MSCs lost senescence markers under 3D culturing.
Our study revealed that prolonged 2D culturing of MSCs resulted in a higher proportion of cells in the G1/G0 phase of the cell cycle, indicating a state of quiescence. Specifically, after 4–7 passages, 50% of 2D-MSCs were in the DNA synthesis phase (S-phase) while 40% were in the G1/G0 phase (Fig. 1A). As the cells were cultured for longer, the percentage of cells in quiescence increased while the percentage of cells in DNA synthesis decreased. For instance, after 10 passages, only 15% of 2D-MSCs were in S-phase while 80% were in G1/G0. This trend continued, and after 14–16 passages over 90% of AD-MSCs were in G1/G0 and less than 5% were in S-phase. However, when 2D-MSCs after 16 passages were cultured in 3D spheroids for three days and then transitioned back to 2D (3D-2D MSCs), there was a notable shift in cell cycle progression. The percentage of 3D-2D-MSCs in G1/G0 phase decreased from 90–50%, while the percentage in S-phase increased from less than 5–27%. This suggests that 3D culturing may have a positive effect on cell cycle progression and could potentially reverse senescence, as cell cycle arrest is a marker of replicative senescence (7) (Fig. 1A).
Cell cycle arrest is not the only marker of the replicative senescence. Low rate of surface expression of CD146, known as melanoma cell adhesion molecule is considered as another senescence marker (40). Indeed, 85% of 2D-MSCs being cultured for 4–6 passages were CD146-positive, in agreement with the cell cycle data presented above (Fig. 1B). Further cultivation and passaging led to a decrease of the number of 2D-MSCs which were positive for CD146; 19% of 2D-MSCs after 16 passages had this marker on their surface. Given the effect of 3D culturing and 3D-2D transition on cell cycle progression, the surface expression of CD146 in 3D-2D MSCs was analyzed. It was found that 94% of 3D-2D MSCs possessed CD146 on their surface and it is fully consistent with the data of cell cycle analysis. Interestingly, only 19% of MSCs in 3D spheroids were positive for CD 146 (Fig. 1B), thus, the 3D-2D transition plays a key role in supporting the expression of CD146 on the surface (Additional file 1: Fig. S1A). As a control, the expression of another mesenchymal marker, CD90, was examined. Indeed, all three kinds of cells: 2D-MSCs (passage 4 and passage 16), 3D-MSCs, and 3D-2D MSCs exhibited the same level of CD90 on their surface (Additional file 1: Fig. S1B).
To further support the data on the negative impact of 3D cultivation on senescence, we analyzed senescence-associated (SA) β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) activity. 2D-MSCs after 4–6 passages showed low SA-β-Gal activity, with only 5% of cells at this cultivation stage being positive for this senescence marker (Fig. 1C). However, as the number of cells in G1/G0 increased, the number of cells positive for SA-β-Gal also raised. As expected, 25% of 2D-MSCs after 10 passages demonstrated elevated SA-β-Gal activity, and after 16 passages, more than 75% of 2D-MSCs were SA-β-Gal-positive. These cells with high levels of SA-β-Gal activity were then used for 3D spheroid formation. Following three days of 3D cultivation cells were then put back to 2D culture. In these 3D-2D MSCs the number of SA-β-Gal-positive cells was drastically reduced to about 1% of the population, as compared with 2D culture (Fig. 1C).
To validate our findings regarding the reversing effect of 3D culturing on senescence, the lysosomal activity was assessed as elevated lysosomal mass is a marker of senescent cells (41). Using LysoTracker Red DND-99, we stained 2D-MSCs to specifically detect acidic lysosomal compartments. Microphotographs revealed that 2D-MSCs after 6 passages demonstrated a moderate number of lysosomes (Fig. 1D). However, prolonged 2D cultivation for 16 passages resulted in a significant increase in lysosomal mass in 2D-MSCs, this is consistent with previous findings that show senescence occurring after long-term cultivation. More importantly, late passage 2D-MSCs after 3D culturing and 3D-2D transition (3D-2D MSCs) exhibited similar lysosomal activity to that observed in earlier 2D-MSCs after only 6 passages (Fig. 1D), further supporting the hypothesis of a reversing effect of 3D culturing on senescence.
Thus, our findings suggest that the use of 3D cultivation techniques can aid in the rejuvenation of MSCs in vitro. This could have significant implications for the field of regenerative medicine, as the senescence of MSCs has been identified as a major obstacle to their clinical application.
