In the past 20 years, mangrove forest fragmentation has increased in the Canaanong-South Vietnam transition zone, likely due to human activities (Do et al. 2022).. Landscape indices were used to evaluate these changes and support the conservation of endangered plant species like Piñuelo rhizophorae and Piñuelo benthamii. Landscape metrics were used to compare the coastal structure and mangrove spatial configuration, revealing a higher proportion of artificial surfaces and urbanization intensity in the Caribbean basin, especially in Cartagena and Urabá (Blanco-Libreros and Ramírez-Ruiz 2021).
We present a methodology for assessing the impact of climate change over time and monitoring it using satellite imagery analysis of landscape pattern metrics to assess land cover conditions. For example, the results could be valuable for other regions. Vietnam, for instance, has experienced a fragmentation of mangrove forests in recent years. A significant cause of biodiversity loss and ecosystem service degradation is habitat loss and fragmentation caused by human activities (Seto and Fragkias 2007). Consequently, increased protected area goals can be achieved in areas with minimal human impact. These studies have shown significant variation in terms of landscape connectivity between ecoregions and continuity of the bioclimatic corridor (Fig. 6).
So far, satellite imagery has mainly been used for visualization and systematic monitoring. Protected areas are the primary response to this challenge and are the cornerstone of biodiversity conservation efforts. However, the world's species, ecosystems, and related services are in poorer condition than previously reported (Jacobson et al., 2019). China has lost 50% of its mangroves since the 1950s, and the remaining mangroves are increasingly fragmented. The 10-meter resolution mangrove maps from this study can help manage and protect China's mangroves, especially the small, fragmented mangrove patches scattered along the coast (Zhao and Qin, 2020). As a developing country, China's mangrove landscape pattern has undergone substantial temporal and spatial changes over the past four decades. However, little is known about changes in mangrove landscapes on a micro-scale. Analyzing shifts in the mangrove landscape from different perspectives at the national scale can provide scientific support for mangrove conservation and restoration. This study analyzed the temporal and spatial changes of mangrove landscape patterns in the last 40 years in China based on remote sensing data with high classification accuracy (99.3% as of 2018). After 2000, although the total area of mangroves recovered, the degree of fragmentation gradually increased (Zhang et al., 2021). Both the study area and the entire state of Campeche showed temporal and spatial changes in land cover over 40 years (Table 1). By 2020, little change was occurring in the area. The results of the anthropogenic map show that human impact is increasing (Fig. A3).
This study examines the variations in mangrove cover in two subtropical estuaries located on the southeast coast of Brazil. A systematic GIS approach was developed to identify and characterize mangrove fragments in estuaries using a sequence of Landsat images from 1985–2014. The study focuses on integrating different types of spatial information, including spectral (e.g., vegetation indices), spatial (e.g., fragmentation indices), and temporal (e.g., change detection) data at various scales. The proposed unified model for a hierarchical spatial database within a GIS framework can be used for other regions as well (Conti et al. 2016). Habitat destruction and fragmentation caused by natural and anthropogenic factors are contributing to severe reductions in mangrove biodiversity and ecosystem functioning worldwide (Paling et al. 2008). Therefore, even small fragments of mangroves should be protected to enhance functional and taxonomic coastal biodiversity. The study shows that the dynamics of mangrove areas are constantly changing, as demonstrated by the observed variations in mangrove areas due to natural and anthropogenic factors (Fig. 4). The study by Paling et al. (2008) quantified the change in mangrove area in the eastern part of Exmouth Bay over six years following Cyclone Vance, using Landsat TM satellite and aerial imagery. The results suggested that the majority of the loss was due to long-term consequences of sedimentation or fill, rather than direct wind or wave action. However, the cause and rate of loss and restoration remain largely unknown. In contrast to the displacement of other mangroves around the world, the mangrove forest on the Guangxi coast has been moving seaward, as the rate of change in sediment height on mangrove mud flats has exceeded the rate of change in relative sea level. However, landward migration has been prevented by human land cover (Jia et al. 2014). As the landscape becomes more fragmented due to habitat loss, individual patches become smaller and more isolated, making it less likely that a local population can be sustained (Jansen et al. 2008). The regions with the greatest habitat loss were not necessarily the regions with the greatest loss of metapopulation capacity. Huang et al. (2020) proposed several methods that managers can use to assess and prioritize landscapes for metapopulation sustainability
Mangrove forests serve as natural coastal buffer zones that absorb carbon dioxide and provide habitat for many terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Despite their importance, the total area covered by mangroves in the Arabian Gulf is not well known. Studies have shown that fragmented scattered mangroves are mostly found in intensively developed regions in the United Arab Emirates, where plantation crops have likely played a significant role in increasing their cover over the past few decades. Although mangroves in Kuwait are rare, areas such as Bahrain, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia have remained stable, with a slight increase in their original area. Iran's mangroves, on the other hand, appear to be declining over the years (Almahasheer et al. 2018).
