Hepatic ketogenesis protects against fasting-induced hepatic steatosis. Genetic studies dissecting the role of ketone bodies were performed in mice with constitutive knockout of HMGCS2 (using albumin promoter-driven Cre recombinase) in the liver. However, these mice develop severe hepatic steatosis and mitochondrial dysfunction at the neonatal age14. To assess the role of hepatic ketogenesis in metabolic homeostasis without any confounding developmental defects, we generated a mouse model with conditional knockdown of HMGCS2 in the liver (Hmgcs2ΔLiv) by crossing our Hmgcs2-floxed mice (Hmgcs2F/F) with mice expressing tamoxifen-inducible cre under the control of albumin promoter (Fig. 1A). Administration of tamoxifen decreased HMGCS2 protein expression in the liver but not in other organs such as the colon, kidney, and heart (Fig. 1B and S1A), which are also minimally involved in ketone body production12. Note, littermate Hmgcs2F/F mice administered with tamoxifen were used as control throughout the studies. Ketone bodies play a crucial role in fasting energetics12; therefore, we assessed Hmgcs2F/F and Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice under fed and 16-hours fasted conditions. Fasting decreased body weight, fat mass, and lean mass with no difference between the genotypes (Fig. 1C and D). As expected, fasting significantly increased the serum ketone body, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) levels in Hmgcs2F/F mice (Fig. 1E), though no difference in hepatic HMGCS2 protein expression was noticed (Fig. 1F). Disruption of HMGCS2 in the liver significantly decreased ketone body levels in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 1E), consistent with a recent report that ketone bodies are majorly derived from the liver25. Ketone body metabolism in peripheral tissues, particularly muscle, increases circulating glucose levels as ketone body oxidation competes with glucose utilization26. However, inhibiting hepatic ketogenesis did not affect the fasting glucose levels under nutrient-deprived conditions (Fig S1B).
Previous studies showed that constitutive deletion of hepatic HMGCS2 results in fatty liver in postnatal mice pups (as early as 4 days after birth)14,15. However, anti-sense oligomers (ASO)-mediated knockdown of Hmgcs2 in adult mice did not affect the hepatic lipid content under fed conditions16. Similarly, temporal disruption of Hmgcs2 in adult mice did not affect liver-to-body weight ratio or hepatic triglyceride content in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice under fed conditions (Fig. 1G and H). However, fasting increased the liver-to-body weight ratio with paler liver in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 1G and I). In line with that, liver triglyceride (TAG) levels were significantly elevated in fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 1H). Further, H&E analysis revealed microsteatosis in the fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv livers (Fig. 1J). Serum triglycerides were similar between the fed and fasted mice (Fig S1C). We found a trend towards an increase in serum cholesterol levels in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice; however, fasting did not affect cholesterol levels in both genotypes (Fig S1D). Together, our data suggest that impaired ketogenesis induces hepatic steatosis under nutrient-deprived conditions.
Ketogenic insufficiency induces hepatic steatosis via ACSL1. During fasting, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) released from the adipose tissue via lipolysis enter the liver to undergo FAO27. An increase in adipose tissue lipolysis could induce hepatic steatosis27. Adipose tissue levels of lipolysis-related proteins, such as pHSL and ATGL (Fig S2A), and the circulating NEFA levels (Fig S2B) were similar between the Hmgcs2F/F and Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice. Moreover, the hepatic expression of fatty acid uptake genes such as Cd36, Fatp2, and Fatp5 was not different between the genotypes (Fig. 2A). This suggests that adipose tissue lipolysis or enhanced hepatic lipid uptake mechanisms do not contribute to hepatic steatosis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice. Adipose tissue-derived fatty acids activate hepatic PPARα, the nuclear transcription factor that regulates fatty acid oxidation genes27. Disruption of hepatic PPARα signaling induces severe steatosis after acute fasting28. Therefore, we assessed whether fasting-induced fatty liver in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice is caused by impaired PPARα signaling. As expected, fasting increased the mRNA levels of PPARα and its target genes, such as Cpt1, Acox1, Mcad, Cpt2 and Vcad (Fig. 2B). However, fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice showed a similar increase in the FAO genes (Fig. 2B), suggesting that steatosis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice is not caused by impaired PPARα signaling. Moreover, mRNA levels of lipogenesis-related genes such as Srebp1, Fasn, Acc1, and Scd1 showed no difference between the genotypes at fed or fasted conditions (Fig. 2C). Together, our data suggest that fasting-induced hepatic steatosis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice is not driven by altered lipolysis, lipid uptake, PPARα signaling, or lipogenesis.
