Glioma PDOX models recapitulate histopathological features and tumor growth rates, allowing for clinically relevant surgical resection.
To investigate the possibility of clinically relevant resection of diffuse glioma tumors developed in mice, we took into account several parameters, including diffused tumor growth and invasiveness of the tumor cells in the mouse brain, tumor take, tumor development time and endpoints. PDOX models in our cohort represent high-grade diffuse gliomas, including IDH wild-type GBMs and IDH mutated astrocytomas (Table S1). In general, upon good organoid quality, PDOXs have tumor take of 100% and predictable tumor growth beyond generation 2–3 (18). By implanting 6 organoids per mouse brain, the survival of mice can span between 36 and 394 days depending on the model. Out of 40 models examined by MRI, intracranial tumors of 36 models were detected by MRI, of which the detection level in 22 models allowed for reliable quantification of the 3D tumor volume (Table S1). Tumors can be detected starting from approximately 2 mm3 in size in the brain. Fast-growing tumors are detectable by T2-weighted MRI volumetric brain scans from as fast as two weeks after organoid implantation. For the majority of PDOXs, 1–2 months are needed to detect small tumors by MRI. Although histologically developed tumors show varying tumor volume, cell density and angiogenesis, diffuse growth and invasion to the cortex and via the corpus callosum is observed in all PDOXs (17, 18) (Fig. 1A-B).
To assess the surgical resection protocol, we selected two models representing IDH wild-type GBMs: PDOX P3 with an average mouse survival of 42.5 +/- 5.2 days and PDOX T16 with an average mouse survival of 58.5 +/- 5 days. Both models displayed histopathological GBM characteristics, such as marked invasion to the cortex and contralateral hemisphere as well as pronounced blood vessel disruption in the tumor core (Fig. 1A-B). Differences in survival arise from different proliferation indexes of tumor cells: PDOX P3 shows 54.7 +/- 3.7% of Ki67+ cells, while PDOX T16 regularly shows 18.9 +/- 5.8% of Ki67+ cells. Developed tumors show stable tumor growth over time. PDOX P3 can be detected by T2-weighted MRI starting from weeks 2–3 after implantation and can reach > 100 mm3 at the endpoint (Fig. 1C). PDOX T16 is visible by T2-weighted MRI from weeks 3–4 after implantation, reaching > 100 mm3 at the endpoint (Fig. 1C). Based on the tumor growth characteristics, we estimated a timeframe of surgical resection between weeks 2 and 3 for PDOX P3 and between weeks 3 and 4 for PDOX T16, corresponding to tumors ranging between 2 and 10 mm3 (Fig. 1D). In summary, glioma PDOXs show key characteristics required to model clinically relevant surgical resection.
Intracranial tumor mapping by MRI allows for regular monitoring of tumor growth and for preoperative planning of surgical resection.
We planned the resection protocol according to the characteristics of each PDOX model (Fig. 1D). Nude mice per model were implanted with GBM organoids (n = 11 for PDOX P3, n = 10 for PDOX T16). The procedure was performed under sterile aseptic conditions. Mice were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine during surgery followed by inhalation of 2% isoflurane and 100% oxygen thorough MRI via a nose cone adapter. The procedure was applied upon loss of hind-foot withdrawal and corneal reflex. The implantation was performed with our standard procedure in the stereotactic frame (19): (i) the scull bone was removed at the coordinates 2 mm right and 1 mm front from bregma, and (ii) 6 organoids were gently implanted in the right hemisphere 2 mm deep from the brain surface, aiming at the cortex. We regularly use a Hamilton syringe 88000 needle, as it allows for the implantation of larger organoids. The burr hole in the scull was sealed with bone wax, and the skin was closed with knots.
We further monitored tumor growth by T2-weighted MRI, starting from weeks 2 and 3 after implantation. As expected, tumors were detectable in all animals starting from week 3 for PDOX P3 and week 4 for PDOX T16. The surgery was planned for week 3 for PDOX P3 and week 4 for PDOX T16. Tumors were quantified one day before planned surgery based on T2-weighted MRI imaging, confirming an average tumor volume of 5,76 mm3 in PDOX P3 and 3,72 mm3 in PDOX T16 (Fig. 2A). To confirm the tumor size determined by MRI prior to resection, we euthanized one mouse per PDOX model without performing the resection protocol on the same day (i.e., Tumor growth controls, Fig. 1D). Histological analysis confirmed the presence of tumors in both PDOX models, corresponding to the MRI images (Fig. 2B). Human-specific Nestin staining revealed the presence of cells invading the corpus callosum and cortex at this stage of the tumor.
Next, we examined T2-weighted MRI sequences to define the tumor resection area. The injection site was identified based on the dark area representing the path of the needle during organoid implantation (Fig. 2C). The tumor area was delineated from the injection site, and tumor borders were identified manually (Fig. 2D). The thickness of the tumor was defined by the number of MRI slides with detectable tumor. In most cases, the tumor was visible on one slide of 1 mm thickness, 0.5 mm in the frontal part and 0.5 mm in the posterior part, which was applied to mark the extent of the resection. In summary, we show that T2-weighted imaging enables quantification of the intracranial growth of tumors in mice and detailed planning of the surgical resection coordinates.
Intracranial tumor resection in PDOXs is possible following MRI coordinates.
