Growth and metabolism in different substrates
Initial growth screens were a fair indicator of each waste stream’s general suitability for fungal growth. Observations suggested that Whey and CWS were more appropriate fungal growth media than BSW, PSW and RAS. Based on these observations together with their high total organic carbon, Whey and CWS were chosen for further study. The OUR results suggested that Whey is generally a good growth medium for most fungi and yeasts. This is supported by three species having as good OURs in Whey as in the culture broth (positive controls) and two which had significantly higher OURs in Whey than in the culture broth. Additionally, Whey seems to be better for growth than CWS, as three species had higher metabolic rates in Whey than in CWS while none of the species had higher metabolism in CWS than in Whey. Also, none of the species had higher metabolic rates in CWS than the positive controls in culture broth. Furthermore, most species had low metabolic rates (< 35 mg O2 L− 1 min− 1) in CWS while only two species had low metabolic rates in Whey suggesting that CWS performs more poorly as a growth medium overall.
The higher metabolic rates in Whey as opposed to CWS could be due to differing nutritional content. Bakery wastewater has high amounts of carbohydrates, natural oils, and fats [4], while confectionary wastewater consists mainly of sugars, fats, and dyes [25]. Whey is highly nutritious and is rich in sugars, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor and betacellulin [26, 27] [28]. The COD values of the confectionary/bakery waste stream used here are comparable to previous values for bakery wastewater, 3000–7000 mg O2 L− 1 [4], but lower than those reported for confectionary wastewater, up to 20 000 mg O2 L− 1 [25]. However, its TOC content was much lower than its COD content suggesting low concentrations of bioavailable carbon. Its total nitrogen and phosphate concentrations were also low. In addition, CWS likely lacks vitamins and growth factors. Whey had much higher organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphate concentrations than CWS (23, 41 and 58 times higher respectively). It is possible that initial concentrations of carbohydrates, sugars, nitrogen, and phosphorus in CWS are high but may be diluted during washing of the equipment [25], resulting in concentrations too low to support abundant growth. Also, the simple milk sugars in Whey will be more easily and quickly metabolized for respiration and biomass growth than more complex carbohydrates used in the baking of goods.
For some species Whey may even be a better medium than the culture broth as P. ostreatus and P. restrictum had higher OURs in Whey than in YMB. Microbial media formulations are designed to contain the main macronutrients for the growth of a broad range of species. As such, they may lack the specific micronutrients and growth factors required by some species [29]. On the other hand, whey is a highly nutritious food substance containing many growth factors and may be more favourable than culture broth for some species. Other factors also affect growth and metabolism such as mixing speed, carbon source, pH, and pellet formation [30, 28]. Different carbon sources are assimilated by fungi and yeast to varying degrees and lactose, the carbon source in Whey, is not assimilated equally by all species [31, 6, 32]. For instance, L. starkeyi does not assimilate lactose at all and P. ostreatus does not assimilate lactose as well as other carbon sources [31, 33]. However, in this study, they had moderate metabolic rates in Whey, so if another suitable carbon source had also been present in Whey, growth and metabolism would have been higher.
High mixing speed affects both pellet size (affecting oxygen availability) and dissolved oxygen concentration [34, 35], and plays a key role in the growth and metabolism of fungi. Hindered pellet formation of filamentous fungi in Whey is likely a key reason for the generally higher OURs in Whey as compared to CWS. Filamentous growth allows all the fungal biomass to access dissolved oxygen in the media while only the outer hyphae layer of pellets can access the dissolved oxygen [24]. However, the low pH of CWS may be a major factor affecting metabolism and growth in CWS [28]. Based on these factors and the fact that some species had similar metabolic rates in CWS and Whey, namely P. ostreatus, L. tigrinus and T. versicolor, CWS’s potential as growth media cannot be disregarded. Mixing speed coupled with its non-specific formulation may explain L. tigrinus’ lack of growth in YMB as in our previous study [19], L. tigrinus grew in YMB at a slower RPM (90) and it grows slower than the other species when maintained in YMB.
High mixing speed affects both pellet size (which affects oxygen availability) and dissolved oxygen concentration [34, 35], and plays a key role in the growth and metabolism of fungi. Hindered pellet formation of filamentous fungi in Whey is likely the reason for generally higher OURs in Whey as compared to CWS as filamentous growth allows all the fungal biomass to access dissolved oxygen in the media while only the outer hyphae layer of pellets can access the dissolved oxygen [24]. However, the low pH of CWS may be a major factor affecting metabolism and growth in CWS [28]. Based on these factors and the fact that some species had similar metabolic rates in CWS and Whey, namely P. ostreatus, L. tigrinus and T. versicolor, CWS’s potential as a growth media cannot be disregarded.
