Data sources. We used data from OpenStreetMap to obtain road networks in cities (available at The urban area boundary, population, GDP, baseline transport CO2 emission data were retrieved from the GHS Urban Centre Database24,25 in 2015 (available at We manually adjusted the errors in boundaries of some cities like Guangzhou and Hangzhou based on OpenStreetMap. The top 100 congested cities in China and the associated speed data were retrieved from Gaode during the period from 2022/11/02 to 2022/11/08 (available at
To estimate the gasoline consumption, we used the result of CO2 emission from gasoline from the Engineering Toolbox (available at The price of gasoline is retrieved from Trading Economics on 2022/11/08 (available at We collected data from 145 field projects that were recorded in the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program to estimate implementation cost of adaptive traffic signal control (available at
Experiment setup. We used a series of simulation-based experiments to evaluate the performance of pretimed and adaptive traffic signal timing methods. Road network query, trip generation, and simulation environment calibration are the three main tasks for experiment setup (Extended data Fig. 3a).
Road network query. We used the OSMnx31 package to query road networks given a polygon boundary. When querying road networks, we set the “network_type” as the “drive” option to include drivable public streets (but not service roads) for vehicles in a city. The road network was then divided into 8×6 identical traffic zones for generating synthetic trips.
Synthetic trip generation. We used a two-step procedure to generate synthetic trips within a city downtown area: (1) trip demand estimation, and (2) trip route assignment. We used the gravity model32,33 to estimate the trip demands (T) between pairwise traffic zones over the simulation period. A uniform random choice model was used to select intersection locations as origin and destination for each trip. With such a model, each intersection within a specified traffic zone was selected at an equal probability.
We used a two-step procedure to generate synthetic trips within a city downtown area: (1) trip demand estimation, and (2) trip route assignment. We used the gravity model to estimate the trip demands (\(T\)) between pairwise traffic zones over the simulation period. A uniform random choice model was used to select intersection locations as origin and destination for each trip. With such a model, each intersection within a specified traffic zone was selected at an equal probability.
$$T=\frac{{m}_{i}^{\alpha }\bullet {m}_{j}^{\beta }}{\gamma \bullet {r}_{ij}^{\delta }}$$
where \(m\) denotes the population of a traffic zone. Since the raw population data is at city-scale, we estimated \(m\) by multiplying overall population with the proportion of road length in a traffic zone. The subscripts \(i,j\) are used to denote the origin and destination traffic zones, respectively. And \(r\) denotes Euclidean distance between center-points of origin and destination traffic zones. The parameters \({\alpha },{\beta },{\gamma },{\delta }\) are estimated for each city at the simulation environment calibration step.
To assign trips (\(T\)) to travel routes, we first divide the overall simulation period into 10-minute intervals. In each interval, we use the expected travel time based shortest algorithm (Dijkstra’s algorithm) for trip assignment34. The BPR function35,36 is used to estimate the expected travel time (\(tt\)) of a road segment.
$$tt={tt}_{f}\bullet [1+0.15\bullet (\frac{x}{1000}{)}^{4}]$$
where, \({tt}_{f}\) is the time cost for passing a road segment when travelling at speed limit. And \(x\) denotes the assigned trips to a road segment in previous time intervals, at beginning of simulation period, \(x\) is set to be 0.
Simulation environment calibration. We input the road network and generated synthetic trips into CBEngine37,38 for simulating traffic in a city. CBEngine is a traffic simulator that allows for city-scale traffic simulation. To narrow the gap between simulation and real-world, we used a trial-and-error procedure to iteratively adjust trip demand parameters (i.e., parameter-\({\alpha },{\beta },{\gamma },{\delta }\)) to minimize the difference between observed and simulated average speed at city-scale (Extended Data Fig. 3b). The observed speed data were retrieved from Gaode in 2022 during peak and off-peak hours.