We found that the livers of fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice expressed a significantly elevated level of fat-specific protein 27 (Fsp27) and perilipin (Plin2) (Fig. 2D). FSP27 increases lipid storage by inhibiting ATGL-mediated lipolysis29, while perilipin2 confers resistance of lipid droplets to lipophagy30. To address the involvement of lipolytic mechanisms in the liver, we assessed the expression of CGI-58 and ATGL, which showed no difference between the genotypes (Fig. 2E). We also did not find any difference in the levels of phosphorylated HSL (Fig. 2E). Lipophagy is recently recognized as a regulator of lipid droplet size and number31. Our analysis did not show any difference in the expression of autophagy-related proteins in fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv livers (Fig S2C), indicating that the lipolytic or lipophagic mechanisms in the liver are not responsible for lipid accumulation in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice.
Hepatic lipid content is controlled by a tight interaction between fatty acid synthesis, oxidation, and esterification32. Since FAO, lipogenesis, or lipolysis-related genes are unaltered, we assessed whether Hmgcs2ΔLiv has altered lipid re-esterification. We did not find any difference in the mRNA levels of esterification-related genes such as Dgat1, Dgat2, Gpat, and lipin1 between the genotypes (Fig S2D). Intriguingly, the mRNA levels of acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 1 (ACSL1) were significantly elevated in the livers of fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 2F). However, no difference in other ACSL isoforms (Acls2, Acls3, and Acsl5) was noted (Fig. 2F). Consistent with the mRNA levels, ACSL1 protein expression was also increased in the livers of fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 2G). ACSL1 is a rate-limiting enzyme involved in converting fatty acids into acyl-CoA, the first step required for fatty acid oxidation or esterification33. To determine whether ACSL1 is responsible for steatosis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice, we incubated the primary hepatocytes from Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice and Hmgcs2F/F mice under lipogenic condition (BSA-conjugated palmitate) in the presence or absence of Triascin C, a specific ACSL1 inhibitor34. The lipid accumulation was higher in the primary hepatocytes from Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice compared to Hmgcs2F/F (Fig. 2H and S2F). Notably, Triascin C alleviated steatosis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv primary hepatocytes (Fig. 2H and S2E), suggesting that ASCL1 drives steatosis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice.
ACSL1 translocation to ER is regulated by ketogenesis. The subcellular localization of ACSL1 plays a crucial role in targeting the fatty acids for catabolism or storage in the form of lipid droplets19. Acyl-CoA generated by the mitochondria-associated ACSL1 is channeled toward fatty acid oxidation35. Whereas ER-associated ACSL1 promotes fatty acid esterification to synthesize triglycerides20. To understand how ACSL1 induces hepatic steatosis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice, we assessed the subcellular localization of ACSL1. ACSL1 is highly enriched in the isolated mitochondria of fasted livers20. Our data showed no difference in the mitochondrial ACSL1 protein levels between the fasted Hmgcs2F/F and Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 2I). Interestingly, we found significantly elevated ER-associated ACSL1 protein levels in the livers of fasted-Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 2J). Because ER-associated ASCL1 regulates triglyceride storage via fatty acid re-esterification20, we performed thin-layer chromatography (TLC) to assess whether re-esterification is enhanced in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice. Our data showed a marked increase in the triglyceride fraction from the fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice, even after normalizing with phospholipids (Fig. 2K-M). However, no difference in phospholipids, cholesterol esters, and ceramides factions was noted (Fig. 2K and L). Together, our data indicate that ketogenesis controls the ER-ACSL1 mediated re-esterification of fatty acids under fasting conditions.
Ketogenesis insufficiency does not affect mitochondrial function under acute fasting. Previous studies showed that ketone bodies are potent inducers of mitochondrial biogenesis by upregulating the expression of the transcription factor, PGC1α36,37. Because mitochondrial homeostasis including biogenesis and function is key in regulating lipid metabolism38, we assessed whether impaired ketogenesis affected mitochondrial homeostasis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice. We found no difference in the mRNA expression of Pgc1α, Nrf2, and various other mitochondria-associated genes such as Atp6, Cox1, and Nd4 in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 3A). Moreover, the expression of OXPHOS proteins such as NDUFB8, SDHB, UQCRC2, and cytochrome C oxidase was similar between the genotypes (Fig. 3B), suggesting that the temporal impairment in ketogenesis does not affect mitochondrial content. A recent study showed that TBK1 acts as a chaperone regulating the mitochondrial translocation and activity of ACSL1 under fasting conditions20. We found no difference between the fasted Hmgcs2F/F and Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice in the expression of TBK1 or its phosphorylated form (Fig S3A), indicating that the mitochondrial TBK1-ASCL1 axis may not be involved in the fasting-mediated hepatic steatosis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice. Ketogenic insufficiency in neonatal pups increases the acetylation of mitochondrial proteins leading to mitochondrial dysfunction14. When we analyzed the isolated mitochondria, pan-protein acetylation was found to be increased in the livers of fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 3C). We then assessed mitochondrial respiratory capacity in the presence of palmitoylcarnitine using purified liver mitochondria from Hmgcs2F/F and Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice. There were no differences in mitochondrial respiration devoted to oxidative phosphorylation or maximum electron transport chain activity in the uncoupled state (Fig. 3D-E). Consistent with the data above, we also found no difference in liver citrate synthase activity (Fig. 3F), which serves as a surrogate of mitochondrial content39. Together, these data suggest that ketogenic insufficiency did not result in steatosis due to impaired mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, nor did it result in compensatory increases in mitochondrial content.
