This proof-of-concept study consists in an overall characterization of an 8-session NF training over a month for further application in the context of emotional overeating. In this study, we demonstrated the feasibility of repeated fNIRS-based NF sessions targeting the dlPFC in 15 normal-weight healthy individuals. To our knowledge, it is the first dlPFC-targeted NF interventional study implementing an fNIRS and fMRI bimodal acquisition. Thanks to this approach, we demonstrated that the participants were able to engage specifically the activity of their dlPFC, among other cortical and subcortical brain regions. In addition, we demonstrated that 8 NF sessions over a month could induce changes in the corticostriatal functional connectivity. We also investigated the behavioural factors and individual mental strategies that may affect the NF learning, which will be discussed below.
Regarding the subjective gauge control feeling, we found a positive effect of the participants’ motivation to perform the NF task, suggesting that increased motivation was associated with higher control feeling. We also observed a negative effect of hunger status prior to the NF sessions, suggesting that higher hunger self-assessment was related to lower self-reported control feeling. Computed together in the multivariate analysis, the effect of motivation and hunger remain significant but to a lesser extent for the motivation, suggesting a possible mediating effect of the hunger state between control feeling and motivation. This result is in line with the literature on the impact of behavioural and psychological factors on NF learning, especially motivation [31, 37]. Indeed, the motivation level has been suggested as a moderate predictor of learning success by increasing the focus on the task and may be linked to the attentional resources [37]. We suggest that hunger may have focused the participants’ attention towards their visceral sensations during NF learning, rather than towards the NF task, consequently acting as an attentional distractor. Overall, hunger may have affected attentional resources allocated to the gauge by decreasing motivation. Therefore, we further suggest avoiding fasted state before every NF session. Note that the self-reported well-being of the individuals as well as the intensity of the effort provided remained stable over time, suggesting that the NF interventional study was not detrimental to the psychological well-being of the participant and also that they did not disengage from the study. Regarding the relationship between control feeling and the mental strategies employed, no particular strategy was more effective than the others. However, our results suggest that having identified one’s own successful strategy is better than having none, as the mean control feeling with “no strategy” category was lower as compared with the other categories. This result comforts the idea not to provide any specific instruction to the participants to get a volitional control over their dlPFC activity and to let them find by themselves their most efficient strategy. This is in line with the NF learning theories [30, 33, 51–53], where NF relies on implicit learning, principally based on operant conditioning, through series of trials and errors. Note that our "no strategy" category included NF sessions in which an individual did not try any strategy and also those who tried many but did not find any effective strategy. As a result, the “no strategy” category included individuals who tried several strategies, suggesting that a significant cognitive load was recruited for some participants. It has been suggested that using lots of strategies may reflect a lack of automatization and may lead to an overload of cognitive resources [34, 35]. This is in line with the conclusion of Kober et al. (2013) and may explain why in our study having no efficient strategy was associated with lower control feeling reflecting overloaded cognitive resources. It is worth noting that the strategies were compared to subjective ratings and not to an objective marker of NF success, such as the variation in HbO amplitudes with fNIRS [29]. Therefore, the conclusions of our study should be taken cautiously.
For the fNIRS results, we found that most of the individuals were able to engage their dlPFC although discrepancies exist between individuals. Some of them (4, 26.6%) showed a significantly increased dlPFC activity for each NF session, some others (3, 20%) showed a significant increase in their dlPFC activity in up to 4 out of the 8 NF sessions. In the second-level analysis, in line with our fMRI results, we found an increased activity of the dlPFC with an activation of the upper central frontal region. Since a quarter of the channels targeting the dlPFC did not reach SCI threshold, we cannot exclude the fact that the dlPFC activity retransmitted to the participant via the metaphor may have been affected by noise. Nevertheless, in a fMRI study, Ninaus et al. (2013) investigated the neural processes involved in cognitive control during a sham NF (where the NF consisted in a random signal but individuals thought it was related to their actual brain activity). The authors found that the intention to control the retransmitted signal was enough to engage a broad frontoparietal and cingulo-opercular networks involved in cognitive control ([54]) even if the feedback did not reflect real brain activity. Based on this conclusion, since our participants all knew that the feedback reflected their dlPFC activity (as there was no sham group), noisy channels is not likely to have hindered their NF learning processes since they were engaged in the training as reflected by the absence of change in the effort intensity provided. Here we would like to emphasize the importance of quality control for further fNIRS-based NF studies, as in a recent review, among the 100 most cited fNIRS-based BCI studies, approximatively 40% reported applying SNR pruning of their data [55].
