The three subsample groups of Framework, Middleware, and Database projects emerged as a key finding. The purpose and goals of these different subsample groups impact how each project approaches sustainability. The subsample groups represent a range of projects. Some projects are extreme examples of a subsample group, while others lean towards and/or overlap with another group (see Fig. 1).
Framework projects are mostly aimed towards organizing a community (e.g., convening and bringing together people). Since these projects prioritize the community and their needs, they often give as much decision-making power as possible to their community. Such an influx of diverse perspectives can push a project towards edgier ideas. At the same time, however, Frameworks are open to higher risk if the community is not well managed, coordinated, or aligned. For example, Framework projects can be diluted by too many opinions and self-appointed leaders, be easily swayed by certain factions of the community, and be led in a different direction than what was originally intended by a project.
Database projects are focused on serving the data needs of a community, often with the goal of supporting more efficient and broader use of data through sharing, storing, and curating datasets. Database projects present a middle ground between Framework and Middleware projects. Database projects often have stronger top-down leadership than Framework projects, but they also depend on more community participation than Middleware projects. A participatory approach is commonly used among Database projects, because they depend on researchers to voluntarily deposit and use data from a shared database. A participatory approach has the benefit of being able to involve a large number of people into the data collection at a low cost, while making sure that the end products meet the needs of the users. It can also help increase the diversity of different research initiatives that are able to get off the ground and find success (Fleming et al. 2023). Databases are challenged to sustain management and funding, because they are often domain specific; therefore, they heavily rely on support from their research domain (participation from researchers, sustained funding from research funding agencies).
Middleware projects focus primarily on the development of software. They often use a traditional for-profit business structure, while being closely tied to scientific needs. Middleware projects are challenged to balance both fast-paced, highly technical software development and often slower relationship-driven sciences. Middleware projects are generally top-down governed, such as by a board of directors or advisors and a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) plus Chief Financial Officer (CFO) model with hired staff. For Middleware projects, the community component of their work often presents as "end users", who provide one-way feedback on their products. Because they are working with the development of high-investment and highly technical projects (software development), Middleware projects often cannot afford the slower, unpredictable nature of community-based decision-making. For Middleware projects, partnership with other entities can take the shape of cooperative development where people working for one project do critical work for another project. The studied Middleware projects all leveraged externally developed open-source and commercial software because they could not exist without those connections.
4.1 Governance and leadership
Among all three groups, a governance structure that is explicit, intentional, and flexible to change is critical. Developing an appropriate governance structure for the project type is also key. For example, the Middleware projects cannot be run as if they were Frameworks and vice-versa. All of the subsample groups valued the documentation of decision-making (ranging from governance to technical development), so a team can work collaboratively and effectively.
For all of the subsample groups, good leadership is highly valued. The projects were challenged to find leaders that balance both technical and scientific domain expertise, as well as management and business competence. Getting this balance wrong resulted in near failure for some of the studied projects. For example, one project brought a former leader out of retirement to lead the project. Leadership succession plans are integral to project success. For at least one project, it took multiple years to train and prepare a selected leader.
Differences among project types. Governance is discussed much more among the Framework and Database projects, than by Middleware projects. This is likely because among Framework and Database projects governance is critical for bringing their community’s needs, perspectives, and participation into the project.
Framework and Database projects often considered where power might lie as a result of different governance practices, for example, bottom-up (more community participation) versus top-down (more executive decision-making). Framework and Database projects draw on community members for essential aspects of their decision making (e.g., via a membership-elected president) combined with some governance controlled and/or managed by paid personnel. This combination helps to provide stability, while volunteer members provide a direct conduit between the project and their community. Framework and Database projects sometimes create smaller groups for volunteers, such as an advisory board, to allow for more decentralized decision-making. With Framework and Database projects having changing and inconsistent volunteer leadership, institutional knowledge is easily lost, so documentation is particularly important.
The tension between top-down and bottom-up governance is sometimes acutely felt among the Framework and Database projects. In at least one project, this tension led to great disagreement in the project (e.g, the constituents disagreeing with the vision of top-down leaders). The main takeaway is that both directions of governance must be well-balanced, depending on the goals of the project. On the farthest end of the spectrum, low community involvement consists of having mechanisms for the community to provide opinions that were considered by executive decision-makers. High community involvement means greater rotation of individuals in the decision-making positions, and true decision-making power among all of the people involved in the project (e.g., voting among all of the constituents).