Ketogenic insufficiency exacerbates diet-induced hepatic steatosis via re-esterification. To understand whether hepatic ketogenesis insufficiency promotes diet-induced hepatic steatosis in response to fasting, 8-week-old HMGCS2 conditional knockout were treated with tamoxifen to disrupt HMGCS2 and then fed with 60% high-fat diet (HFD) for 4-weeks and then fasted for 16 hours before euthanasia. We found no difference in the body weight between Hmgcs2F/F and Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice on an HFD (Fig. 4A). As expected, ketone body levels were significantly lower in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 4B). No difference in serum triglyceride or cholesterol was noted (Fig. 4C and S4A). As in chow diet mice, the liver-to-body weight ratio was significantly higher in HFD-fed Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 4D). H&E analysis showed microsteatosis in Hmgcs2F/F mice, while Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice showed macrosteatosis (Fig. 4E). Liver triglyceride levels were significantly increased in the HFD-fed Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 4F). We assessed whether enhanced fatty acid re-esterification contributed to macrosteatosis in HFD-fed Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice. Similar to chow-fed mice, TLC analysis showed a significant increase in triglyceride fraction in HFD-fed Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 4G-I). But no difference in other lipid moieties was observed (Fig. 4G and H). We then assessed whether ER localization of ACSL1 is augmented by HFD feeding in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice. We found a significant increase in the ER-associated ACSL1 in HFD-fed Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 4J), but no change in mitochondria-associated ACSL1 was observed (Fig. 4J). Similar to chow-fed mice, acetylated mitochondrial proteins were elevated in the mitochondria of HFD-fed Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 4K). Collectively, our data show that impaired ketogenesis under nutrient-rich conditions increases ASCL1-mediated esterification of fatty acids.
Impaired ketogenesis in human NASH is associated with increased ER-associated ACSL1 and fatty acid re-esterification. NASH is the most common liver disease, where excess and sustained lipid accumulation (steatosis) triggers a myriad of pathological changes culminating in liver inflammation, fibrosis, and cancer3. Hepatic steatosis is majorly driven by a mismatch in the delivery (excessive lipolysis and dietary intake) and handling of lipids (fatty acid synthesis, oxidation, storage, and secretion) by the hepatocytes5. When the flux of fatty acids is acute, a compensatory increase in FAO and ketogenesis protects the liver from lipotoxicity40. However, chronic steatotic conditions decrease FAO and ketogenesis resulting in the accumulation of lipid droplets. Indeed, studies show that ketone body levels decline progressively in NASH patients13,41,42. Based on our results, we investigated whether hepatic ketogenesis is associated with elevated fatty acid esterification in NASH patients. To this end, we confirmed higher triglyceride levels in deidentified liver tissues from NASH patients undergoing surgical resection compared to control human (normal) subjects (Fig. 5A). Our analysis showed no difference in serum triglyceride levels but BHB levels trended lower in NASH patients (Fig S5A and B). Further, the liver from NASH patients showed a significant decrease in the protein levels of HMGCS2 and 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (BDH1), the latter catalyzes the interconversion of β-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate (Fig. 5B and S5C). A correlation analysis shows that triglyceride levels increase as the hepatic expression of HMGCS2 decreases (Fig. 5C). Since ketogenesis is impaired in NASH, we asked whether ASCL1 translocation is modulated in the NASH livers. We found significantly elevated levels of ER-associated ACSL1 in NASH subjects (Fig. 5D). Moreover, we observed a negative correlation between the ER-ACLS1 and HMGCS2 protein expression (Fig. 5E); however, no difference in the mitochondria-associated ACLS1 was noticed (Fig S5D). TLC analysis showed increased levels of esterified triglyceride compared to other lipid fractions (Fig. 5F and S5E), suggesting that impaired ketogenesis is associated with increased ER-ASCL1 mediated re-esterification of lipids in NASH patients. Similar to mouse models, impaired ketogenesis is also associated with elevated levels of acetylated mitochondrial proteins in human NASH livers (Fig S5F). Collectively, our data show that impaired ketogenesis induces lipid accumulation in NASH patients in part by promoting the ASCL1-mediated re-esterification of fatty acids.
