Harmonic flower responses to stem vibrations are induced by an electric wand
An accelerometer, charge amplifier and data acquisition (DAQ) apparatus were setup to identify the main operating frequency of the electric vibrating wand (Fig. 2A). The frequency produced by the commercial tuning wand peaked at 40 Hz (Fig. 2B). The velocities of three floral organs (anther cone, petal, and petal-cone junction) during stem electric vibrations were assessed using a laser vibrometer setup in the glasshouse (Fig. 2C). The flower vibrated at an average frequency of approximately 55 Hz, resulting in a vibration velocity of around 7.4 mm/s. Four additional harmonic frequencies (integer multiples of the fundamental frequency value caused by resonance of the vibrating flower) of 110, 163, 275, and 493 Hz were identified (Fig. 2D). Fourier transformation of the vibrational signal in time revealed spectral components indicative of a consistent flower velocity during a 3 s interval (Fig. 2E). The floral vibration frequency remained consistent across the three floral components, spanning from 51 Hz to 55 Hz. Among them, the anther cone exhibited the highest velocity (~26 mm/s), while the petal displayed the lowest velocity (~7 mm/s). The vibration velocity of the petal-floral axis junction (~20 mm/s), fell between the velocities observed for the anther cone and petal (Fig. 2F). Therefore, electric vibrations to the plant stem below the truss induced the strongest and yet consistent vibrational response to the poricidal cone in a harmonic manner ranging from 55 to 493 Hz.
Flower vibrational response spectrum to a mechanical shaking arm
The frequency and vibration response of tomato flowers to a mechanical shaking arm designed to stimulate stem movement between 40 to 1000 kHz was assessed (Fig. 3A). Firstly, the mechanical arm output velocity was quantified relative to sliding range of input frequency up to 150 Hz. Two vibrational peaks were observed. One ranged from 40-50 Hz and a second stronger signal from 80-100 Hz, after which the arm velocity began to decline (Fig. 3B). A comparison between the electric wand and mechanical arm stimulating a tomato stem, revealed that the floral vibrational response at 40 Hz of mechanical arm movement was twice (~14 mm/s) that of the tuning fork (~7 mm/s) (Fig. 3C). The vibration velocity of the flower was highest when the stem was vibrated at 50 Hz by the mechanical shaker arm (~40 mm/s), and rapidly declined to 80 Hz after which it gradually weakened unable to stimulate flower movement (Fig. 3C).
Sonication induces floral vibrational bandwidth responses with higher acceleration
The floral response was measured during non-contact vibrations induced by a subwoofer speaker operating between 30 to 10,000 Hz (Fig. 3D). The highest floral velocity was observed at ~60 Hz (3460 µm/s) and declined rapidly revealing two smaller peaks around 180 Hz (~291 µm/s) and 700 Hz (~229 µm/s) before stabilizing between 1 and 10 kHz at 47 to 18 µm/s respectively (Fig. 3E). The acceleration of floral vibration was similar at 50, 700, and 10,000 Hz (130, 103 and 115 µm/s2, respectively) (Fig. 3F). Sonic vibrations at 1000 Hz induced the highest sound pressure level (SPL) of ~94 dB and steadily decreased to ~50 dB at 10,000 Hz (Fig. 3G). The vibrational bandwidth response to a subwoofer treatment of three sequential flowers on a single truss was quantified using a laser vibrometer. Within a bandwidth range of 55 - 60 Hz, the three flowers showed a similar peak amplitude velocity of 8 mm/s (Fig. 3H). Within the frequency range of 840 to 1000 Hz, the peak amplitude flower velocity of the three flowers reached its maximum at 880 Hz (~800 µm/s) (Fig. 3I). Therefore, the floral velocity was highest at lower sonic frequency bandwidth (50-60 Hz) and there were two other distinct peaks of high acceleration around 840-1000 Hz and 10,000 Hz.
Endeavour flowers exhibit a weak power-law dependence towards sonic-induced self-pollination
Endeavour self-pollination efficiency to vibrational stimulation by an electric wand, mechanical shaker arm (40 and 80 Hz) and sonication (50, 180, 250, 900, and 10,000 Hz) was assessed by quantifying seed set (number of seeds/fruit, and seed weight/fruit), fruit size (fruit height and width) and weight relative to the untreated controls (Fig. 4). The number of seeds formed per tomato fruit reflects the pollination efficiency. All floral vibration frequencies, regardless of the treatment device, significantly enhanced seed number per fruit by ~1.9- to 2.1-fold (~94-110 %) relative to the untreated controls (Fig. 4A). Floral vibration treatments substantially increased seed weight per fruit by 1.9- to 2.5-fold (94-143 %) compared with the control (Fig. 4B). There were no significant differences in seed set among the three pollination treatments revealing that the lower frequencies (40-50 Hz) were equally effective as the higher frequencies (10,000 Hz) in triggering self-pollination (Fig. 4A-B).
