pay off the debt associated with the new infrastructure. This could lead to default, credit downgrade, deferred maintenance, or other challenges9–11. Significant increases in customer water rates are also problematic due to the water affordability and water quality challenges in many low income communities, as well as the thin profit margins in many agricultural regions where higher rates for irrigation water can make farming infeasible12,14,44,58,59.
In general, the partnerships that achieve the largest surface water gains and groundwater pumping reductions tend to have many partners (Fig. 3, Supplementary Figs. S3-S4). Larger partnerships are expected to have larger and more diverse sources of water supply, water demand, and local infrastructure, and thus are more capable of fully utilizing the new shared infrastructure throughout the year and across a range of conditions. However, the largest partnerships also tend to produce the largest financial risks for their worst-off partners. Almost all partnerships with 20 or more partners have at least one partner paying over $1000/ML, while each partnership in which all partners pay under $150/ML have 11 or fewer partners (Supplementary Fig. S3 & S5). It is intuitive that a larger number of partners makes it harder to satisfy all partners’ needs. Yet this finding also points to an important tension in California’s recent efforts to incentivize large-scale collaborative water supply investments21. Large-scale collaboration can indeed be beneficial, as evidenced by the positive relationship between partnership size and captured water gains and pumping reductions (Fig. 3, Supplementary Fig. S4). However, it is also critical to understand the significant financial risks that can arise from these arrangements and to ensure that all partners are receiving adequate benefits to justify their debt.
We also find a strong tradeoff between water supply benefits for the partners vs. other non-partner water providers in the region (Fig. 3). New infrastructure projects alter water providers’ path-dependent supply and demand behaviors, with ripple effects throughout the broader interconnected water supply network. This can lead to indirect effects on water availability for other water providers in the region that are not party to the investment. We find that the non-partner impacts vary greatly across the optimal tradeoff set, from gains of 28 GL/year to losses of 27 GL/year on average. In general, the partnerships with the largest captured water gains and pumping reductions for the partners tend to significantly reduce deliveries to non-partners (Supplementary Fig. S4). This suggests that these infrastructure partnerships benefit not only from newly captured “surplus” water that would have otherwise flowed out of the region, but also from reallocated water that would have otherwise been delivered to their neighbors. This raises important questions of whether non-participating water providers have the ability to block infrastructure investments that could negatively impact them. Water providers investing in new infrastructure in California must navigate the state’s complex web of different water rights, environmental laws, and administrative procedures25,26. In particular, as in other western states, many changes related to water rights or diversion patterns require that the change will cause “no injury” to other water right holders; this can add significant expense and delays to the approval process60,61. Moreover, the diversity of legal regimes and water laws in the state (e.g., prior appropriative rights vs. riparian rights vs. federal/state water supply contracts) complicates the evaluation of alternative water supply options, and more guidance is needed from the state to clarify procedures and facilitate more collaborative partnerships. Excluding partnership designs with significant negative impacts on non-partners from the optimal tradeoff set to account for potential political and legal constraints causes the best achievable captured water gains and pumping reductions to be reduced by 16% and 6%, respectively (Supplementary Fig. S6). This negative interaction represents a major challenge for supply reliability and groundwater sustainability efforts and points to the need for more coordinated regional infrastructure planning.
It is perhaps surprising that such a wide diversity of performance tradeoffs is possible, given that 99% of these partnerships invest in the exact same infrastructure: canal expansion and a groundwater bank (Fig. 2a). This demonstrates the underappreciated and critical role of partnership design itself in governing the performance of collaborative infrastructure investments. The variety of partnership designs associated with different performance tradeoffs means that it is not possible to establish a single “best” partnership a priori without first establishing decision-making preferences (i.e., how much to weigh partnership size vs. captured water gains vs. worst-off partner cost). Moreover, the striking performance tradeoffs that emerge from nuanced changes in partner selection and ownership distribution highlight the significant advantages of pairing detailed water supply models like CALFEWS23 (capable of resolving daily-timescale coupled hydrologic, infrastructural, and institutional dynamics at the scale of individual water providers) with multiobjective intelligent search algorithms like the Borg MOEA (capable of exploring a much wider range of candidate partnership designs compared to traditional ad hoc planning processes).
