On February 6, 2023, two devastating earthquakes with Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 were recorded at 04:17 and 13:29 in southeastern Turkey1,2. The latter earthquake caused a 98 km-long surface rupture on the Çardak Fault, an east-west trending, left-lateral intracontinental fault that extends at a 45° angle to the transform segment of the East Anatolian and Dead Sea faults in southeastern Turkey (Fig. 1a). Remarkably, the surface rupture did not follow a boundary visible in the morphology and did not follow the previously mapped fault trace, but ran across the tops or steep slopes of mountains and ridges (Fig. 1b). The Çardak Fault Earthquake resulted in the rupture zone formed over the thin snowpack causing a unique 98 km-long rupture pattern and displacements of 10.0-12.6 m on the fault, and this phenomenon is widely discussed in social media3.
Extreme ruptures
Over the past 168 years, the largest lateral displacements have been measured on surface ruptures of thrust and strike-slip faults between 9.5 and 18.7 m. Prior to the instrumental period, an earthquake with Mw greater than 8.1 on the Wairarapa Fault in New Zealand in 1855 caused a maximum displacement of 18.7±1 m along a 145 km-long fault4. In the 1857 earthquake on the San Andreas Fault, a surface rupture more than 300 km-long occurred, and the maximum displacement was measured as 9.5 m and the magnitude of the earthquake was calculated as M 8.255. In the early instrumental period, in 1931, a rupture of the Fu-Yun Fault occurred with the maximum displacement of 14.6 m along a 180 km-long rupture, and the magnitude of the earthquake was M 7.96. In the Damxung Earthquake of 1951, which had a magnitude (M) 8.0, a 200 km-long surface rupture with a displacement of 12 m occurred7. In the 1957 Gobi-Altai Earthquake, a lateral displacement of 9 m was observed along a 236 km-long surface rupture7. Statistics of recorded earthquakes in the world in the modern instrumental period revealed a relationship between displacement, magnitude, and fault length7,8. In 2013, a 205 km-long surface rupture occurred as a result of Mw 7.7 earthquake in Baluchistan, Pakistan, and the maximum displacement was measured to be 11.4±1.3/2.1 m9,10. Most recently, in 2016, the Kaikoura Earthquake in New Zealand (M 7.8) measured a maximum displacement of 11.8±0.3 m on surface rupture of approximately 83 km along the Kekerengu (onshore)-Needles (offshore) Fault11.
Clearly, extreme displacements on faults with strike-slip could be mapped much more accurately by both remote sensing and field observations during earthquakes after 20139,10,11,12. The earthquake on the Çardak Fault, the second of the two major earthquakes that occurred in Turkey on February 6, 2023, in the Kahramanmaraş-Elbistan region, occupies a new place among the seven earthquakes mentioned above with its extreme displacements.
Çardak Fault Earthquake Segmentation and surface rupture area
The Çardak Fault is a secondary fault conjugate to the Riedel P fractures, which make a 30° angle to the East Anatolian Fault Zone in an approximately counterclockwise direction (Fig. 1A). The surface rupture of the fault was traced in the field for 98 km between coordinates 38º00’09.38” N-36º30’19.86” E in the west and 37º58’17.72” N-37º36’10.10” E (Kuztepe) in the east (Fig. 1B). To the west, the surface rupture terminated to south of Göksun town. According to the displacements observed in the field, the surface rupture does not extend southwest as also observed in the aftershock distribution, but in a westerly direction toward the main road of Göksun town (https://atlas.harita.gov.tr/#14.41/37.99865/36.52425). According to field observations, it is clear that the rupture does not continue toward southwest or is not reflected on the surface according to the aftershock distribution (Fig. 1B). To the east, the surface rupture terminated at the edge of Kuztepe peak (KT), which is located south of Bıçakçı village (Figs. 1B and 1C). Even from this point, the surface rupture did not continue eastward. No lateral displacement was observed on either the Çığlık Fault, which ruptured during the earthquake, the Sürgü Fault, where limited aftershocks were recorded, or the Malatya Fault to the northeast (Fig. 1B, detailed observations available at https://atlas.harita.gov.tr/#9.85/38.001/37.1529).
