From the results of this study, it's evident that women were much more liable to be affected by the disease than men of the same age, following the findings of Pederson et al. 2006 [14], who suggested that sex hormones might be involved in RA. Additionally, the result has revealed a significant decrease in salivary fluid secretion in the RA group to the control group, in which four patients were xerostomic (no saliva secretion at all); this could be attributed to secondary Sjögren syndrome. In this regard, Zalewska et al. 2013 [2] found xerostomia in RA patients followed by a substantial decrease in salivary flow in the control group. It was also agreed with the outcomes of some other studies [3, 15, 16].
Regarding salivary pH, the current study revealed a significant difference (p = 0.01) in salivary pH between the two studied groups. The mean pH value in the control group was 6.63, while in the study group, it was 6.39. These outcomes confirm that when the physiological salivary pH range increases, the flow rate of saliva increases and vice versa. This finding was compatible with that reported by Bardow et al. 2000 [17], who concluded that saliva pH became significantly more alkaline with increasing flow rates. However, it’s contrary to the results of Farsi, 2007 [18], who found no significant changes in pH in salivary flow rate.
The general feeling of oral dryness was higher among the RA group. Regarding xerostomia about oral function, in a possible sum score of 0–4, most patients reported sipping liquid to aid in swallowing dry foods, and many reported having no problem-consuming dry food. At the same time, none of the subjects answered if the saliva in their mouth seemed too little or too much. These results agreed with Uhlig et al. 1999 [19], who demonstrated a high occurrence of oral dryness in RA patients.
For the oral manifestations that could be observed in RA, we demonstrated a significant increase among the RA group compared to the healthy controls, especially taste disturbance (34%) and mouth ulcer (42%). Although one subject in the control group had angular cheilitis and another had oral candidiasis, this could be attributed to inadequate oral hygiene. These outcomes follow that of Al-Yassin, 2013 [20], who found oral ulceration to be the most prominent manifestation in RA patients.
Moreover, our finding has proved identical or very similar to those found by Zalewska et al. 2011 [21], who confirmed that the DMFT index was 1.229 times higher in RA than in healthy controls. Likewise, Zalewska et al. 2013 [2] reported a significantly higher DMFT index in the RA group than in healthy controls. However, Yamakawa et al. 2002 [22] found no significant difference in the number of decayed or filled teeth between the two groups but significantly found more missing teeth in the RA group. Thus DMFTs were substantially more numerous overall. On the other hand, Silvister-Rangil et al. 2016 [3], and Pischon et al. 2008 [23] disagree with our finding, as they could not establish a significant difference in the DMFT index between the two groups. However, the result showed that the percentages of subjects who were utterly edentulous were higher among the study group, although the difference was insignificant, while the rates of those who were partially edentulous were higher among the control group. These findings are incompatible with those of Yamakawa et al. 2002 [22], who reported significantly higher percentages of partial and complete edentulism among the RA group than the healthy control group.
In this study, there was a significantly higher debris index in the RA group, which could be attributed to the limitation in manual dexterity. However, no significant difference between the groups was found in the calculus index. Thus, OHI-S was insignificant overall. These findings are per Madikeri, 2006 [24], who found no substantial difference in OHI-S between RA and the control group—regarding clinical results in TMJ, patients with RA had significantly more clinical signs and symptoms of TMJ. The joint sound was reported to be the most frequent symptom in RA patients, and this agreed with that of Aliko et al. 2011 [6], Garib and Qaradaxi, 2011 [25], and Abdulla et al. 2014 [26], who found the most frequent TMJ findings in RA were sounding. In the present study, 46% of the patients were presented with TMJ clicks.
In comparison, only 6% had crepitus; this might be ascribed to the fact that most of the patients had medical treatment such as corticosteroid or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, which cause less crepitation as the drugs can reduce or prevent damage to the joint [27]. This result was per that reported by Aliko et al. 2011 [6], who found that sounds were mainly presented as clicking, while the occurrence of crepitation on clinical examination was 14%. Meanwhile, these contrasted with other studies [22, 28], which observed a higher frequency of crepitus sound in the TMJ area in RA patients (36% and 29.5%, respectively).
This study also revealed that tenderness in TMJ and the masticatory muscles was significantly higher in the RA group compared to healthy controls, which supports the study by Moen et al., 2005 [10], who found a higher frequency of symptoms and dysfunction related to the TMJ and masticatory system in RA. It’s also compatible with the study by Yamakawa et al. 2002 [22], who reported a more frequent TMJ tenderness in subjects with RA than in non-RA control groups. Moreover, pain during mouth opening was found in the present study to be significantly higher in the RA group, which disagrees with Yamakawa et al. 2002 [22], who observed no differences between the two groups regarding pain. It's also incompatible with that of Pischon et al. 2008 [23], who reported no significant difference in TMJ symptoms between the RA and healthy controls.
Furthermore, both groups had a significant positive correlation between the salivary flow rate and the subjective feeling of oral dryness. This result is compatible with that of Suh et al., 2007 [29] and Márton et al., 2008 [30], who found a strong association between the grade of dry mouth feeling and the unstimulated whole salivary (UWS) flow rates. On the other hand, Hay et al., 1998 [31] and Uhlig et al., 1999 [19] found only a weak association between self-reported symptoms of dry mouth with objective measures of salivary gland function.
Additionally, the correlation of salivary flow rate with oral mucosal changes failed to reach a significant level except for buccal and tongue changes. This might be explained by factors other than saliva help in maintaining mucosal integrity, such as normal secretion from minor salivary glands. However, Kaplan et al., 2008 [32] confirmed a higher frequency of mucosal changes in patients with measurable salivary gland hypofunction. The correlation between the salivary flow rate and the DMFT index was per that reported by Pederson et al., 2005 [33]; we found that the DMFT score is inversely correlated to the salivary flow rate. Besides, Bergdahl, 2000 [34] found an association between the number of teeth and stimulated salivary flow rate. However, Zalewska et al., 2011 [21] could not find any correlation between the salivary flow rate and the DMFT index.
Regarding salivary anti-CCP, our results revealed a deficient level of salivary anti-CCP without a significant difference between RA and the control group which is similar to another study [35]. Also, it was found the presence of salivary IgA did not differ significantly between patients with/without IgA anti-CCP in serum, and this supports the notion that salivary IgA is essentially derived from salivary gland plasma cells, and does not reflect systemic compartment [36]. Hence, the possible leakage from the circulation is of minor importance.
Nevertheless, Kidhir and Al-Jubouri, 2013 reported the mean concentration of salivary anti-CCP in the RA group to be significantly higher than in the healthy control. Also, a positive correlation existed between serum and saliva anti-CCP concentrations in chronic RA patients [37]. One possible reason for these negative results might be explained by the fact that in our research, we applied a kit for the analysis of salivary anti-CCP (Elabscience®), which was designed for research purposes only; this ELISA kit used Sandwich-ELISA as the method, while in other studies salivary IgA was analyzed by modified anti-CCP2 kit, as well as using polyclonal rabbit IgG anti-human α-chain antibodies conjugated with HRP as a secondary antibody [35, 36].