Utility of NGS dataset analysis in critical care setting has been evaluated in recent times and the results appear promising. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 We examined NGS as a diagnostic tool in 70 critically ill neonates and children suspected to have a monogenic disorder and achieved a diagnostic yield of 45.7%. The impact on management of this definitive diagnosis was observed in 13 of 32 (40.6%) probands with alteration of medication, diet, invasive procedure, and palliative care. The study is unique in that it incorporates a combination of diverse datasets frequently used in clinical practice thus more closely reflecting the actual utility of NGS by the bedside. As most of the studies are from developed nations with access to testing, this is the first study from a developing country context where most genetic testing is not funded and therefore informed, cost effective testing options are essential.
We report a diagnostic rate of 45.7% (32 of 70), slightly higher (50%, 20 of 40) in the NICU cohort as compared to PICU cohort (40%, 12 of 30), though the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.40). The diagnostic yield of conventional genetic testing without NGS is reported at 26% (34 of 132) in NICU cohort 21. The median diagnostic yield is 38.9% on comparing 18 NGS based genomic studies 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 in the intensive care setting. (Table 5)
Table 5
Comparison of the present study and previous studies of NGS in paediatric critical care
S.No | Study population | Type of NGS | Overall diagnostic yield | Time to result (days) | First Author, year |
1 | Critically ill infants in NICU | rWGS | 11/15 (73%) | 12 | Soden SE 3, 2014 |
2 | Critically ill infants < 4 mths | Rapid GS | 20/35 (57%) | 23 | Willig LK 9, 2015 |
3 | Newborns and infants in NICU | Targeted WES | 8/20 (40%) | 14 to 406 | Daoud H 10, 2016 |
4 | Critically ill infants in ICU | Targeted rWES | 7/23 (30%) | 12 | van Diemen CC 11, 2017 |
5 | Infants < 100 days in intensive care | ES | 102/278 (37%), Critical trio 32/63(51%), Trio 13/39 (33%), Solo 57/176 (32%) | 13 | Meng L 12, 2017 |
6 | Acutely unwell paediatric patients | rWES | 21/40 (52%) | 16 | Stark Z 13, 2018 |
7 | Infants < 4 mths in NICU/PICU | rWGS trio | 12/37 (32%) | 14 | Petrikin JE 14; 2018 |
8 | Acutely ill inpatient infants | rWGS | 18/42 (43%) | 2–5 | Farnaes L 15, 2018 |
9 | PICU children, | rWGS trio | 10/24 (42%) | 9 | Mestek-Boukhibar L 16, 2018 |
10 | PICU children 4mth-18 yrs | rWGS | 17/38 (45%) | 14 | Sanford EF 22, 2019 |
11 | Intensively ill, 1 day-15 yrs in NICU/PICU | WGS trio | 40/195 (21%) | 21 | French CE 17, 2019 |
12 | Ill newborns in NICU | nGS | 0/29 ( 0%), Inconclusive 5/29 (17%) | - | Ceyhan-Birsoy O 18, 2019 |
13 | Critically ill infants < 4 mths, NICU/PICU CVICU | Total urWGS, rWGS, rWES | 48/213 (22%) 11/24 (46%) 18/94 (19%) 19/95 (20%) | 4.6–11 4.6 11 11 | Kingsmore SF 23, 2019 |
14 | Exome sequencing in neonates | Diagnostic exome sequencing | 25/66 (37.9%) | 8 | Powis Z 24, 2018 |
15 | Genetic defects in NICU | Medical Exome with CNV analysis | 284/2303(12.3%) | - | Yang L 25, 2022 |
16 | Intensive care in < 6 months | Rapid Trio-whole exome sequencing | 29/50 (58%) | 7 | Gubbels CS 26,2020 |
17 | NICU clinical care | Rapid clinical exome | 22/80(28%) | 13 | D'Gama AM 27,2022 |
18 | Critically ill infants | Rapid trio- exome sequencing | 6/15 (40%) | 16 | Wells CF 28,2022 |
19 | Critically ill neonates and children, 1 day-18 yrs, NICU/PICU | NGS (Panel, CE, WES, WGS), solo/trio | 32/70 (46%) | 43 | Present study |
In a developing country clinical/ hospital setting with restricted resources and predominant out of pocket expenditure, testing phenotype relevant genes remains the first option. However, with decreasing sequencing costs, trends towards exome sequencing are evolving. 1 29 We performed panel testing in six patients, clinical exome sequencing (CES) in 51, WES in 15 and Genome sequencing (GS) in one patient. The diverse datasets analysed closely reflects the changing scenarios in the last decade from evaluating the OMIM morbid genes in CES towards WES/GS. A review of 171 studies by Smith et al.30 reported the use of ES in 93% (159/171), GS in 6% (10/171) and combined ES and GS in 1% (2/171) studies, which is similar to our dataset distribution.