Although the distribution of aftershocks following the major earthquakes suggest large-scale deformation, the rupture signature at the surface and our deformation measurements do not provide evidence for aftershocks on faults angled toward the Çardak Fault extent the rupture in those directions. These aftershocks showed oblique normal fault solutions angled toward the left-lateral Çardak Fault, dominated by a normal component in the northeast-southwest direction, whereas the left-lateral shear at the beginning and end of the fault has very few left-lateral components (Fig. 1B, Supplementary Table 3). The surface rupture caused by the last earthquake on the Çardak Fault resulted in 10 separate segments that step over each other. The length of these segments ranges from 3.5 to 23.0 km (Fig. 1C). Surface rupture on the Çardak Fault was observed predominantly within a narrow deformation zone of a few meters, and it was observed to occasionally split into branches within a few hundred meters of the step over (Supplementary Fig. 1, Table 1; Locality 69-77, 78-87, 92-97, 97-104, 108-109, 111-118, 119-127, 166-175, 216-218).
Extreme displacements on Çardak Fault and on-fault/near-fault displacement pattern.
Ten displacement measurements on the Çardak Fault are between 10 and 12.6 meters. In addition, displacements between 8 and 9.9 m were measured in 44 localities, between 5.0 and 7.9 m in 144 localities and between 0.1 and 49 m in 115 localities (Supplementary Table 1). Among them are five important sites from west to east (Figure 2). Of these sites, the largest left-lateral displacement was measured as 12.6 m at Korkmaz (Figure 2A-2A'). The other lateral displacements measured from west to east were 10.5 m at Uzunsırt (Figure 2B), 10.3 m at Kümeevleri (Figure 2C-2C'), 10.5 m at Doğu Barış (Figure 2D-2D'), and 12.3 m at Sarıdaş (Figure 2E-2E'), respectively. During the fieldwork, a newly constructed garden fence at Korkmaz locality was found to be displaced by the fault. Data were collected using a Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) integrated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) at this location with an accuracy of one centimeter. Field measurements were compared to these data, which showed that the garden fences were offset as 12.6 and 11.0 meters, respectively. At the same time, to the west, displacements in this section of the fault decreased from 9.2 to 8.7 m in a distance of 200 m (Fig. 2A-2A'). In the Uzunsırt locality, the UAV-derived orthophotos showed that the road was displaced 10.5 m by the fault (Fig. 2B). In the Kümeevleri locality, a 10.5 m left-lateral offset was identified by measurements obtained by comparing pre- and post-earthquake orthophotos on a streambed and a road close to each other (Fig. 2C-2C'). One of the most remarkable extreme displacements measured east of Barış Village was determined by mapping building locations very close to the fault on pre- and post- earthquake orthophotos.
A farmhouse and its wall in the northern block moved 6.3 m to the west and a pool in the southern block moved 4.2 m to the east parallel to the fault, for a total relative movement of 10.5 m (Figure 2D-2D'). Similarly, a dirt field road in Sarıdaş region moved 8.6 m to the west in the northern block and 3.7 m to the east in the southern block, totaling 12.3 m (Figure 2E-2E').
In these observations, taking into account the data showing that buildings and fixed points located close to the fault on a block moved away from the fault in two different directions, the nature of the relative movement relationship between the pre- and post- earthquake points is shown on orthophotos, on the northern and southern blocks of the fault/fault zone in areas up to 500 m from the fault.
The relative motions of the selected points on the northern and southern blocks of the outer periphery were measured in a range between 10.0 and 11.8 m at 8 locations, 8.0 and 9.8 m at 21 locations, 5.3 and 7.8 m at 41 locations, and 0.4 and 4.9 m at 23 locations (Supplementary Table 2).
The two different sets of measurements made in this study have raised new and interesting questions. The most striking difference between the on-fault and near-fault observations is that the on-fault measurements sometimes exceed the near-fault measurements. When all displacements are graphed, it is noteworthy that there is a relationship between the on-fault and near-fault area that has never been recorded in earthquakes before (Figure 3). The second phenomenon is that observations along the fault show a gradual decrease in displacement before large displacements occur, followed by a sudden and dramatic increase (Figure 3A). Observations along the fault show that there are eight different jump points towards the west. There are also eight examples of low-value displacements that gradually decrease towards the east (Figure 3A). Moreover, such sudden jumps are not common along the fault rupture (Figure 3B). A third phenomenon observed when comparing the two sets of displacement values is that the on-fault displacement exceeds the near-fault displacement at 20 sites (Figure 3C).