Disorders of malignant and infectious nature are considered the most prevalent and problematic ones with marked negative impacts on the general population's health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is one of the primary causes of death worldwide in 2020, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top ten global hazards, not only to human health but also to the health of the environment, and is a typical example of a One Health issue. The most dangerous bugs display multiple-drug resistance (MDR), extended-drug resistance, and even pan-drug resistance phenotypes (Peterson, 2009) . The antimicrobials crisis would jeopardize modern medicine achievement, including invasive diagnostic procedures (e.g., biopsies), cancer radio- and chemotherapies, and surgery, in addition to the direct effects of increasing the rates of morbidity and mortality due to disorders of infectious nature and enormous economic hurts. Irrespective of the extent of the surgery, the possibility of emerging healthcare-related infections initiated by resistant strains is extremely great, making it difficult to determine the most effective therapeutic approach. Additionally, chemo- and radiotherapy may provoke a transient immunodeficiency, thereby increasing the oncologic patient's susceptibility to infections, involving those caused by MDR bacteria (Ariza-Heredia & Chemaly, 2018) . Enteric bacteria are frequently the cause of Nosocomial outbreaks of G-negative sepsis on cancer districts, resulting in 60% to 84% mortality (Papanicolas et al., 2018) .
AMG or its modified form Vit b17 or laetrile represented as cancer therapy (Halenár et al., 2013) . They inhibit cancerous cells without any systemic adverse effects (Zhou et al., 2012) . It could regulate immune function and induce apoptosis (Shi et al., 2019) . The reported capability of Vit b17 cytotoxicity was documented due to the liberation of hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde (Halenár et al., 2013) , below the analytical effect of enzyme ß-D-glucosidase that is present in cancerous cells only (Isozaki et al., 2001) .
HCN causes cellular energy deprivation through suppression of oxidative metabolism and the associated oxidative phosphorylation process because of inhibition of the cytochrome C oxidase in the respiratory electron transport chain of the mitochondria (Cox & Nelson, 2000) . Furthermore, hydrocyanic acid prevents the nutrient source of the tumor cells resulting in the inhibition and killing of the cancerous cells (Song & Xu, 2014) . The cytotoxic effect of amygdalin is concentration and time-dependent as reported in different research (Chang et al., 2006; Halenár et al., 2013) . Lately, the antitumor mechanism of AMG anti-cancer mechanism was investigated in variable types of cancer. Kwon et al. noted that AMG could stimulate apoptosis in human promyelocytic leukemia‑60 cells (Kwon et al., 2003) . These findings come accordance with the results of the current study in which Vit b17 exerts a marked cytotoxic effect against the THP-1 cells and is time and concentration dependent. AMG also demonstrates concentration-dependent effect on the suppression of human carcinoma cell proliferation withthe acceleration of the cellular growth of the skeletal muscle through the robust expression of the muscle growth regulator mRNA follistatin (Yang et al., 2014) .
The exact mechanism of AMG's anti-cancer activity was previously described as an increase in the expression rate of the p19 protein, that inhibits cell displacement from G1- to S-phase and, consequently, proliferation of the cell (Liczbiński & Bukowska, 2018) . AMG inhibits Bcl-2, enhances Bax expression, stimulates caspase-3, and cleaves poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP). In Hs578T cells, moreover, it enhances p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (p38 MAPK), a pro-apoptotic signaling molecule(Lee & Moon, 2016) . Moreover, AMG modifies the progression of the cell cycle in the tumor cells through cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) and cyclin A downregulation. AMG-induced CDK2 inhibition, which is a key regulator of G1-S transition and modulator of G2 progression, stimulates the cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase (Makarević et al., 2016) .
Several other experimental works have studied the anti-cancer properties of Vit b17 against various types of cancer, including leukemia. For instance, a study by Lee & Moon (2016) found that Vit b17 inhibited the proliferation of the leukemic cells with apoptosis induction via regulating the expression rate of BAX and BCL2. Also Alwan et al. (2023) reported the same effect of Vit b17 via regulating the expression of caspase-3 and PARP.
Studies have shown that Vit b17 t can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in tumor cells, potentially via the activation of caspase enzymes (McIlwain et al., 2013; Carneiro & El-Deiry, 2020) . Caspases are a group of cysteine proteases that have a critical role in apoptosis by cleaving specific substrates and initiating a cascade of actions that eventually lead to cell death. Caspase 3 is one of the key effectors of apoptosis and is often used as a marker of apoptotic activity (Opdenbosch & Lamkanfi, 2019) . The BAX and BCL2 genes are also incorporated in the regulation of apoptosis. Vit b 17 induced apoptosis in THP-1 cells by up-regulating the expression of BAX and down-regulating the expression of BCL2 these findings are similar to that reported via (Liczbiński & Bukowska, 2018) . This suggests that vitamin B17 has pro-apoptotic effects on THP-1 cells (Wu et al., 2018) .
