The optical microscopy image of the WS2 film is shown in Fig. 1a. As can be seen the formed WS2 grains have a triangular structure. We can see that the orientation of the triangles is disordered. Raman spectra for the WS2 single layer and Co/WS2 bilayer are shown in Fig. 1b. The spectrums show the Raman peaks corresponding to the in-plane (\({\text{E}}_{2\text{g}}^{1}\)) and out-of-plane (\({\text{A}}_{1\text{g}}\)) characteristic vibrational modes of WS2 14. In the reported works, the position and intensity ratio of two peaks \({\text{E}}_{2\text{g}}^{1}\) and \({\text{A}}_{1\text{g}}\) are used to identify the number of layers. By comparing with the reported works, we guess that the number of WS2 layers is 6–8 layers 14. The Raman spectrum of the Co/WS2 sample shows a wide peak at about 690 cm− 1, which can be related to Co-oxide 15. Also, when a Co layer is deposited on top of WS2, i.e. Co/WS2 sample, the intensity of Raman peaks seems to be suppressed compared to the WS2 sample. The sharp peak at 520 cm− 1 corresponds to the Si substrate 16.
The schematic of the sample and the measurement configuration is demonstrated in Fig. 2a. The open circuit voltage is measured from the contacts that are connected to the middle points of the two opposite edges of the Co film. The light is uniformly irradiated along the z-direction, perpendicular to the sample plane. The magnetic field is applied in the plane of the sample in different directions to the open circuit voltage measurement. As shown in Fig. 2a, θ is the angle between the applied magnetic field and the direction of open circuit voltage measurement. Figure 2b shows the time-dependent open circuit voltage when exposing the sample to light with a power of 3 mW cm− 2 and a constant magnetic field (µ0H = 0.336 T) at different θ (0°, 90° and 270°) angles. As can be seen, when θ = 0°, the open circuit voltage is zero. For θ = 90°, the open circuit voltage is positive and for θ = 270°, it is negative, while their magnitudes are equal. So, the measured open circuit voltage for θ = 270° and 90° shows that the sign of the voltage changes with the sign of the applied magnetic field. This change of sign is due to the change of Lorentz force 1. This behavior is a clear indication that the photo-induced Hall effect is the driving force behind the induction. One of the advantages of this device is that it needs two contacts, while conventional Hall sensors need four contacts, two contacts are used to measure current, and two contacts are used for voltage.
In addition, the open circuit voltage measured in a constant magnetic field (µ0H = +/- 0.336 T) at θ = 90°, under illumination with different light intensities with the wavelength of 660 nm is shown in Fig. 3a. As can be seen, the magnitude of the open circuit voltage increases with the enhance of the light intensity, which is due to the increase of photogenerated charge carriers. As the sign of the applied magnetic field changes, the sign of the open circuit voltage changes. Also, excellent repeatability is observed in photo-switch conditions. The magnitude of measured open circuit voltage as a function of the light intensity is presented in Fig. 3b. It shows a linear behavior in our measurement range. Therefore, in the Co/WS2 device, the bias voltage is replaced by the light bias, and the light bias voltage is proportional to the intensity of the light irradiated on the sample. To study the effect of light wavelength on the observed photo-induced Hall effect, the open circuit voltage was measured at two different wavelengths, 532 and 660 nm, under the same light power of 3 mW cm− 2. The results are shown in Fig. 3c. The open circuit voltage increases with decreasing wavelength because at higher photon energies, the probability of transition from the valence band to the conduction band in the WS2 semiconductor increases.
It has been proved that the existence of a Schottky barrier is a necessary condition for the existence of the photo-induced Hall effect 1. To check the Schottky barrier between WS2 and Co layer, I-V curves were measured in a dark state and under light illumination with a wavelength of 660 nm. The measurement configuration is shown in the inset of Fig. 4. The recorded curves are demonstrated in Fig. 4. As can be seen, the metallic Co forms a Schottky contact with the semiconductor WS2. It also shows the effect of light illumination on the Schottky behavior, increasing the conductivity. When the light reaches the interface, it is converted into electron-hole pairs in the WS2 semiconductor. Photogenerated holes pass through the interface and combine with cobalt electrons. But the photogenerated electrons are trapped in the interface and create an optical potential that has the opposite sign of the internal potential of the Schottky barrier and decays with the inverse of the distance from the interface and can cause the edge of the Schottky barrier to be rounded 1. Therefore, in this case, electrons can be injected into the cobalt. Without applying a magnetic field, the currents of holes and electrons are equal, so there is no net current. But when the magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the direction of voltage measurement, the charge transfer in the sample plane is not uniform and Hall voltage is generated. It should be noted that non-polarized light was used in this research, so other effects such as effects related to circularly polarized light and valley-dependent spin polarization are rejected 17,18.
To study the effect of magnetic field intensity on the photo-induced voltage VH, the VH vs H curves under illumination with different light intensities were recorded (Fig. 5a). As can be seen, the photo-induced voltage is nonlinear and hysteretic concerning the applied magnetic field. While for paramagnetic metals such as Pt, linearity has been observed 1. The nonlinearity of the photo-induced Hall voltage can be caused by the spin-dependent scattering in the ferromagnetic cobalt layer 3. Also, increasing the light power increases the photo-induced voltage, which is due to the increase of photogenerated charge carriers. For comparison, the Kerr magneto-optical effect (MOKE) of the Co/WS2 sample was investigated, which can be seen in Fig. 5b. A direct comparison of the photo-induced voltage curve and the MOKE curve is shown in Fig. 5c. As can be seen, there is a good match between the curves. In other words, the photo-induced voltage curve mimics the magnetic hysteresis loop, so it can be used as a magnetometric technique.