Effect of growth mode and pH on metabolism
Generally higher OURs in Whey, where pelletization was suppressed, suggests that filamentous growth results in higher metabolic rates as filaments gained better access to dissolved oxygen than when grown in CWS or YMB where pellet formation occurred. Increased viscosity can result in disperse mycelial growth [36], and the Whey was viscous. Whey had high TSS (Total Suspended Solids) values, higher than previously reported, 8 000–11 000 mg/L (Shete and Shinkar 2013). Whey is also known to contain large amounts of proteins [37]. The suspended solids and coagulated proteins (due to autoclaving), when stirred, were distributed throughout the sample making it viscous and hindering pelletization [38]. Visual observations showed that CWS and YMB contained few particulates and had a consistency closer to water allowing for pellet formation. An additional picture file shows these viscosity and particulate observations in Whey (see Additional file 5). High ionic content can increase viscosity [39], and cheese whey contains many inorganic mineral ions, such as calcium, chloride, sodium, potassium, and magnesium [40], and organic and amino acids with charged functional groups [41, 32]. Yet another possible reason for pellet inhibition in Whey may be the carbon source as the type of carbon source affects fungal morphology [30]. Cheese whey contains 60–80% lactose [32], which induces filamentous growth in some species of fungi [30]. The combination of all these factors may induce filamentous growth in Whey leading to better oxygen availability and therefore higher metabolism.
Filamentous fungal growth in two of the three fungi tested in CWS/agar, P. corylophilum and P. restrictum, resulted in significantly higher OURs than pelleted growth in CWS w/o agar. Further supporting the idea that filamentous growth results in higher metabolism. However, the addition of agar to Whey and YMB led to lower metabolic rates in P. corylophilum, P. ostreatus and P. restrictum. Oxygen availability is often the limiting factor in the growth and metabolism of submerged cultures [36]. Therefore, we expected filamentous growth, induced by the addition of agar, would lead to higher oxygen uptake rates than pelleted growth, where oxygen diffusion across the diffusive boundary layer may be rate limiting. However, pellet formation is not the only factor affecting oxygen availability. Oxygen availability is highly dependent on the concentration of dissolved oxygen governed by oxygen’s volumetric mass transfer rate from gas to liquid phase and the consumption rate of dissolved oxygen by the organism [36]. Volumetric mass transfer can be affected by culture conditions such as volume, aeration, mixing speed, and the physiochemical properties of the broth such as ionic strength, viscosity, and surface tension. All cultures in this study were enclosed batch cultures of the same volume stirred at the same speed. Therefore, any potential differences in the volumetric mass transfer of oxygen in the different substrates should be due to differences in the substrates’ physiochemical properties.
Based on visual observations substrate viscosity was in the order of CWS < YMB < Whey. This hierarchy is illustrated in an additional video file (see Additional file 6). Addition of agar resulted in the same order of viscosity, CWS/agar < YMB/agar < Whey/agar, which is also illustrated in an additional video file (see Additional file 7). Increasing viscosity decreases oxygen’s volumetric mass transfer rate [38, 36, 39], lowering oxygen availability. Increasing ionic strength has the same effect as it increases density and surface tension which lower mass transfer [39]. It is likely that the additive effects of agar and Whey’s high ionic content, on density and surface tension, drastically reduced dissolved oxygen. CWS however, with its lower viscosity and density, resulted in a final viscosity and density high enough to encourage filamentous growth, but not so high as to drastically hamper oxygen’s mass transfer. The presence of surfactants in CWS may also account for the higher OURs in CWS/agar.
Extremely dense filamentous growth in YMB/agar could explain the decreased OURs compared to pelleted growth in YMB w/o agar. Increased cell density increases viscosity causing uneven mixing and dissolved oxygen concentrations [30], pushing cultures into the stationary phase [28]. Since organisms’ oxygen uptake rate affects oxygen availability, extremely dense cultures can also lower dissolved oxygen concentrations. Altogether these factors could drastically decrease oxygen availability explaining the lower OURs in YMB/agar. Conversely, the same species in CWS/agar did not grow as densely so viscosity was not increased, and oxygen uptake was not high enough to drastically reduce dissolved oxygen concentrations. These results suggest there is a tradeoff between having a sufficiently viscous medium to induce filamentous growth but not too viscous to hamper oxygen mass transfer.
