We identified differences in the linear and circular transcriptome between early-stage PD patients and controls, with elevated expression of TMEM252 and LMNB1 observed in both PPMI and ICICLE-PD PD cases compared to controls. We independently validated expression changes in genes shown to modulate PD risk10 and in genes that had been previously reported to be differentially expressed in PD67–70. Additionally, we discovered three novel circRNAs that were decreased in PD, with similar trends observed in our replication cohort. After evaluating the performance of multivariable classification models, our results suggest that circRNAs are unlikely to be useful biomarkers for early-stage PD, particularly when compared to classification using gene expression. Perhaps more interestingly, we observed a tendency towards generalised decreased circRNA expression in PD in both cohorts, which correlated alongside decreased expression of genes involved in protein translation and increased expression of genes involved in the immune response. These findings suggest that reduced circRNA levels in the blood may be a proxy measure of the underlying pathology and add to the growing body of evidence linking RNA metabolism and immune response to PD71,72.
The global downregulation of circRNA expression we observed in blood is reminiscent of the reduction in microRNA expression seen in PPMI participants33. CircRNA expression is influenced by trans-acting proteins, including Ribonuclease L (RNase L)50 and adenosine deaminase RNA specific (ADAR), an enzyme responsible for A-I RNA editing that can modulate the base-pairing of reverse complementary matches in the flanking introns of circRNAs54,73. ADAR was significantly increased in PPMI PD cases and showed a similar trend in ICICLE-PD (STable 12). Although ADAR expression levels do not necessarily correlate with editing activity74, altered RNA editing has been observed in PD patients’ blood and brain regions61,75. RNase L degrades circRNAs as a response to viral infection50. The degradation of circRNAs is required for the activation of Protein Kinase R (PKR), a regulator of the integrated stress response (ISR)76,50. This is consistent with our results, where the reduction in circRNAs in PD we observed coincides with increased expression of RNASEL (RNase L) and EIF2AK2 (PKR) (Figs. 4e-f, STable 2), as well as the upregulation of genes related to antiviral activity and the innate immune response (Fig. 2c, STables 3–4). Although the role of RNase L in the antiviral immune response is well documented77, and despite the links between viral infection and PD78, to our knowledge, there have been no reports showing RNAse L expression changes in PD. Conversely, PKR activation has been observed in PD79,80. Endogenous dsRNA can lead to PKR activation81,82 and has been recently implicated in neurodegenerative diseases other than PD83–85. In mice, exogenous dsRNA triggered α-synuclein aggregation and dopaminergic neuron loss, suggesting the existence of aberrant dsRNA may have a potential role in the pathogenesis of PD86. Activated PKR leads to eIF2α phosphorylation, and results in global protein synthesis attenuation76. Protein synthesis is reduced in PD patient cell lines87,88, consistent with the reduced expression of genes related to protein synthesis and ribosomal function we observed in PD (Fig. 2c, STables 3–4). Our findings suggest that reduced circRNA expression in PD is linked to the increased expression of RNase L. The degradation of circRNAs allows for the activation of PKR, consistent with the increased activity of PKR in lymphocytes of PD patients80, and subsequently triggers the cellular ISR. Overall, these results highlight a central role of RNase L and PKR in the pathogenesis and/or systemic response to PD.
Using gene expression as a classifier of early-stage PD in the PPMI cohort was in line with previously published estimates (AUC = 0.84 compared to 0.80 in Makarious et al., 2022, Fig. 5c). In our independent replication cohort (ICICLE-PD), the AUC of the gene expression classifier was lower (ICICLE-PD AUC = 0.59, Fig. 5c). Despite promising results using circRNA as a biomarker in other diseases59, circRNAs performed substantially worse than gene expression when classifying PD in PPMI (AUC = 0.61 vs 0.84, Fig. 5c), although similar performance was seen in ICICLE-PD (AUC = 0.59 vs 0.59, Fig. 5c). Similar to previous work assessing circRNAs as a lung cancer biomarker90, combining circRNA expression with gene expression showed a small improvement in predictive ability over gene expression alone in both PPMI (AUC = 0.85 vs 0.84, Fig. 5c) and ICICLE-PD (AUC = 0.60 vs 0.59, Fig. 5c). This leads us to the conclusion that, for PD at least, circRNA expression has limited utility as a standalone biomarker but could be aggregated with other types of data to improve the detection of early-stage idiopathic PD.
When comparing differential gene expression, we identified two genes (TMEM252 and LMNB1) that were upregulated in PD cases in both cohorts, consistent with previous work27. TMEM252 encodes a transmembrane protein of unknown function that has been linked to cancer91, but has not previously been implicated in PD. LMNB1 encodes Lamin B1, a component of the nuclear lamina. Increased LMNB1 expression has been reported in the dopaminergic neurons of PD patients92 and a variant within LMNB1 has been associated with cognitive outcomes in PD93.
