The following reagents were used: Minimum Essential Medium (GIBCO, USA), fetal calfserum (GIBCO, USA), Nonessential Amino Acid Solution (Grand Island, NY, USA), TRIzol reagent (15596018, Invitrogen, USA), Tris and Glycine (Amresco, USA), Reverse Transcriptase M-MLV, dNTP Mixture and Recombinant RNase Inhibitor (TaKaRa, Japan). The following antibodies were used: β-actin (cw0096m, CWbio, China), FtL (ab109373, Abcam, USA), FtH (ab183781, Abcam, USA), Hepcidin(ab30760, Abcam, USA), Tmprss6 (12950-1-AP, Proteintech, China), FLAG (80010-1-RR, Proteintech, China), HJV (11758-1-AP, Proteintech, China), P-Smad1/5/8 (#9516, Cell Signaling Technology, USA), Smad1 (#6944, Cell Signaling Technology, USA), Smad4 (#46535, Cell Signaling Technology, USA), FPN1 (MTPP11-S, ADI, USA), TfR1(13-6800, Invitrogen, USA), Bcl-2 (26593-1-AP, Proteintech, China), Bax (50599-2-Ig, Proteintech, China), Caspase3 (#9662S, Cell Signaling Technology, USA), Cleaved-caspase3 (#9664, Cell Signaling Technology, USA), ATF3 (ABP55330, Abbkine, China), P-p38 (#4511, Cell Signaling Technology, USA), P38 (#8690S, Cell Signaling Technology, USA), protein marker (26617, Thermo, USA), anti-rabbit IgG (RPN4301, Amersham, UK), anti-mouse IgG (RPN4201, Amersham, UK).
2.2Plasmid constructs
The mouse Tmprss6 cDNA coding sequence (CDS) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 5’-ATGCCGAGATGTTTCCAGCT − 3’ and 5’- GGTCAGCACCTGCTGGATCCA-3’ primers and cloned into the pcDNA3.1 (+) vector. The 7930bp plasmid (Fig. 1A) contained a CMV promoter, the entire mouse Tmprss6 sequence (NCBI Reference Sequence: NM_027902.2), a C-terminal 3xFLAG tag and the G418 screening marker. The forward primer, 5’-ATGGACAATATGTCTATAAC-3’, and reverse primer, 5’-AGGTTCCACCCACGGACCC-3’, were used to clone the entire mouse Smad4 (NCBI Reference Sequence: NM_001364967.1) coding sequence and connect it to the pcDNA3.1(+) plasmid. The total length of the plasmid was 7101bp (Fig. 5A). The construct sequences were confirmed by sequencing (GENEWIZ, Suzhou, China).
We generated a pLVX vector carrying an ATF3 shRNA sequence, custom-designed using online software available from Invitrogen and TaKaRa. The ATF3 shRNA sequence was: 5’-GGAGATGTCAGTCACCAAGTCTTCAAGAGAGACTTGGTGACTGACATCTCCTTTTTT-3’.A nonsense shRNA sequence (5’-GTCGAACACCAATATACGA-3’) was also prepared and inserted into the pLVX vector for use as a negative control (Scrambled shRNA). The plasmid was 9044bp in length (Fig. 6A), and included a U6 promoter, the ATF3 shRNA sequence, and ZSgreen1 fluorescent protein. Constructs sequences were confirmed by sequencing (GENEWIZ, Suzhou, China).
2.3 Cell culture
Neuro-2a (WT group), Vector pcDNA3.1-transfected cells (Vector group), Tmprss6-transfected cells (Tmprss6 group), Smad4-transfected cells (Smad4 group), Scrambled shRNA-transfected cells (Scrambled shRNA group), and ATF3 shRNA-transfected cells (ATF3 shRNA group) were maintained in MEM supplemented with fetal calf serum (10%, vol/vol), nonessential amino acids (0.1mM), glucose (4.5 mg/ml),penicillin (100 U/ml), and streptomycin (100 mg/ml) in humidified 5% CO2 and 95% air at 37℃. Vector and Tmprss6 cells were maintained in G418 (500 µg/ml) to select stable Tmprss6-transfected neuro-2a cells.
