Drosophila suzukii has greatly expanded its worldwide distribution due to its high polyphagia, among other reasons (Kimura 2004; Cini et al. 2012; Calabria et al. 2012). However, the observations of this work suggest that the quality of the food resources present in an area may differ between fruit species and their stage of maturity, since both could affect the development, survival and adult biometric traits of the fly population, which is in agreement with what was observed by other authors (Poyet et al. 2014; Jaramillo et al. 2015; Lee et al. 2015; Arnó et al. 2016; Bernardi et al 2017).
The developmental time was affected by the fruit species, but it did not vary between stages of maturity for the same fruit (Table 2). It varied between 10.6 and 15.6 days, which indicates that the duration of cycle can be 50% longer depending on the food of the larvae. The shortest developmental time was found in mulberries, regardless of their stage of maturity, whereas the highest values were observed in plums and blueberries. Some authors have found developmental times of SWD reared in blueberries and cherries slightly lower than those observed in this work (Jaramillo et al. 2015; Alhmedi et al. 2019; Cai et al. 2019). This difference could be due to the fact that these studies were carried out at a temperature between 23 and 25 ºC, slightly higher than the conditions of this study (21–25°C). No studies about the developmental time of D. suzukii in plums and mulberries were found, so these results would constitute the first data on the biology of SWD in these hosts. Several works have concluded that the larvae reared on an optimal diet have shorter developmental time (Edgar 2006; Markow and O'Grady 2008; Jaramillo et al. 2015). In this sense, mulberries, even in a stage prior to maturation, were the best food for SWD rearing. Added to this, the mulberries in both stages of maturity were the treatments where the maximum survival was recorded, higher than 78%. Similarly, survival in ripe cherries was almost 78%, an intermediate value to that observed by other authors (40 to 90%) (Lee et al. 2011; Alhmedi et al. 2019; Cai et al. 2019), while in ripe blueberries, survival was 57%, higher than it recorded by other works (between 30 and 55%) (Lee et al. 2011; Burrack et al. 2013; Cai et al. 2019). For ripe plum, survival was 66.7%, almost three times higher than that observed by Cabrera (2019), who used an artificial diet composed mainly of plum macerates. In this case, the other ingredients of the diet could be affecting its nutritional quality, so the data is not directly comparable.
In each fruit species, higher survival was observed in ripe stage than in ripening one, although only in cherries and plums the difference was statistically different (Table 2). In agreement, other authors compared the susceptibility of various fruits to SWD and found in most of them that when Brix levels increased, more SWD developed on (Lee et al. 2011; Little et al. 2017; Kamiyama and Guédot 2019). In the same way, Arnó et al. (2016) observed in two strawberry varieties higher percentages of pupae in red than in ripening or unripe fruits, possibly due to higher sugar content. In this sense, Little et al. (2017) suggest that SWD larvae can develop in a wide range of sweetness and acidity, as long as their sugar and protein needs are met, since it is known that the proper balance between these nutrients is essential for the development of SWD (Young et al. 2017).
All body measurements were larger in females than in males, which is in agreement with other authors (Jaramillo et al. 2015; Cabrera 2019). On the other hand, the WW did not differ among treatments, while only females showed differences in the WL, which does not agree with Jaramillo et al. (2015), who found no differences in wing length according to the diet of the larvae of SWD. In relation to the TL, both sexes showed significant differences according to the diet. These differences were not observed for the same fruit in different stages of maturity, and when the larvae were fed with ripe or ripening mulberries, the adults of both sexes were in the group with the highest TL (Table 3). The size of adults in many cases is correlated with performance components such as fecundity, longevity, mating behavior and resistance to stress (Kingsolver and Huey 2008) and it has been found that larger adults can reach higher speeds and accelerations during flight, which could influence the flight and dispersal capacity (Fraimout et al. 2018; Pajač Živković et al. 2018).
Both indices, the WLo and the WAs, did not present significant differences among treatments. The wing loading is related to the flight capacity, the flight is more energetically efficient when the WLo is lower, since the wings are larger in relation to the body (Angelo and Slansky 1984; Berwaerts et al. 2002; Gibb et al. 2006; Fanara and Werenkraut 2017). On the other hand, the wing aspect is related to the flight pattern, when this value is higher it indicates that they have a faster flapping flight, while if it is lower it indicates a gliding flight (Norberg 1990; Wootton 1992; Fanara and Werenkraut 2017). Therefore, these flight characteristics would seem to be unaffected by the diets offered in this study. However, these results differ from those reported for other drosophilid species exposed to different diets (Fanara and Werenkraut 2017). While these indices only take into account biometric traits, the RPI can be considered as a measure of fitness, because relates these characteristics to biological ones, since it increases with viability and body size and decreases with developmental time (Klingenberg and Spence 1997. The results of this work show, on the one hand, that in all the fruits, this index was significantly higher when they were ripe, and on the other, that the value obtained for the larvae fed with ripe mulberry was significantly higher than that of the rest of the treatments. In the same way, Fanara and Werenkraut (2017) determined that for cactophilous drosophilid species the RPI varies according to the diet supplied.
The higher RPI found in ripe mulberry treatment is due to the fact that specimens developed in this fruit showed a large size associated with the shortest developmental time and a high survival rate. In the same way, Cabrera (2019) used this index to compare the fitness of SWD reared with different diets and densities, and found the highest RPI with the diet where obtained greater viability and shorter developmental time. In addition, other authors also found that when the developmental time is shorter, the size of the SWD adults is larger (Silva Soares et al. 2017; Bezerra da Silva et al. 2019).
The mulberry tree is a Chinese species used in cut and carry systems for more than 5000 years and to feed the silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) (Martín et al. 2007). In Argentina, it was introduced for ornamental purposes, becoming an invasive plant since it grows spontaneously (Tolaba and Novara 1996; Duarte Baschini and Dellafiore 2021). An alternative host can be considered beneficial if it strongly attracts the pest instead of the crops and, in addition, greater control efforts could be performed it, with the aim of reducing the population and preventing future attacks (Lee et al. 2015). However, in the region of this study, the mulberry bloom in late winter and its fruits are ripe in early November, shortly before many of the commercially important fruits such as raspberries, plums and some varieties of blueberries and cherries. This makes it one of the first food and oviposition resources in the region for SWD, mainly for the females of the wintering generation. In addition, the results indicate that the adults developed in mulberry would have morphological characteristics that would facilitate the dispersal and search for both mates and new food and oviposition resources, which would make this tree an alternative host of excellent quality,that should be avoided in the vicinity of susceptible fruit crops.