The 2023 annual carbon footprint of an average dental surgery is not based on primary data from 2023. Instead, it reconstructs the information gathered from a comprehensive study conducted a decade prior. While it would be beneficial to acquire more extensive primary data on procurement, travel, energy, waste, and other factors, it would necessitate a well-funded research endeavour. In the absence of such resources, we have adjusted our 2015 comprehensive dataset to account for inflation and re-evaluated our data modelling approach. By utilizing up-to-date Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and more recent emission factors, we have generated an updated estimation of the annual carbon footprint of an average dental practice.
The 2023 carbon footprint, shows a notable increase in the proportion of patient travel, while staff travel remained relatively consistent due to the use of different databases.
As in the original study, the GHG emissions associated with patient travel, were based on indirect emissions (including the building and maintenance of the car/bus/train and allocation of the vehicle and well-to-tank emissions) as well as the direct emissions, tailpipe emissions for the miles travelled which amounts to 0.5489 kg CO2e per mile.15. In the PHE study we used Small World Consulting figures (0.5275 kg CO2e per mile of car travel) For all travel we used a figure of 220 days (to match other studies by Duane, Lyne, Ashley16,17,18. Patient travel did not change to any degree. There were however a number of differences in the way staff travel was calculated in this study. The PHE paper utilized a questionnaire from NHS Fife to gather data on the distances travelled by various types of staff (e.g. dental therapist, dental nurse, receptionist, etc.), showcasing the differences in travel distances among these professionals.19,20 Using national information on staff numbers total distances were aggregated for dental therapists, dental nurses etc. Within this calculation for simplification a broad average of 42.6 miles return per day for staff travel was used. For staff travel in the Fife study (Duane 2011)6, we determined from the staff questionnaire that most of the travel to dental practices was based on cars, 99%, and copied this methodology in the English study. This assumption for the broader UK could be potentially flawed so we also undertook a sensitivity analysis to investigate the scenario where staff travelled by UK travel modalities (ie an average mixture of car, bus etc). The two different scenarios amounted to an increase of 2351kgCO2emissions if staff travelled using usual UK travel modes.
In this study, the main reason for changes in staff travel was that our functional unit was for full time staff; we did not alter the distances for part time workers, or NHS allocation, as our aim was to calculate a CFP for a FT practice. This change led to an increase in this CPF from 7398 kgCO2e (2015) to 12427 kgCO2e (this paper)
Within dentistry the CFP of patient and staff travel continues to be much higher than in other non-primary care health settings. The dental team needs to consider how they can incentivise patients and staff to use low carbon transport options for travel to their practices and we discuss this in more detail in our travel literature.21,22
Procurement is a little higher in this analysis than the 2015 study. This is mainly related to the changes in emission factors for procurement from DEFRA as well as changes in the ratio of providing performers to performers only/Associates23. To reduce the GHG emissions associated with dental procurement, a more detailed carbon footprint analysis is required to identify the dental procurement carbon hotspots. Currently, there is very little information known on the GHG emissions associated with dental laboratory work and materials and using LCA methodology to fill this gap would be time consuming but is necessary.
The carbon footprint of waste has increased from 0.32% to around 1% of the overall CFP based on LCA methodology. The CFP of domestic waste used in this calculation was based on standard Ecoinvent municipal (household waste) and included transport. To calculate the amalgam waste, we consulted a paper from Q, but assumed that the amalgam was 100% mercury as most of the impact from this waste would come from the more toxic element. The contribution of amalgam waste to the total carbon footprint of a dental practice is negligible and it is suspected in any respect that the amount of amalgam waste will reduce with the changes in its use.24,25
The calculation of the CFP of dental medical waste is more complicated. To estimate the potential CFP of waste, the authors looked at Richardson’s paper which estimated the types of paper, plastic etc produced from a dental clinic.26 Ecoinvent data bases were used to calculate a mix of incineration types based on these proportions. The CFP calculated included energy generation from incineration of such a mix of products and was 1552 kg Carbon/ tonne, which is lower than the figure used in our Fife study (1.8kg) but higher than the medical waste figure recently calculated by Rizan (who calculated high temperature incineration was 1074 kg CO2e/ t).27 There might be a number of reasons for this.
- We included the energy use of shredding (48 gram carbon); which did not seem to be present in Rizan’s paper but may have been included in other processes.
- In this calculation our mix of material (paper, plastic etc) was specific to dentistry, and is assumed to be reflected in medical waste. leading to a different environmental impact than medical waste in hospitals
The environmental footprint of dental waste is higher than we thought, and higher than originally calculated in 2014 and highlights the need for dental teams to consider how they manage waste. As Rizan suggests (shredding) and autoclaving the waste and then recycling the waste will significantly reduce this footprint.44
As Table 2 shows the carbon emissions of water use decreased from 25 Kg to 12.8 kg
The water use, both in 2015 and now, is based on a very limited sample sizes (based on the average water use of a community dental service in Fife from 2010). More information is needed to verify this water use within dental practices.
This is the first LCA undertaken to look at the environmental impact of a dental practice. It includes the carbon footprint of procurement, but excludes the other environmental impacts associated with buying goods and services. The calculation of procurement poses a challenge to calculate carbon emissions based on financial or expenditure data. In medical-based carbon footprint calculators, various expense categories such as pharmaceuticals or linen can be assigned different impact factors. However, in dentistry, due to the wide range of product types, this becomes more challenging. It is necessary to establish better proxies for procurement and conduct more detailed Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) calculations. However, such endeavours go beyond the scope of the current workstream. In reality, to calculate procurement, we would require data on quantity, detailed ingredients, place of manufacture, transportation etc, for every product we use. Ideally, by purchasing an item with a known carbon footprint, the amount of carbon emitted could be automatically calculated and integrated into an accounting software process. However, we are still far from implementing such an approach.
Normalised results provide a snapshot of how the often-confusing impact categories compare with what an average human being (often referred to as an average Jo/e) would have on the environment. An average dental practice has around 4.7 times the carbon footprint of Jo(e). However, its greater impact is from its impact on freshwater ecotoxicity, the majority of which originates from fossil fuel derived travel, and is equivalent to 17 times what an average person would contribute within a year. Material resources (4.3X), photochemical oxidant formation (2.8X), and acidification (1.7X) all result from the high travel component.
The average dental surgery’s contribution to DALYs came mainly from the human health impact of climate change (12 days of DALY). A single Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY) signifies the deprivation of one year of overall well-being. Based on our results, the activities of a dental practice over one year could be assumed to cause 12.05 days of Disability adjusted life year, per practice. Like the other impacts, this is mostly due to travel and travel associated harm (e.g. cardiovascular impact, respiratory impact) which is now well publicised.28