The overall low metabolic rates obtained in CWS compared to Whey or YMB (with mostly moderate to high OURs) could be due to the extremely low pH of CWS. CWS contains detergents, some have low pH for disinfection purposes, explaining the low pH of CWS. Acidic pH favours pellet formation [35], which may be another reason, besides low viscosity, and surfactant content, for greater pellet formation in CWS resulting in low metabolic rates. Most fungi and yeast are acidophilic with an optimal pH range of 4–6. Many can grow under more acidic or alkaline conditions, but an intracellular pH of 5–6 is necessary for metabolism [28], making Whey and YMB better for metabolism and growth than CWS. Lower pH induces entry into the stationary phase (Walker and White, 2018), explaining the generally low metabolic rates obtained in CWS. Despite low pH, L. starkeyi and P. ostreatus did have moderate metabolic activity in CWS (43–48 mg O2 L− 1 min− 1). L. starkeyi is acidophilic (optimal pH range of 2.5–4) [42], making CWS suitable for L. starkeyi metabolism and growth. P. ostreatus’ pH range is 4–8 [33], but had moderate to high metabolism despite lowering its culture pH in CWS, CWS/agar, YMB and YMB/agar, well below range, suggesting it tolerates extremely acidic conditions. Conversely the pH of P. ostreatus in Whey and Whey/agar increased suggesting Whey has better buffering capacity than CWS. Yet another mark in favour of Whey as a more suitable growth medium. Unlike P. ostreatus, the pH of most other cultures in CWS increased significantly (except G. lucidum and L. tigrinus), suggesting that CWS’s pH was suboptimal forcing them to increase pH, via proton pumping or excretion of basic compounds, at the cost of growth [28].
Growth of P. ostreatus in CWS/agar resulted in a loss of viscosity due to acidification by the fungus as agar cannot thicken under extremely acidic conditions [43]. Unlike P. ostreatus, P. corylophilum and P. restrictum increased pH which helped maintain viscosity in CWS/agar allowing for filamentous growth. The metabolic rates of P. corylophilum and P. restrictum were higher in CWS/agar than in CWS which shows that greater oxygen availability has a greater effect on metabolism than pH. The opposite was observed when agar was added to Whey and YMB, as all three species had lower metabolic rates than in Whey and YMB without agar. This surprising result is also due to oxygen availability, however in this case, the increase in viscocity was too high reducing oxygen mass transfer and availability. These results are in line with previous research which shows oxygen availability to be the most crucial factor in the growth and metabolism of submerged fungi and yeast cultures [36]. Other factors such as temperature, age of inoculum, carbon dioxide levels and mixing speed can affect the metabolism of fungi and yeast [36, 28], any one of which could also be at play here. Temperature should not be an issue as the optimal temperature range for most yeasts and fungi is 22–30°C [44, 28], and the temperature used here was within that range.
Practical implications
The generally satisfactory metabolic rates in Whey, and to a lesser extent CWS, show their potential as a growth substrate for fungi/yeast. Reuse of these FPWS via fungi/yeast biomass growth would produce added value biomass and byproducts increasing the circularity of water in food production. Particularly the dairy industry would benefit from a more circular production system as the largest source of wastewater in food processing [45]. Whey contains high loads of BOD, COD, TSS, nitrogen, fats, oils and grease, the combination of which, presents challenges to treatment processes such as clogging of wastewater treatment membranes [46]. The high-fat content can also cause flotation of activated sludge particles which are then washed out of the treatment basin [45]. Treatment of whey via added-value fungal/yeast biomass growth could reduce these processing problems possibly producing high-value enzymes and biochemicals, reducing costs and increasing revenues. Though the quality, pH, and nutrient concentrations of CWS varies [25], it could also be reused if less sensitive acidophilic species were used, and culture parameters were optimized according to their requirements. The extremely acidic pH of CWS could actually be beneficial, preventing bacterial contamination [6], making this treatment system more feasible.
Though the manometric BOD measurement system used to gauge metabolic rates is readily available and easy to use, there were some limitations. For instance, accumulation of CO2 in the headspace and pelletization of filamentous fungal species lower metabolism [47, 24] so it is difficult to obtain a true measure of metabolism. As an indicator of growth, it is imperfect as cell activity slows when cultures become too dense. However, it does give a good overall indication of metabolism and growth, in earlier non-oxygen-limited phases. Other limitations are specific to whey. One being its particulate nature, mainly due to protein aggregates which when autoclaved, would coagulate increasing viscosity. However, under real-world septic conditions this will not be a problem. Another limitation specific to Whey is pH change. If whey sits for prolonged periods its pH drops due to fermentation [46], making it unsuitable for growth of many fungi/yeasts, limiting it to onsite use.
Despite these limitations, reuse of these WS holds immense potential for nutrient removal via growth of high-value fungal/yeast biomass while reducing treatment costs. The biomass could be used as fertilizer, biofuel feedstock or animal/fish feed provided there are no harmful contaminants. Depending on the species, industrially valuable enzymes and other biochemicals could be produced providing further economic gains to the system. For example, P. corylophilum produces cellulase, lipase, protease, xylanase, keratinase, pectinolytic enzymes and amylase which are used in the food (production of protein hydrolysates, baby formula, dietary supplements, processing of fruits, in baking) and fabric industries (laundry additive, leather and silk processing) [48]. Metabolism and growth of fungi/yeasts in these wastewaters could be further improved by investigating the effect of mixing speed and pellet size on metabolism and by measuring total biomass growth and nutrient content. This would allow for more definitive conclusions on the metabolic activity and potential for biomass growth and nutrient recovery.