Identification of Neuropeptide Precursors in A. custos
In the A. custos transcriptome, a total of 57 neuropeptide precursor transcripts were identified, belonging to 43 conserved families: adipokinetic hormone (AKH), AKH/corazonin-relate peptide (ACP), agatoxin-like peptide (ALP), allatostatin (Ast), allatotropin (AT), arginine-vasopressin-like peptide (AVLP), bursicon (Bur), capability/cardio acceleratory peptide 2b (CAPA), Carausius neuropeptide-like precursor (CNP), CCHamide (CCHa), CNMamide (CNMa), corazonin (Crz), crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), diuretic hormone (DH), ecdysis triggering hormone (ETH), eclosion hormone (EH), elevenin (Ele), FMRFamide (FMRFa), glycoprotein hormone (GP), IDLSRF-like (IDLSRF), Insulin-like peptide (ILP), Ion Transport peptide (ITP), ITG-like (ITG), leucokinin (LK), myosuppressin (MS), natalisin (NTL), neuroparsin A (NPA), neuropeptide F (NPF), neuropeptide-like precursor (NPLP), NVP-like (NVP), orcokinin (OK), PaOGS36577, parathyroid hormone (PTH), pigment dispersing factor (PDF), proctolin (Pro), prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH), pyrokinin (PK), RFLamide (RFLa), RYamide (RYa), short neuropeptide F (sNPF), SIFamide (SIFa), sulfakinins (SK), and tachykinins (TK) (Table 1, Supplementary Data 1). A couple of novel neuropeptides, including CNP, PTH, PaOGS36577, and RFLa were also present in A. custos, as well as in other hemipteran species by homology searching against NCBI nr/nt database (Fig. 1). AST-C and trissin were not found in the A. custos transcriptome, which were also missing in other hemipteran species (Fig. 1). AKH was not found in our custom transcriptome but identified in NCBI SRA data (SRR10098905). 54 out of 57 neuropeptide transcripts have full-length sequences and the remaining three non-full-length sequences include ALP2, IDLSRF-like and PTH (Supplementary Data 1). Most of A. custos mature neuropeptides predicted are identical or highly similar to H. halys or other bugs, whereas a few share low similarities with homologous sequences, such as NPAs, OKB and PTTH (Figs. 2 ~ 4).
Table 1
Putative neuropeptide precursor genes identified from A. custos
Neuropeptide | Acronym | ORF (aa) | Homology search against NCBI NR database (blastp) |
NR ID | Species | E-value |
Adipokinetic hormone | AKH | 46 | AZK31332.1 | Nezara viridula | 8.00E-23 |
AKH/Corazonin-relate peptide | ACP | 96 | XP_014285630.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.50E-38 |
Agatoxin-like 1 | ALP1 | 127 | XP_014292753.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 5.30E-61 |
Agatoxin-like 2 | ALP2 | 85* | XP_014255021.1 | Cimex lectularius | 8.50E-21 |
Allatostatin A/FGLamide Allatostatin | AstA | 179 | BAV78789.1 | Plautia stali | 1.30E-86 |
Allatostatin B/Myoinhibitory peptide | AstB | 288 | BAU88428.1 | Plautia stali | 9.40E-120 |
Allatostatin CC | AstCC | 110 | BAV78791.1 | Plautia stali | 3.30E-55 |
Allatostatin CCC | AstCCC | 89 | AZK31378.1 | Nezara viridula | 3.60E-30 |
Allatotropin | AT | 97 | XP_014274846.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.60E-34 |
Arginine-vasopressin-like peptide | AVLP | 130 | XP_014287933.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.80E-57 |
Bursicon alpha | Burα | 147 | AZC86174.1 | Nezara viridula | 8.30E-80 |
Bursicon beta | Burβ | 132 | XP_024214523.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 3.80E-63 |
Capability/Cardio acceleratory peptide 2b | CAPA | 152 | AYP97817.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.50E-64 |
Carausius neuropeptide-like precursor | CNP | 440 | XP_024214992.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.50E-171 |
CCHamide 1 | CCHa1 | 147 | XP_014293977.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.00E-91 |
CCHamide 2 | CCHa2 | 144 | AZK31334.1 | Nezara viridula | 1.90E-26 |
CNMamide | CNMa | 115 | BAV78799.1 | Plautia stali | 5.10E-43 |
Corazonin | Crz | 93 | XP_014274138.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.90E-27 |
Crustacean Cardioactive peptide | CCAP | 126 | AZK31338.1 | Nezara viridula | 2.00E-87 |