For example, one Database project was created and managed by a core group of users themselves (researchers), because they felt that their discipline needed what the project could provide. One downside of this approach, however, is that the in-kind support provided by participants can be interpreted as self-sustaining; thus it is challenging for them to justify why they needed more research funding to support their work. Projects leveraging participatory approaches often find it challenging to gain access to funding, although recommendations suggest that funders could support such projects better if they take on roles as partners, rather than as top-down managers (Minkler et al. 2003).
For projects with high community involvement, such as for Framework and Database projects, governance structures evolve over time so it can be molded and customized to the needs of the project. It often takes at least a few years to clarify the needs and vision of the community and the mission of the project, so creating a governance model too quickly can be detrimental to the project.
Among the Framework and Database projects, leaders are both paid (staff) and unpaid (volunteer). With this type of model, it is necessary to parse out what is appropriate work for paid staff versus for volunteers. It is often necessary to ensure that volunteers are motivated to participate by doing things that are of interest and of benefit to them. At the same time, volunteers are often more than just advisors and advocates–they provide direct benefits to a project by lending a hand and helping a project meet its goals.
Because Framework and Database projects often represent a constituency, it is important for their projects to also represent this diversity among their leadership. This is especially important among Database projects, most likely because they rely on the long-term and consistent commitment of their community to deposit and use data. In contrast, Middleware projects do not emphasize broad participation in their decision-making. The benefit of participation in strategic planning outside of the senior team can offer great benefits for organization, as demonstrated, for example, by the Nature Conservancy’s pivotal strategic shift in the 1990’s to meet their lofty mission of the preservation of diverse species (Howard & Magretta 1995).
4.2 Outreach and participation
The study projects focused their community engagement primarily on people who could directly contribute to, participate in, or otherwise influence their project. In the Earth Sciences, such community engagement activities are often associated with network development, capacity building, training, convening, and topic-based working groups; one example of this is the Community for Data Integration (CDI) project of USGS (Hsu and Langseth 2018). This differs from engagement in sciences that seeks broad engagement with the public, such as for the purpose of influencing social change (Blue and Davidson 2020). Most of the study projects believe that successful outreach means meeting users where they are (seeking them out), and sometimes walking in their shoes (e.g., hiring people from their target community, like a domain scientist).
All of the subsample groups seek to move from outreach to more active participation. Participation in projects can range from sharing knowledge, using the project’s platform/service, contributing data, recruiting other users, volunteering their work effort (e.g., crowdsourcing), and helping to make decisions. Overall, community/end user participation in a project shows that the project is useful and essential. In other words, their participation justifies why a project should be sustained. The most successful projects developed a growing group of motivated, engaged, and devoted participants, and had a clear value proposition for their community.
For the Framework and Database projects, the opportunity for members of the community to have some level of ownership and control over the projects is critical to the projects' value. This is true on several levels, including the increased ability to control the direction of critical infrastructure relevant to a member's field. In addition, there is a social component to membership and the deeper personal connections that intensified involvement in the project provides. In both cases, the value proposition of the project includes benefits that may be hard to define a priori for any given individual. Importantly, these study projects often provide a unique place for people and groups to gather, convene, and share ideas that are crucial for the progression of science and scientific technology.
Differences among project types. Each of the subsample groups has different asks for their community. Frameworks mainly ask their community to interact with each other, Database projects mainly ask their community to contribute to their database, and Middleware projects ask for feedback about their products. Both the Framework and Database projects depend on members for essential aspects of their work. For example, Database projects must build up a large and relevant data store and all of those studied here did so by drawing on their community members to provide in-kind support. Without volunteers to provide data, Database projects would not work.
4.3 Assessing success
Hsu et al. (2019) defined sustainability in the digital Earth Sciences as an impact that persists beyond the life of a project, and sustainability can occur on individual, organizational, and community levels. In our study, we found that sustainability was often interpreted by interviewees in two ways: sustainability of the project, and sustainability of the product/mission. Sustainability of the project was primarily around how to maintain the operations of the project over the long-term. Sustainability of the product/mission was about the product/mission of a project continuing to have life outside or beyond that of the original project.
All but one (“Code repository used”) of the seven influences on sustainability used by Hsu et al 2019 (others were: Outputs modified, Champion present, Workforce stability, Support from other organizations, Collaboration/partnership, Integration with policy) appeared prominently among our sample group. “Code repository used” appears to be specific to projects that develop a tangible product (like Database or Middleware projects).
