Larvae overall characters (n=2): Length: 15.8 mm, greatest width: 6.4 mm, height: 4.8 mm; sub-cylindrical in shape and sub-circular in cross section, flattened ventrally; anterior end truncated, and posterior end slightly tapered. Light to dark brown in color, getting darker after fixation (Fig. 1A). Mouth-hooks external, well developed and highly sclerotized (Fig. 1B). Rough integument with segmentation as transverse wrinkles, integumental vestiture well-developed, with short, pointy, directed backwards and sclerotized brown spicules being more pointed in dorsal surface and longer and densely aggregated in the anal segment (both in dorsal and ventral view); segmental sensilla conspicuous, consisting of wider basal papilla bearing long needle-like terminal setae projected backwards. Anal segment with one pair of lappets located ventrally, below posterior respiratory process (PRP) with fleshy projections (Fig. 1B).
Head skeleton Mandibles with black sclerotized hooks, with a pair of small accessory teeth on the inner side of hooks. Mouth-hooks projecting downwards along each side of the mouth, fused to the black sclerotized external mandibular lobes (Figs. 2, 3A and 3C). Dorsal cornu narrowed and tapered slightly downwards towards sharp apex, representing almost whole length of ventral cornu, giving a pear shape to the basal sclerite; dorsal bridge, vertical plate and intermediate sclerite apparently fused together and all highly sclerotized; ventral cornu elongate and narrow in profile view, with cibarium located at base, bearing barely developed ridges, wider and more heavily sclerotized at posterior end, forming grinding mill of pestle and mortar construction (Fig. 2).
Pseudocephalon and thorax Dorsal lip smooth with no ornamentation. Lateral and ventral lips not very developed, with similar ornamentation as the rest of the integument, being more pointed than ventral surface ornamentation (Fig. 3A). Well-developed and sclerotized antenno-maxillary organs placed on top of a pair of fleshy rounded projections placed between dorsal lip and dorsal surface of the prothorax and a basal cushion covered with rounded and domed spicules posteriorly. Antenno-maxillary organs consist of two pairs of cylindrical to conical-shaped structures with sensilla on top, one big sensilla on top of antenna and some small on top of maxillary palpi (Figs. 3A and 3B). Dorsal surface of the prothorax with five longitudinal grooves, with conspicuous aggregated light-brown spicules. Ornamentation on the two central ridges of the prothorax elongated progressively, forming a rectangular patch of longer spicula between the third pair of sensilla of the prothorax and mesothorax (Fig. 3B). Pair of anterior spiracles almost twice as long as broad at the base, sclerotized, reddish-brown in color, cylindrical with a big scar at the base (Fig. 4B), facing outwards the larval body, with two linear spiracular openings, in a parallel position, at the apex (Fig. 4A). Mesothoracic prolegs absent.
Abdomen: Primordia of pupal spiracles present on the dorsal surface of the first abdominal segment, indicating the third larval stage (Fig. 1A). Absence of prolegs, raised elongated domes present in 1–7th abdominal segments as locomotory organs, lacking crochets. Circular patch of shorter, blunter, and densely aggregated spinules present at the external bases of the domes (Fig. 5). Dorsally, abdominal segments 1–6th bearing three folds each, segmental sensilla 1st and 2nd present in the second fold and segmental sensilla 3rd and 4th slightly posterior; on the abdominal segment 7th, three folds present, bearing first segmental sensilla on the second fold and 2nd and 3rd in third fold. Anal segment bearing three very thin folds, only one pair of lappets present, located ventrally below the PRP (Posterior Respiratory Process), bearing longer fleshy papilla totally covered with long spiculae (of the same ornamentation, but longer, looking more like setae) with sensillum 4th on top (Figs. 6A and 6C). Dorso-laterally, sensilla 2nd and 3rd very close to each other but not on top of fleshy projections so they are not considered as lappets (Fig. 6B). Ventrally, the central lobe of the anal segment is wider anteriorly, becoming slightly narrower towards posterior apex (parallel margins), sensillae 4–5 are between sensilla 6 and 7 (Fig. 1B).
Posterior Respiratory Process: black and shiny, clearly visible from dorsal view, in the shape of a truncated cone, slightly wider than long, with base slightly wider than apex, with an annular groove at the base; entirely coriaceous and conspicuously ornamented from base to central area, smooth surface at the very apex; lateral surface with undulate grooves and small dents above annular groove and granulated below annular groove (Fig. 7B); the outline of the spiracular plate sub-elliptical and mostly regular in polar view; four pairs of well-developed inter-spiracular setae emerging from the edge of the spiracular plate; spiracular plate with four pairs of slightly convoluted irregularly-shaped spiracular openings around two central scars; spiracular scars in a pair of abrupt cavities, sunken depressions in the middle of the spiracular plate (Fig. 7C).
Chaetotaxy: Prothorax (Pr) with 10 pairs of sensillae (9th and 10th together, not separated). Mesothorax (Ms) and metathorax (Mt) with 8 pairs of sensilla. First to seventh abdominal segment with 9 pairs of sensillae. Anal segment with 7 pairs of sensillae.
Puparium overall description: Sub-circular in cross-section, slightly tapered posteriorly and flattener ventrally. Light brown in colour. rough integument with larval segmentation persisting as transverse folds and wrinkles (Fig. 7A). The length including PRP is 13.35 ± 1.04 mm, maximum width is 6.45 ± 0.59 mm and maximum height is 6.15 ± 0.73 mm (N = 4). Pupal spiracles are projected from the upper part of the operculum, being separated by a distance about four times the length of one spiracle.
Pupal spiracles: Sclerotized, dark brown in color, stout, cylindrical in shape, slightly tapered towards the apex; length ≈ 0.6 mm, 2 to 3 times as long as broad; separated by distance of ≈ 4 times their length; with the exception of the lower part of ventral surface, the whole structure covered with irregularly-spaced, oval-shaped domed tubercles on top of multiple layers (3–7) each; spiracular surface reticulated, ventral surface not bearing tubercles smoother, granulated at the apex (Figs. 8A and 8B); 4–9 radially-arranged sub-elliptical spiracular openings on each tubercle (Fig. 8C).