Diuretic hormone 31 | DH31 | 118 | XP_024214033.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.10E-44 |
Diuretic Hormone 44 | DH44 | 119 | BAV78801.1 | Plautia stali | 8.30E-31 |
Ecdysis triggering hormone | ETH | 151 | AZK31339.1 | Nezara viridula | 1.10E-70 |
Eclosion hormone 1 | EH1 | 77 | XP_024214295.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 4.40E-26 |
Eclosion hormone 2 | EH2 | 71 | BAV78806.1 | Plautia stali | 9.90E-25 |
Elevenin | Ele | 93 | BAV78807.1 | Plautia stali | 1.10E-29 |
FMRFamide | FMRFa | 201 | XP_024219218.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.60E-104 |
Glycoprotein hormone alpha 2 | GPA2 | 122 | BAV78809.1 | Plautia stali | 2.80E-65 |
Glycoprotein hormone beta 5 | GPB5 | 142 | BAV78810.1 | Plautia stali | 7.20E-69 |
IDLSRF-like | IDLSRF | 120* | XP_014290093.2 | Halyomorpha halys | 7.2E-56 |
Insulin-like peptide 1 | ILP1 | 125 | AZK31343.1 | Nezara viridula | 2.80E-47 |
Insulin-like peptide 2 | ILP2 | 270 | XP_024216521.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 8.60E-119 |
Ion Transport peptide | ITP | 126 | XP_014274475.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.50E-67 |
ITG-like | ITG | 210 | XP_014275756.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 8.00E-119 |
Leucokinin | LK | 477 | BAV78814.1 | Plautia stali | 7.00E-248 |
Myosuppressin | MS | 93 | XP_024214034.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 9.20E-44 |
Natalisin | NTL | 73 | BAV78816.1 | Plautia stali | 4.60E-26 |
Neuroparsin A1 | NPA1 | 91 | BAV78817.1 | Plautia stali | 1.50E-34 |
Neuroparsin A2 | NPA2 | 105 | AZK31353.1 | Nezara viridula | 1.50E-42 |
Neuroparsin A3 | NPA3 | 107 | XP_014279505.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.50E-55 |
Neuroparsin A4 | NPA4 | 107 | XP_014279505.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 7.60E-34 |
Neuropeptide F | NPF | 102 | BAV78819.1 | Plautia stali | 1.60E-52 |
Neuropeptide-like precursor | NPLP | 487 | XP_014276590.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 4.40E-212 |
NVP-like | NVP | 300 | AZK31360.1 | Nezara viridula | 4.40E-166 |
Orcokinin A | OKA | 113 | XP_014280358.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.40E-49 |
Orcokinin B | OKB | 560 | XP_049862630.1 | Schistocerca gregaria | 3.00E-106 |
PaOGS36577 | - | 646 | XP_014283619.2 | Halyomorpha halys | 0 |
Parathyroid hormone | PTH | 109* | XP_014293861.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.10E-41 |
Pigment dispersing factor | PDF | 82 | AZK31364.1 | Nezara viridula | 1.40E-32 |
Proctolin | Pro | 78 | XP_014283232.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.00E-32 |
Prothoracicotropic hormone | PTTH | 113 | XP_014239433.1 | Cimex lectularius | 6.20E-12 |
Pyrokinin | PK | 107 | AYP97818.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.90E-48 |
RFLamide | RFLa | 143 | XP_014286502.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 5.30E-70 |
RYamide | RYa | 111 | XP_014276031.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.20E-54 |
Short Neuropeptide F | sNPF | 70 | BAV78827.1 | Plautia stali | 6.50E-29 |
SIFamide | SIFa | 76 | AZK31367.1 | Nezara viridula | 5.70E-35 |
Sulfakinins | SK | 79 | XP_014274494.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 9.70E-30 |
Tachykinins | TK | 192 | BAV78830.1 | Plautia stali | 1.80E-90 |
* not full length |
A total of four A. custos NPA transcripts were found (Figs. 1 ~ 2). Besides, an expansion in the NPA gene family was also found in N. viridula, H. halys and L. hesperus, of 13, 12 and 4 numbers, respectively (Fig. 1), supporting the hypothesis that this could be a particularity of Pentatomidae and Miridae17,18. The A. custos NPA precursors can encode mature peptides with a length of about 80 amino acid residues and 10 ~ 14 cystine residues that form 5 ~ 7 intrachain disulfide bridges (Fig. 2). Sequence alignment of NPA mature peptides showed that ArmcuNPA2 and ArmcuNPA3 are highly similar to their orthologues in H. halys, HalhaNPA2 and HalhaNPA3, respectively (with about 90% identity), while NPA1 and NPA4 share relative lower identities (no more than 70%) with their orthologues, respectively (Fig. 2).