Figure 1. MSCs under 3D cell culture lost replicative senescence markers. (A): Cell cycle analysis of 2D-MSCs (6p, 10p, 14) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p and 3p). (B): Flow cytometry analysis of CD146 surface expression in 2D-MSCs (4p and 16p) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). (C): Analysis of senescence-associated (SA)-β-galactosidase activity in 2D-MSCs (6p, 10p, 12p, 16p) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). Scale bar 50 µm. (D): Analysis of lysosomal activity in 2D-MSCs (4p and 16p) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). Scale bar 100 µm.
Human MSCs retain their phenotype and enhance osteogenic differentiation and migration ability upon 3D culturing.
To investigate the impact of 3D culturing on the phenotype of MSCs, we conducted an immunophenotypic analysis of cells cultured in 3D spheroids for 72 hours followed by dissociation and 2D culturing (3D-2D-MSCs). The immunophenotype of 3D-2D MSCs was then compared to that of cells cultured only in 2D as a control (2D-MSCs). Our results revealed no significant difference in the surface expression of MSC markers: CD90(+), CD73(+) and CD105(+) between 2D-MSCs and 3D-2D MSCs. Furthermore, 3D-2D MSCs were also negative for the markers such as CD34(-), HLA-DR (-), and CD31(-) (Fig. 2A and 2A’). These findings suggest that 3D culturing does not alter the immunophenotype of MSCs.
To ensure the reliability of our findings, we performed karyotyping analysis on 3D-MSCs taken from spheroids. Our results indicate that the karyotype of these cells remained normal without any translocations, aneuploidy, deletions or additions (Fig. 2B), indicating the maintenance of genome stability.
Furthermore, the osteogenic differentiation assay showed that 3D-2D MSCs exhibited augmented osteogenic potential in comparison with 2D-MSCs (Fig. 2C), providing strong evidence for the retention and improving of their differentiation capacity.
Active migration ability of MSCs is crucial for their use in regenerative medicine. To see whether the cultivation in 3D changes their migration ability we studied 3D-2D-MSCs. Our results demonstrated that 3D-2D-MSCs retained normal ability to migrate after the transition from 3D to 2D culture (Fig. 2D). Interestingly, we even observed a slight enhancement in migration ability in the cells that underwent the 3D-2D transition, as compared to those cultured solely in 2D. Specifically, 3D-2D MSCs were able to heal a wound in 22 hours, while 2D-MSCs required 28 hours to do so (Additional file 1: Fig. S2). These results suggest that 3D culturing has no negative effect on the migration ability of 3D-2D MSCs and may even have a positive impact on this property.
Figure 2. 3D-2D MSCs compared to 2D-MSCs. (A): The immunophenotype of 2D-MSCs. (A’): The immunophenotype of 3D-2D MSCs. (B): Karyotyping analysis of 2D-MSCs and 3D-2D MSCs. (C): Analysis of osteogenic differentiation effectiveness (Alizarin Red staining for calcium deposits) of 2D-MSCs and 3D-2D MSCs. (D): Assessing of wound healing potency of 2D-MSCs and 3D-2D MSCs within 30 hours. Scale bar 200 µm.
Cytoskeleton and adhesion proteins in MSCs under various culture conditions.
The fluorescence staining with rhodamine phalloidin revealed that after 6 passages 2D-MSCs exhibited a distinct distribution of actin filaments, with clear leading and trailing edges, which signifies that these cells are highly mobile (Fig. 3A). However, as the 2D-MSCs were cultured for 16 passages, the actin cytoskeleton structure underwent significant changes. Cells at later passage show signs of hypertrophy with abundant actin fibers which are not organized in a leading edge filopodia structure but rather distributed all along the cell body which is similar to what is observed in senescent cells (42). Upon examining the actin structure in slices made of 3D-MSCs spheroids we observed condensation of filaments at the cell edges and at the cell-cell contacts; rhodamine phalloidin could stain these structures, thus actin during 3D culturing remains filamentous (Fig. 3A). Then, as 3D-MSCs were replated in dishes and underwent 3D-2D transition the actin cytoskeleton structure became again similar to that of 2D-MSCs after 6 passages, with well-ordered filaments and distinguishable leading and trailing edges (Fig. 3A).
