The application of high throughput sequencing in identifying residual virus and viroid infections in nuclear grapevine material was shown to be useful and informative. In total, five virus and four viroid species were identified and confirmed to be infecting nuclear grapevine material in South Africa.
GRSPaV, a virus of the genus Foveavirus of the family Betaflexiviridae, was shown to be associated with Rupestris stem pitting (RSP), though the disease aetiology has not been clearly defined (Goheen, 1988; Meng and Rowhani, 2017). Currently, seven distinctive variant groups (I, IIa, IIb, IIc, IId, III, and IV) are recognised for GRSPaV (Glasa et al., 2017; Hily et al., 2018; Mostert et al., 2018). The symptoms associated with GRSPaV differ among variants and depend on the cultivar which is infected (Habili et al., 2006; Meng et al., 2005). Variants of group IIa are associated with grapevine vein necrosis, group IIc are associated with RSP, and group I are associated with Syrah decline (Habili et al., 2006; Lima et al., 2006; Meng et al., 2005). Phylogenetic analyses of the coat protein gene of the isolates from this study reveal that four of the isolates fall into GRSPaV group I and two isolates fall into the recently identified group IId (Mostert et al., 2018). GRSPaV group IId was initially identified in South Africa and this nuclear block is potentially the original source of this variant in South African vineyards. The identification of two single sources of GRSPaV group IId may allow the opportunity to investigate the disease symptoms and disease severity of this variant. GRSPaV isolates BK18 and BK23 are present in vines that have not undergone thermotherapy and meristem tip culture and therefore, the virus’s presence is not surprising. However, GRSPaV isolates BA22, BA24, BA26, and BA29, are present in grapevines that have undergone both elimination treatments. This confirms previous reports regarding the recalcitrance of GRSPaV to elimination via thermotherapy and meristem culture (Gribaudo et al., 2006; Skiada et al., 2013, 2009).
GFkV, of the genus Maculavirus in the family Tymoviridae, is the causal agent of fleck disease, symptoms of which include vein clearing which leads to translucent spots, or ‘flecks’ (Boscia et al., 1991; Hewitt et al., 1962; Martelli et al., 2002). GFkV has been shown to fall into two groups based on sequence analysis of the coat protein (CP) and replicase regions (Glasa et al., 2011; Shi et al., 2003), however, the taxonomy of this genus has not been fully resolved and the second group may represent a new species (Glasa et al., 2011). GFkV has been shown to not be fully eliminated using thermotherapy and meristem culture (La Notte et al., 2006; Morelli et al., 2015) and therefore, its presence in a grapevine plant that has undergone both thermotherapy and meristem tip culture is not completely unexpected.
GRVFV, of the genus Marafivirus in the family Tymoviridae, is the causal agent of Rupestris vein feathering, which is a mild asteroid mosaic disease which results in the transient chlorotic discolouration of the primary and secondary veins of the leaves in V. rupestris (El Beaino et al., 2001; Faoro and Gugerli, 1997). GRVFV was identified in one nuclear sample, which is a raisin grape variety, one of very few that has not undergone virus elimination; therefore, its presence is not surprising. GSyV-1, also of the genus Marafivirus in the family Tymoviridae, was one of the first viruses in grapevine to be identified using next generation sequencing (Al Rwahnih et al., 2009). This virus was identified from Syrah grapes experiencing severe decline but its association with the disease state has not been determined. GSyV-1 has since been reported from several grape growing countries including South Africa (Al Rwahnih et al., 2009; Giampetruzzi et al., 2012; Glasa et al., 2015; Oosthuizen, 2017). Phylogenetic analysis has revealed that GSyV-1 groups into two clades based on geographic origin, Europe and North America, with diversity being higher amongst the European isolates (Glasa et al., 2015). Isolate BA22 sorts with the European clade. This diversity is only evident using whole genomes and the use of NGS and genome reconstruction may reveal further population diversity, this was not undertaken in this study due to time and funding constraints but will be considered for future studies on GSyV-1. Genome reconstruction through mapping contigs to a reference genome only yielded a coverage of 45% for GRVFV and 49% for GSyV-1, which coincides with other studies (Eichmeier et al., 2016). This may be due to the variation that is present within this virus species, which can be up to 20% between isolates, the limited number of reference genomes, and lack of sequencing depth due to low virus titre (Al Rwahnih et al., 2009; Aoki and Suzuki, 2022). To fully reconstruct these virus genomes, small RNA (sRNA) sequencing may be a viable alternative as previous studies have shown more robust genome reconstruction using this method (Navrotskaya et al., 2021; Sidharthan et al., 2020).
GLRaV-4, of the genus Ampelovirus, family Closteroviridae, is one of several viral agents associated with leaf roll disease in grapevine (Hu et al., 1990; Martelli, 2014). The genus Ampleovirus is comprised of several virus species, but it has since been shown that GLRaV-4, -5, -6, and − 9, are all variants of the same virus, GLRaV-4, and are now referred to as strains of GLRaV-4 (Martelli et al., 2012). GLRaV-4 induces milder symptoms in comparison to GLRaV-3 (Martelli, 2014; Reynard et al., 2015). GLRaV-4 was identified in one nuclear sample, which is a raisin grape variety that has not undergone virus elimination; therefore, its presence is not unexpected. Sequencing and nucleotide comparisons show that this isolate is part of the GLRaV-4 group, being most similar to GLRaV-4 isolate LR106 (FJ467503), phylogenetic analysis shows that this isolate is part of the GLRaV-4 group.
