Data compiled from online databases and consulted literature demonstrated that, in the study area, the reproductive period of Astronium graveolens, A. urundeuva and Schinopsis brasiliensis is mostly during the dry season (Santin 1989, Santin and Leitão 1991, Machado et al. 1997, Leite 2002, Nunes et al. 2008, Carvalho 2009, Santos et al. 2008, Kiill et al. 2010, Luz 2011, Santos et al. 2018, Coradin et al. 2018). For Astronium fraxinifolium and Spondias tuberosa this period is during the beginning of the rainy season, and for Schinus terebinthifolia it is during the end of the rainy season (Santin 1989, Machado et al. 1997, Epstein 1998, Leite 2002, Luz 2011, Nadia et al. 2007, Santos et al. 2008, Almeida et al. 2011, Mertens et al. 2017, Santos et al. 2018, Coradin et al. 2018). As there were no occurrences of specimen collections of Schinus terebinthifolia in the study area, collections from the southern region of the state of Bahia were chosen.
Data compiled from the online databases was not always in agreement with the phenology data for these species presented by the consulted literature — either the beginning of the flowering period was anticipated, or the species started flowering late. The greatest disagreements were for species with broad geographic distributions, even though they are related to the Cerrado and to the proximity of the Caatinga Biome region, or even with those that do not show synchronism in the reproductive period within the same population and even in the same plant (e.g., in Astronium graveolens).
Pollen morphology and standardization of terminology - a mini review
Anacardiaceae is characterized as eurypalynous, meaning that some palynological features are widely variable, especially concerning size, shape, apertures and exine ornamentation (Erdtman 1952). However, the six species studied here are morphologically very similar concerning the 3-colporate apertures and the presence of striae on the sexine, which characterizes them as stenopalynous. Also, the colpi are narrow and the colpi margines are prominent over the endoapertures, forming a protrusion noted both by LM and SEM. The space/cavity formed below the domed sexine is devoid of nexine, since the nexine forms the boundary of the endoapertural area. There is no separation of the inner part of the exine (nexine) from the domed sexine in the region of the endoaperture, meaning that there is no fastigium (vestibulum), as Ybert et al. (2016) observed for the species Astronium graveolens and Assis (2018) and Assis et al. (2018) for Schinopsis brasiliensis. Likewise, no thickening of the nexine close to the apertures (costae) was observed in any of the studied species, as reported by Assis et al. (2018) and Assis (2018) for Astronium fraxinifolium, by Assis et al. (2018), Assis (2018) and Ybert et al. (2016) for Astronium graveolens, and for Schinus terebinthifolia by Barros et al. (1999) and Ybert et al. (2016).
Pollen shape showed great intraspecific variation with specimens of the same species showing different P/E classifications. The same occurred with colpus width and length, and of sexine and nexine thickness, and so they also were not considered important characters for pollen discrimination.
Assis (2018) and Assis et al. (2021) used the superior and inferior limits of lalongate endoapertures, and its parallel or concave contour, as attributes that could corroborate taxonomic classification. In the present study, the three types of lalongate apertures (rectangular, “H”-shaped or elliptic) showed wide intraspecific variation and, therefore, were not sufficiently consistent to segregate taxa. Only Ybert et al. (2016) observed endoapertures as an “H” in some of the species of Anacardiaceae they studied; this, however, was not mentioned by Assis (2018). It is worth mentioning that the endoapertures of the pollen grains of Astronium urundeuva and Spondias tuberosa are wider while those of Astronium graveolens are narrower.
On the other hand, some measurements obtained, excluding qualitative data, were important for characterizing some genera or species through pollen morphology. The most important variables, especially in combination, were pollen grain size and the width of the margo of the colpus. These two variables were explained by both the PCA with all the studied species and the PCA with the average dimensions obtained for the pollen grains of each species but excluding Spondias tuberosa. The widest colpus margo was observed in Schinopsis brasiliensis and the largest pollen grains were those of Spondias tuberosa, which stood out from the rest. When S. tuberosa was excluded from the multivariate analysis, the highest averages for P and E were for Astronium graveolens and the smallest for Schinus terebinthifolia.
Characterization of exine ornamentation under SEM was essential for distinguishing the suprastriato-inframicroreticulate pollen grains of Pollen type I (in all species of Astronium and in Schinopsis brasiliensis) from the striate-perforate pollen grains of Pollen type II (Schinus terebinthifolia and Spondias tuberosa). The sinuous striae of the first group have predominantly continuous, long and high muri spaced between them in the direction of the polar axis, which are also branched and juxtaposed transversely in some areas, mainly in the apocolpium, with irregular infrareticulum and lumina of varying shapes and sizes.