The diagnostic success rates reported by a focused panel approach by Daoud et al. 10 comprising of 4813 genes in a cohort of 20 NICU babies was 40%. A slightly higher diagnostic success was reported in a study of WGS in children with previous inpatient stay in critical care by Willig et al9 with the diagnosis being achieved in 20 out of 35 (57%) cases. We also noticed a similar trend of increasing diagnostic rate with the use of a broader dataset in our study- 20 out of 51 (39.2%) with clinical exome sequencing, 9 of 15 (60%) with ES and the one patient who underwent genome sequencing, achieved a genetic diagnosis.
The incidence of genetic disease among seriously ill infants with disease of unknown aetiology enrolled in the NSIGHT2 trial 23 was 24% (52 of 213 infants). The diagnostic yield was 46% (11 of 24) in the gravely ill sub-group where ultrarapid WGS (urWGS) reporting in 4.6 days was used, compared to 20% (37 of 189) in the rWES/ rWGS group with TAT of 11 days. Though we were not able to do rapid WES/WGS, we established a definitive molecular diagnosis in 20 of 40 (50%) probands in NICU cohort by standard NGS in 4–6 weeks. The higher diagnostic yield observed in our study could have been due to a small, highly curated cohort where all patients were evaluated by a geneticist prior to NGS testing, leading to increased pre-test probability of a genetic diagnosis. Diagnostic yield has been further augmented by detailed phenotyping (case one), functional testing (case two) and data reanalysis (case three). (eSupplement 2)
In our cohort, seven out of 11 patients who had perinatal asphyxia were confirmed to have a genetic diagnosis. These included patients with CEP290 related Joubert syndrome, STXBP1 related EIEE4, LHX3 related combined pituitary hormone deficiency type 3, CACNA1E related EIEE69, PDHX related pyruvate dehydrogenase E3 binding protein deficiency, UGP2 related EIEE83 and WWOX related EIEE28. Thus, the mere presence of perinatal asphyxia in the history should not be considered as a deterrent to genetic testing. Genetic and metabolic causes of neonatal encephalopathy may be mistaken for hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. This may lead to sub-optimal testing and missed opportunities to establish correct diagnosis. An apparent recurrence of perinatal asphyxia was observed in two families; Joubert syndrome type 5 and combined pituitary hormone deficiency, where a previous sibling had died with respiratory distress soon after birth considered to be due to hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). The evaluation to identify genetic and metabolic aetiology in neonatal encephalopathy should be done to distinguish it from HIE as identifying the exact cause of encephalopathy has important implications for treatment as well as recurrence risks. 31 32
Time-to-diagnosis is an essential consideration in critically ill neonates and children. 33 34 Soden et al 3 reported a 77 month delay between symptom onset and NGS in ambulant patients with neurodevelopmental delay and a time to diagnosis of 11.5 months by WES, which could be reduced by 10 months by rWGS in high acuity patients. In our study, the time gap between critical illness and ordering NGS varied from one day to 12 years. While 17 (24%) of 70 probands underwent NGS during the critical illness, there was an interval of less than one month in seven (10%), one month to one year in 21 (30%) patients, while 25 (36%) probands underwent testing after a gap of more than one year. Of the 36% (9 of 25) patients with delayed diagnosis of more than one year, precision therapy could have been initiated earlier in one child with EIEE-11 genotype.