Cellular vibration enhanced the overall fruit size relative to the untreated control, yet the phenotypic variations depended on the specific vibrational treatment and frequency applied (Fig. 4C). Lower vibrational frequencies generated by the electric wand (40 Hz), and subwoofer (50 Hz) significantly enhanced fruit weight (72-82 %), height (17 %), and width (20-22 %) (Fig. 4D-F). Mechanical arm vibrations at 40 Hz significantly increased fruit weight (88 %) and height (38 %) yet the width was only marginally larger compared with the control. At 80 Hz, the mechanical arm enhanced height (20 %) but the width (18 %) and overall weight were only marginally trending greater compared to the control. (Fig. 4D-F). There was an overall linear trend whereby the fruit size increased with sonic frequency such that the distribution of fruit parameter plot ranges was notably higher between 250 and 10,000 Hz compared with lower frequencies (Fig. 4C-F). Fruit height was significantly enhanced by sonic vibrations at 250 Hz (29 %), 900 Hz (31 %) and 10,000 Hz (38 %) (Fig. 4E). The fruit width (33-49 %) and weight (118-188%) were substantially higher at 10,000 Hz (Fig. 4D and 4F). A cross-section of the tomato fruits revealed that sonication at higher frequencies enhanced the mesocarp thickness without altering seed set in comparison with the electric vibrating wand (Fig. 4G). Therefore, the highest sonic frequency of 10,000 Hz unexpectedly hyper-induced fruit height, width, weight, and mesocarp thickness revealing a robust frequency-dependent power-law cell behavior observed in response to infra- to ultra-sonication induced floral vibrations.
Sweetelle flowers exhibit a weak power-law dependence towards sonic-induced self-pollination
The pollination efficiency of cell vibrational frequencies induced by infra- (250 Hz) and ultra-sonication (10,000 Hz), mechanical shaking arm (40, 80 Hz), and electric vibrating wand (40 Hz) were next evaluated using Sweetelle flowers (Fig. 5). The seed set and seed weight per fruit were similar across all treatments, while exhibiting a remarkable increase of 3.7-6-fold (268-497%) and 2.8-4.4-fold (182-333%), respectively, in comparison with the untreated control (Fig. 5A-B). The lower 40 Hz of mechanical shaking arm vibration did not change the fruit height, width and weight. However, sonic frequencies (250 and 10,000 Hz), the 40 Hz vibrating wand, and 80 Hz of mechanical arm movement significantly enhanced fruit weight, height, and width, by 1.9-2.1fold (94 -109 %), 1.2-1.3 (24-30 %) and 1.3-1.4 (33-42%), respectively compared with the control (Fig. 5C-F). Collectively, these findings illustrate that infra- and ultra-sonication can trigger self-pollination in Sweetelle and enhance fruit size effectively similar to that of the gold standard electric vibrating wand.
Sonic vibrations disruption of poricidal anther cone trichomes
The mechanism by which sonic vibrations might trigger pollen release was investigated by comparing anther cone structures from unpollinated vs pollinated (40 Hz electric wand and 10,000 Hz sonication) Sweetelle flowers using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In untreated control flowers, the anther cones were connected by a mesh of interlocked trichome hairs along the edges, tightly joining individual anthers along the central stylar channel (Fig. 6A-C). These trichomes are distributed across the back, front, inside and around the sides of the anther cone (Fig. 6A). Flowers exposed to sonic vibrations (Fig. 6G-I) or the electric vibrating wand (Fig. 6D-F) displayed unentwined trichomes (Fig. 6E,H) that appear loosely packed (Fig. 6D, G) correlating with a change in trichome structure compared with the untreated control (compare Fig. 6C, F, I). The trichomes of vibration treated flowers (both acoustic and mechanical) exhibited a greater visual separation (Fig. 6, E, H). The disentanglement and loosening of the trichome mesh network likely contributed to the enhanced transmission of cell vibrations within the anthers and imposed centrifugal forces to the pollen grains within the anther locules leading to release for successful self-pollination.