Hatching is a developmental event and essential embryo behavior that mediates a critical transition between life stages and environments. Its timing is often cued by environmental conditions and variation in either egg or post-hatching environments can alter the optimal timing or developmental stage for hatching (Warkentin 2011a). Plastic changes in hatching timing in response to environmental cues (i.e., environmentally cued hatching) are widespread and often adaptive, allowing embryos to adjust their hatching timing to escape threats or exploit new opportunities (Warkentin 2011a; Warkentin 2011b; Du and Shine 2022). However, the causes for variation in cued hatching responses, even across closely related species, are poorly understood.
Environmentally cued hatching requires mechanisms for sensing environmental cues and performing hatching behaviors, and the onset timing of either mechanism may limit when and how well animals respond to hatching-inducing cues. Interspecific variation in the onset timing of cued-hatching mechanisms may occur as a result of an overall change in the development rate of embryos (e.g., effects of temperature on development; Güell and Warkentin 2018a), altering the timing but not developmental stage of hatching mechanism development. It may also occur as a result of changes in the sequence of developmental events (i.e., heterochrony) that shift the onset timing of hatching mechanisms to an earlier or later developmental stage (Gould 1977; Alberch et al. 1979; Raff and Wray 1989; Reilly et al. 1997). Here, we assess whether a heterochronic shift in the onset timing of vestibular mechanosensing explains the differences in escape hatching success during snake attacks between two closely related treefrogs.
Phyllomedusid treefrogs are a particularly well-suited system in which to investigate interspecific variation in hatching plasticity. These arboreal amphibians lay eggs on plants that overhang forest pools and embryos hatch into the water below (Duellman 1968; Duellman 1970). Comparative studies found that all tested species show the capacity to hatch up to ~ 30% prematurely in response to egg-stage threats and similarly effective escape-hatching responses to hypoxia cues when flooded (Gomez-Mestre et al. 2008). In contrast, embryos show striking differences in their escape success in snake attacks; while most species show a strong, effective escape response to mechanosensory cues in attacks, others have much lower escape success and most embryos show no signs of attempting to hatch in video recordings of attacks (Gomez-Mestre and Warkentin 2007; Gomez-Mestre et al. 2008). The causes of these differences in embryo behavior are unclear. However, rates of embryonic development also vary across species, as do egg mass structures and adult reproductive strategies; notably, these all differ strongly between species with high vs. low embryo escape-success in snake attacks (Gomez-Mestre and Warkentin 2007; Gomez-Mestre et al. 2008).
To assess a potential cause for the differences in embryo behavior within this group we examined the two best-studied species with the largest difference in escape success in snake attacks, Agalychnis callidryas and A. spurrelli. Compared to A. callidryas, the faster-developing A. spurrelli has been reported to have particularly low escape success in snake attacks (9–28% vs. 59–80%; range of means across 4th − 5th and 5th − 7th nights after oviposition in A. spurrelli and A. callidryas, respectively), despite sharing the same reproductive periods, breeding ponds, oviposition sites, and predation pressures (Gomez-Mestre and Warkentin 2007). However, the earliest escape hatching that Gomez-Mestre and Warkentin (2007) report for A. callidryas at Estación Sirena, on Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula, based on data collected in the early 1990s is later than more recent data collected from a well-studied population in Gamboa, Panama (Warkentin 2000; Warkentin et al. 2017; Almanazar and Warkentin 2018), beginning at age 5 vs. 4 days, respectively. Therefore, before testing a potential cause for differences in escape-hatching success between these species, we first determined the undisturbed hatching timing and hatching response to snake attacks for both A. spurrelli and A. callidryas at our field site in Piro, on Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula. Moreover, as egg clutch size varies considerably, ranging from 12–231 eggs for A. spurrelli (76.8 ± 64.5; mean ± SD here and in text throughout) and from 10–101 eggs for A. callidryas (40.5 ± 15.5) (Gomez-Mestre and Warkentin 2007), we also assessed the role of clutch size on escape-hatching success in both species. Assuming snakes cannot consume an entire clutch in one bite, embryos that are not directly attacked may have more time to escape from larger clutches.
In A. callidryas, the earliest induced hatching occurs in response to strong hypoxia cues, whereas predator-induced, mechanosensory-cued hatching (MCH) begins later, limited by sensory system development (Warkentin et al. 2017; Jung et al. 2019; Jung et al. 2020). Multiple sensory mechanisms contribute to MCH in A. callidryas (Jung et al. 2020). The vestibular system of the inner ear is the predominant motion-detecting system across vertebrates, and in A. callidryas it appears crucial for embryos to perceive motion cues and assess risk in snake attacks on their clutch before direct snake contact with their egg. Jung et al. (2019) found a strong correlation between the developmental onset of MCH and the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), an indicator of vestibular function. The lateral line system also contributes to MCH in A. callidryas; it develops before the onset of vestibular function and seems sufficient to mediate a weaker hatching response in directly attacked eggs (Jung et al. 2020).
The fact that some A. spurrelli embryos hatch in snake attacks means they have a mechanism—presumably mechanosensory—to detect attacks, as well as the ability to hatch. The difference in their response to snakes, compared to A. callidryas, suggests that something about their cue sensing or decision rules differ. We hypothesized that A. spurrelli embryos may lack multimodal mechanosensing, or develop different modalities of mechanosensing at different times, compared to A. callidryas. Overall, A. spurrelli embryos develop more rapidly than A. callidryas, but their acceleration of development may be uneven. If vestibular system development is less accelerated than other processes, A. spurrelli may have a relatively longer period of limited mechanosensory perception, when only the lateral line system is functional, after the onset of hatching ability. Moreover, the lateral line appears to be stimulated only by complex mechanosensory cues from direct attacks, not motion-only cues (Jung et al. 2020). Since many embryos in large egg masses receive only motion cues while snakes attack their spatially distant siblings, a developmental delay in the onset of vestibular mechanosensing, relative to the onset of hatching ability, might explain A. spurrelli’s low escape success with predators.
Therefore, as a first step in determining the mechanistic cause for differences in escape-hatching success between species we assessed the onset of hatching ability, vestibular function, and mechanosensory-cued hatching in A. spurrelli and compared it to that of A. callidryas. To do this we exposed a developmental series of A. spurrelli and A. callidryas embryos to hypoxia and mechanosensory cues and compared the onset of their hatching responses. To assess the onset of vestibular mechanosensory function in A. spurrelli we measured the roll-induced vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) of embryos—in which eyes roll counter to body roll based on vestibular sensory input—before and after the onset of MCH and compared their VOR development to previously reported measurements in A. callidryas. We also assessed if vestibular function development predicts MCH response in A. spurrelli.