FcRn expression by splenic DCs.
We first examined FcRn expression in primary mouse cDCs compared to other immune cell types. Total cellular FcRn was detected by western blot for bone marrow-derived macrophages, cDC1, cDC2 and B cells. Low levels of FcRn were detected in CD8+ T cells whereas CD4+ T cells expressed very little (Fig. 1A). Activation of cDC1 or cDC2 by exposure to TLR9 agonist CpG did not significantly alter FcRn levels for either subset (Fig. 1B).
We next characterized the phenotype of Fcgrt−/− mice. In line with previous reports21, Fcgrt−/− mice develop hypogammaglobulinemia, as evidenced by the absence of IgG1, IgG2c, IgG3 and a strong reduction in IgG2b levels in the serum. In contrast, IgA, IgE and IgM were detected at normal levels (Fig. 1C). Both the cDC1 and cDC2 subsets are present at normal numbers in the absence of FcRn (Fig. 1D).
FcRn is required for effective tumor immunity in response to DEC205 and Clec9A-targeted vaccination.
The effectiveness of DC receptor-targeted vaccines in eliminating B cell lymphoma was examined using a mouse model of B cell lymphoma. This model consists of Eµ-myc transformed lymphoma cells that express the model antigen, ovalbumin (OVA)27. DC vaccines were designed to target whole OVA to DC receptors DEC205 and Clec9A through a genetic fusion of the protein to the Fc region of rat IgG2a specific to the two receptors. Murine FcRn binds rat IgG2a with high affinity28. WT mice were intravenously immunized with either DEC205 or Clec9A-targeted OVA adjuvanted with LPS. Five days later, mice were inoculated with B cell lymphoma and the number of B cell lymphoma cells in the spleen evaluated 4 days later (Fig. 2A). Vaccination with either DEC205 and Clec9A-targeted OVA elicited a significant reduction in tumor cell number, indicating successful anti-tumor therapy for this mode of immunization (Fig. 2B). A role for FcRn was evaluated by undertaking the same analysis in Fcgrt−/− mice. In the absence of FcRn, the ability to eradicate tumors was lost and there was no significant reduction in tumor cell numbers when mice were immunized with DEC205 or Clec9A-targeted OVA (Fig. 2B). A second measurement of successful tumor immunization was included, whereby evidence of tumor immunoediting in response to vaccination was assessed. In the B cell lymphoma model used here, green fluorescent protein (GFP) is linked by an internal ribosome entry site to the tumor antigen OVA27. Therefore, the tumor GFP signal provides a surrogate read out of OVA expression and is a useful marker of tumor antigen expression. In WT mice, DEC205 and Clec9A-targeted OVA immunization results in a significant reduction in tumor GFP. This is likely due to the tumors reducing OVA expression to avoid anti-OVA CD8+ T cells. In contrast, tumors in Fcgrt−/− mice, had a higher GFP signal, suggesting that in the absence of FcRn there was less pressure on the tumor to edit OVA following immunization (Fig. 2C). Taken together, this data suggests that FcRn is required for a robust anti-tumor response elicited by DEC205 and/or Clec9A-directed DC-targeted vaccination.
FcRn regulated MHC I and MHC II antigen presentation in response to DEC205-targeted DC vaccination.
We next examined how FcRn participates in DEC205-targeted DC vaccination. Surface DEC205 was unaltered on splenic cDC1 and cDC2 in the absence of FcRn (Fig. 3A). This finding indicates that similar amounts of DEC205-targeted OVA antigen is delivered to cDCs in both WT and Fcgrt−/− mice. Next, the capacity of Fcgrt−/− mice to present DEC205-targeted antigen by MHC I and MHC II was examined. To do this, Cell Trace Violet (CTV)-labelled OT-I or OT-II T cells were transferred into WT and Fcgrt−/− mice. One day later, mice were immunized with DEC205-targeted OVA intravenously and the number of dividing T cells in the spleen was evaluated by flow cytometry after three days. In the absence of FcRn, DEC205-targeted OVA elicited significantly reduced numbers of divided OT-I, and significantly more divided OT-II cells (Fig. 3B). Presentation of OVA-coated splenocytes, used as mAb-independent cell-associated antigen model, to OT-I and OT-II was not impacted by FcRn deficiency (Supplementary Fig. 1A). To determine if the reductions in MHC I and MHC II antigen presentation were intrinsic to FcRn-deficient cDCs, WT and Fcgrt−/− mice were intravenously immunized with DEC205-targeted OVA. Twenty hours later cDC1 were sorted to purity by flow cytometry and equal numbers of WT or Fcgrt−/− cDC1s incubated in the presence of CTV labelled OT-I or OT-II T cells. Fcgrt−/− cDC1 displayed a significantly reduced capacity to stimulate OT-I and OT-II cells in response to in vivo targeting with DEC205-targeted OVA (Fig. 3C). This suggested reduced MHC I presentation, and in contrast to in vivo adoptive transfer experiments, reduced MHC II presentation in response to in vivo targeting with DEC205-targeted OVA.
