Adolescence is a stage in human life that includes the years after the beginning of puberty until the beginning of adulthood (around the ages of 9–19). During this period, the most sensitive experiences of human life occur, including emotional, social, and emotional experiences such as love and friendship, identity formation, education, and employment. (Ghadampour et all.,2019). In addition, adolescence is placed in the framework of unfavorable social conditions, including family and peer pressure, social and cultural norms, and the complex and complicated demands of society and social groups, which leads to the prolongation of adolescence and delays in fulfilling adult duties. The consequences of not paying attention to mental health of adolescents extends to adulthood and disrupts social and psychological well-being (Yousefi Afrasheteh & Hosni, 2022).
Social well-being is defined as the evaluation and recognition of a person's performance in society and the quality of his relationships with other people, relatives and social groups of which they are members of. (Aria Pouran et all.,2020). According to Keyes (1998), social well-being consists of five dimensions of social integration, social participation, social cohesion, social actualization, and social acceptance and it is related to mental health outcomes (González et all.,2021). The importance of social well-being has been mentioned by various authors such as Chen et al. (2018) and Wrigley (2019) as one of the key factors in the academic and career progress of adolescents and also as a structure affecting physical and mental health of students, their academic performance and personal growth. When the individual's social bond with the society is severed, the lack of social well-being will make the individual prone to misbehavior and emotional problems (Sharbatian & Erfanian Ghasab, 2018). Social problem solving is one of the cognitive-behavioral processes which is used for a wide range of normal life problems and behavioral and social disorders (Hosseinzadeh Taqvai, 2019). One of the most efficient definitions of social problem solving was conceptualized by D’Zurilla et all. (1995) is defined as a self-directed cognitive behavioral process through which a person tries to find effective or adaptive ways to deal with different situations. Identify or discover the problem that is encountered in daily life.
In this model, problem solving is defined as a cognitive-emotional-behavioral process that requires discovering a flexible solution to a problem (Khanh, 2021). Adolescence is an important period for the development of age-appropriate social problem-solving abilities. As a social-motor learning skill; Social problem solving is used to find effective solutions to problems confronted by an individual or group in society and includes problem orientation and problem solving styles (For example, avoidant, impulsive, and rational) (Xiong et al., 2021). According to Merrill et al. (2017), insufficient social problem-solving skills leads to more unsuccessful experiences, which can reduce the effectiveness of coping in a challenging situation and ultimately lead to maladjustment.
Another structure that is related to people's well-being is cognitive flexibility, which refers to a person's awareness that there are options and alternatives in any situations (Demirtaş, 2020). This structure is considered as one of the fundamental factors in social interactions as a dynamic process that is responsible for positive adaptation of individuals to the community (Dennis & Vander Wal, 2010). In general, cognitive flexibility refers to a person's ability to properly adjust their behavior according to a changing environment (Lan, 2022). Cognitive flexibility requires planning, organized investigation and the ability to use environmental feedback to change cognitive cues and sets (Shkohi-Yekta et al., 1400). The flexibility of adolescents in the occurrence of emotional reactions and their level of social performance and academic adaptation is very indicative (Mahdavi Neisiani., 2015).
Therefore, flexibility and adaptability are related structures, so that adaptability refers to a group of cognitive and behavioral strategies of an individual used to deal with stressful situations, while flexibility refers to the adaptive results in facing an opposite situation (Ghiyasabadi Farahani & Jafari Harandi, 2019) and it can adapt thinking and behavior of teenagers in response to changes in the environment and enables them to react efficiently and appropriately to pressures, challenges and other emotional and social issues (Shkohi Yekta et al., 1400).
Lack of regulation and awareness of emotions is one of the effective factors in the occurrence of social incompatibility in children and adolescents. So that awareness of emotions is introduced as the first step towards changing emotions and regulating them, and lack of self-awareness is associated with psychological, social, occupational and educational vulnerability (Blackmore and Agllias, 2018).
Emotional self-awareness is one of the aspects of emotional intelligence, which is a multifaceted structure and includes considering self-evaluation, individual experience and personal control (Lambert, 2020). Emotional awareness is considered as a personality trait and a skill that has been stated to play an important role in regulating people's performance and achieving success. Self-awareness is defined as self-reflection, focusing attention on one's personal experience (Ugoani et all., 2015). Rieffe (2009) divided the key concepts of emotional self-awareness into six factors: 1) the ability to differentiate between emotions 2) physical self-awareness 3) linguistic sharing of emotions 4) not hiding emotions 5) paying attention to the emotions of others 6) analyzing emotions. Lack of self-awareness is associated with psychological, social, occupational and educational vulnerability. In this regard, Faali (2017) showed people who have weak self-awareness are not capable of regulating correct behavior and as a result they suffer from failure, behavioral problems and delinquency. People with high emotional self-awareness process answers in a suitable and fast cognitive way and use them in accordance with the environmental changes to achieve well-being. It is necessary to be aware of specific emotions in oneself and others in order to examine the most appropriate reactions in facing issues and adapting to the social environment (Van Rijn et al., 2011).
Examining the research background indicates the relationship between social problem solving and flexibility with different aspects of well-being in people. In this regard, Aburezeq & Kasik (2021) found in a research that there is a significant relationship between social problem solving (and three styles of positive problem orientation; negative problem orientation and impulsive style) with psychological well-being.
Fathi et all., (2021) found that there is a direct relationship between mindfulness and flexibility with problem solving, and the indirect effect of social competence on problem solving, mindfulness on flexibility, and mindfulness on problem solving is significant. Arshi (2020) in a research found that there is a positive and significant relationship between social adjustment and the ability to solve social problems, and self-compassion can positively and significantly predict social adjustment.
Savari (2020) claimed that cognitive flexibility has a positive and significant relationship with psychological well-being. In a research, Albarzi et all., (2018), showed that cognitive flexibility predicts social problem solving, and the mediating role of cognitive flexibility between social skills and the family's emotional atmosphere was confirmed with social problem solving.
According to what was mentioned, these studies show that, so far, there has not been a comprehensive and similar research that examines the structural pattern of social well-being of young people based on social, emotional and cognitive characteristics. Since psychological factors are often powerful predictors for the difference in motivational processes in the sense of social well-being of young people, and there is a close and reciprocal relationship between these variables, therefore, the goal of present study is to model the social well-being of teenagers based on social problem solving and flexibility. Cognitive adaptability was done according to the mediating role of emotional self-awareness.