Since study projects mainly seek to be useful to their target audience, most projects focus on measuring and assessing the use of their products and services. Common approaches are quantitative metrics based on use (e.g., number of users, downloads, etc) and/or perspectives by users (e.g., surveys asking users about their experiences). However, these results can be ambiguous since downloads do not equate to use and long-term users can be hard to differentiate from causal non-committal users.
Qualitative features like community cohesion are often inferred by measuring other qualities and outcomes, leading to metrics that require considerable effort. For organizations that are resource poor (a common condition among the sample population), this can be a significant obstacle. Unfortunately, measuring success is needed to justify a project’s continued existence, so it can receive the funding and community support it needs to operate. This tug-of-war between the demand on resources placed by short-term needs and long-term requirement for metrics was cited by three of the projects.
Two interviewees (both from Database projects) questioned whether not a project should be sustained at all. Indeed, federal research funding from agencies like NSF often require projects to have a sustainability plan. Perhaps, we might consider that some of these projects do meet their goals, and should not aim for sustainability at all.
Differences among project types. In comparison to Framework projects, Database and Middleware projects have stronger interpretations of what sustainability means for their project. Database and Middleware emphasize that sustainability is linked to being seen as an essential service. Such a substantial change in the broader landscape of the ecosystem has also been described as “disruptive innovation”(Christensen, 2013).
While being viewed as essential is a great benefit to the project, the flip side is that its existence can be taken for granted. In other words, project leaders sometimes feel trapped into maintaining their project’s existence. Yet, these projects might struggle to find sustained funding and support. Database projects are particularly susceptible to this–they help to solve a science maintenance issue that is often outside the scope of “research” funding. There is also sometimes a feeling of a lack of control over the project, particularly among interviewees who feel that they are unable to choose which parts of the project they feel most compelled to keep driving forward.
Metrics of success are emphasized more by Database and Middleware projects, in comparison to Framework projects. Database and Middleware groups are mostly concerned with measuring use of their product/service, while Framework projects consider more process-oriented metrics, like change in leadership and documentation of decision-making.
4.4 Business model
In digital Earth Science, short-term funding of 6 to 24 months is a common way to test the value and staying power of an initiative (Hsu et al. 2019). Likewise, ten of our eleven case studies began as study projects, and nine of them underwent a transformation from a grant-funded project to an organization. One of the subjects started out as a formally defined organization. This organization was formed as a 501(c)3 (not-for-profit) corporation and started with a formal business model based on membership- two features unique to the study group (6F). One of the database projects can be seen as an organization although it lacks a formal structure as such and remains primarily grant funded (4D).
For most of our sample group, the transition from project to organization was accomplished in two ways. Most database projects became organizations that rely on 'facility' funding, which is funding from a granting organization not associated with research per se but intended to support a general class of research projects. In some cases, this was formally recognized while in others, not, but regardless, the effect is the same. These projects have enough financial stability to provide the means to set and work toward open-ended objectives. The second group, which is composed of Middleware and Framework projects, all formed not-for-profit corporations (with notable exceptions). These are all formally incorporated as 501(c)3 organizations, which simplifies forming long-term objectives while enabling participation as a principal investigator in research grant funding. Most of the 501(c)3 projects use a mix of funding that includes a minority component of research grants, often in collaboration with one or more people that represent one of their stakeholder groups. The financial transition from grant-funded to a more diverse portfolio of revenue streams is often one of the greatest challenges for digital projects. Common diverse revenue streams used by digital projects include direct pay by participants, consulting/contracting, corporate sponsorship, host institutional support, membership models, licensing, pay-per-use, philanthropy, and subscription (Maron 2014),
As depicted in Fig. 1, there is one Database project that has not made the transition from project to organizations. Unsurprisingly, it is the project that also struggles the most with sustainability–both in financial support and human resources. While it appears to be an outlier in our study, it is not an outlier among projects in digital Earth Science. Indeed, many Database projects struggle to find the resources that they need to provide increasingly essential support for science research: a domain-specific database that allows researchers to share and reuse scientific data. Such Databases often depend on the in-kind support of scientific communities, as such activity typically goes unfunded. Introductory remarks at a membership meeting for IRIS provides one example of how funding can encourage the shift of a project towards a facility, while their activities with community building and collaboration may be less valued by funders (Simpson, 2013).