Our fluorescence analysis of F-actin structure is consistent with qPCR analysis of ACTB expression (Additional file 1: Fig.S2A). Long-term 2D cultivation led to a slight upregulation of ACTB mRNA level as compared with the mRNA level in 2D-MSCs after 6 passages. Then, as cells were cultured in 3D spheroids, the ACTB expression became drastically downregulated and upon 3D-2D transition the gene expression was again upregulated (Additional file 1: Fig.S2A). Importantly, obtained data on gene expression and the fluorescent analysis correlate with western blot analysis; under 3D cell culturing a decline in β-Actin protein level is observed (Additional file 1: Fig. S2B)
Vinculin is a highly conserved focal adhesion protein which facilitates cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix via binding to actin and stimulation its polymerization (43). We analyzed vinculin expression with immunofluorescence during 2D culture, 3D and 3D-2D cultures of MSCs. After 6 passages 2D-MSCs were characterized by pronounced focal adhesion plaques (Fig. 3B). Nevertheless, MSCs at each stage of 2D culturing possessed focal adhesion plaques. After analyzing the expression pattern of vinculin in 3D-MSCs, a drastic change was observed where only the outer layer of the 3D spheroid showed positive vinculin staining (Fig. 3B). We suggest that this change is because 3D-MSCs were no longer adherent to the substrate, but rather formed cell-cell contacts. This result correlates with the reduction of the F-actin structure in the 3D spheroids, as vinculin is involved in maintaining the tension of filamentous structure of actin (44).
Importantly, as 3D-MSCs underwent 3D-2D transition, the focal adhesions were restored at the leading edges of the cells. However, vinculin expression pattern was less pronounced as those in 2D-MSCs after 6 passages (Fig. 3B).
The immunofluorescence analysis of vinculin expression pattern correlated with the data on VCL gene expression (Additional file 1: Fig. S2A). 2D-MSCs after 6 passages exhibited the higher mRNA level of VCL in comparison to its level in 2D-MSCs after 16 passages. The downward trend retained after 3D spheroids formation which is also consistent with the immunofluorescence analysis. After 3D-2D transition 3D-2D -MSCs demonstrated upregulated VCL and the level of mRNA was similar to that in 2D-MSCs after 6 passages which implies on reverse senescence effect of 3D culturing. Moreover, it correlates with enhanced migration ability of 3D-2D-MSCs as mentioned above (Fig. 2D).
However, it is important to mention that total amount of vinculin protein remains stable throughout all the culture conditions, as western blot data demonstrates (Additional file 1: Fig. S2B). Vinculin is a focal adhesion protein as well as it involves in cadherin-cadherin adhesion. Thus, as under 3D culture condition cell-cell interactions via cadherins are increased, vinculin is involved in that type of interactions this result is not contradictory (10, 43).
As another example of adhesion-related marker, we assessed the expression of β-catenin using immunofluorescence and qPCR analysis. β-catenin is a multifunctional protein that plays a crucial role in cell-cell adhesion by binding the cytoplasmic domains of cadherins to the actin cytoskeleton (45). Our immunofluorescent analysis showed that 2D-MSCs after 6 passages exhibited a pronounced β-catenin distribution pattern, in particular at the leading edge of migrating cells, while long-term 2D cultivation was associated with a decrease in β-catenin expression (Fig. 3C). Similarly, to vinculin, the decline in β-catenin expression was particularly evident after 16 passages. Evidently, 3D-MSCs showed a much-increased β-catenin staining, most likely as a result of an increase in the number of cell-cell contacts in spheroids (Fig. 3C) (10). After replating in 2D, 3D-2D-MSCs exhibited a β-catenin expression pattern similar to that observed in 2D-MSC cells after 6 passages (Fig. 3C).
After examining gene expression, we found that after 16 passages, 2D-MSCs demonstrated a downregulation of CTNNB1 compared to 2D-MSCs after 6 passages (Additional file 1: Fig.S2A), which is consistent with the immunofluorescent analysis. When MSCs were cultured in 3D spheroids for three days, we observed a three-fold increase in CTNNB1 mRNA levels. This finding suggests that 3D culturing promotes enhanced cell-cell interaction. After transitioning from 3D to 2D culture, we detected a drastic decline in CTNNB1 expression, similar to the pattern observed in cells after 6 and 16 passages. It is worth to note that western blot analysis partially correlates with those of the immunofluorescent and gene expression analysis: while we observed upregulation of CTNNB1 in 2D-MSCs after 6 passages, the protein level was lower than that in 2D-MSCs passaged 16 times. Moreover, western blot analysis revealed that β-catenin in 3D-MSCs decreased and it elevated after 3D-2D transition (Additional file 1: Fig. S2B). β-catenin is a protein involved in cell-cell interactions as well as it is component of canonical The Wnt/β-catenin pathway which is beyond the scope of this research (37).
In light of our findings, it can be inferred that both cell – extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell-cell contacts and associated cytoskeletal components are sensitive to culture conditions. It can be proposed that significant alterations during 3D culturing are potentially related to the transitioning from cell-ECM adhesion to cell-cell adhesion.
