The proposed method is used to perform the texture analysis by constructing two models; machine learning and deep learning. These models emphasize extracting the texture features of the nanoparticles in the input images of the metal (silver, boron) and metal oxides (iron oxide, copper oxide) and then classifying them based on their texture features. KNN and PNN classifiers are used in machine learning models and deep learning models incorporate two advanced classifiers namely LeNet and ConvXGB.
The algorithm for the machine learning model is as follows;
Algorithm 1
Training phase
Step 1: Read FESEM and TEM images of boron, iron oxide, silver, and copper oxide nanoparticle
from the training set.
Step 2: Convert the given color image into a grayscale.
RGB values converted grayscale values by forming a weighted sum of the R, G, and B
components: gray = 0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B.
Step 3: Binarize the image using global thresholding to get the mask.
Step 4: Remove the non-pore part using a mask.
Step 5: Calculate the mean, kurtosis(k), skewness(s), and entropy(e) which has been
described in Eqs. (1), (2), and (3).
Step 6: Accumulate the extracted features in the vector form as a knowledge base.
Step 7: Stop.
Algorithm 2
Testing phase
Step 1: Read FESEM and TEM images of boron, silver, and copper oxide nanoparticle
from the testing set.
Step 2: Convert the given color image into a grayscale.
RGB values converted grayscale values by forming a weighted sum of the R, G, and B
components: gray = 0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B.
Step 3: Binarize the image using global thresholding to get the mask.
Step 4: Remove the non-pore part using a mask.
Step 5: Calculate the mean, kurtosis(k), skewness(s), and entropy(e).
Step 6: Performed classification using PNN and K-NN classifiers for classifying the images as Boron,
Iron oxide, Silver, and Copper oxide.
Step 7: Finally, calculate performance analysis parameters for measuring the quality
of the nanoparticles.
Step 8: Stop.
The flow diagram of the proposed machine learning model is depicted in Fig. 3.
The algorithm for the deep learning model is as follows;
Algorithm 1
Training phase
Step 1: Input FESEM and TEM images of boron, iron oxide, silver, and copper oxide nanoparticle
from the training set.
Step 2: Scale the images to fit the model.
Step 3: Convert the image to an image array.
Step 4: Build the corresponding label array on step 3.
Step 5: Build a CNN model using LeNet and ConvXGB.
Step 7: Define data augmentation.
Step 8: Fit the training models.
Step 9: Store the model in a knowledge database.
Step 10: Stop.
Algorithm 2
Testing phase
Step 1: Input FESEM and TEM images of boron, iron oxide, silver, and copper oxide nanoparticle
from the training set.
Step 2: Scale the images to fit the model.
Step 3: Convert the image to an image array.
Step 4: Build the corresponding label array on step 3.
Step 5: Build a CNN model using LeNet and ConvXGB.
Step 7: Define data augmentation.
Step 8: Fit the training models.
Step 9: Load the model from the training knowledge database.
Step 10: Predict the nanoparticle images as Boron, Iron oxide, Silver, and Copper oxide.
Step 11: Stop.
The flow diagram of the proposed deep learning mois del shown in Fig. 4.