The projects studied are structured around (at least some of) service, interoperability, collaboration, academia, and community-based approaches, and these characteristics can make a project a poor fit for conventional for-profit business models. Thus, when the study projects tried to apply models used successfully by for-profit businesses, it was not enough for success. In one case, there was substantial financial loss and organizational instability. Techniques like fee-for-service and membership fees were difficult for the study projects to manage; they did not often lead to sufficient funds to run the project alone. Indeed, the culture of academia and science, which is highly collaborative and dependent on in-kind support, is not often receptive to quid-pro-quo approaches. These revenue generating mechanisms, however, can augment other sources of funding, and the combination can yield sufficient funds for stability. In addition, some research suggests that the sustainability models for non-profit corporations may be applicable (Ceptureanu et al. 2018).
Research grant funding sources are not well suited for projects like the ones we studied. Because these study projects are intended to be run long-term they do not fit the commonly used research model where a study is performed for a finite period (the true definition of a ‘project’) capped with the publication of results and recommendations for further work that will take place as part of a subsequent project. On the other hand, a sustained data infrastructure project, like a corporation or a research program, is intended to exist until it is no longer useful, with no fixed end date.
All but two of the study projects began with a grant from a federal funding agency that primarily funds scientific research projects. Most of the study projects engaged in mixed funding models in order to leverage the strengths of one to offset the limitations of another. How the projects managed this vary by project type. Middleware projects generally mixed contract work from both government agencies and private companies, although one Middleware project is almost solely funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). The studied Database projects tend to derive the bulk of their funding from NSF. Framework projects use a mix of grants spread across agencies along with private funding sources, membership fees, and meeting fees.
Geological/Earth Science data can be so highly heterogeneous and specialized that “silos” often unintentionally form between scientific domains. All three studied project types generally aim towards interoperability as a way to break down those silos and remove barriers to interdisciplinary research. However, Middleware projects tend to focus on powerful computer- and information-science abstractions for common models that can straddle many disciplines. Framework projects tend to focus on social structures that bring together people from many backgrounds. Database projects tend to focus on building data stores of high quality information. This 'interoperability driver' is a major reason the three types of projects adopted different governance models. It is notable that for these projects, interoperability is an asset–not a problem to be solved.
For all of the studied organizations, partnerships and collaborations are essentially a structural component of their business model and not simply a nice-tio-have addition. Despite the limited funding resources available for projects, projects must still maintain a generous collaborative mindset because science-based projects rely on partnerships. Open source software development, in particular, pushes forward a culture of sharing and must live up to their message–despite essentially creating their own competition. These qualities might make these projects unique in the world of business. While many businesses engage in both, all of the studied projects prioritize and put considerable resources into collaboration and partnership endeavors. In fact, most projects are not structured to stand completely on their own, and are instead part of tightly coupled networks, relying on partners for critical parts of their infrastructure.
4.5 Strategic development
Many of the studied projects are attempting to do something that had never been done before, so there is high-risk involved. All of the subsample group projects feel the need to stay focused on their missions. It is enticing for projects to veer away from their mission, but with their limited resources, such distractions can be detrimental to the project. While a couple of studied projects mention taking business risks to pursue different innovations, most mentions of failed paths and near failure are tied to leadership and interpersonal issues within the team (Citation? is this true in other business operations?).
Uncertainty plays a significant role in the challenges these projects face. The main sources of uncertainty are rooted in funding, i.e., the need to obtain sufficient funding in the immediate term and to develop ways to enable dependable long-term funding. Closely related to funding uncertainties are staffing issues. All of the interviewees reported staffing issues as among the most difficult. For these small organizations, the loss of one staff member meant critical organizational knowledge was lost. These two types of uncertainty form a feedback loop that can intensify the risk that losing one can lead to the loss of the other – effectively compounding the magnitude of the loss. Periods of uncertainty also often occurred during the transition out of project initiation, which is often a very risky time for projects (Skinner and Drummond 2022). This is one aspect of the projects that is in complete alignment with challenges found in for-profit businesses.
Differences among project types. Keeping a project relevant is an issue that is more relevant to Database and Middleware projects, since they rely more heavily on technology than Framework projects. Since technology evolves quickly, they are faced with the challenge of staying technologically relevant (usable) while also broadening their user group (interoperability) and innovating (creating new technologies). Middleware organizations need to understand and anticipate technological evolution. Technology is expensive to develop and sustain. In comparison, Framework projects are fairly inexpensive to maintain and not typically limited by time budgets; resources can go a much longer way when devoted to community-oriented infrastructure. Database organizations can depend on the relative stability of scientific disciplines and a panel of experts to ensure their data holdings have the quality, attributes, and accessibility needed by their users. Framework organizations maintain relevancy primarily by incorporating members as major players in the governance process.