3.1 Specific wear rate of 4 different hardness ta-C rollers under boundary lubrication
The wear volume of 4 different hardness ta-C rollers were measured via confocal laser scanning microscope and specific wear rate of each ta-C rollers was calculated from Eq. (1). In the conditions of 85°C and increasing normal load from 5–15 N, the results of specific wear rate are shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b). The specific wear rate of 4 different hardness ta-C rollers under PAO changed from approximately 0.81 × 10− 7 to 0.35 × 10− 7 mm3/Nm with increasing hardness. The specific wear rate of each hardness ta-C roller shows almost same value which means that specific wear rate of ta-C rollers was independent of normal load when using PAO. However, the specific wear rate of the same hardness ta-C roller shows different values under PAO + MoDTC lubrication when changing the normal load from 5–15 N. In addition, the softer ta-C roller used, the greater gap in the specific wear rate occurred when changing normal load (specific wear rate of 18.2 GPa ta-C roller changed from approximately 1.35 × 10− 7 to 3.41 × 10− 7 mm3/Nm and that of 53.6 GPa ta-C roller changed from approximately 0.82 × 10− 7 to 1.39 × 10− 7 mm3/Nm). It was also clarified that the high wear was more pronounced at the lighter load of 5 N than that at 10 and 15 N. It was shown that the wear of the ta-C coating was not always constant and that the amount of wear differs only when the coatings of different hardness are prepared.
To clarify wear mechanism of ta-C, representative ta-C (22.1 GPa) under PAO and PAO + MoDTC friction tests were conducted. The wear volume measurement in each 400 cycles till 4800 cycles were obtained. The representative data of 15 N under PAO, PAO + MoDTC is shown in Fig. 4. The wear volume in PAO showed
proportional along with number of cycles. On the other hand, under PAO + MoDTC showed higher amount of ta-C wear during first 400 cycles. It was suggested that the wear volume increment decreased after the initial friction cycles due to the reduction of contact pressure because the initial wear for the roller made the contact width increase. The wear scar width on the roller specimens were observed optical microscope and SEM as shown later. Under the PAO + MoDTC situation showed larger wear scar width than only PAO situation. It caused reduction of contact pressure then it was assumed that the generation of Mo related degradable material reduced because of low contact pressure. The specific wear rate measured in PAO + MoDTC shows higher than in PAO for all the tests. Generally, it is assumed that wear mechanism is mechanical wear if specific wear rate and inverse value of hardness are in liner proportion. Figure 5 shows the relation between the specific wear rate and inverse value of ta-C hardness under PAO, and PAO + MoDTC as a representative of 15 N result. Under the PAO situation, the specific wear rate depends on the inverse value of hardness which indicates the wear mechanism is mechanical wear. The specific wear rate of PAO + MoDTC shows monotonic increment, and it shows an intercept of specific wear rate axis and the liner line of PAO + MoDTC. This intercept means that wear have to occur even if the hardness of the ta-C becomes maximum.
The maximum Hertzian contact pressures of different hardness ta-C under different normal load are calculated from Eq. (2)–(5). The relation between maximum contact pressure and specific wear rate under PAO, PAO + MoDTC are shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b). The specific wear rate of ta-C slid under PAO shows almost same values under different contact pressure. On the other hand, the specific wear rate of low Pmax shows scattering values when ta-C slid under PAO + MoDTC. The scattering of specific wear rate saturates under around 200 MPa or over. The low hardness ta-C (18.2 and 22.1 GPa) shows wear amount reduction with contact pressure. The high hardness ta-C (46.6 and 53.6 GPa) shows inflection point around 200 MPa, then the specific wear rate reduces. Those results indicated that there are optimum contact pressure to reduce wear amount.
3.2 Friction coefficient of 4 different hardness ta-C rollers under boundary lubrication
Friction tests were conducted by using 4 different hardness ta-C rollers against SUJ2 disk under boundary lubrication when using only PAO as base oil and PAO with MoDTC for comparison. Besides, there were two groups friction tests conducted. One group friction test was conducted when changing normal load and the other group friction test was conducted when changing temperature. Thus, the results of friction coefficient increasing normal load from 5 N to 15 N are respectively shown in Fig. 7(a)–(f). In the series of friction coefficient under PAO, friction coefficient was almost stable from the initial of the test. At the very beginning of the test, high friction was detected in 53.6 GPa ta-C roller. It was assumed that the 53.6 GPa ta-C roller had the highest surface roughness among the rollers, so the asperities had damaged as shearing or fracture at the beginning of the test. After the short cycles of friction, the surface roughness decreased as same level as other rollers.