To examine if FcRn impacted presentation of DC-targeted antigens other than OVA, we targeted the self-epitope Eα46 − 72 to DEC205 and examined the presence of Ea52 − 68 peptide-loaded I-Ab MHC II molecules at the surface of cDC1 using the Yae mAb29. WT or Fcgrt−/− mice were injected intravenously with DEC205-targeted Eα46 − 72 and cDCs isolated from spleen 20 hours later. Significantly reduced MHC II presentation of DEC205-targeted Eα52 − 68 was detected at the surface of Fcgrt−/− compared to WT cDC1 (Fig. 3D). To further confirm this finding, the Fcgrt gene was deleted in the cDC1 cell line MutuDCs30 using CRISPR/Cas9 (Supplementary Fig. 2A). Following delivery of the Eα46 − 72 peptide to DEC205 in vitro, Fcgrt−/− MutuDCs were significantly impaired in the MHC II presentation of Eα52 − 68 (Supplementary Fig. 2B). Altogether, this data show that FcRn is an important contributor to the response elicited by anti-DEC205-targeted vaccination by promoting MHC I cross-presentation and MHC II presentation of the delivered antigen.
The role of FcRn in DEC205-targeted DC vaccination is DC-intrinsic.
One possibility for defects in DC antigen presentation following DC-targeted vaccination in vivo, is that FcRn is required to promote circulating DC-targeted vaccine half-life. To address this, we used mixed bone marrow chimeras where WT mice were lethally irradiated and reconstituted with a 1:1 ratio of CD45.1 WT or CD45.2 Fcgrt−/− bone marrow. This created a scenario where CD45.1 WT or Fcgrt−/− CD45.2 DCs are both in a WT environment with similar levels of circulating DC-targeted vaccines. 6–8 weeks after reconstitution, mice were immunized with anti-DEC205-OVA and 20 hours later CD45.1+ WT or Fcgrt−/− cDC1 were isolated from spleens and incubated with CTV labelled OT-I or OT-II. In comparison to WT, Fcgrt−/− cDC1 displayed significantly reduced MHC I and MHC II presentation of DEC205-targeted OVA (Fig. 4). This rules out that differences in vaccine half-life were responsible for the defects in Fcgrt−/− cDC presentation of DEC205-targeted antigen and highlights an intrinsic role of FcRn in DCs during anti-DEC205-targeted vaccination.
FcRn does not regulate MHC I and MHC II antigen presentation in response to Clec9A-targeted DC vaccination.
Next, we examined how FcRn impacts anti-Clec9A-targeted OVA immunization. Similar to DEC205, surface Clec9A on cDC1 was not altered by the deficiency in FcRn (Fig. 5A). In contrast to anti-DEC205-OVA, MHC I and MHC II antigen presentation following immunization with anti-Clec9A-OVA was not significantly impacted by the absence of FcRn. This was the case as measured by T cell responses following adoptive OT-I and OT-II T cell transfer into anti-Clec9A-OVA Fcgrt−/− mice (Fig. 5B), extrinsic isolation and culture of WT or Fcgrt−/− cDC1s from anti-Clec9A-OVA immunized mice (Fig. 5C) and analysis of Fcgrt−/− cDC1 compared to WT cDC1 isolated from WT mice reconstituted with 1:1 ratio of WT and Fcgrt−/− bone marrow (Fig. 5D). In contrast, MHC II presentation of Clec9A-targeted Eα46−−72 peptide on cDC1 was significantly reduced in the absence of FcRn (Fig. 5E). Therefore, in contrast to anti-DEC205-targeted vaccination, FcRn does not have a prominent role in regulating presentation of antigen targeted via Clec9A but can participate under some conditions.
FcRn is required for CTL immunity to DEC205 but not Clec9A-targeted DC vaccination.
Elimination of Eµ-myc-OVA B cell lymphoma in response to DC-targeted vaccination likely involves the generation of anti-OVA cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). We therefore examined whether FcRn is required for eliciting CTL in response to anti-DEC205 or Clec9A-OVA. WT or Fcgrt−/− mice were immunized, intravenously immunized with DC-targeted anti-DEC205 or Clec9A-OVA and six days later the presence of OVA-specific CTL detected by the intravenous injection of OVA257 − 264 peptide-pulsed, or not, target cells. In the absence of FcRn, immunization with anti-DEC205-OVA elicited a significant reduction in CTL lysis compared to WT mice (Fig. 6A). In contrast, anti-Clec9A-OVA elicited similar CTL in both WT and Fcgrt−/− mice (Fig. 6B). CTL immunity elicited by OVA-coated splenocytes was not impacted by FcRn-deficiency (Supplementary Fig. 1B). Hence, these results demonstrate that priming a robust CTL response following DC-targeted vaccination requires FcRn when delivering antigen to DEC205, but not Clec9A.