The A. custos OKB precursor can encode 24 mature peptides including 16 distinct peptides characterized by the reported DXI/LGGG consensus sequence (Figs. 3 ~ 4). OKB precursors from Apolygus lucorum, N. viridula, H. halys and R. prolixus, contain 11, 9, 8 and 7 distinct mature peptides, respectively (Figs. 3 ~ 4). The ArmcuOKB precursor shares very low identity (no more than 30%) with their orthologues from four other bugs (Fig. 3). A. custos and H. halys only share one identical OKB sequence (NLDTIGGGHLV) (Figs. 4).
The A. custos PTTH precursor can encode a mature peptide with a length of 91 amino acid residues and seven cystine residues that form one interchain and three intrachain disulfide bridges (Fig. 5). PTTH is absent in a number of hemipteran species such as H. halys, N. viridula, and R. prolixus, but was found in some hemipterans such as L. hesperus, N. lugens and A. pisum. The A. custos PTTH precursor shares 22%~34% amino acid identity with those of four other hemipterans (Fig. 5).
Identification of Neuropeptide GPCRs in A. custos
Using homology research against our custom transcriptome data, a total of 41 potential neuropeptide GPCR genes were identified (Table 2, Supplementary Data 2), including 33 Family-A GPCRs (rhodopsin-like receptors) and eight Family-B GPCRs (secretin-like receptors). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all A. custos neuropeptide GPCRs had high identities to their orthologs in A. lucorum and N. lugens, with the UF bootstrap values of more than 99% (Fig. 6).
Table 2
Neuropeptides GPCR genes identified from A. custos
GPCR name | Putative ligand | Gene Length | Predicted TMHs | Homology search against NCBI NR database (blastp) |
NR ID | Species | E-value |
Armcu_A1 | AstC | 2031 | 7 | XP_014285192.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 4.20E-209 |
Armcu_A2 | SIFa | 4286 | 7 | XP_024215098.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 5.30E-209 |
Armcu_A3 | ETH | 915 | 5 | XP_024081485.1 | Cimex lectularius | 9.90E-73 |
Armcu_A4 | sNPF | 2250 | 7 | XP_024214325.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.00E-208 |
Armcu_A5 | Proc | 1548 | 7 | XP_014279581.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 5.20E-159 |
Armcu_A6 | SK | 362 | 2 | XP_024083285.1 | Cimex lectularius | 2.20E-39 |
Armcu_A7 | MIP | 2022 | 7 | XP_024218766.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 6.10E-200 |
Armcu_A8 | Orphan | 1235 | 7 | XP_024217465.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 5.00E-205 |
Armcu_A9 | MS | 2387 | 7 | XP_014285898.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 3.00E-190 |
Armcu_A10 | CCHa | 384 | 2 | XP_014274580.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 9.20E-65 |
Armcu_A11-1 | CNMa | 456 | 1 | XP_024082326.1 | Cimex lectularius | 8.20E-28 |
Armcu_A11-2 | CNMa | 415 | 1 | XP_024218217.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.20E-17 |
Armcu_A12 | RYa | 502 | 3 | XP_014255151.1 | Cimex lectularius | 2.90E-42 |
Armcu_A13 | LK | 1498 | 7 | XP_014277091.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 6.30E-202 |
Armcu_A14 | TK | 471 | 1 | XP_024215512.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.40E-70 |
Armcu_A15 | CAPA | 2564 | 4 | XP_024217080.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.40E-185 |
Armcu_A16 | CCAP | 1491 | 7 | XP_024216533.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 5.00E-199 |
Armcu_A17 | CCAP | 1858 | 7 | XP_022190770.1 | Nilaparvata lugens | 5.40E-142 |
Armcu_A18 | CCAP | 1820 | 2 | XP_014282181.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.20E-135 |
Armcu_A19 | Crz | 1904 | 7 | XP_014282594.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 3.70E-215 |
Armcu_A20 | AKH | 2319 | 7 | XP_014271665.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.40E-184 |
Armcu_A21 | PK | 1572 | 7 | XP_014282792.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 5.80E-190 |