Figure 3. Immunofluorescent analysis of cytoskeletal and adhesion proteins in MSCs in various culture conditions (A): F-actin in 2D-MSCs (6p and 16p), 3D-MSCs (48h) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). White arrows point at leading edge, yellow arrows point at trailing edge. (B): Vinculin in 2D-MSCs (6p and 16p), 3D-MSCs (48h) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). White arrow points at the outer layer of spheroid.(C): β-catenin in 2D-MSCs (6p and 16p), 3D-MSCs (48h) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). Scale bar 50 µm. Abbreviations: DAPI – 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole.
Organization of Golgi apparatus in MSCs under various culture conditions.
Among other functions, the actin cytoskeleton plays a crucial role in the positioning of cell organelles (46). As previously mentioned, 3D-MSC cells become more reliant on cell-cell adhesion, rather than cell-ECM adhesions. In contrast to 2D conditions where cells adhere to a substrate and exhibit polarity, 3D spheroids lack adhesion to a substrate and therefore cells do not exhibit migration or cell polarity (47). Given the interconnection between migration, cell polarity and the Golgi apparatus, we investigated its organization in 2D-MSCs and 3D-MSCs and 3D-2D-MSCs (48).
Electron microscopy (EM) revealed that MSCs possessed a well-organized Golgi apparatus composed of flattened membrane-enclosed sacs (cisternae) after 6 passages (Fig. 4A). However, prolonged 2D cultivation led to a dilatation of the Golgi apparatus structure, with a regular architecture being maintained but cisternae becoming enlarged. Upon transitioning to 3D cultivation, MSCs exhibited drastic changes in Golgi apparatus structure, with a fragmentation and a formation of Golgi mini-stacks. Only upon returning to 2D culture and adhering to the substrate did the Golgi apparatus regain its well-established structure, similar to that observed in 2D-MSCs after 6 passages (Fig. 4A).
We investigated the localization of the trans-Golgi network marker p230 by immunofluorescence analysis. Our findings showed that 2D-MSCs after 4 passages had compact perinuclear p230 localization, while those subjected to prolonged 2D cultivation exhibited a dispersed pattern of p230, indicating Golgi apparatus structural disturbances (Fig. 4B). In 3D spheroids, p230 localization was altered, with a dispersed cytoplasmic distribution and an absence of perinuclear localization (Fig. 4B). However, upon transitioning back to 2D culture and adhering to the substrate, the expression pattern of p230 was restored, with perinuclear and compact p230 distribution patterns.
Figure 4. Golgi apparatus structure in MSCs in various culture conditions. (A): Electron microscopy observation of Golgi apparatus in 2D-MSCs (4p and 16p), 3D-MSCs (48h) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). Scale bar 1 µm. Red frames point at Golgi apparatus within cell, which is shown at higher magnification in the white inset. (B): Confocal immunofluorescence observation of p230 in 2D-MSCs (4p and 16p), 3D-MSCs (48h) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). Scale bar 50 µm.
mTOR localizes in nucleus and nucleolus within 3D-MSCs.
The Golgi apparatus is a crucial organelle involved in the processing, modification, and packaging of proteins (30). In addition to its primary functions, the GA also serves as a hub for various signaling molecules, including mTORC1 (34). This protein complex is of particular interest to researchers as it plays a crucial role in regulating cellular size and senescence (35, 36). We found in 2D-MSCs after 6 passages mTOR was mostly concentrated near the nucleus, but also dispersed in cytoplasm (Fig. 5A). However, after long-term 2D cultivation this dispersion increased – distribution pattern of mTOR scattered (Fig. 5A). These data correlated with senescence-associated Golgi fragmentation (Fig. 4B). Further investigation of 3D-MSCs revealed dispersed cytoplasmic localization (Fig. 5A). When 3D-MSCs were re-attached to substrate again, mTOR localization was observed similar to that in 2D-MSCs after 6 passages (Fig. 5A). In addition, we performed an immunoelectron microscopy to identify the localization of mTOR. Interesting insights revealed EM microphotographs: in 3D-MSCs mTOR was found in cytoplasm, nucleus and nucleoli, while adherent MSCs (2D cultured) had mTOR only in cytoplasm (Fig. 5B and 5B’’).
In the cytoplasm under nutrient-sufficient conditions, mTOR is phosphorylated via PI3 kinase/Akt signaling pathway at Ser2448 (49). Thus, we measured the amount of phospho-mTOR (Ser2448) and observed a drastic decline in 3D-MSCs as compared to 2D-MSCs and 3D-2D MSCs (Fig. 5C).
