Experiment 1 – The phase of pre-movement low alpha oscillations in M1 predicts explicit agency judgements
Behavioural and neurophysiological results from Experiment 1 are extensively described in a previous report 11. Here we focused on a subset of conditions to highlight the role of neural oscillations. The participant was instructed to plan and execute one of four possible hand movements (hand closing/opening, thumb flexion/extension) using the BMI prosthesis. Somatosensory feedback was manipulated by producing either the decoded hand movement (congruent feedback, S+) or the opposite hand movement (incongruent feedback, S-; e.g., flexion instead of extension, and vice versa) through NMES. By the same logic, visual feedback was concurrently manipulated by displaying either the decoded hand movement (V+) or the opposite hand movement (V-) by a virtual hand, superposed to the participant’s (hidden) real hand (Fig. 2a). All possible combinations of congruent and incongruent visual and somatosensory feedback (i.e.: V+/S+, V-/S-, V+/S-, V-/S+) were presented in a randomized order. Following each trial, the participant was asked to provide an agency judgement for the executed movement (Q1: “Was it you who generated the movement? Yes - No”).
Congruent (V+/S+) or incongruent (V-/S-) trials consistently elicited positive or negative agency judgements, respectively, yielding little variability besides that induced by feedback congruency (see Fig. 2b and 11). To minimise the exogenous contribution of sensory afference and highlight the role of endogenous neural oscillations, we thus focused on conflicting feedback conditions (V+/S- and V-/S+), exhibiting a much weaker correlation between agency judgements and sensory feedback (McFadden’s R2 in a logistic regression Q1 ~ feedback = 0.02).
We hypothesized that pre-movement theta and alpha band oscillations may modulate the sense of agency, due to their role in perceptual anticipation and functional connectivity for multisensory and sensorimotor integration 32–34. We thus analysed the relationship between agency judgements and the phase and power of oscillations in the 4–13 Hz range in M1 LFP. The signal from all electrodes was averaged, reducing the number of comparisons almost a hundred-fold with negligible information loss at the low frequencies considered here (see Fig. S1). To assess the effect of oscillatory phase on agency judgements, we contrasted the instantaneous phase between trials with positive and negative (Q1 = Yes / No) agency judgements by using the phase opposition product 35. This measure indexes the amount of clustering of phase angles for high and low agency trials around opposite phases. We found a significant (p = 0.0004) cluster of phase opposition spanning the 6–9 Hz range and peaking at about 8 Hz. The cluster lasted from 500 to 50 ms before movement onset (Fig. 2c-d; see Fig. S2a for confirmation of the pre-movement timing of the effect from a causal filter analysis). Phase angles at the maximal phase opposition time-frequency point (8 Hz, -256 ms) were clustered between π and π/2 for high agency trials, and between 0 and 3π/2 for low agency trials (Fig. 2e). The relationship between the 8 Hz phase and agency was similar in V+/S- and V-/S + trials, with positive agency judgements becoming increasingly frequent as phase angles approached the optimal phase in both conditions (Fig. 2f). In contrast, power in the 4–13 Hz range (up to 40 Hz) showed no significant difference between high and low agency trials (Fig. S3a). Phase opposition analyses at higher frequencies (up to 40 Hz) also yielded no significant results (see Fig. S4a).
The observed effect peaked at 8 Hz, at the boundary between the conventional theta (4–8 Hz) and alpha (8–13 Hz) frequency bands. However, in our implanted participant, the peak of the power spectrum, typically observed in the alpha band 36, was rather low in frequency (6.2 Hz, see Fig. S5a). Additionally, movement-related desynchronisation was also observed in a similarly low frequency range. This suggests that the observed phase opposition occurred within the participant’s individual range of the sensorimotor mu rhythm, which is typically associated with the alpha frequency band. This deviation from the typical frequency range is not surprising as the mu rhythm is not stable across development 37 and has been observed to be lower in frequency in patients with chronic paralysis 38. Therefore, we refer to the frequency range of this effect as "low-alpha", and expect to observe it within the alpha range in healthy participants.