Armcu_A22 | PK | 1930 | 7 | XP_014287370.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.10E-177 |
Armcu_A23 | NPF | 1583 | 7 | XP_014287015.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 9.00E-199 |
Armcu_A24-1 | NPF | 1304 | 5 | XP_014291375.2 | Halyomorpha halys | 5.80E-127 |
Armcu_A24-2 | NPF | 522 | 2 | XP_024217008.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 3.10E-71 |
Armcu_A25 | FMRFa | 2722 | 7 | XP_014284854.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 3.50E-182 |
Armcu_A26 | Orphan | 3423 | 7 | XP_014285974.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.10E-190 |
Armcu_A27 | Orphan | 2110 | 7 | XP_014287372.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.80E-149 |
Armcu_A28 | Orphan | 5567 | 7 | XP_014291441.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 0.00E + 00 |
Armcu_A29 | Orphan | 507 | 3 | XP_024218051.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 7.60E-75 |
Armcu_A30 | GPA2/GPB5 | 3128 | 7 | XP_014284245.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.60E-194 |
Armcu_A31 | GPA2/GPB5 | 3442 | 7 | XP_014284756.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 0.00E + 00 |
Armcu_A32 | ILP | 1654 | 7 | XP_024214941.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 9.60E-244 |
Armcu_B1 | DH31 | 2163 | 7 | XP_024216452.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 5.90E-209 |
Armcu_B2 | DH31 | 1447 | 7 | XP_024216453.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 7.50E-208 |
Armcu_B3 | PDF | 1884 | 7 | XP_024218284.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 3.20E-195 |
Armcu_B4 | DH31 | 707 | 2 | XP_024218724.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 7.80E-102 |
Armcu_B5 | Orphan | 1031 | 4 | XP_024218723.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 6.20E-116 |
Armcu_B6 | DH44 | 1538 | 7 | XP_024218615.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 3.50E-216 |
Armcu_B7 | DH44 | 3133 | 7 | XP_024216524.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.70E-210 |
Armcu_B8 | Orphan | 3009 | 7 | XP_024216828.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 2.50E-250 |
Armcu_B9 | Orphan | 4173 | 7 | XP_014287795.1 | Halyomorpha halys | 1.40E-190 |
Family-A neuropeptide GPCRs of A. custos can be classed into 25 groups based on their putative ligands: receptors for AstC, SIFa, ETH, sNPF, Proc, SK, MIP, MS, CCHa, CNMa, RYa, LK, TK, CAPA, CCAP, Crz, AKH, PK, NPF, FMRFa, Ele, Bur, GPA2/GPB5, ILP and Orphan (Table 2). Duplications of five receptor genes, CCAP, PK, NPF, GPA2/GPB5 and ILP, were found in A. custos (Table 2). No orthologous gene encoding the receptors for AstA, AT, AVLP and trissin was identified in A. custos. Family-B neuropeptide GPCRs of A. custos can be subdivided into four groups: receptors for DH31, DH44, PDF and PTH. Duplications of DH31 and DH44 receptor genes were found in A. custos (Table 2).
Tissue-specific expression patterns of neuropeptide precursors in A. custos
A heatmap based on FPKM values of 52 neuropeptide genes in heads, antennae, legs, guts and salivary glands was shown in Fig. 7 and Supplementary Table S1. Expression values of five out of 57 neuropeptide genes were not found, because they were not identified from the unigene sequences of our transcriptome. Four genes (CCHa1, CCAP, OKB and Pro) were identified from the trinity sequences of our transcriptome and one gene (AKH) was identified from the public SRA database.
All of these 52 neuropeptide genes were found to be expressed in heads if a criterion of more than 1 FPKM in at least one repeat was adopted (Supplementary Table S1). 39 out of 52 neuropeptide genes showed FPKM values higher than ten in at least one repeat (Supplementary Table S1). The top ten most highly expressed neuropeptide genes in the heads of A. custos were NPLP, NPA3, NVP, ILP1, ETH, ITG, AstCCC, SIFa, NPA4 and PaOGS36577 (Fig. 7; Supplementary Table S1).
