Selection of gRNA for MYC disruption.
Using the online bioinformatics tools, four gRNA sequences that could disrupt the human MYC were identified. Among these gRNA1 with sequence, ACGUUGAGGGGCAUCGUCGC was chosen as it was predicted to bind to exon 2 with zero mismatches. This gRNA1 could potentially bind several genes with three or four mismatches. However, the cellular function of these genes is unknown. Since binding of a gRNA to DNA regions with multiple mismatches is an inefficient process, gRNA1 is a strong candidate for targeting MYC disruption. Thus, we have chosen gRNA1 in these studies.
Disruption of MYC in HT29 cells.
Bioinformatics tools, mentioned under Materials and Methods, have identified four overlapping guide RNA (gRNA) sequences at the 5’-end of the exon 2 in MYC (Fig. 1A). We selected gRNA1 (Fig. 1A) for this study. The gRNA1 was subcloned into pX459 plasmid, transfected into human colorectal cancer HT29 cells and several puromycin-resistant clones were isolated for further characterization, according to Ran et al. (9). The c-Myc expression and β-actin levels in these clones was determined by western blotting using 10 µg of total cellular protein lysates from these samples as mentioned in the Materials and Methods and the results were shown in Fig. 1B. The data shows that these clones contained variable amounts of c-Myc protein. Clone 4 contained similar amounts of c-Myc as in the vector control, suggesting that MYC in clone 4 was not disrupted. Importantly, the c-Myc protein was nearly absent in clones 5 and 7, suggesting that all MYC copies in these clones were likely disrupted. Finally, clones 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8 contained lower amounts of c-Myc when compared to control, suggesting that at least one copy of the MYC was intact.
To confirm knockout, genomic MYC DNA encompassing the gRNA1 region was amplified by PCR from all clones and subjected to sequencing. The DNA sequences thus obtained were aligned with MYC exon 2 using bioinformatics tools mentioned in the Materials and Methods. Figure 1C shows that the DNA sequences from clones 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 aligned perfectly with the wild-type MYC exon 2 sequence, although c-Myc levels in these clones were lower than in the control. The exon 2 sequence from clones 2, 3, and 6 was disrupted with indels, transitions and transversions, which was evident from the gaps and mismatches in the sequence alignments (Fig. 1C). Comparison of the peptide sequences predicted ( from these DNA sequences was shown below:
Clone 2: …PPAKYHLPYDSLHP…(premature stop)…
Clone 3: …PPANDPPHCSLPQEKL…(premature stop)…
Clone 6: …PPAKAPLHGFFNKKKYHLHHHAV…(premature stop)…
The above protein sequences clearly indicate that clones 2, 3, and 6 are completely altered due to frameshift mutations in the DNAs, when compared to the normal c-Myc amino acid sequence. This analysis provided evidence for the reduced levels of c-Myc detection in these clones by the western blotting analysis. However, loss of c-Myc in clones 5 and 7 could not be explained by the DNA sequence analysis which indicated that MYC was intact in these clones. Interestingly, it is known that colorectal cancers contain multiple pseudogenes of MYC (14), and one of these happened to be sequenced, yielding wild-type sequence in these clones.
To determine the functional consequences of MYC knockout in clones 5 and 7, cell proliferation assays were carried out as described under Materials and Methods. Figure 1D shows that the cell proliferation rates of these clones were nearly identical to that of the control, suggesting that the cell proliferation was unaffected with MYC disruption. To further analyze the MYC knockout, cell division cycle analysis was also carried out on these clones as described under Materials and Methods. Figure 1E shows that the distribution of cell population in G0/G1, S and G2/M phases in both clones was identical to that in the control. These results suggested that MYC is not involved in the regulation of cell division cycle in this cancer cell line. These results together suggest that c-Myc may not be the only cellular protein regulating these cellular processes in HT29 cells.
Disruption of MYC in OVCAR8 cell line.
In the absence of any functional alterations upon MYC disruption in HT29 cells, we performed these experiments on the human ovarian carcinoma OVCAR8 cell line. The OVCAR8 cells were transfected with the gRNA1 carrying pX459 plasmid and 24 puromycin-resistant clones were collected, as described under Materials and Methods. However, many of these clones could not be propagated due to extremely slow proliferation. The c-Myc expression and β-actin levels in 7 of these clones was determined by western blotting using 10 µg of total cellular protein lysates from these samples as mentioned in the Materials and Methods. Figure 2A shows the results. Among these clones, c-Myc expression was minimal in clones 9 and 21 when compared to other clones and vector, suggesting that MYC was likely disrupted in these clones. To establish MYC disruption, the MYC exon 2 segment encompassing the gRNA1 region from clones 9, 21 and the vector control, was PCR-amplified, sequenced and aligned with exon 2 sequence, as described under Materials and Methods. Figure 2B shows that the DNA from clones 9 and 21 contained widespread mismatches with indels. Comparison of the peptide sequences predicted ( from these DNA sequences was shown below:
Clone 21: … PPALCAPLQHAPAN(premature stop)
These data showed that c-Myc protein in clones 9 and 21 was prematurely truncated with stop codons introduced by indels and other alterations in exon 2, when compared to control, suggesting that MYC was disrupted. These data provided an evidence for the decreased expression of c-Myc in these clones.
To further characterize the effect of MYC disruption, cell proliferation was carried out as described under Materials and Methods. Figure 2C shows that clones 9 and 21 exhibited decreased rates of cell proliferation when compared to control. Although not shown, clones 1, 2, 4 and 8 exhibited normal cell proliferation, similar to controls. Together, these data suggested that c-Myc is an important protein, playing a key role in OVCAR8 cell proliferation, corroborating the well-established role of MYC in this cellular process (15). As performed on HT29 cells, the cell division cycle analysis was carried out on clones 9 and 21, and the results were shown in Fig. 2D. These data show that clones 9 and 21 contained a significantly increased percent of cells in G0/G1 phase, with a concomitant decrease in cells in G2/M phase, when compared to controls. These data indicated that MYC disruption leads to slow progression of cells from G0/G1 to S phase, suggesting that MYC regulates the cell division cycle in OVCAR8 cells.
To determine the mechanism of MYC-regulated cell division cycle, we analyzed the expression of phospho-cdc2 and p21 proteins in clones 9 and 21. Figure 3 shows that the phospho-cdc2 level was nearly similar in clones 9 and 21, to that in control cells. Interestingly, there was a significant increase in p21 levels in these clones, when compared to control. These data supports the well established observations that MYC represses the p21 expression (16). Together, these data suggested that MYC is an important gene in OVCAR8 cells regulating the cell proliferation and cell division cycle, and its disruption leads to downregulation of these processes.