In line with our fNIRS results, fMRI analysis also revealed increased activity in the dlPFC. Our results are in agreement with three fMRI-based NF studies where individuals successfully upregulated their left dlPFC activity [38–40], although these studies had different experimental paradigms and data analysis approaches. In addition, we also found similarities in brain activation with Kohl et al. (2019), who reported a large significant cluster in the bilateral anterior insula extending to bilateral IFG, thalamus and dorsal striatum and the right dlPFC when comparing NF task vs rest. Indeed, beyond the dlPFC, we also found that different cortical and subcortical areas were recruited, of which many display structural and/or functional connectivity with the dlPFC [6, 7, 23]. We notably found an increased BOLD activity in regions of the basal ganglia, including the pallidum and dorsal striatum (bilateral caudate and putamen). The dorsal striatum is involved in learning reinforcement based on feedback/reward processing, especially in different aspects of motivational and learning processes that support goal-directed actions, as well as in decision-making and in the control of habitual actions [56–58]. In addition, it has been shown that putamen volume predicts NF learning success [59] and that stronger activation of the striatum is associated with successful NF self-regulation [60]. Taken together, our results are in line with the literature where the striatum plays a key role in NF learning [30]. We also found an increased activity in bilateral insular cortex, which is important for the meta-representation of interoceptive signals and awareness (Craig, 2009), and might reflect interoceptive attention allocated to the internal signals during the NF sessions.
We also found increased activity in subregions of the cingulate cortex, including the ACC, which plays a role in attentional and emotional processes and in representation of reward value and punishments, and the MCC, which is mainly involved in response selection and feedback-guided decision making [61]. Both ACC and MCC are involved in error detection made in many tasks (Rolls, 2019). Since the NF learning is mainly based on series of trials-and-errors, we hypothesized that the cingulate cortex exerts a major role on the attention allocated to successes and failures to control the gauge and in subsequent decision-making processes to gain voluntary control over it. We also found increased activity in areas involved in motor functions, such as the PCG, SMA, putamen and middle frontal gyrus (BA 9/46, 6, 8, and 32). Activity of these regions have been highlighted during mental imagery of motor movements in a recent meta-analysis, where the increased dlPFC activity was thought to be related with the cognitive demand of working memory [63]. Since many participants used mental strategies during the NF sessions, notably related with mental visualization, these regions might be activated in response to these type of mental strategies. We also found a bilateral activation in the IFG. This region, in particular its left part, is related to working memory, language and phonological processing [64–66], including inner speech in self-reflective processes [67]. As a mental strategy, some participants sang in their heads, recalled lyrics from music or poem-like texts and went over mental to-do lists. Since we found a cluster in left BA 44 and 45, we hypothesized that IFG recruitment during the NF may be related to these functions [64]. In addition, we also found increased activity in the thalamus, which has been proposed to be involved in the “control network”, comprising lateral occipital cortex, dlPFC, and posterior parietal cortices (PPC), where dlPFC and PPC are connected with the thalamus in order to regulate cortical arousal during NF [30]. Although the dlPFC was our target ROI for the NF paradigm, this brain region seems to play a key role in NF learning. Indeed, its activation has been highlighted in a meta-analysis in which the authors investigated the neural markers underlying brain regulation during NF [68]. This meta-analysis also revealed ventrolateral areas of the prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, insula, ACC, thalamus and visual associative areas [68]. Taken together, beyond successful dlPFC upregulation, our results suggest that our designed NF paradigm can successfully recruit brain regions involved in the cognitive processes of learning brain self-regulation (encompassing working memory and attentional processes), mainly from the cortical-basal ganglia loops responsible for procedural learning [53].
The rsMRI analysis revealed significant changes in the FC of key nodes of the CEN (dlPFC), the DMN (PCC) and in the SN (insula). Indeed, we found increased FC between the PCC and bilateral dlPFC, and between bilateral putamen and caudate. The PCC has been suggested to play a key role in learning for environmental change detection and subsequent alterations in behavioural policy [69]. Indeed, in a model of change detection and policy selection sensory feedback from reward outcome, it has been proposed that the PCC interacts with the dlPFC and with basal ganglia for encoding individual event-related outcomes necessary for altering behaviour [69]. In addition, the PCC has been shown to play a role in basic cognitive processes typically suppressed during performance of well-learned tasks [69]. This result is in line with growing evidence about the role of the PCC in cognition and attention, especially supporting internally directed cognition [70]. This increased dlPFC-PCC connectivity and PCC-dorsal striatum might support increased internally oriented attention, cognitive control and learning. In addition, in a NF study targeting the right dlPFC, an increased functional connectivity with FPN was found, and also within the emotion regulation network at the end of training, supporting evidence for enhanced interaction between cognitive control and emotion processing [47]. In line with our results, this emphasizes the benefits of dlPFC-targeted NF training to increase the functional connectivity in networks supporting cognitive control. We also found significant decreased functional connectivity between the left insula and left dlPFC. In a study using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the dlPFC in depressive patients, a decreased functional connectivity between the left dlPFC and left insula was described at the end of the intervention in the rTMS groups as compared to the control group, which correlated with symptoms improvement (Struckmann et al. 2022). In addition, Kohl et al. (2019) found a stronger negative FC between the dlPFC and right insula after neurofeedback training targeting the left dlPFC. Stronger coupling between these regions correlated with a greater decrease in the rated palatability of high-calorie foods items [40]. However, it is worth noting that, unlike in our study, the analysis was performed using a weighted GLM to take into account the HRF, as the FC was assessed during the NF to define specific weights within conditions. In our study, the decreased connectivity between the 1st and 8th sessions could reflect decreased need for awareness over time. It would be of interest to investigate the link between this FC and behavioural assessments in emotional overeaters in a future clinical NF study, as the insula also plays a role in emotional processing [71–73] and reward processing related to eating behaviour [19].