We were also able to independently replicate the differential expression of genes that have been previously reported in blood RNA-seq studies as differentially expressed in PD patients67–70 (LSMEM1, TPST1 and SLED1, Fig. 2d). As previous studies were not limited to early-stage PD (diagnosed < 13 months), these genes may reflect those with altered expression throughout PD development. Of the three genes replicated using PPMI, SLED1 and LSMEM1 encode proteins of unknown function. TPST1 encodes tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase 1, an enzyme required for post-translational modification of proteins that also plays important roles in the inflammatory process, leukocyte movement and cytosis, viral cell entrance, and other cell-cell and protein-protein interactions94. Interestingly, 3 out of the 4 previously reported genes replicated in ICICLE-PD (IFIT1, RSAD2, IFI44l, Fig. 2d) are induced by type-1 interferons95. Their increase in expression is consistent with an increase in type-1 interferon signalling in PD96. In addition, our data provide a potential mechanistic link between PD-associated genetic variation, identifying differential expression among genes associated with PD risk. These included PTRHD1 (STable 7), which encodes a peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase that has been linked to recessive parkinsonism97,98, and genes identified by association studies (BST1, FCGR2A, SIPA1L2, NOD2 and VAMP4, Fig. 2e)10.
Our analysis of circRNAs identified three that were over-expressed in PPMI PD cases compared to controls (within the genes BMS1P1, CCDC9 and ESYT2) with similar trends observed in ICICLE-PD (Figs. 2a-b). These circRNAs, or their host genes, have not previously been associated with PD. The protein product of CCDC9 is believed to be a member of the exon junction complex involved in RNA splicing99. CircRNAs from CCDC9 have been implicated in cancer, acting as a miRNA sponge to suppress tumorigenesis100, and in stroke, suppressing NOTCH signalling in mouse models of ischaemia101. Interestingly, alterations in NOTCH signalling has been linked to PD through the function of LRRK2102. ESYT2 encodes extended synaptotagmin 2, a member of the E-Syt family, which are endoplasmic reticulum (ER) localised proteins involved in tethering the ER to the cellular plasma membrane103. There is suggestive evidence that circRNAs derived from ESYT2 may be upregulated upon viral infection104, in contrast to the decreased expression we observed in PD patients (Figs. 2a-b). BMS1P1 encodes a pseudogene of ribosome biogenesis factor pseudogene 1 (BMS1), and there are no known disease associations for circRNAs produced by this gene.
We were also able to independently replicate trends in several previously reported differentially expressed circRNAs observed in PD blood and brain tissue61,62 (Fig. 3c, STable 10). Unfortunately, 23 of the 30 previously reported circRNAs (20 from the substantia nigra and three detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells) were undetectable at required levels in either PPMI or ICICLE-PD. We identified altered expression of circRNAs (derived from DOP1B and INTS6L), whose host genes have not been functionally linked to PD (STable 10). However, copy number variation in DOP1B has previously been linked to Alzheimer’s disease105, while deletion of INTS6L leads to a cardiomyopathic phenotype106. Differences in circRNA expression when compared to previous work may be attributable to tissue-specific expression (whole blood compared to the brain) or differences in blood cell composition (whole blood compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells). Nonetheless, our data extend the growing body of evidence linking circRNA dysregulation to PD60.
As a key vehicle for immune cells, the differences we observe in blood RNA expression in PD patients add to the proposed role of inflammation and immune dysfunction in the development and response to PD72. It is possible that changes in blood can be detected early on in disease duration, in line with the early presentation of non-motor symptoms and peripheral aggregations of α-Synuclein107. Pre-diagnosis changes in lymphocyte levels and function have been reported108,109. In addition, inflammation markers within blood have been associated extensively with both PD risk and symptom progression110.
In this work, we have drawn together and performed the largest whole-blood circular transcriptome analysis of PD, focusing on the potential utility of circRNAs as biomarkers. However, several limitations must be considered. Biomarker detection using whole-blood has numerous advantages, including accessibility and ease of processing, but we could not account for variation in the proportions of different blood cell types across sample111,112. In addition, despite efforts to increase homogeneity (see Cohorts), both cohorts differ in some respects. Firstly, PPMI participants were not receiving treatment at sample collection, whereas most ICICLE-PD participants were. Dopaminergic treatment may influence biological measures, such as circulating cell-free mitochondrial DNA levels113. It must also be noted that some PPMI samples were recruited during a treatment interval (up to ~ 60 days before enrolment) and a large number of individuals were taking concomitant medications for a range of non-PD and PD-related symptoms63. This may have influenced our results, however, the concordances we see between RNA expression as well as the reproducible reduction in circRNA expression in PD patients between cohorts suggests this is minimal. Secondly, it is inevitable that the difference between cohort sizes affected our ability to detect rarer RNAs, particularly circRNAs. We attempted to mitigate against this by using the largest cohort as discovery (PPMI) opting to replicate in the smaller cohort (ICICLE-PD). In addition, we limited our analysis to abundant genes and circular RNAs, with the majority (95.53% of genes and 62.57% of circRNAs) detectable in both cohorts. Finally, some circRNA quantification studies use circRNA enrichment steps such as RNase R treatment114 to enhance the detection of lesser expressed circRNAs. However, not depleting linear RNAs allowed us to quantify both linear and circular RNAs simultaneously.
In conclusion, we observed specific and consistent alterations in the linear and circular blood transcriptome in early-stage idiopathic PD patients. Changes in circRNA levels were not sufficient to facilitate reliable PD classification. We did, however, identify a reproducible reduction in circRNA expression in PD. This imbalance, along with gene expression patterns, implicates the activation of an innate antiviral immune response, providing an opportunity for future investigations into this previously unknown aspect of circRNA regulation in PD.