Navigating uncertainty and heterogeneity in tradeoffs
We also find that hydroclimatic variability leads to significant uncertainty in the performance of alternative infrastructure partnerships. When an investment partnership borrows money in municipal bond markets to pay for a new infrastructure project, it is subject to significant uncertainty related to the future realized water supply benefits and sales revenues. This uncertainty can be highly decision-relevant when there is a wide range of performance values across plausible alternative future scenarios. The metrics in Fig. 3 represent aggregate performance computed across an ensemble of 64 sampled 30-year sequences of multi-site correlated daily streamflows. This ensemble captures a wide but plausible range of hydrologic conditions that investments could confront over a 30-year bond payback period (see Methods and Supplementary Notes S1-S2). The captured water gain and pumping reduction metrics in Fig. 3 are calculated as the mean values across the 64 sampled 30-year daily streamflow sequences, while the worst-partner cost of gains metric is calculated using the 90th percentile across scenarios. However, a deeper examination of performance in individual sampled 30-year daily hydrologic sequences reveals significant levels of uncertainty in the benefits that water providers can expect due to internal hydroclimatic variability. These uncertainties can be highly meaningful in the context of risky large-scale infrastructure investments.
We now highlight a “Compromise Partnership” selected as an example for navigating the tradeoffs in the optimal partnership set. The Compromise Partnership has 17 partners investing in both canal expansion and groundwater banking (Fig. 4a) and is selected for its relatively high performance across all five performance objectives (see Methods). Like all partnerships in the optimal tradeoff set, the Compromise Partnership is subject to significant performance uncertainty (Fig. 4b). Although the expected value of captured water gain is 84 GL/year, the captured water gain in individual 30-year daily hydrologic sequences can range from 50 to 124 GL/year, or 60–147% of the expected value. The relative variability of pumping reductions spans a similarly wide range. The captured water gain for non-partners is even more variable, ranging from a gain of 28 GL/year (3.9x larger than the expected value of 7 GL/year) to a loss of 51 GL/year (a loss 7.2x larger in magnitude than the expected gain). The worst-partner cost of gains also spans a wide range, from $137/ML in the best scenario (47% of the 90th percentile metric of $291/ML) to $742/ML in the worst scenario (255% of the 90th percentile metric). This cost differential could easily be the difference between a project that affordably improves surface water access and reduces groundwater overdraft and one that provides little water supply benefit and overburdens water providers with debt and their customers with rate increases.
The benefits and risks of different partnerships can be very unevenly distributed across the project partners due to the complexity of the interconnected water supply system dynamics and the heterogeneity of local contexts for water providers. The partners within the Compromise Partnership experience widely different expected costs of gains for their water supply benefits (Fig. 4c), which is common across the optimal tradeoff partnerships. The heterogeneity of expected costs stems from the similarly heterogeneous expected captured water gains at the partner level (Supplementary Fig. S8a). The latter is not inherently problematic so long as each partners’ captured water gain is appropriately matched to its ownership share in the project and thus its share of the annual debt payments. For example, if Provider A receives twice as much captured water gain as Provider B, but also makes annual debt payments that are twice as large, then the two providers are effectively paying the same unit cost for their captured water gains. However, we find the ownership shares to be imperfectly matched in this and other partnerships, so that some providers pay more than their “fair share” on average and others pay less (Fig. 4c).
Moreover, partners can experience widely varying degrees of uncertainty related to their individual performance tradeoffs (Supplementary Fig. S8). The aggregate cost of gains for the Compromise Partnership (Fig. 4c, black distribution) has a relatively low chance of exceeding $100/ML in any of the sampled hydrologic scenarios. However, the cost of gains for the worst-off partner (red distribution) has a much wider range, reaching almost $800/ML in the most challenging scenario. This risk is not evenly distributed, with some partners experiencing a disproportionate share of extreme costs (e.g., Providers 3 and 4) and others experiencing uniformly low costs across the sampled hydrologic scenarios (e.g., Providers 7 and 12). This is critical because the heterogeneity of water supply benefits and financial risks could threaten the cooperative stability of the partnership itself if partners do not perceive the investment to be sufficiently fair and locally beneficial30,33.