The striae of the second group are comparatively less sinuous, with low muri that are shorter and branched (Spondias tuberosa) or longer and less branched (Schinus terebinthifolia), disposed very close together in the direction of the polar axis, with less transverse striae in the apocolpium than in Pollen type I. Under LM, the surface ornamentation of the pollen grain was characterized as microreticulate-striate, with a pronounced microreticulum in the region of the apocolpium (Astronium fraxinifolium, A. graveolens, A. urundeuva and Schinopsis brasiliensis), or striate-microreticulate (Schinus terebinthifolia and Spondias tuberosa), with low muri that give a subtle appearance of a striate pattern in the first viewing focus.
Palynologically, the pattern of sexine ornamentation of Pollen type I, together with the morphological similarities of its pollen grains, were important characteristics to reinforce the taxonomic proximity of species inside the tribe Rhoeae, represented in our study by the species of Astronium and Schinopsis brasiliensis. Schinus terebinthifolia, which also belongs to the tribe Rhoeae, was an exception since its pollen grains were more similar to Pollen type II, along with Spondias tuberosa from the tribe Spondieae. Therefore, the studied species of the tribe Rhoeae showed great diversity of striae organization, as shown by Assis (2018) and Assis et al. (2021) for some species also studied here, and by Suarez et al. (2019) for other species of Schinopsis.
The pollen morphology observed for the taxa of the present study differed from some pollen descriptions in the literature.
One of the two specimens of Astronium fraxinifolium had medium-sized pollen grains, and P and E values similar to those reported by Luz et al. (2018), yet bigger than those reported by Anzótegui (2002), Assis (2018) and Assis et al. (2021). The other specimen had small-sized pollen grains that were similar to those of the previous cited authors. Our description of the suprastriato-inframicroreticulate sexine ornamentation, observed via SEM analysis, differed from the striate-perforate sexine ornamentation showed by Assis (2018) and Anzótegui (2002), and the striae observed here were high rather than shallow as described by Assis (2018). Our morphological descriptions based on LM also differed from Assis (2018), since we observed microreticulate-striate ornamentation with a pronounced microreticulum in the apocolpium while they reported striato-microreticulate ornamentation. Our descriptions made under LM were similar to the description of reticulate in the apocolpium and reticulate-striate in the mesocolpium of Luz et al. (2018b), differing only in the resolution of the size of the lumina (less than 1 µm in the present study). It is worth mentioning that interpretations of ornamentation under LM can vary among authors, since what is important for these kinds of descriptions is what is predominantly seen in the first focus of visualization, the striae or (micro-) reticulum, raising doubts due to the subtlety of the coarse and fine adjustments in the different levels of focus. Unlike Assis (2018) and Assis and Saba (2018), there was no proeminence on the sexine formed by a gradual increase in height of the columellae in the aperture region. Nor does the nexine become gradually thicker in the equatorial region as described by these authors.
The average values for P and E for Astronium graveolens pollen grains were similar to those reported by Roubik and Moreno (1991), Lorente et al. (2017), Assis (2018) and Assis et al. (2021), yet smaller than those of Sánchez-Dzib et al. (2009) and Ybert et al. (2016). The microreticulate-striate ornamentation of its pollen grains, as described herein under LM, with the microreticulum being more evident at the apocolpium, differed from the striato-reticulate description of Roubik and Moreno (1991) and Lorente et al. (2017), from the reticulate description of Sánchez-Dzib et al. (2009) and from the striato-microreticulate description of Assis (2018), although it was similar to the reticulate-striate to reticulate description of Ybert et al. (2016). A gradual increasing in the height of the columellae in the region of the aperture, as described by Assis (2018), as well as a thinner nexine at the poles becoming gradually thicker in the equatorial region, were not observed in the present study. These authors also pointed out other characteristics that were not seen by us, such as the presence of costa in the colpus (Roubik and Moreno 1991), circular endoapertures (Sánchez-Dzib et al. 2009), a fastigium and costae in the endoapertures (Ybert et al. 2016).
The most significant difference from the P and E limits found here for the pollen grains of the three specimens of Astronium urundeuva were the larger limits reported by Silva et al. (2020). Our results for P and E limits were similar to those of Silva et al. (2014), Lorente et al. (2017), Assis (2018) and Assis et al. (2021). The ornamentation considered by us under LM as microreticulate-striate with more pronounced microreticulum in the apocolpium region, differed from the striato-reticulate of Silva et al. (2014) and Lorente et al. (2017), the striato-microreticulate of Assis (2018) and the striate of Silva et al. (2020). Pollen analysis under SEM showed that the exine of the species is suprastriato-inframicroreticulate, as also described by Markgraf and D’Antoni (1978) and Assis et al. (2021). The description of Assis (2018) under SEM was as striate-perforate, but the images of the mesocolpium shown by the author reveal the ornamentation to be equal to our description for this species. In one of the images of Assis (2018) we can even see a lot of pollenkitt covering the apococolpium, which can lead to misinterpretation of perforation due to the clogging of striae and muri of the microreticulum. Assis (2018) and Assis and Saba (2018) described in optical (cross-) section a gradual increase in columellae height in the apertural region, which was not seen in the present study. Lorente et al. (2017) described the presence of an ectannulus in polar view, which does not seem correct, since annulus is a term used for porate pollen grains, which is not the case for this species.