The interval between critical illness and NGS could be because of limited appreciation of the benefits of testing in the critical care setting where active management of a sick baby is the prime concern. Additionally, lack of consent by the grieving family who cannot appreciate the utility of testing along with resource and economic limitation also contribute to the delay. We observed that many families come for genetic consultation for recurrence information during the next pregnancy as seen in 20% families in this study. Rapid diagnosis necessitates trio sequencing as previously reported but cost of testing can be challenging in a diagnostic setting as observed in the current study.
The median turnaround time in the present study was 43 days for the standard NGS, which is not optimal for therapeutic utilisation in acute care. We did not have access to rapid or ultrarapid WES/WGS. Turnaround times (TAT) for results appear to have an impact on clinical utility in the critical illness setting. Amongst diagnosed patients, results were considered clinically useful in 25% with standard TAT WES (median 136 days) by Daoud et al10 and range from 27–95% in rWGS and rWES with TAT of 12–23 days in various studies.9 11 12 13 17 23 35 Ultra-rapid WGS with a TAT of 4–5 days reported in NSIGHT1 trial14 seems to represent an ideal solution; however, the approach may be technically challenging, a shorter TAT adding significantly to costs. However, if trio rapid sequencing (WES/WGS) was done for all patients in this study, an early diagnosis would have been established in 30 of 32 patients who received a definitive diagnosis. The two undiagnosed cases include one family who required mRNA testing to ascertain pathogenicity of the novel splicing variant, and the second proband where the UGP2 gene reported phenotype was not identified at the time of first reporting.36 We observed an impact of the diagnosis on management in 13 of 32 (40.6%) patients in this study. Of those who consented for testing at the time of intensive care admission, a rapid diagnosis by rWES/WGS could have potentially resulted in an earlier and effective control of seizures in five cases by genetic guided precision therapy, along with rapid control of neutropenia in one proband. A recent meta-analysis reported a change in clinical management in 6–27% children and recommended that WGS/WES should be considered a first-line genomic test in suspected genetic disease.37 This information is very relevant while counseling families for rapid genetic testing.
A definitive molecular diagnosis provides valuable information regarding the mode of inheritance and the consequent risk of recurrence in future pregnancies.38 A genetic diagnosis facilitates understanding and acceptance in family members and society, provides closure, reduces guilt and self-blame in parents. 39 40 Additionally, it can provide hope for the future and possible enrolment in clinical trials. We have not included the changes in reproductive risk counselling as a change in management of proband, even though the information has been extremely valuable to the families. We faced the peculiar situation three times during the study, where a genetic diagnosis could be established in the proband, but next pregnancy in the mother was too far advanced to offer a prenatal diagnostic test. These families would have benefitted by rapid NGS testing with its shorter TAT.
Major hurdles to widespread utilization of NGS in this cohort include long turnaround time, possible requirement of testing of parents and limited diagnostic yield. The present study is limited due to its small sample size. A randomized control group could not be used, which would have allowed the comparison of diagnostic yield using conventional genetic techniques other than NGS, time to diagnosis, cost-effectiveness, health and psychosocial impacts for participating families. Diverse NGS techniques including panel testing, WES as well as WGS have been used in the study, the predominant test utilised being targeted exome focused on OMIM disease-causing genes (Clinical Exome) in 51 of 73 dataset analysis. Clinical Exome (CE) has its limitations, as it does not cover all the known genes (covered in WES) or the non –coding regions (covered in WGS). The turnaround time of nearly 6 weeks of standard NGS is not optimal in critical care setting but was used as we did not have access to rapid sequencing (TAT :7–10 days) or ultra-rapid sequencing (TAT: 2–5 days) at the time of this study.