Traffic signal control method. We used traffic volume data to compute the two signal timing variables: (1) cycle length and (2) length of green interval for each traffic phase. We used the typical phase setting as shown in Fig. 1a for all four-leg intersections. For three-leg intersections, one of the four signal phases is dropped based on the intersection configuration. Here, we used Webster’s method20,39 to calculate signal cycle length. This method requires estimation of saturation flow rates, critical flow ratios and lost times of each traffic phase. Here, we use subscript \(i\) to denote a traffic phase. For any traffic phase, saturation flow rate (\({s}_{i}\)) is estimated as the maximum volume passed an unsignalized highway, averaging over 10 rounds of simulation. To compute critical flow ratio (\({y}_{i}\)), we need to identify the critical traffic stream with maximum observed volume (\({q}_{i}\)), in a traffic phase. The critical flow ratio is then calculated as follows,
In each traffic phase, a portion of beginning of each green interval (start-up lost time) and a portion of each yellow interval (clearance lost time) is not usable by vehicles, the sum of these two periods compromises the lost time \({l}_{i}\) for a phase. Here, the lost time for each phase is assume to be 5 seconds. Using critical flow ratios and lost times, the signal cycle length is computed as below.
where \(Y=\sum _{i}^{n}{y}_{i}\) and\(L=\sum _{i}^{n}{l}_{i}\) denote the summed critical flow ratios and lost times over all traffic phases in a signal cycle, respectively. And the superscript \(n\) denotes total number of phases in a cycle, in general, \(n=4\) for typical four-leg intersections.
Next, the length of green interval for each traffic phase is computed as below, and the yellow interval is assumed to be 3 seconds for all phases.
$${g}_{i}=(C-3n)\bullet \frac{{y}_{i}}{Y}$$
It is worth noting that the pretimed and adaptive methods differ in signal timing update frequency and the data used for update. Here, our proposed adaptive method uses real-time volume data collected in the previous signal cycle to update signal timings for the coming cycle. By contrast, the pretimed method uses historical volume data to update signal timing variables every 15 minutes. The historical volume data are generated by the same road network simulation but with variations on trip departure times.
Scenario design. To evaluate the performance of the proposed adaptive method, we designed a set of baseline BAU and target traffic scenarios for 100 cities. In the BAU scenario, all traffic signals in a city’s downtown area were pretimed. The preset traffic signal timings were derived from synthetic historical volume data using Webster’s method. The synthetic historical traffic volumes were comparable to target scenario traffic but with minor differences due to randomness in departure time choice of specified trips.
In our target scenarios, we implemented partial or all intersection signals using our proposed adaptive method. To explore congestion mitigation potential in a city, we used a target scenario with all adaptive traffic signals. To study the impact of implementation rate, we ranked all intersections by total traffic volumes of all traffic streams over an hour and selected intersections from high to low volume ones. We assume that traffic management agencies would follow such a quasi-optimal implementation order since high volume intersections are often more critical.
Performance indicators. We used total trip time, average travel speed, CO2 emission reduction and fuel consumption savings to evaluate the benefits of the proposed adaptive method. Trip time and travel speed were selected considering both drivers’ and traffic police’s perspectives, respectively. We computed average travel speed and total trip time by querying trip trajectories from simulator. For a trip – \(j\), the trip time (\({TT}_{j}\)) is computed by substracting arrival and departure times of the trip. The total trip time (\(TTT\)) is then obtained by summing over all trips. To compute average travel speed (\(\varvec{v}\)), we calculate the total trip distance (\(TTD\)) and then divide it by total trip time.
$$TTT={\sum }_{j}{TT}_{j}$$
$$TTD={\sum }_{j}{TD}_{j}$$
where, \({TT}_{j}\) and \({TD}_{j}\) are trip time and trip length for a trip - \(j\). Such a quantification makes every kilometer travelled by vehicles count and equitable.
As noted before, the BAU transport emission data are obtained from GHSL-UCDB [Refs]. To estimate the emission change, we adopted a speed-based emission model from a previous study on real-world CO2 emission under impacts of traffic congestion26. This study models CO2 emission (in natural logarithm) as a function of average travel speed.
$${ln}\left(E\right)= {b}_{0}+{b}_{1}\bullet v+{b}_{2}\bullet {v}^{2}+{b}_{3}\bullet {v}^{3}+{b}_{4}\bullet {v}^{4}$$
$$∆ TE={TE}_{0}\bullet (1-\frac{{E}_{1}}{{E}_{0}})$$
where \(E\) denotes the amount of CO2 emission (in kilogram or kg) per kilometer travelled by a vehicle. And \(TE, ∆ TE\) denote total CO2 emission and the change in emission, respectively. We used subscripts 0 and 1 to denote the emissions associated with BAU and target scenarios. And \({b}_{0}\sim{b}_{4}\) are parameters derived by regression fit of real-world experiment results. Here, we obtained the parameter values from the study on real-world CO2 emission under impacts of traffic congestion26.