Experiment 2 – The phase of pre-movement low alpha oscillations predicts an implicit index of sense of agency
The previous analyses establish a relationship between the phase of pre-movement oscillations around 8 Hz and the sense of agency, as measured through an explicit judgement. We next aimed to confirm this relationship via a novel temporal binding paradigm (see 30) designed to provide an implicit measure of the sense of agency 39. As in the classic Libet paradigm 18, a rotating clock was displayed on a screen, and the participant was asked to report the position of the clock at the onset of a hand movement triggered by the NMES system (Fig. 3a). To validate this protocol as an implicit measure of agency, the experiment consisted of two sessions designed to induce a high and low sense of agency, respectively. In the former, the movement was triggered by the participant’s intention to move as decoded by the BMI system (voluntary condition). In the latter, the movement was randomly generated via the NMES system without motor intention (involuntary condition).
Previous studies have demonstrated a phenomenon called intentional binding, where the effects of intentional actions, such as a sound triggered by pressing a button, are perceived as occurring earlier than they actually do 39. This anticipatory effect has been described for voluntary actions, and is considered to be a proxy of the sense of agency. In our unique BMI setup, we expected a similar binding effect between the internal motor intention and the delayed execution of the decoded movement, resulting in voluntary BMI-generated actions being perceived as occurring earlier than involuntary ones (see 30 for an in-depth discussion). In line with this prediction, the participant perceived voluntary BMI-generated movements as occurring earlier than involuntary ones, relatively to their actual timing (median voluntary = -497.8 ± 299 ms interquartile range, median involuntary = -384 ± 185 ms, Wilcoxon p = 0.033, Fig. 3b). We thus utilized the amount of anticipation as an implicit index to stratify trials into high (movement perceived earlier), and low (movement perceived earlier later) agency, based on a median split.
To investigate the relationship between pre-movement phase and our implicit agency measure, we computed the phase opposition product between high and low implicit agency trials. We found a significant cluster of phase opposition ranging from 6 to 10 Hz (p = 0.0017), with the peak occurring at 8 Hz and at -342 ms relative to movement onset (Fig. 3c-d; see Fig. S2b for confirmation via causal filter). As depicted in Fig. 3e, the phase at 8 Hz/-256 ms of trials with high (low) implicit agency was qualitatively similar to trials with high (low) explicit agency in Experiment 1 (note that, to allow comparison with Experiment 1, we chose the same time-frequency point as in Fig. 2e and not the phase opposition peak). Analyses at higher frequencies (15–40 Hz) revealed another significant phase opposition cluster at around 30 Hz (Fig. S4b), which was not found in Experiment 1 (Fig. S4a). As for Experiment 1, no significant difference in power was found (Fig. S3b).
To rule out that our low alpha phase effect was merely a result of attentional or perceptual processes related to the timing judgment required by the Libet-like task, we ran the same analysis on the involuntary control condition. Here, the perceptual task is identical, but no voluntary action is required and thus no agency is expected. We found no association between pre-movement oscillations and perceived action timing in the involuntary control condition (Fig. S6).
As shown in Fig. 4a, averaged LFPs, filtered at 8 Hz, shared a qualitatively similar phase when comparing high (or low) agency judgements across Experiment 1 (explicit) and Experiment 2 (implicit). This was statistically confirmed by bootstrapping (Fig. 4b-c), and by computing the phase opposition between all trials with high agency (“Yes” answers in Experiment 1 and “early” perceived movements in Experiment 2) and low agency (“No” answers in Experiment 1 and “late” perceived movements in Experiment 2) (Fig. 4d). Therefore, the same pre-movement 8 Hz oscillatory phase predicted the participant’s sense of agency, as indexed both via an explicit measure based on subjective judgements and an implicit measure based on the temporal perception of voluntary movements (Fig. 4e).