Expressions of 26 out of 52 neuropeptide genes were detected in antennae of A. custos, with the FPKM values of more than 1 in at least one repeat (Supplementary Table S1). ILP1, NVP and CNP presented FPKM values higher than ten in at least one repeat (Fig. 7; Table S1).
Thirteen neuropeptide genes were expressed in legs of A. custos (FPKM values > 1 in at least one repeat) (Supplementary Table S1). Only ILP1 and ITP presented FPKM values higher than ten in at least one repeat (Fig. 7; Table S1).
A total of 29 neuropeptide genes showed FPKM values higher than one in at least one gut library (Supplementary Table S1). The top ten most highly expressed neuropeptide genes in the guts of A. custos were DH31, CCHa2, ETH, MS, ILP1, NVP, AstCC, CNMa, DH44 and TK, with the FPKM values of more than 10 in at least one repeat (Fig. 7; Supplementary Table S1).
Only ten out of 52 neuropeptide genes were detected in the salivary glands of A. custos (DH31, ITG, OKA, ETH, TK, NVP, PTH, AstB, DH44, RYa; Table S1). DH31 was the most highly expressed neuropeptide gene in the salivary glands of A. custos, following by ITG that was the other neuropeptide gene with the FPKM values of more than 10 in at least one repeat (Fig. 7; Supplementary Table S1).
After comparing the expression levels of 52 neuropeptide genes among different tissues or parts of A. custos, we found that only one gene (DH31) was significantly less expressed in heads compared to other tissues/parts (salivary glands), with fold < 0.5 and P_adj < 0.05 (Fig. 7).
Tissue-specific expression patterns of neuropeptide GPCR genes in A. custos
A heatmap based on FPKM values of 43 neuropeptide GPCR genes in heads, antennae, legs, guts and salivary glands was shown in Fig. 8 and Supplementary Table S2. A total of 33 out of 41 neuropeptide GPCR genes were expressed in heads of A. custos, with the FPKM values higher than one in at least one repeat (Supplementary Table S2). Three top most highly expressed neuropeptide GPCR genes in heads of A. custos, Armcu_A5_Proc, Armcu_A1_AstC and Armcu_A18_CCAP, presented the FPKM values higher than 10 in at least one repeat (Fig. 8; Supplementary Table S2).
Nine out of 41 neuropeptide GPCR genes were expressed in antennae of A. custos (FPKM > 1 in at least one repeat) (Supplementary Table S2). Armcu_A16_CCAP was the top most highly expressed neuropeptide GPCR genes in antennae of A. custos, showing the FPKM value higher than 10 in one repeat (Fig. 8; Supplementary Table S2).
Only six neuropeptide GPCR genes (Armcu_A5_Proc, Armcu_B1_DH31, Armcu_A18_CCAP, Armcu_A27_Orphan, Armcu_A33_Orphan and Armcu_A20_AKH) were detected in legs of A. custos with the FPKM values higher than one in at least one repeat (Fig. 8; Supplementary Table S2).
Thirteen out of 41 neuropeptide GPCR genes were expressed in guts of A. custos (FPKM > 1 in at least one repeat), among which three receptor genes (Armcu_A15_CAPA, Armcu_A32_ILP and Armcu_A29_GPA2/GPB5) presented the FPKM value higher than 10 in one repeat (Fig. 8; Supplementary Table S2).
Only six neuropeptide GPCR genes (Armcu_B7_DH44, Armcu_A32_ILP, Armcu_A33_Orphan, Armcu_A11-1_CNMa, Armcu_B1_DH31, and Armcu_A26_Ele) were detected in the salivary glands of A. custos (FPKM > 1 in at least one repeat) (Fig. 8; Supplementary Table S2).
Comparison of the expression levels of 41 neuropeptide GPCR genes among different tissues or parts of A. custos showed that the majority (31/41) of them were enriched in heads (Fig. 8). Based on a criterion of Log2 (fold) > 1 and P_adj < 0.05 for significant difference, two GPCRs (Armcu_A16_CCAP and Armcu_A25_FMRFa) were higher expressed in antennae compared to heads; while Armcu_A15_CAPA, Armcu_A30_GPA2/GPB5 and Armcu_A32_ILP were up-regulated in the guts than heads. Armcu_A29_GPA2/GPB5 was up-regulated in the guts and salivary glands than heads (Fig. 8).