The results of each average friction coefficient were calculated as the stable friction coefficient of 1600–2400 cycles, which are summarized in Fig. 8(a) as under PAO and (b) as under PAO + MoDTC. Almost friction coefficients under PAO show approximately 0.07–0.08 regardless of the ta-C coating hardness without 5 N of 22.1 GPa ta-C. The lowest friction coefficient was obtained at 5 N of 22.1 GPa, the value was approximately 0.056. The friction tests under PAO did not make any tribofilm on ta-C rollers and SUJ2 disks, so it was ta-C and SUJ2 friction coefficient under boundary lubrication. On the other hand, friction coefficient measured under MoDTC was assumed to be affected by tribofilm. The friction coefficients under 5 N shows lower than approximately 0.06 regardless of the hardness, and the lowest one was 0.049 of 22.1 GPa ta-C. Almost all average friction coefficient under MoDTC containing lubrication at each normal load showed lower values rather than under PAO. This results implied that the reduction of friction coefficient was due to MoS2 generated on the surface. To compare with environmental temperature on friction coefficient, friction tests of each hardness ta-C slid against SUJ2 disk under PAO, PAO + MoDTC under 20°C were conducted. The summary of results is shown in Fig. 9. At 20°C, there were nearly no changes of friction coefficient between PAO, and PAO + MoDTC. The friction coefficient of PAO + MoDTC under 85°C showed decrease without 18.2 GPa of ta-C roller. This friction coefficient reduction is assumed formation of MoS2 tribofilm. All results of 20°C show no friction reduction. It implied that MoDTC did not act as friction modifier under 20°C.
3.3 Surface analysis of sp2/sp3 structure changes and Mo-tribofilm
From the images taken via optical microscope are shown in Fig. 10(a)–(c) as (a) 400 cycles, (b) 1600 cycles, and (c) 4800 cycles under PAO + MoDTC, Fig. 10(d)–(f) under PAO at 85°C and 15 N of normal load; 22.1 GPa hardness ta-C as a representative data. Figure 11(a)–(c) shows SEM-EDS of same specimen tested in PAO + MoDTC as shown in Fig. 10. It was clear that the wear scar on ta-C roller after friction test, the element of Mo, S, C and O could be detected, which means that molybdenum tribofilm derived from MoDTC was generated during friction test. Generally, it is difficult to distinguish Mo and S by EDS because the peak positions at kinetic energy are too close. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain other evidence. We conducted XPS and Raman analysis to distinguish what chemical bonds were existed as shown later. The wear scar was generated at the initial 400 cycles as shown in Figs. 10 and 11, especially for MoDTC included situation shows wider wear scar. The EDS map analysis shows that Mo and S were on the wear scar at 400 cycles. Then, Mo and S intensity in the wear scar decreased with friction cycles and the high intensity area moved toward front edge and back edge of wear scar. The results indicated that contact area between ta-C roller and SUJ2 disk were covered by Mo and S during initial friction cycles.
In order to clarify the bonding state of the Mo compound derived from MoDTC and structure changes of amorphous carbon, Raman and XPS analysis was conducted. The representative surface of 15 N normal load, 400 cycles and 85°C with MoDTC is shown in the paper. Figure 11 shows Raman analysis results. The measurement positions are shown in Fig. 12 (a) as spot1–spot3. Those spots are molybdenum spices which formed from MoDTC during friction. The all spots show almost same peak around D peak (1330 cm–1) to G peak (1580 cm–1) as shown in Figs. 12(b)–(d). The enlargement Raman data of three spots from 100–1100 cm–1 are shown in Figs. 12 (e)–(g). The peaks are divided several molybdenum spices. It is clearly exhibited that MoS2 existed at the sopt1, MoO2, MoO3, and Mo2C also existed in several spots. This result indicated that MoDTC was degraded during friction, several molybdenum spices attached on ta-C roller as deposited material. Furthermore, Raman analysis for wear scars were conducted. The typical analysis results of before and after friction of 22.1 GPa ta-C roller surface is shown in Fig. 13. The as-deposited surface is shown in Fig. 13(a) and the wear scar surface is shown in (b). The results show that as-deposited ta-C surface shows smaller fluctuation of measured Raman shift rather than after friction surface, although the measurement procedure and same incident laser light irradiation condition. It indicated wear scar of ta-C changed as damaged ta-C. The summary of ID/IG ratio and G peak position change of 400 cycles’ surfaces of different hardness is shown in Fig. 14. The ID/IG ratio of each hardness ta-C increased by friction as shown in Fig. 14(a). It generally interprets as graphitization or disruption of carbon covalent bonds. Figure 14 (b) shows G peak position change. It shows a little G peak center position change. However, it does not show same tendency as increase or decrease. From the results of Raman measurement, the intensity became small by friction as shown in Fig. 13 and ID/IG ratio increase, the ta-C coating surface had some damage and it is interpreted that inherent hardness is not maintained.