Analysis of the HSVd isolates from this study show that they can be divided into three groups. The largest group shares the most nucleotide identity with HSVd isolate PGH-2 which originates from grapevine, the second group shares the most nucleotide identity with HSVd isolate A1541t which also originates from grapevine, the third group sharing nucleotide identity with HSVd isolate SDLY-23 which originates from strawberry. These differences between nucleotide sequences of HSVd isolates suggest that it displays a quasispecies nature (Eiras et al., 2006; Kofalvi et al., 1997). A previous study into viroid diversity in South Africa has shown that the first and third group are present in South African vineyards (Morgan et al., 2023) (Chap. 4). HSVd was detected in 63 of the 97 nuclear vines, including all 17 that have not undergone virus elimination. HSVd is present in more than half the nuclear vines that have undergone virus elimination. It stands to reason that this viroid is very well spread throughout the various sectors of the grapevine industry as it is found in wine, table, and raisin grape varieties at the nuclear level.
GYSVd-1 occurs in a heterogenous population and are separated into four types (Little and Rezaian, 2003; Salman et al., 2014; Szychowski et al., 1998). Results of this study indicate that GYSVd-1 type 1, GYSVd-1 type 2, GYSVd-1 type 3, and GYSVd-1 type 4 are present in nuclear grapevines. Types 1, 3, and 4 have been implicated in yellow speckle disease (Hajizadeh et al., 2012; Polivka et al., 1996; Salman et al., 2014), however the nucleotide identity difference between these three is fairly low, ranging from 89.8–91.8%. These differences may be associated with the variability and transient expression of the yellow speckle-vein banding symptoms (Fajardo et al., 2016; Polivka et al., 1996). GYSVd-2 also forms a quasispecies (Flores et al., 2005; Salman et al., 2014; Zhong et al., 2008), even though it has been shown to be less genetically diverse than GYSVd-1 (Jiang. et al., 2009a). This lower level of diversity can be observed in the limited genetic variation with sequence identities between isolates of GYSVd-2, ranging from 95–100%. Yellow Speckle disease expression appears to be highly variable depending on both viroid sequence and environment (Salman et al., 2014) and disease symptoms were not observed on any vines during this study probably due to the nuclear plants being grown in vector-free greenhouse conditions.
Phylogenetic analyses and nucleotide sequence identity show that AGVd does not have a high degree of genetic variability (Jiang et al., 2009b), through previous reports show that AGVd variants cluster based on geographic origin, the Italian, Tunisian and Australian cluster and the Chinese and Iranian cluster (Gambino et al., 2014; Jiang et al., 2009b). Sequences obtained in this study and previous studies of AGVd in South Africa show that south African isolates sort into both major clusters. GHVd is a under characterized circular, single stranded RNA molecule discovered through the bioinformatic analysis of small interfering RNAs of grapevine in Italy (Wu et al., 2012). It is 375 nucleotides in length and has similar structural characteristics of viroids or of some small circular satellite RNA molecules, however its infectivity has not been confirmed and therefore its identity as a viroid or satellite RNA is regarded as tentative (Martelli, 2014; Wu et al., 2012). GHVd has been detected in a number of grapevine growing countries (Candresse et al., 2017; Pappi et al., 2020) and further investigation will most likely reveal further distribution in the grape growing regions of South Africa, especially considering its discovery in nuclear grapevine material.
The presence of viroids in nuclear grapevine material was not unexpected given the nature of viroid replication. Studies have shown that traditional thermotherapy combined with meristem tip culture is only 39% and 42% effective at eliminating HSVd and GYSVd-1, respectively (Miljanić et al., 2022). This is most likely due to the complete dependence the viroid has on the hosts molecular machinery for replication (Savitri et al., 2013), it has therefore been suggested that low temperature thermotherapy to utilized for viroid elimination as the metabolism of the host is decreased (Varveri et al., 2015). These low temperatures have been utilized for the elimination of potato spindle tuber viroid (Lizirraga et al., 1980), chrysanthemum stunt viroid, chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid (Paduch-Cichal and Kryczyński, 1987), apple scar skin viroid (Postman and Hadidi, 1995), and hop latent viroid (Adams et al., 1996) with varying levels of success. This technique has not been fully explored in grapevine yet. The only method which has shown to be nearly 100% effective at eliminating viroids from grapevine is somatic embryogenesis, where HSVd and GYSVd-1 were successfully eliminated from four Italian grapevines (Gambino et al., 2011). Therefore, should the Scheme wish to generate viroid free plant material, studies using this method may be recommended.
Nuclear grapevine material in South Africa is routinely tested for only a few of the known grapevine viruses. This study has shown that nuclear grapevine material is still free of most of the known viruses, despite this limited testing. This occurrence is likely due to the mandatory implementation of virus elimination, through heat therapy and meristem tip culture, which has occurred over the last four decades in wine grapes, but more recently in table- and raisin grapes. Next generation sequencing has proven useful in elucidating the virus/viroidal status of nuclear grapevine material in South Africa. Of the eight nuclear vines shown to be positive for viral infection, five had undergone thermotherapy and meristem tip culture, while three had not. These five were infected with GRSPaV, GFkV, and GSyV-1, with the first two known to be difficult to eliminate. The presence of GSyV-1 is interesting, and the effectiveness of its elimination may need to be further explored. The three vines that had not undergone treatment were infected with GRSPaV, GLRaV-4, and GRVFV. GLRaV-4 and GRVFV are amongst the less common grapevine viruses and their presence is interesting and highlights the effectiveness of the Scheme in eliminating most grapevine viruses.
As grapevine does not aways express disease symptoms associated each virus and viroid that it is infected with, the use of NGS is advantageous in indexing the plant material both for quarantine purposes and within certification schemes. Its use has further demonstrated that certain viral and viroidal species are recalcitrant to elimination especially for GRSPaV and GFkV, which are considered economically important viruses of grapevine.