Hepatic acetyl-CoA-L-carnitine homeostasis regulates lipid partitioning via ACSL1. We then sought to understand how ketogenesis regulates the ER translocation of ACSL1. Ketogenesis is the major route of eliminating acetyl-CoA generated by FAO, though some amount of acetyl-CoA would be metabolized via the TCA cycle, or exported out of mitochondria as citrate12,43. We found no difference in the acetyl-CoA levels under fed conditions but fasting increased the acetyl-CoA levels by 2-fold in the livers of Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 6A). Based on the coincidental increase in acetyl-CoA and ER-associated ACSL1 in fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice, we posited that acetyl-CoA might regulate the subcellular localization of ACSL1. To test our hypothesis, we incubated mouse primary hepatocytes under lipogenic conditions with or without acetate, which increases intracellular acetyl-CoA levels. Western blot analysis showed that acetate increases ER-associated ACSL1 both in the presence and absence of palmitic acid (Fig. 6B and S6A). Further, acetate increased lipid accumulation in primary hepatocytes (Fig. 6C and S6B). This data suggests that elevated acetyl-CoA induces ER translocation of ACSL1 and exacerbates steatosis under lipogenic conditions.
We then interrogated ways to decrease acetyl-CoA levels as a resort to alleviate hepatic steatosis under conditions of impaired ketogenesis. L-carnitine (LC) acts as a buffer for mitochondrial acetyl-CoA by forming acetyl-carnitine, i.e., excess mitochondrial acetyl-CoA exists in the form of acetyl-carnitine44. LC is also required for the mitochondrial import of acyl-CoA for FAO. Thus, excess mitochondrial acetyl-CoA reduces mitochondrial FAO by decreasing free LC levels21,45. Our analysis showed significantly reduced free LC levels in the livers of fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 6D). We hypothesized that increasing LC would restore lipid homeostasis in Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice by decreasing hepatic acetyl-CoA levels. To this end, we supplemented the drinking water with LC @ 10mg/ml and fasted the Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice for 16 hours. No change in body weight was observed by LC supplementation (Fig S6C). LC supplementation reduced acetyl-CoA levels in the fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 6E). Notably, the livers of LC-treated Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice were reddish compared to untreated littermates (Fig. 6F). The liver-to-body weight ratio was significantly lower and the liver triglyceride levels were significantly reduced in LC-treated fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 6G and H). H&E analysis confirmed the reduction in hepatic steatosis in LC-treated fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 6I). We further demonstrate that LC supplementation decreased the ER localization of ACSL1 (Fig. 6J), resulting in reduced esterification of triglyceride in the fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 6K and L, and S6D). We further noticed that LC decreased the levels of acetylated mitochondrial proteins in fasted Hmgcs2ΔLiv mice (Fig. 6M). Together, our data indicate that LC recuperates acetyl-CoA homeostasis and alleviates ER-ACSL1-mediated hepatic steatosis in mice with impaired ketogenesis.
L-carnitine alleviates steatosis in human NASH partly by reducing acetyl-CoA and ER-associated ASCL1. We then evaluated the relationship between acetyl-CoA and ACSL1-mediated esterification in the livers of NASH patients. As shown in previous studies42,46, liver acetyl-CoA levels were elevated in the NASH subjects (Fig. 7A). Correlative analysis showed that ER-associated ACSL1 was in proportion with acetyl-CoA levels in human NASH livers (Fig. 7B). Similar to the mouse models, free L-carnitine (LC) levels were significantly reduced in NASH livers and were positively correlated with hepatic HMGCS2 expression (Fig. 7C and S7A). Previous studies have demonstrated that LC improves steatosis in NASH patients by increasing mitochondrial function and FAO47,48. We tested whether LC affects ACSL1-mediated fatty acid esterification using primary hepatocytes from NASH patients. BODIPY staining showed reduced lipid accumulation with LC treatment in primary human NASH hepatocytes cultured under lipogenic conditions (Fig. 7D). We demonstrate that LC decreases the ER-associated ACSL1 (Fig. 7E) and fatty acid esterification in human NASH primary hepatocytes (Fig S7B). In contrast to mouse livers, LC increased ASCL1 levels in the mitochondria, and the levels of acetylated mitochondrial proteins were decreased (Fig S7C and D). Collectively, we demonstrate that LC alleviates steatosis by reducing acetyl-CoA levels and ER translocation of ACSL1 in human NASH.