Figure 14 The summary of each hardness ta-C coating (a) ID/IG ratio of as-deposited and in wear scar, (b) G peak position (400 cycles, 15 N, 85°C).
The representative data of ta-C roller (22.1 GPa) surface was analyzed via XPS is shown in Fig. 15 as (a) outside of wear scar, (b) inside of wear scar at 400 cycles (15 N, 85°C), and (c) inside of wear scar at 2400 cycles (15 N, 85°C). All figures show C1s peak and Mo3d peak. The outside of wear scar shows no O1s. The outside of wear scar was just immersed in lubricants. Therefore, the Mo3d peak derives from MoDTC additive which attached on the ta-C surface as intact. In the wear scars, they show O1s and Mo3d peak which clearly show two divided peaks of molybdenum. The results indicated that inside of wear scar had molybdenum oxide spices which was derived from MoDTC by friction.
The detail of C1s, O1s and Mo3d XPS data is shown in Fig. 16 as the representative of ta-C roller (22.1 GPa) after friction at 400 cycles with 15 N, 85°C. The outside of wear scar is interpreted as-deposited surface. It has carbon covalent bonds (Fig. 16(a)). After the friction test surface shows new bond of Mo-C at 283.3 eV in Fig. 16(b). According to the Figs. 16 (c) and (d) shows oxygen and molybdenum spices. Especially for molybdenum spices, Mo and Mo2+ at 228.3 and 231.5 eV is the main peaks and Mo4+ at 229.4 and 232.5 eV follows the 2nd high intensity. The peak of 228.3 and 231.5 eV is assumed Mo2C which is verified from Fig. 16(a) as Mo-C bond and Raman analysis result shown in Fig. 12(f). The Mo4+ peak is assumed as MoO2 which is intermediate degradated material of MoDTC or MoS2, both is also revealed via Raman analysis (Fig. 12). Mo6+ and Mo5+ are decomvoluted from the Mo peak and it shows MoO3 and MoDTC. This result indicated that the wear scar is consisted only carbon prior to the friction test as C-C and C = C as main peaks, then C-C bond intensity decreased and C-O and Mo-C increased by friction. Furthermore, Mo related spices attached on wear scar.
Figure 17 shows the summary of molybdenum spices’ chemical bonds existence percentage as decomvolution of Mo3d with different hardness of ta-C rollers. The typical difference among the different hardness rollers is shown that Mo and Mo2C existed higher amount for low hardness ta-C rather than higher hardness one. The existence of Mo2C is assumed wear acceleration because Mo2C is hard material (approximately 15 GPa) as abrasive powder in polishing field [41, 46]. The second typical difference is MoS2 and MoO2 existence. The higher hardness ta-C shows higher amount of MoS2 and MoO2 rather than lower hardness ta-C. This result indicated the possibility of low friction coefficient for high hardness ta-C. Finally, MoDTC amount for higher hardness shows high percentage rather than low hardness, and MoO3 amount shows high for low hardness ta-C. Those results indicated that low hardness ta-C consumed MoDTC during friction faster than high hardness ta-C although the friction test conditions were same. The differences of molybdenum spices generation are assumed to be determined by contact pressure. The contact pressure between different hardness ta-C roller and SUJ2 disk can be estimated from Hertzian contact related to the material properties and geometrical shape of specimens. The generation of MoS2 is related to contact pressure [63, 64]. It is thought that the hardness of the ta-C exceeding a certain value facilitates the formation of MoS2, and as a result, little intermediate products are formed and wear is not accelerated.
In hydrogen-containing DLC coating, Komori et al. reported that different wear rates were obtained depending on coating hardness, normal load, surface roughness and the amount of MoS2 generation [65]. This study shows that in ta-C coating, there is a low contact pressure environment in which coatings of different hardness tend to wear, and that the higher the contact pressure, the lower the wear. In the case of low contact pressure, as shown by EDS and Raman analysis as shown in Figs. 11 and 12, intermediate products such as MoO3 and Mo2C are generated as tribofilm in the wear scar, which accelerate wear, however as the coating hardness increases, the amount of Mo2C in the intermediate products decreases and wear is suppressed. These results indicate that excessive wear of the ta-C coating can be avoided by controlling the coating hardness and the amount of molybdenum intermediate product formed by the contact pressure.