The plasma levels of MDA are used as indicators for detecting and prognoses the state of leukemia disease (Ahmad et al., 2008) , as the generation of reactive oxygen species from the cancerous cells causes resistance to the chemotherapy, that hinder its effect (Mendivil-Perez et al., 2012) . Besides the anti-cancer, antimicrobial activities, and immune-regulating properties of amygdalin it’s reported to have antioxidant activity (Alwan & Afshari, 2022) . It might be a source of the natural antioxidant in vivo and in vitro (Sokkar et al., 2013) (Felemban et al., 2020) .
AMG can disrupt oxidative equilibrium. As a consequence of its antioxidant property (Duracka et al., 2016) , it decreases ROS production, protein carbonyl levels, and MDA levels in testicular tissue. Other research have demonstrated that AMG inhibits the nuclear factor k (NF-k) and NLRP3 signaling pathways, thereby down-regulating the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines expression such as pro-interleukin (IL)-1 and exerting an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, AMG inhibits the proliferation and fibrosis of hepatic stellate cells (HSC-T6) by inhibiting the expression of TGF-, a key mediator of liver fibrosis. Additionally, the connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), which is regulated by TGF-, is indirectly affected by AMG; consequently, the anti-fibrotic effect of AMG may be mediated by inhibiting the TGF-/CTGF signaling pathway (Luo et al., 2016) . From the previous and the current findings, we can conclude that AMG has a potent influence on a variety of the cellular process; initially may modulate the oxidative status and may continue to signal pathways intracellular and eventually resulting in suppression of cellular growth and proliferation and apoptosis induction that reflect on the cellular viability, growth, and death and controlling of the cell cycle. Thus, the exact mechanism of action of AMG in this study against leukemia cancer cells could be attributed to any of the previously mentioned anticancer mechanisms of action.
On the other hand; the effect of AMG on fungi and bacteria together was investigated in some works, due to the comparative simplicity of their systems (Aguilar-Méndez et al., 2011) , so both varieties were examined in this study.
From the findings of the current study, we noted that AMG has a potent effect on Mucor among other fungi species. Mucor species is a contagious one that causes immunosuppression and predisposes to Mucormycosis (Petrikkos et al., 2012) . Since a lower effective MIC is suggestive of an effect on the fungal cell wall, the obtained data of MIC was repeated on numerous sorbitol media to elucidate the precise mode of action of AMG as an antifungal agent. It was found to be more effective against Mucor A. flavus, A. niger, and Penicillium at concentrations of 6, 16 µg/mL, as contrasting to the previously testified higher concentrations in the existing normal MIC (13, 31 & 31.6 µg/mL) for each organism. In sorbitol-containing media, some of the fungal cell wall inhibitors could nullify their antifungal activity (Frost et al., 1995) .
The fungal cell wall inhibitors may not have any effect on cell proliferation in the presence of sorbitol, while cellular growth suppressed in its absence. This is recorded by the lower MIC reported in media containing sorbitol in comparison to media without sorbitol (standard medium) (Svetaz et al., 2007) . Agents that cause osmotic destabilization and cell wall disruption leading to cell wall reorganization, give the chance for the fungal cells to survive (Wayne, 2002) . AMG appeared to act on the fungal cell wall, through alteration of its structure and production, and may induce cellular death, furthermore inhibiting the germination and proliferation of spores and cellular respiration.
In this investigation, AMG was efficacious as both an antimicrobial and antifungal agent against Gram + Ve and – Ve bacteria. Regarding the mechanism of action of AMG as a natural antimicrobial agent, these results demonstrate the antibacterial activity of AMG, as stated previously (Abtahi et al., 2008) . AMG's antibacterial activity may be induced by -glucosidase hydrolysis into d-glucose, prussic acid (HCN), and benzaldehyde (Abtahi et al., 2008) . Also, a previous study suggested that the examined microorganisms may utilize AMG as a source of sugar, (Walker & Krieble, 1990) . HCN, one of the amygdalin breakdown products, appears to have a significant role in the inhibition of the tested bacterial growth; the toxicity of hydrogen cyanide is caused by cyanide ion, which is the consequence of hydrogen cyanide's partial ionization (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons., 2009) . Cyanide ion halts cellular respiration (electron transport chain) by inhibiting the bacterial membrane enzyme cytochrome C oxidase (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons., 2009) . Numerous scientists have demonstrated that microorganisms cannot metabolize or adapt to HCN. In contrast to some fungi that have an HCN-inducible enzyme, formamide hydrolyses (FHL), which converts cyanide to formamide, is a cyanide detoxification enzyme (Rust et al., 1980) .
Benzaldehyde, another byproduct of amygdalin decomposition, is expected to inhibit the growth of the tested microorganisms by reacting with phenolic compounds in the extract to form the toxic phenolic benzaldehyde (Friedman et al., 2003). It appears that amygdalin possesses antibacterial properties. The antibacterial activity may have resulted from the decomposition of amygdalin by bacterial enzymes into hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde, which killed the bacteria. Amygdalin, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and phenolic compounds may contribute to the antibacterial activity of AMG towards many bacterial strains (Abtahi et al., 2008).