The fuel consumption is estimated on the gasoline basis. We derived the amount of gasoline consumption based on the CO2 emission. Typically, the combustion of 1 kg gasoline would produce about 3.3 kg CO2 emission, according to The Engineering ToolBox. Hence, we estimated the reduction of gasoline consumption by multiplying amount of CO2 emission reduction by 0.30.
Implementation cost and benefit. The implementation cost was estimated based on 145 field projects recorded in the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program. The implementation cost includes one-time installation cost and annual operation and maintenance cost. The per-intersection installation cost varies between US$22,000 and US$82,300, with an average of US$48,069. The annual operation and maintenance cost is estimated at US$1,079 per intersection. The lifespan of the whole adaptive traffic signal control system was estimated to be about 71 months on average27. Therefore, the annual per-intersection implementation cost is US$9,203, including both installation and operation costs.
The trip time benefit was estimated by investigating travelers’ willingness to pay for travel time savings (i.e., value of trip time). The results from a stated preference (SP) survey conducted in the city of Nanjing in 2018 were adopted28. According to the survey, the mean estimated value of trip time is about US$4.84 (or 30.39 CNY) per hour. The trip time benefit was then estimated by multiplying the value of trip time with total trip time savings during both peak and off-peak hours.
We adopted the results from a study that used a global atmospheric model to simulate the benefits of global GHG reductions on air quality and human health40. According to the study, monetized emission benefit estimates are US$70–840 per ton of CO2 for China, with an average of US$455 per ton. Gasoline was used as a surrogate for estimating benefits from fuel consumption savings. The price of gasoline was retrieved from Trading Economics, which is US$1,646 per ton (retrieved on 2022/01/20). The emission and fuel consumption benefits were estimated by multiplying the benefit per unit by total reductions of CO2 emission and gasoline consumption, respectively.
Limitations. Our study has some limitations that could potentially affect the robustness of our findings. The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of our proposed adaptive traffic signal control method on urban congestion mitigation. The sample cities in this study only cover the top 100 congested cities in China (ranked by Gaode), and the time period for this study is limited to 6:00–23:00 each day. Despite these sample limitations, our findings are still valid since there might be very little difference between pretimed and adaptive methods under uncongested conditions. For example, there is less than a 1% change in speed in cities like Urumqi and Yili when implementing the proposed adaptive method.
In addition, we quantified trip time benefits based on a study conducted in 2018 and the baseline BAU CO2 emissions using data collected in 2015 by assuming that socioeconomic conditions remain unchanged. This would actually underestimate the benefits to some extent, mainly due to the high-speed economic progress in China in recent years. Both urban residents’ value of time and travel demand (and associated transport emissions) have increased. However, it is challenging to get around this limitation mainly due to limited data and field studies on this related topic. Despite underestimating benefits, we can still conclude that the proposed adaptive method presents a cost-effective measure for congestion mitigation.
Our scenarios are affected by travel demand and trip length in a city downtown area. Apparently, higher travel demand and longer trip length often lead to more severe traffic congestion in cities. In practice, there might be induced traffic on highways with increased speed. This can occur when people choose to travel by car instead of public transport or decide to travel when they otherwise would not have. Additionally, shortening trip time may also encourage longer trips as reduced travel costs encourage people to choose farther destinations. Although this may not increase travel demands, it increases vehicle kilometers traveled. The abovementioned side-effects may compensate for impacts of our proposed adaptive traffic signal control. We can’t account for the induced changes in travel demand trip length because the data and model used for trip generation could not predict the impact of average speed on urban mobility. However, despite speed may not increase due to the induced traffic, the proposed adaptive method could possibly serve more trips. Other countermeasures like improving public transit systems41,42 could compensate for induced travel demand by increasing the share of public transport in passenger traffic. In addition to impacts on motorized vehicles, further investigation is needed into the impact of adaptive traffic signal control on pedestrians and cyclists. We are aware of this limitation and identify key research to improve it in the future.
Despite these limitations, this research contributes to advancing the scientific understanding of how adaptive traffic signal control and congestion mitigation, emission reduction are connected. We highlighted that the adaptive method (and potentially other data-based measures) could offer a cost-effective pathway to mitigate traffic congestion and contribute to urban carbon emission reduction in cities. Our findings not only shed light on the impact of adaptive traffic signal control on congestion mitigation but also contribute essential new data-based solutions for attainment of the SDGs focusing on “sustainable cities and communities” and “climate action”, especially for cities in China and other countries globally that are facing similar issues. Additionally, the proposed central system to enable data-sharing among sectors is essential for both our proposed adaptive method and other data-based city management or governance solutions.