We performed surgical resection on eight mice per model one day after the MRI scans. The resection area was delimited per mouse based on coordinates established from MRI imaging, and each surgery was performed under the stereotactic frame. The procedure was performed aseptically under anesthesia following the same procedure as for organoid implantation. To ensure sufficient analgesia, we applied subcutaneous injections of buprenorphine. We applied the coordinates previously used as the injection site of the GBM organoids (Fig. 3A), identified as the burr hole in the scull previously filled with bone wax. After skin incision, we drilled a 3 mm side square and removed the skull to prepare the resection area and improve the visibility of the injection site (Fig. 3A). After opening the dura mater, we applied the resection coordinates and cut the tissue by slowly moving the Bonn Micro probes. In contrast to the Hamilton syringe used for implantation of GBM organoids, the Bonn probe is thin and sharp and allows precise cutting of the brain tissue. Destroyed tissue was further aspirated with a Pasteur pipette and the manual aspiration system. The mean time of the surgical procedure was 20 min per mouse. Of note, since the GBM tumor borders in PDOXs cannot be identified by eye, the MRI-based coordinates were the only measure allowing for a controlled resection. Removal of the tumor tissue according to the MRI coordinates was successful in all mice, with a well-visible resection cavity. To replace the missing skull bone, we placed polypropylene meshes and fixed them with hystoacryl. This ensured clinically relevant regrowth of the tumor with adequate intracranial pressure in the brain. The skin was closed with separate knots.
Since one mouse per model suffered from respiratory depression due to euthanasia shortly after the resection, we sacrificed these mice (i.e., Resection controls, Fig. 1D) to verify the extent of the resection by MRI and immunohistochemistry in extracted brains (Fig. 3B). T2-weighted MRI of the PFA-fixed brain ex vivo revealed successful resection of the planned tumor core (Fig. 3C). The histological analysis revealed the presence of remaining tumor cells around the resection cavity and at the invasive front (red arrow) in the cortex and in the corpus callosum (Fig. 3D-E). These were accompanied by amoeboid Iba1+ microglia/macrophages and aberrant CD31+ blood vessels, reminiscent of the GBM-educated tumor microenvironment (Fig. 3F).
We further aimed to confirm the extent of tumor resection in remaining PDOXs. Since the first experiment was performed on P3 PDOX, to avoid mouse suffering/loss, PDOX P3 T2-weighted MRI scans were performed 5 days after resection. Three mice showed no residual tumor in the brain, and four mice showed growing tumors between 5 mm3 and 12 mm3 (Fig. 3G). Since MRI was not performed immediately after the surgery, we cannot determine whether this difference arose from a lesser extent of the surgery or faster tumor growth. Since mice supported well T2-weighted MRI shortly after the surgery, PDOX T16 mice were scanned directly after the surgery before the awakening of the mice and 5 days after the surgery (Fig. 3G). No remaining tumor was detected on MRI in the seven mice examined directly after the surgery, and only one mouse showed a small detectable tumor 5 days after the surgery (Table S2). In summary, we show an efficient protocol for the resection of diffuse tumors developed in mouse brains.
Resection extends survival in GBM PDOX models with recurrent tumors of similar histopathological features.
To assess mouse recovery and survival after surgical resection, we followed daily PDOX mice with resected tumors (seven per model) and control PDOX mice per model, which did not undergo surgical resection (i.e., No resection controls, Fig. 1D). All mice recovered after surgery. During the first 48 hours of recovery, mouse body weight decreased on average between 5% and 10%. Animals presented few neurological symptoms, such as disorientation and circling. All symptoms disappeared 48 hours after the surgery. Mice recovered their presurgery body weight and displayed normal behavior.
T2-weighted MRI scans revealed regrowth of the tumor in all PDOXs P3 and T16 that underwent tumor resection. All tumors recurred in the same location (Fig. 4A). Weekly MRI showed a decrease in tumor growth in both PDOX models after surgical resection (Fig. 4B). To further assess the impact of resection on mouse survival, we compared PDOXs that underwent resection to the historical control groups (n = 10 for P3, n = 11 for T16 per model including study controls and historical groups). Importantly, the control PDOXs in this study showed similar survival and were included with the historical controls (Fig. 4B). Survival of mice that underwent resection was significantly prolonged in the two models. For PDOX P3, the mean survival increased from 39,5 days for the control group to 45 days for resected mice (16%, p value = 0.0009). PDOX T16 showed an increase in the mean survival from 61 days for control mice to 70 days for the resected group (14,8%, p value˂0.0001).
We next assessed the histopathological features of the tumors that recurred after resection. The histological analyses confirmed the presence of the tumors in the initial location and did not reveal any obvious structural differences between control and resected tumors (Fig. 5A-B). Recurrent tumors showed high tumor cell density in the right hemisphere (implantation site) as well as invasion to the cortex and corpus callosum. While Ki67 staining revealed an increase in the proliferation index in recurrent tumors in PDOX P3 compared to historical controls, no difference was observed in PDOX T16 (Fig. 5C). Interestingly, while ameboid-shaped Iba1+ tumor-associated microglia/macrophages were detected in the tumor core of both control and recurrent tumors, both models showed decreased density in resected tumors (Fig. 5D). CD31 staining displayed a similar density of blood vessels between the control and resected tumors, although the average vessel size was significantly higher in the resected PDOX T16 tumors than in the historical controls (Fig. 5E). In summary, we show that surgical resection of PDOXs developed in nude mice leads to clinically relevant outcomes, including prolonged survival and tumor recurrence.