In terms of global distribution, Asia has the largest share of mangroves, accounting for 38.7% of the global total. Latin America and the Caribbean have 20.3%, Africa 20.0%, Oceania 11.9%, North America 8.4%, and European Overseas Territories 0.7%. To assess changes in mangroves from 1996 to the present, the methodology developed primarily relies on the classification of ALOS PALSAR and Landsat sensor data. It also assesses the ecological value of ecosystems at different regional scales, including ecoregions, states, and municipalities (Fig. 5). The conservation status of Campeche is high, and there is a need to establish ecological corridors to protect the surrounding area. The study revealed changes in the mangrove forests, and the impact of human activities on natural vegetation degradation and land use changes were taken into account while developing the ecoclimatic corridor model. Therefore, protecting biodiversity in this part of Mexico can mitigate the effects of the aforementioned threats and pressures (Fig. 7). The region is well-preserved, and in the context of declining mangrove forests globally, it could serve as a crucial biodiversity reservoir.
The impact of widespread human activities on the resilience of estuarine habitats is still unknown, although hurricane-induced disturbance is a natural occurrence in mangroves. Plots with limited connectivity showed significantly lower densities of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) seedlings, suggesting that delays in forest restoration are possible in heavily impacted areas if either seed supply or seedling production is limited by habitat fragmentation (Milbrandt et al. 2006). Therefore, managing various factors of deforestation can increase or decrease fragmentation, and large-scale monitoring of mangroves should also take fragmentation into account (Table 1). Mexico has introduced legislation, such as the general climate change law and the energy transition process, which are of great importance to biodiversity conservation, in an effort to reduce the ecological footprint and protect Mexico's biodiversity. Mangrove forests are at risk of being converted to large-scale pond aquaculture, which threatens biodiversity and ecological functions (Flores-Cárdenas et al., 2018). The Conefor program can assess the importance of habitat areas and their linkages for maintaining or improving connectivity, which is critical for conservation planning (Nuñez et al., 2013). However, forest restoration remains low and reforestation is mostly passive due to reduced land use intensity in southern Mexico (Vaca et al., 2012). Several connectivity models identify areas that have been less modified by humans, enabling colonization by organisms (Revuelta-Acosta et al., 2022).
The findings of our study suggest that the studied mangrove ecosystem is relatively stable, thereby validating the appropriateness of our approach towards ensuring effective conservation and management. Consequently, we recommend the incorporation of this forest region within the protective boundaries of a well-designed biological corridor system. Habitat fragmentation is a critical contributor to ecosystem degradation, impairing the ability of ecosystems to provide essential services. The mangrove forest service, in particular, depends on the size and distribution of patches, but little is known about the overall scale of coastal fragmentation. However, with the emergence of GIS tools and other scientific advancements, it is now possible to create precise and comprehensive global datasets that capture the extent, structure, and health of mangroves. This information can be used to evaluate ecosystem services and promote greater conservation and restoration efforts.
While the impacts of global change drivers on mangroves can be complex and multifaceted, it is essential to implement strategies that use restoration and conservation to enhance the adaptive capacity of these vital ecosystems to the effects of climate change. Such measures will help minimize mangrove loss and support their expansion, contributing to the preservation of critical ecological services.