In MSCs, mTOR negatively regulated the expression of Transcription Factor EB (TFEB) gene (50). Indeed, we observed upregulation of TFEB, in 3D-MSCs in comparison with 2D-MSCs and 3D-2D MSCs (Additional file 1: Fig.S3A).
Figure 5. The localization of mTOR in MSCs in various culture conditions. (A): Confocal immunofluorescence observation of mTOR in in 2D-MSCs (4p and 16p), 3D-MSCs (48h) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). Asterix point at dispersed localization of mTOR in senescent cells. Scale bar 50 µm. (B, B’): Electron microscopy observation of mTOR in 3D-MSCs. Abbreviations: n stands for nucleus, nl—nucleolus, and ne—nuclear envelope. Scale bar 1 µm. Red frames point at mTOR immunogold labeling, which is shown at higher magnification in the white inset. (C): Representative Western blot analyses of the mTOR, phospho-mTOR (Ser2448) in in 2D-MSCs (6p and 16p), 3D-MSCs (24h and 48h) and 3D-2D MSCs (1p). n = 3. Abbreviation: GAPDH—glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.
MSCs reduce their morphological heterogeneity upon 3D Cultivation.
Human MSCs often exhibit heterogeneity in cell size and shape when cultured in vitro (3). Heterogeneous hMSCs differ in the repertoire of expressed genes, secreted molecules and this may negatively affect the differentiation potential and immunomodulatory capabilities of cells, which may hamper the regenerative potential and widespread clinical application of MSCs (51). In our study, we observed that after 16 passages, 2D-MSCs displayed a heterogeneous population consisting of spindle-like cells and a large proportion of abnormally enlarged cells with an increased ratio of the cytoplasm area to the nucleus in comparison to MSCs after 6 passages (Fig. 6A). However, 3D culturing followed by a 3D-2D transition led to a decrease in cell size and reduced heterogeneity in cell size (Fig. 6A). This is particularly interesting because abnormally enlarged cell size is considered to be another very important replicative senescence marker.
The rejuvenation of MSCs in 3D spheroids is not due to the selective elimination of senescent cells
Having found a number of morphological and physiological changes that occur to MSCs in 3D culture and subsequent re-plating in 2D culture, the question arose: does 3D-culturing and 3D-2D transition facilitate a true senescence marker loss in every cell or rather does this technique contribute to the death of the senescent cells? Thus, cell sorting based on autofluorescence was used in order to distinguish between the two subpopulations: cells with low autofluorescence rate (which were as assumed to be the cells with normal size and morphology) and cells with high autofluorescence rate (which were assumed to be the enlarged MSCs) (Fig. 6B). Next, in these two subpopulations, SA-β-Gal activity was examined. We found that in 2D-MSCs after passage 16 only 16% of cells with low autofluorescence were SA-β-Gal positive, while more than 50% of cells with high autofluorescence exhibited elevated SA-β-Gal activity (Fig. 6C).
Then, to prove that the observed changes are not due to a negative selection of senescent cells in spheroids, the 2D-MSC subpopulation with high autofluorescence was labeled with a fluorescent dye Cell Tracker Deep Red and reunited with unlabeled low autofluorescent subpopulation in a ratio 1:1 to form 3D spheroids (Fig. 6D). Following three days in 3D spheroids and after 3D-2D transition the distribution of labeled and unlabeled MSCs and SA-β-Gal activity of them were assessed. According to obtained results, the ratio 1:1 retained as 45% of total cells were Deep Red-positive (Fig. 6D). Importantly, after 3D-2D transition no enlarged cells in vitro were observed and the number of SA-β-Gal-positive cells drastically declined to 1,2%. Given that, we suggest that a positive reversing effect on cellular senescence and heterogeneity occurs while cells are cultured in 3D, rather than an elimination of senescent cells (Fig. 6C).
Figure 6. The assessment of selective elimination of senescent cells in 3D-MSCs. (A): Representative images of 2D-MSCs after 6 passages, 16 passages under 2D cell culture and after 1 passage under 3D-2D cell culture. White arrow points at senescent cell. Scale bar 400 µm. (B): a scheme of autofluorescence-based sorting experiment. (C): Flow cytometry analysis of (SA)-β-galactosidase activity of low autofluorescent (LA) 2D-MSCs, of high autofluorescent (HA) 2D-MSCs and of low and high autofluorescent (LA + HA) 3D-2D MSCs. (D): Flow cytometry analysis of distribution stained (HA) and unstained (LA) MSCs before 3D cell culturing and after.