Attard’s studies [26,44] confirm the principles the teacher could follow should they wish to engage their students: rich interaction, constructive feedback, allowing challenge and success for all, allowing making choices, mathematical, relevant, and served with enthusiasm. This was exemplified in Attard’s earlier study [26], where she showcases both poor and rich engagement as a result of teacher-student interaction. In both cases, the teacher has the right intentions and may very well use resources aligning to what should make it engaging for students. The difference is made in the nature of assisting. When a teacher promptly helps students out or encourages students to take on trivial challenges, the reward gets lowered and interest dissipates. On the contrary, Attard (ibid.) introduces a teacher who seems to allow risky tasks (in the sense of not being certain if the task gets solved), and then enters into an examination as a collaborator with their students. In both cases, a teacher helps and assists their students, but there is a greater fulfillment in the latter approach, likely to explain the higher engagement that was documented in Attard’s study (ibid.) for the adventurous teacher.
I saw this happening first hand in a project I ran five years ago, where the participating teachers, all passionate about making mathematics engaging, were given interest promoting activities. One of the teachers, after having introduced each task to their students, let the working phase evolve naturally, regenerating the activity together with their students. This led to engagement. Another teacher, although being very professional and liked by their students, followed the activity instructions to the T, held the reins and made sure the anticipated outcome was achieved. There was also a lot of housekeeping. One could observe active participation and even reflective thinking (cognitive and participatory aspects of engagement), but after the lesson, the students did not express specific excitement and value when casually interviewed. Even a great activity may fall short if the facilitation is very poor: in a study of Lee, Coomes, and Yim [51], it was noted that a similar task could be facilitated to prompt new knowledge, or as a mere exercise keeping students on their current level (by suppressing some of the task affordances).
Teachers use multiple criteria when they select their teaching resources. In a study of Siedel and Stylianides [52], how teachers select tasks were categorised in 1) considering students’ needs (student-driven selection), 2) finding resources that align one’s teaching preferences and style (teacher-driven), 3) focusing on content (mathematics-driven), 4) using what is accessible (constraints driven), 5) being inspired by encountered resources (resource-driven), and 6) adapting to sharing of resources, collaboration or other cultural aspects (culture-driven). Pepin, Gueudet, and Trouche [53] discuss reasons for teachers to apply/reject resources, showing evidence that resources that align with teachers’ beliefs or views of what to teach plays an important role.
Next, I will report on the findings of a sample data collected online about teachers’ view on tasks that have ProInterest Features. To select such tasks, a teacher might use a student-driven selection, or become resource-driven.
5.1 Findings of the online survey
Teachers were asked to pick a task that they felt would a) trigger, b) maintain their students’ interest [20]. They could pick the same task for both, or choose one that would trigger, another that would maintain interest. All tasks did get mentioned.
When describing what in the selected task would trigger students’ interest, teachers listed the following features: looking simple or being simple (e.g. little writing), having a nice layout (colourful, clear, visual), being unexpected, using storytelling (or real-life connections), looking fun or being fun, giving a challenge, being rich, allowing physical activity and/or creativity or roleplay. These features cover A2: Simple, A3: Stands out and A4: Humorous, indicating the teachers’ view on what triggers student interest well aligns with the proposed model. However, the features teachers mentioned also cover B1: Challenging and B3: Creative, which according to the proposed model likely maintain interest.
Interestingly, when describing what in the selected task what would maintain students’ interest, teachers listed mainly the same features: simple, unexpected (or novel), doesn’t feel like maths, outside the classroom/book, being short, fun, challenging, rich, physical, allowing creativity, discussion, roleplay, having social aspects, or being competitive. These features cover A2: Simple, A3: Stands out, A4: Humorous, B1: Challenging and B3: Creative. The exact same features were covered in both cases, showing evidence of the teachers being ignorant to the differences between what triggers, what maintains interest. Based on this evidence alone, we cannot say whether it is the teachers that know better: maybe in practice the features have double functions. However, in our data, teachers did not make any remarks about the different stages, namely, emerging and maintained situational interest [36], keeping it an open possibility that the stages are foreign to teachers.
I identified the teachers associating appeal in 1) the nature of the task and 2) what you get to do with it. This well aligns with the idea of triggering (the nature of the task) and maintaining (what you get to do) interest. Teachers seem to know what in general connects with interest-development.
Some teachers’ saw tasks being open as problematic (Feature B2 to maintain interest). The activity being short was seen as plausible:
If they were allowed a discussion over the task it could maintain their interest, but that kind of discussion would delve more into philosophy than math and take longer than a "starter" should (response #8)
This can be seen as one example of the multiple goals teachers have to entertain, causing tensions between the many aims and what gets actualised. The purpose of interest-developing activities is indeed getting students’ activated for a bit longer and even start exploring new grounds, but the teacher might feel pressured to keep the lesson focused and under control to reach cognitive learning goals and only allow minor flexibility, as also noted by Kaur and Chin [19].
