This study is the first in vivo proof-of-concept study to compare differences in short-term physiologic outcomes in animals with progressively worsening lung mechanics and deterioration in gas exchange using a fixed SP algorithm on a prototype HFJV device. The significant findings from this study showed that HFJV with fixed SP resulted in higher PIP and minute volume output of the HFJV and stabilization in the minute ventilation, corresponding to improvements in alveolar recruitment, ventilation, and pulmonary gas exchange. With a fixed SP, the volume of gas injected into the endotracheal tube remains relatively constant, making the jet ventilator function more as a volume-controlled ventilator. This is because the SP value is an order of magnitude higher (measured in pounds per square inch) than the intratracheal pressure and therefore the pressure gradient across the fixed resistance of the jet injector that drives volume delivery changes only modestly when compliance deteriorates and airway pressure increases, explaining the observed effect on airway pressures, minute ventilation and PaCO2.
The relative improvement in alveolar recruitment and lung volume recovery observed with EIT following lung lavage with fixed SP resulted from the fixed SP or 'driving pressure,' prompting higher PIPs that helped maintain alveolar recruitment during HFJV. This approach that mimics volume-targeted ventilation may be clinically meaningful for maintaining consistent gas exchange and lung volumes, translating to improved neurological and lung protection. However, unlike patients who remain on HFJV, animals in the current study were repeatedly removed from HFJV for lung lavage, resulting in rapid lung volume reduction and pulmonary atelectasis with each disconnection. Thus, the pulmonary response to the different SP strategies was likely delayed due to insufficient time for alveolar recruitment. To evaluate the effectiveness of the different SP approaches, supporting subjects on the baseline HFJV settings was necessary without any further adjustment in the PIP, PEEP, or frequency settings following lung lavage, explaining why we did not see any significant differences in the lung disease severity based on the OI and VEI in these experiments. Thus, we postulate that in the clinical setting, where patients are more likely to experience subtle changes in lung mechanics over time and adjustments in the PIP, PEEP and frequency are made, there is expected to be a more significant benefit with HFJV with fixed SP. We could not directly measure the minute volume or VT proximal to the subjects. Thus, based on the EIT and gas exchange, we can only speculate that maintenance of the inspiratory VT, FRC, and alveolar ventilation led to improved outcomes in animals supported with a fixed SP.
This experiment was conducted using an established animal model of RDS [15, 16]. We could not apply other models of neonatal respiratory failure, thus limiting the findings to a particular disease state [17]. While juvenile rabbits' lungs lack some of the structural and developmental (i.e., alveolar simplification) phenotypes associated with preterm humans' lungs, the lungs have not completed alveolarization (< 5 weeks) and, thus, still serve as an excellent preclinical model to evaluate neonatal response to different forms of ventilation [18]. Our experimental model of whole lung lavage in rabbits closely mimics lung pathophysiology involving surfactant deficiency, inflammation, and injury response in neonates with severe RDS [16]. Using mechanical ventilation and high FiO2 following lung lavage maintains injury, inflammation, and stability in disease severity. However, this model may have lungs that are generally more recruitable than human infants with RDS. One limitation of this study was that animals were repeatedly disconnected from HFJV during the repeated lavage sequences, representing a worst-case scenario and starting point to reinflate the lungs from low FRC, which was the goal of these experiments. As such, the 30-minute measurement following the tenth and final lung lavage may not have provided enough time for the lung volumes to reach a steady state to assess the longer-term effects of these settings on lung recruitment, overdistention, and gas exchange.
Nonetheless, we could still show important benefits of Fixed SP, which had a more demonstrable effect over an extended period (> 30 mins) of uninterrupted HFJV. Also, we did not measure mediators of lung inflammation/injury to determine the impact of SP settings on lung protection. Future animal studies are needed to support subjects over a more extended period and assess pulmonary inflammation and injury response between these approaches.