As noted before, these results (Fig. 4) are a strongly optimistic portrayal of partnership performance under conditions of uncertainty and heterogeneity, which reinforces the importance of our results given the impacts of anthropogenic climate change. Climate change is expected to make dry conditions increasingly frequent and severe in California and many other regions2,62,63. Our expressly optimistic framing of future hydroclimatic conditions in California neglects any nonstationary effects from anthropogenic warming or low-frequency decadal climate oscillations. However, even under such optimistic conditions, the extreme levels of interannual hydroclimatic variability experienced in California51,52 lead to significant decision-relevant uncertainty in cooperative infrastructure investment outcomes over the next several decades. Water providers therefore must find a way to improve surface water reliability and reduce groundwater overdraft without exacerbating the growing water affordability concerns for agricultural and urban water users12–14. We caution that decision-makers should carefully consider the impacts of uncertainty and financial risk before committing to significant debt associated with new infrastructure partnerships. However, this will require updated planning frameworks that move beyond expected value-based benefit-cost analyses (e.g., exploratory modeling and robust decision-making approaches64–66), as well as detailed water supply models that can account for complex local-to-regional scale dynamics in coupled hydrologic, infrastructural, and institutional systems under diverse conditions23.
Regret of the current baseline partnership design
Lastly, we use our results to highlight the significant regret associated with the current baseline planned Friant-Kern Canal rehabilitation partnership. In practice, infrastructure partnerships are generally established via pre-existing relationships or ad hoc processes. Most infrastructure investments are then evaluated using low-resolution models that fail to capture key system features (i.e., interdependent flood-drought dynamics, institutional constraints, infrastructure operations, etc.) and the preferred alternative is selected based on highly aggregated traditional expected benefit-cost analyses. These processes fail to grapple with the complex tradeoffs, uncertainties, and heterogeneities in modern interconnected water supply systems, and therefore are ill-equipped to design robust and equitable infrastructure partnerships. To elucidate the regret associated with current baseline planning processes, we analyze the ongoing rehabilitation of the Friant-Kern Canal by the Friant Contractors, a collection of water providers with contracts to receive Central Valley Project water from Millerton Lake via the Friant-Kern Canal (Fig. 1)48–50. We model a “Status Quo Partnership” (Fig. 5a) after this real-world example, as opposed to the partnerships in the optimal tradeoff set which are designed via our multiobjective intelligent search process (see Methods).
Although it does provide significant benefits to its 16 partners, the Status Quo Partnership is outperformed on all five aggregate performance metrics by the Compromise Partnership (Fig. 5b). The Status Quo Partnership produces 40% lower captured water gains and 34% lower groundwater pumping reductions on average. The Status Quo Partnership also results in slightly negative impacts on non-partners in the region, while the Compromise Partnership provides positive gains. Accounting for uncertainty, we see that the Status Quo Partnership significantly underperforms relative to the Compromise Partnership in the majority of the sampled hydrologic scenarios for all three water supply metrics.
The Status Quo Partnership also carries significantly greater financial risk. The worst-partner cost of gains exceeds $1000/ML in all 64 sampled hydrologic scenarios. Two water providers in particular (Partners 8 and 14) receive marginal or even negative captured water gains, and thus experience costs over $1000/ML, in a large majority of scenarios (Fig. 5c, Supplementary Fig. S9). Three other providers also exceed $1000/ML in a smaller set of scenarios. In contrast, there are no sampled hydrologic scenarios where any of the 17 water providers in the Compromise Partnership experience costs of gains above $742/ML, and in 90% of scenarios the worst-off partner pays less than $291/ML.
Three major differences in partnership design contribute to the Compromise Partnership’s dominance over the Status Quo Partnership. First, it couples the canal expansion project with new groundwater banking facilities, which help to capture more surplus water during high-flow periods when all partners’ immediate demands are already satiated. Partnerships in the optimal tradeoff set with more than four partners exclusively invest in both partnerships (Supplementary Fig. S3), suggesting that the performance gains from the synergistic pairing are worth the higher price tag. Second, although the Compromise Partnership and the Status Quo Partnership have significant overlap in participating providers (Figs. 4a & 5a), the former removes several Friant Contractors with marginal benefits and significant financial risks. It also adds several other non-Friant providers that stand to benefit from the infrastructure investment. Widening the net beyond the Friant Contractors allows for a more diversified portfolio of water supplies and demands and increases the utilization of the infrastructure across a range of seasons and conditions. Lastly, the ownership shares and annual debt payments are better matched to partner-level captured water gains in the Compromise Partnership than the Status Quo Partnership, which helps to equalize the cost of gains across partners. These results highlight the significant regret associated with traditional ad hoc partnership design processes and the substantial improvements that can be achieved by combining detailed ensemble water supply modeling with multiobjective intelligent search. In future work, these tools can be used to complement more traditional stakeholder-based collaborative planning efforts through iterated processes of search, evaluation, and human feedback67–70.