In this study, we found that soil biota, regardless from the rhizosphere of the native or invasive plant, benefited the native plant under interspecific competition primarily due to the response of shoot mass. But from the aspect of root growth, soil biota benefited the invasive plant in the presence of its native congener when grown in its home soils. Consequently, the native plant produced more shoot and total mass, but less root mass than the invasive plant in the presence of soil biota but not in the absence of soil biota. Together, these results may suggest that the net effects of soil biota on the competition between these two plants will depend on both the responses and relative contributions of above- vs. belowground tissues to their competition.
Weakened negative plant-soil interactions via the release of soil-borne pathogens are considered as an important mechanism promoting plant invasions (Inderjit and van der Putten 2010; Suding et al. 2013). Results of our greenhouse experiment found that both total and shoot growth of the native or invasive plant were negatively influenced by soil biota originated from each species’ rhizosphere under intraspecific competition, showing a stronger role of soil-borne enemies than mutualists (Kulmatiski et al. 2008). However, soil effect on total or shoot mass did not significantly vary between the two species that grown in conspecific and heterospecific soils, contrary to a previous study (Wang et al. 2021). The reason may be that southern and northern populations of each species responded differently to our experimental treatments (the impact of population as a random factor was significant), which is consistent with other studies (Allen et al. 2018; Huang et al. 2021). Moreover, soil effect on root mass was negative and neutral for the native and invasive plants that grown in heterospecific soils under intraspecific competition respectively, but their difference was insignificant (Fig. 3). Overall, these findings suggest that soil biota may not benefit this invasive plant via asymmetrically suppressing total, above- and belowground performances of its native congener.
Interestingly, the native plant suffered a weaker negative soil effect on its total or shoot mass under interspecific competition than under intraspecific competition (Fig. 2), in line with existing studies (Casper and Castelli 2007; Shannon et al. 2012). Also, such differences were found for the native plant in conspecific and heterospecific soils, while did not occur for the invasive plant when cultivated in each soil origin (Fig. S1). One possible explanation is that this invasive plant suppressed some host-specific soil pathogens for its native congener when they were grown together, as A. philoxeroides at low densities could also rapidly develop taxonomically distinct communities of soil pathogens (Wang et al. 2021). Our findings in combination with other studies (Casper and Castelli 2007; Shannon et al. 2012) show that the negative plant-soil interactions on plant total and shoot growth may be more apparent under interspecific competition than under interspecific competition, as predicted by the first hypothesis. On contrary, only soil biota from its own rhizosphere soils decreased root mass for the native plant in the presence of the invasive plant, and the negative effect on root mass was greater than that under intraspecific competition (Fig. 3). Furthermore, this pattern was absent for the invasive plant potentially due to its higher resistance to root infection (e.g. soil pathogens) (Lu et al. 2015b). This agrees with our second prediction and suggests that the presence of interspecific competition can amplify the negative effects of soil biota on weak rather than strong plant competitors (e.g. A. sessilis vs. A. philoxeroides), in line with other studies (Xue et al. 2018; Xi et al. 2020). Thus, the differences between the impacts of competition on above- and belowground plant-soil interactions suggest that plant shoots and roots can also respond differently to their interaction impacts via biomass allocation or niche differentiation (Hendriks et al. 2015; Koorem et al. 2020), which has great implications in plant invasions and co-existence (Lekberg et al. 2018; Ke and Wan 2020).
Moreover, the native plant produced more shoot mass and less root mass than the invasive plant in the absence or presence of soil biota under intraspecific competition. In contrast, there was no difference between their total mass, that is, soil biota did not benefit the invasive plant from the aspect of total growth when compared to its native congener. Surprisingly, the native plant outperformed the invasive plant in its total and shoot growth under interspecific competition, regardless of soil origin (Figs. 4 and S2). This may be the result of the weaker negative effects of conspecific and heterospecific soil biota on the native plant when competing with the invasive plant, as we discussed before. But from the aspect of belowground competition, the native plant accumulated less root mass than the invasive plant in the presence of soil biota from its rhizosphere but not the other’s rhizosphere, which also corresponds to the differential outcomes of their plant-soil interactions (Figs. 3 and S2). Overall, soil biota may benefit the native plant in the presence of its invasive competitor primarily due to the response of shoots, while in contrast, soil biota promoted root mass for the invasive plant, as predicted by our third hypothesis. Given that the higher root mass allocation (i.e. root-to-shoot ratio) may enable A. philoxeroides to tolerate aboveground herbivory (Lu et al. 2015b), soil biota are expected to promote its performances and invasions when competing with its native congener in the presence of aboveground herbivores.
Our results raise the possibility that the promotive effects of soil biota on above- and belowground competitive abilities for the invasive plant may differ and depend on the origin of soil biota. However, it is unclear about whether and how the presence of interspecific competition changes the composition of soil biota, such as fungi, bacteria and nematode, because we did not sequence and characterize their composition. Thus, we provide no evidence of the linkages between those competitor-induced changes in soil biota and the outcomes of plant-soil interactions for both native and alien species as before (Lu et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2021). Moreover, all findings of our greenhouse experiment (e.g. plant growth and effects of soil biota) may occur when grown in soils from five sites as the impact of soil sample site as a random factor was not significant, which can explain the successful invasion and high-latitude expansions of the invader A. philoxeroides in China (Lu et al. 2018). Given that results of plant-soil interactions under controlled greenhouse may be inapplicable in natural systems (Kulmatiski et al. 2008; De Long et al. 2019), further field studies are required to verify our findings for multi-pair phylogenetically related native and alien species, and to test its potential in controlling alien species and protecting native species.
In summary, our study shows that the presence of the invasive species can relieve the native species from negative plant-soil interactions regardless of soil origin, which in turn promotes its total and shoot growth. However, soil biota promoted root growth for the invasive species in the presence of its native congener only when planted in its home soils. Hence, the native species accumulated more total and shoot mass, but less root mass than its invasive competitor only in the presence of soil biota. These results suggest that plant shoots and roots displayed asymmetrical responses to the interactive impacts of soil biota and interspecific competition, which emphasizes the necessity of exploring plant-soil interactions from a whole-plant perspective.