Assis (2018), Assis and Saba (2018) and Assis et al. (2021) reported on the pollen morphology of Schinopsis brasiliensis and argued that its pollen grains were one of the smallest among their studied species, which differs from what was found by the present study. The pollen surface was described by these authors, under both LM and SEM, as striato-reticulate or striato-microreticulate, which is in agreement with the exine suprastriato-inframicroreticulate that we found under SEM. However, it diverged from the microreticulate-striate exine observed under LM in all the three specimens studied here. Our SEM results for Schinopsis brasiliensis are in consonance with those reported by Suaréz et al. (2019) for pollen grains of six other species of Schinopsis from Argentina, which were characterized as predominantly suprastriato-inframicroreticulate. Assis (2018), Assis and Saba (2018) and Assis et a. (2021) indicated that pollen grains of S. brasiliensis have comparatively thicker colpi margines than other species of Anacardiaceae. The colpi margines for the specimens studied here also stand out, not for thickening, but for having greater width, since both the height of the columellae and the tectum of the sexine, as well as the thickness of nexine, showed constant thickness throughout the pollen grain.
The P and E values for the two specimens of Schinus terebinthifolia analyzed here were very close to the values reported by Erdtman (1952), Assis (2018) and Assis et al. (2021), smaller than those reported by Gonçalves-Esteves and Ferreira (1994), Cruz-Barros and Granito (1997), Barros et al. (1999), Silva et al. (2014) and Ybert et al. (2016), and greater than those found by Anzótegui (1992), Takeda et al. (2000), Willard et al. (2004), Bitencourt (2016) and Lorente et al. (2017). The striato-perforate ornamentation observed under SEM was only cited by Assis (2018) and Assis et al. (2021) and differs from the striato-reticulate ornamentation cited by Barros et al. (1999) and Bitencourt (2016), and the microreticulate ornamentation cited by Anzótegui (1992). On the other hand, the specimens studied here were characterized as striato-microreticulate under LM, coinciding with Assis (2018) and Assis et al. (2021), and similar to the striato-reticulate description of Gonçalves-Esteves and Ferreira (1994), Silva et al. (2014), Ybert et al. (2016) and Lorente et al. (2017), yet differing from the finely reticulate (microreticulate) presented by Erdtman (1952), Anzótegui (1992) and Willard et al. (2004), and the reticulate ornamentation described by Cruz-Barros and Granito (1997). There are different interpretations of the surface ornamentation of pollen grains among palynologists even for same plant species, and especially when talking about what is considered a reticulum, microreticulum or perforation. This may be due to a lack of SEM analysis, or a lack of using international recognized glossaries such as Punt et al. (2007) that standardize palynological terminology. These differences could also be due to natural variability of species with broad geographic distributions (Cruz-Barros and Granito 1997).
The P and E limits among the three analyzed specimens of Spondias tuberosa varied widely, ranging from medium to large-sized pollen grains, considering the confidence interval. Smaller pollen grains were reported for this species by Silva (2007), Silva et al. (2016), Assis (2018), Silva et al. (2020) and Assis et al. (2021). Assis (2018) described it as having striato-microreticulate ornamentation based on SEM analysis, which differs from our observation of a striate-perforate exine surface. The images shown by Assis (2018) had a large amount of pollenkitt on the surface of the grains surface, which could have influenced their evaluation of exine ornamentation. Later, Assis et al. (2021) revaluated the description and cited it as striato-perforate under SEM. Under LM analysis the ornamentation is striato-microreticulate with low muri giving a subtle aspect to the striae at the first viewing focus, which coincides with the descriptions of Silva (2007), Silva et al. (2016) and Assis (2018), while differing from the microreticulate ornamentation described by Silva et al. (2020). We did not observe a gradual increase in the height of the columellae in the region of endoapertures, nor bridges in the colpus forming a protrusion, as observed and described in optical (cross-) section and SEM by Assis (2018) and Assis and Saba (2018). What we observed were the margines of the colpi forming protrusions over the endoapertures, but without having a thicker sexine in these areas nor the presence of bridges, since the margines do not connect from side to side, dividing the colpus into two parts, which is what defines a “bridge” according to Punt et al. (2007). None of the cited authors mentioned abnormally sized pollen grains, as seen here.
The proposal by Anzótegui (2001) and Suaréz et al. (2019) for only one pollen type for the family Anacardiaceae named “Schinopsis balansae” is not supported by the results of the present. study. We described two pollen types for the six species analyzed here, using differences in ornamentation and pollen size. Furthermore, the literature indicates more than one pollen type for Anacardiaceae.