Low alpha LFP oscillations capture modulations of M1 firing
Rhythms recorded with LFPs capture a multitude of neural phenomena, which may not be straightforward to interpret 40. To better characterize the neural bases of the 8 Hz rhythm reflected in the LFP and modulating the sense of agency, we quantified the relationship between the phase of this rhythm and M1 spiking activity. We focused on data from Experiment 1 due to the larger number of trials per experimental session. We quantified the strength of the relation between level of firing and LFP oscillatory phase by computing the LFP-spike phase locking value (PLV, e.g., as in 41) for different frequencies in the 4–13 Hz range. We found that the PLV peaked at the LFP frequency of 8 Hz (Fig. 5a), indicating that firing activity was most strongly modulated by the phase of 8 Hz oscillations. Firing was about 6% higher when in the most favourable oscillatory phase of 8 Hz LFP oscillations than when in the least favourable (Fig. 5b). Moreover, the preferred LFP phase angles of individual units exhibited a clear clustering around 4π/3 (Fig. 5c). These results suggest that the 8 Hz LFP oscillations recorded in our experiments capture periodic fluctuations in M1 firing activity. To rule out that the overall level of firing per se, rather than its periodic component, influenced the sense of agency, we assessed whether the pre-movement global M1 firing rate was associated to agency judgements. As shown in Fig. 5d, this analysis revealed no significant difference in firing rates between high and low agency trials. These results suggest that the sense of agency is modulated by the specific 8 Hz periodic component of firing fluctuations, rather than the average firing rate itself.
Experiment 3 – pre-movement SMA and M1 alpha oscillations predict agency ratings in healthy participants using an EEG-BMI
Our results so far establish a relationship between pre-movement 8 Hz oscillations in M1 - the only recording site in our implanted participant - and his sense of agency. To investigate the potential contribution of areas beyond M1, in Experiment 3, we devised a conceptually similar, EEG-based version of Experiment 1. Thirty healthy participants were trained to use an EEG-BMI based on kinaesthetic motor imagery to trigger the movement (hand closing) of an anatomically congruent virtual hand on a screen. After each movement, they rated their sense of agency for the movement on scale from 1 to 9 (Fig. 6a-b). After verifying the validity of our setup through preliminary behavioural analyses (see Methods and Fig. S7), we examined whether the phase of pre-movement sensorimotor oscillations was associated with agency ratings. To localise the source of neural oscillations, we projected EEG activity to 114 cortical regions of interest (ROIs) through eLORETA42. For each ROI, we then contrasted the highest and lowest 33 %of agency ratings via the phase opposition product in the alpha (8–13 Hz) range in the 0.5 seconds preceding the movement. The alpha range was chosen to match the overall higher spectral peak in healthy participants compared to our implanted participant (see Experiment 1 and Fig. S5).
The cortical map of P-values for the alpha range phase opposition product based on agency ratings is shown in Fig. 6c. At the whole brain level, the most significant cortical region was localized in the posterior part of the left supplementary motor area, contralateral to the BMI movement (SMA, Fig. 6c-d). The significance of the effect in this region resisted false discovery rate (FDR) correction across all 114 ROIs (whole brain corrected p = 0.023, uncorrected p = 0.0002). This result was robust to the specific choice of the frequency range (Fig. S8a-b) and confirmed by a causal filter (Fig. S2c). When focusing the statistical analysis to a subset of 12 ROIs corresponding to motor and premotor areas (see Fig. S9), a second significant area (corrected p within motor-premotor areas = 0.019, uncorrected p = 0.0033, Fig. 6c-e) was found in the dorsal part of the left primary motor cortex. The SMA effect was relatively spread across the whole alpha band (Fig. 6d), possibly due to individual differences in the alpha peak, and peaked at 9 Hz, close to what observed in our implanted participant.