One more topic was identified in teachers’ accounts. The role of ‘fun maths’ was acknowledged, not just as a feature to trigger interest (A4: Humorous: it could make students ‘excited’ and bring ‘joy’)but also as a segway to content teaching:
I could imagine using a task like this throughout primary, by getting students to use different mathematics symbols and increasing the difficulty. (response #9)
Evidence of similar endeavours, teachers looking for entertaining activities as a pathway to content teaching was recorded by Grave and Pepin [54]. In their study (ibid.), the authors identified teachers' usage of resources to ”inspire” teaching, being directly linked to the teaching objectives. The study also showed that the main sources teachers were using to search for resources to inspire teaching were textbooks and the Internet, the latter being mainly used to this purpose only by all four teachers who participated in their study (ibid.). The last bit of this study is to examine what the Internet has to offer.
5.2 Interest promoting features in “fun maths”
When using web-based search engines, such as Google, it is possible to find several million search hits using the key term ‘fun maths task’ or similar keywords (Fun Maths 952,000,000 results, Inspiring maths 52,900,000 results, Motivational maths 40,900,000 results, Enjoyable maths 29,100,000 results, Entertaining maths 33,500,000 results, tested 31st of January 2023 using Google). Looking at the results one gets when using ‘Fun maths’, it is not hard to notice certain common features in the provided activities. In Figure 10, you can see the first page of results in Google Images search using the key term ‘fun maths task’): there are some noticeable common features of the results. They predominantly use a bright colour palette, characters (such as imaginary creatures, plants and animals), hands-on interactive materials and the use of different fonts in one task. Visual richness may be prevalent in these tasks but cannot alone describe what ‘fun maths’ means. What one can do, however, is to examine how these tasks abundant for teachers manifest the ProInterest Features.
I have selected a representative example task ‘Silly Monster Number Towers’ (Figure 11) that is considered ‘fun maths’ based on the commonalities we have seen and described above. The task is advertised to be fun, and is offered by a platform entitled “Fun Learning for Kids” [55]. The prompt is to use two colours of blocks to build a tower that matches the numbers in dominoes the bright colored monsters have on their bellies. In addition, students are asked to write a number sentence for each tower. For example, if there is a monster with dominoes 2 and 5, students can choose 2 yellow blocks and 5 red blocks, pile them to represent a ‘monster tower’ and write 2+5=7 in a designated recording sheet.
Let us see what appealing features are present in ‘Silly Monster Number Towers’. It has mathematics in the foreground (has feature A1), and there is humour in the title of the task, the characters are indeed labelled as silly (has feature A4). The format is typical to a mathematics task; the use of blocks assists a student with the manipulation of the quantities, and the designated recording sheet gives a clear structure for documentation (has feature B3). However, there are several missing features when it comes to both triggering and maintaining interest. The task is not simple: it requires reading of a prompt written in a small font, plus grasping the different steps of what is asked of a student, not in terms of making mathematical discoveries, but following orders (does not have feature A2). The use of colours, characters and fonts likely aims for a neat look, however many textbooks and online resources nowadays use similar designs (does not have feature A3). The intellectual challenge is minor: it is a closed addition task where two integers are visually displayed and manipulated (does not have feature B1). The student influence is tokenistic at best, you only get to choose the colours; the task is not evolving or creative (does not have feature B3).
When I first encountered the ‘Silly Monster Number Towers’, my first impression was that the task would likely promote student interest. This was albeit having read literature on the topic and having engaged myself in the design of interest developing activities. The analysis here suggests otherwise: not many interest promoting features are available. If I am myself prone to being mistaken, I doubt the average teacher would be critical with a task’s potential to promote interest. It is not to say that the task wouldn’t be very applicable in mathematics class: my speculation is that procedural fluency can be developed through it. Interest could also be promoted if it was used surprisingly as an alternative to very traditional, dull mathematics exercises, simply by offering something different. In regular use, however, one can well argue that over time tasks with accessibility issues (not being simple), unimaginative design (not being particularly exciting), and omitted features to maintain interest (no challenge, minimally interactive, not creative) make a repetitive, meaningless experience.
Based on this pilot analysis, I cannot make generalisations over all tasks that are aimed to promote interest. I cannot confirm how students experience these tasks; much depends on teachers’ skills to use tasks as affordances, not in a tokenistic manner. These examinations will be my focus in the future. However, I have discussed a task that is easily available for teachers all around the globe through the engine search using the key term ‘fun maths task’ and shown that in such a task, the features that would trigger or maintain interest can be largely missing.