We investigate a dynamic oligopoly response model with differentiated goods and sticky prices.Basing on the double decision problem of production planning and water saving, we put forward the water resource optimization model, and give the optimal production planning, water saving decision and water purchasing decision under static Nash equilibrium, open loop Nash equilibrium, closed loop Nash equilibrium and feedback equilibrium. Finally, we analyze the impact of oligopoly competition on social welfare. And the optimal solution is simulated numerically when the parameter values change.In this manuscripts, we argue that the initial water right allocation is a dynamic variable that changes over time, and that the government can reallocate initial water rights based on real-time feedback from enterprises on water saving, use and purchase to avoid water wastage. The results show that an enterprise's production planning, water saving planning and water purchase decisions as well as the initial allocation of water rights are influenced by the initial reservation price of the product and the initial reservation price of the water right.