As the pre-stimulus alpha phase is known to influence visual perception 25, we explored whether the observed effects on agency could be partially explained by perceptual effects by running an additional control analysis on the set of 26 ROIs corresponding to visual regions (see Fig. S9). No visual region survived FDR correction for multiple comparisons. Additionally, no significant difference in power (Fig. S3c-d) or phase at higher frequencies was found (Fig. S4c-d).
The optimal phase for agency is associated with increased alpha-band functional connectivity
Results from our three experiments showed that the pre-movement oscillatory state of motor areas is associated with the subjective sense of agency for a subsequent movement. Since agency is reported (and most likely experienced) post-movement, we searched for a trace of the pre-movement oscillatory phase in post-movement signals, possibly affecting the sense of agency. In line with theories about brain rhythms and communication 23, previous studies 26 have highlighted correlations between pre-stimulus phase in a given brain area and post-stimulus connectivity originating from that area. Thus, we searched for an association between pre-movement SMA oscillatory phase (the region showing the strongest phase effect) and post (and during) movement functional connectivity between SMA and the rest of the brain, as a putative source of modulation of subjective agency.
For each participant, we extracted the left, contralateral SMA phase at the time-frequency point in which the modulation of the sense of agency was strongest. We then selected trials in which the pre-movement oscillatory phase was close to the optimal phase for agency, and trials in which it was far from it (see Methods for details). We contrasted between these subsets of trials functional connectivity in the 4–45 Hz range, measured through the debiased weighted phase-lag index, WPLI 43. Specifically, we studied how the pre-movement SMA oscillatory phase modulated the post-movement (0.2–1.2 s; see Methods) connectivity between SMA and the rest of the brain. When computing a global average of functional connections between SMA and all other cortical regions, we found that the optimal oscillatory phase was associated with an increase in connectivity in the 9–12 Hz range (corrected p = 0.005, Fig. 7a-b). To localise the source of this effect while reducing the degrees of freedom of our analysis, we repeated it after grouping brain regions by lobe and hemisphere, obtaining eight macro-regions (see Methods). Left (contralateral to the movement) frontal, temporal, and parietal areas survived Bonferroni correction (uncorrected p = 0.002, 0.0023, and 0.0063, respectively), confirming that the optimal oscillatory phase was associated with a widespread increase in connectivity from the left SMA (Fig. 7c). The same analysis using the left M1 as a seed revealed a similar pattern of connectivity changes (Fig. S10). Control analyses showed that the increase of connectivity was not simply due to an increase of power in SMA (Fig. S11) and could be reproduced with different methods to extract optimal phase angles (Fig. S12-S13).
Finally, we tested whether the observed connectivity changes were associated with a change in the directionality of functional connectivity. To do this, we studied the 9–12 Hz phase coherence of left SMA signals with time-shifted signals obtained from each of the three significant target regions (using the methodology set in 44,45). The time shift at which the coherence is stronger indicates the direction in which functional connectivity is stronger. Stronger coherence for positive time shifts would support stronger correlation of left SMA oscillatory activity with future oscillatory activity of the target region (i.e., from SMA). Conversely, stronger correlation for negative time shift would support stronger correlation with past oscillatory activity of the target region (i.e., from target region). We found that values of phase coherence were higher at positive time shifts in trials with optimal phase, whereas coherence was stronger at negative time shifts in trials with non-optimal phase, (Fig. 7d). Time shifts of peak coherence were significantly different between optimal and non-optimal phase trials (Fig. 7e), regardless of the range of time lags used in the analysis (Fig. S14). This suggests that functional connectivity in trials with the optimal phase was enhanced more in the direction from SMA to temporal areas, compared to trials with non-optimal phase. To better localise this effect, we performed the same directionality analysis at a finer spatial resolution within the temporal lobe, at the scale of the original 114 ROIs used for source reconstruction. We found the region with the most significant (p = 0.0022, one tailed) directionality shift, again from SMA to the target area, to be localised in the posterior part of the temporal lobe (Fig. 7f).