2.4 Cell transfection
Efficient cell transfection experiments were performed using Lipofectamine™ 3000 kits (L3000015, Invitrogen, USA), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, neuro-2a cells were first inoculated in 6-well plates and allowed to grow to a density of 70–90%. Next, the plasmid DNA - liposome complexes were prepared, 2ul Lipofectamine™ 3000 and 4ul P3000 were added to every 2ug of plasmid DNA, and then diluted with Opti-MEM medium. Finally, the DNA-liposome complex was added to the neuro-2a cells, which were placed in a 37℃, 5% CO2 tissue culture incubator for generally 48–72 h before evaluation for transfected gene expression.
2.5 Immunofluorescence assay
Cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 1.5–2 h, the fix solution was discarded, and the cells were washed 3 times with 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for 5 min. A 0.5% Triton-100 solution was then applied for a 10 min treatment, after which the samples were washed twice with 0.01 M PBS. Goat serum (diluted 1:10 with PBS) was added, after which the samples were incubated at 37°C for 50 min. The primary antibody, diluted in PBS, was added drop-wise, and the samples were incubated at 4°C overnight. The samples were returned to room temperature for 15 min and washed 3 times with 0.01 M PBS for 5 min. Rhodamine-labeled, goat anti-rabbit secondary antibodies (1:200) were added, and the samples were incubated at room temperature for 90min. The samples were then washed 4 times with 0.01 M PBS for 5 min. DAPI (1:1000, diluted with PBS; 4 min) was used to stained the nuclei. Excess DAPI was removed by washing 6 times with 0.01 M PBS for 5 min. Images were acquired using a fluorescence confocal microscope (Olympus FV3000, Japan).
2.6 Western Blot
For the extraction of total protein from tumor tissues from nude mice or neuro-2a cells, the samples were first be placed into RIPA buffer and centrifuged at 12000×g for 20min. For the nuclear and cytoplasmic protein isolation from neuro-2a cells, a nuclear and cytoplasmic protein extraction kit (P0027, Beyotime, China) was used according to the manufacturer's instructions. Briefly, the cell samples were added to cytoplasmic protein extraction reagent A, violently shaken for 5 s, placed in an ice bath for 10–15min, added to cytoplasmic protein extraction reagent B, violently shaken for 5 s, and placed in an ice bath for 1min. After centrifugation at 12000×g for 5min, the supernatant contained the cytoplasmic proteins. Nuclear protein extraction reagent was added to the precipitate, which was violently shaken for 15–30 s, placed in an ice bath for 2min, and centrifuged at12000×g for 10min; the supernatant contained the nuclear protein. The protein supernatant in the above process was collected and quantified using a BCA kit (Kang Wei, Beijing, China). The samples were resolved by SDS-PAGE (10–12% acrylamide), and then transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). The membranes were blocked with 5% skim milk in TBS-T for 1.5 h and then incubated with primary antibodies overnight at 4℃. The membranes were washed with TBS-T buffer and then incubated for 90 min at room temperature with anti-rabbit or anti-mouse IgG conjugated with horseradish peroxide. After washing, immune reactive proteins were detected by the enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) method.
2.7 Quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR)
Neuro-2a cells were homogenized with TRIzol reagent, extracted with chloroform, and precipitated with isopropyl alcohol, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. RNA was reverse transcribed with MMLV reverse transcriptase and Oligo-dT primers after being washed twice with 75% alcohol. SYBR green PCR Master Mix was used for PCR amplification. The cycle threshold (Ct) value for a given gene of interest was first normalized to β-actin in the same sample, and then the relative differences between the control and each of the other groups were calculated using Eq. 2−ΔΔCt, and expressed as relative fold changes of the control group. The primer sequences used for amplification were as follows:
Tmprss6 forward:5’- TTGCTGGTCTTGGCTGCGCT-3’
Bnip3 forward: 5’-CCTGTCGCAGTTGGGTTC-3’
β-actin forward: 5’- AGGCCCAGAGCAAGAGAGGTA − 3’
β-actin reverse: 5’-TCTCCATGTCGTCCCAGTTG − 3’
2.8 Immunoprecipitation (IP)
Non-denatured lysate (P0013, Bytotime, China) was added to the cell samples, which were then placed in an ice bath for 10 min and centrifuged (12000×g). The supernatants were collected, protein A/G beads (which coupled with FLAG or an IgG antibody) were added to the supernatants, and the samples were slowly shaken at 4℃ in a silent mixer overnight. On the second day after the immunoprecipitation reaction, the protein A/G beads were centrifuged for 5 min at 12000×g, and washed 3 times with pre-cooled PBS. After adding SDS-PAGE loading buffer, the samples were incubated in a 95°C water bath 5min and centrifuged. Finally, the supernatants were collected for western blot analysis.
2.9 Measurement of total cellular iron levels by ICP-MS
Total cellular iron levels were measured by ICP-MS using a previously described method[25].Briefly, the cell samples were thermally digested in 70% nitric acid using a microwave method at an asymptotic temperature. After the digested samples were diluted, an Agilent 7500ce ICP-MS (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) was used to determine the total iron content of the samples. An 8-point calibration curve was performed before sample analysis. At least 3 samples of each cell preparation were analyzed by ICP-MS. The total iron content of the sample was calculated by dry sample weight.
2.10 Fe2+ content
Cytoplasmic ferrous iron content was assessed using FerroOrange (DojinDo, Japan). The assay does not detect ferric iron that is bound to proteins. After reduction to the ferrous form (Fe2+), cytoplasm Fe2+ (Cyto-Fe) reacts with probes to produce a stable colored complex. The cells were counterstained with Hoechst (1:1000, diluted with PBS) for 30 min at 37℃. After washing the samples 3 times for 5 min with 0.01 M PBS, the fluorescence intensity was analyzed using a confocal microscope (Olympus FV3000, Japan).
2.11 RNR activity assay
RNR activity in neuro-2a cells was carried out using a kit from Mlbio company (NO. YJ151420, Shanghai, China), according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
2.12 Assessment of apoptosis by flow cytometry and TUNEL staining
TUNEL detection was performed using a TUNEL FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit (Vazyme Biotech CO., Nanjing China), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, tissue slides or neuro-2a cells were pretreated with 10 µg/ml proteinase K for 10min and then incubated with the reaction mixture containing terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and fluorescein-conjugated deoxyuridine triphosphate (dUTP) for 1 h at 37°C. The nuclei were counterstained with DAPI, and images were acquired using a confocal microscope (Olympus FV3000, Japan).
Apoptosis was detected using a FITC-Annexin V apoptosis assay kit (#C1062L, Beyotime, Shanghai, China), according to the manufacturer's instructions. Neuro-2a cells were collected and stained with annexin V at 37°C for 10 min. Next, the samples were centrifuged at room temperature at 1000 ×g for 5 min. After washing the cells twice with PBS, the samples were stained with propidium iodide (PI). The percentage of apoptotic cells was analyzed by flow cytometry (CytoFLEX, Beckman Coulter).
2.13 Cell cycle analysis
Cell cycle was assessed using a Cell Cycle Analysis Kit (#C1052, Beyotime, Shanghai, China), according to the manufacturer's instructions. Neuro-2a cells were collected and stained with PI at 37°C for 30 min, after which the samples were centrifuged at room temperature at 1000 ×g for 5 min. The cells were washed twice with PBS and the percentage of cells in each cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry (CytoFLEX, Beckman Coulter).
2.14 RNA sequencing
Total RNA was extracted using TRIzol. The mRNA was sequenced on the Illumina Hiseq platform. Differential expression analysis of experimental and control groups was performed using the DESeq2 R package (1.16.1). The data were transformed into a volcano plot. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of differentially expressed genes was implemented using the cluster Profiler R package.
2.15 Xenograft tumor growth in nude mice
Male, glandless Balb/c nu/nu mice, 4 weeks of age and free of specific pathogens, were acquired from Vital River Laboratory Animal Technology (Beijing, China).The mice were placed in sterile, microisolated cages in a12-hour light/dark cycle environment in a specific pathogen-free facility. The animals had free access to pathogen-free water and food. 1×107 tumoral cells /ml (in 0.2 ml PBS) were injected subcutaneously into the mice. After becoming visible, tumor growth was observed weekly. Six weeks after injection, the mice were humanely killed and the primary tumor volumes and weights were measured.
2.16 Statistical analysis
All experiments were performed at least in triplicate. Statistical analyses were conducted using GraphPad Software’s Prism 7 (GraphPad Software, USA). The values are reported as the mean ± SD. Two-group comparisons were conducted using the Student’s t-test (two-tailed), while multi-group comparisons were conducted by One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc analysis. P-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.