We aimed to define the metabolomic signature of hyperthyroid cats and identify persistent metabolic alterations after successful treatment. Hyperthyroidism results in a hypermetabolic state leading to altered lipid, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism with increased resting energy requirements.9–11 This hypermetabolic state is assumed to be reversed once the euthyroid state is achieved. Our study revealed a severe, global alteration in the metabolome of hyperthyroid cats. Although the metabolome trended towards that of the euthyroid control group profile post-treatment, metabolites in some lipid, protein, and carbohydrate metabolic pathways remained persistently altered despite achieving a euthyroid state. This mirrors findings in experimentally induced and naturally occurring human hyperthyroidism, where alterations in metabolomic signatures persist despite returning to the euthyroid state.12–15
The metabolomic signature of hyperthyroid cats in our study corroborated altered cholesterol and steroid hormonogenesis observed in hyperthyroid humans.16–18 Key components of the mevalonate pathway, the hydroxy fatty acids mevalonate and mevalonolactone, are essential for cholesterol biosynthesis. The enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase synthesizes these lipids and is the rate-limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis.19 Although hypocholesterolemia is not a reported biochemical abnormality observed in hyperthyroid cats, in the authors’ experience, cholesterol levels in hyperthyroid cats tend to be near the low end of the reference interval. Additionally, in one study, serum cholesterol concentrations generally increased in treated hyperthyroid cats.20 Our data suggest cholesterol is lower in hyperthyroid cats, although typically within diagnostic laboratory reference ranges. In humans, hyperthyroidism augments cholesterol excretion and increases low-density lipoprotein turnover, decreasing total and low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol. In contrast, high-density lipoproteins are reduced or not affected.21 In people with hyperthyroidism, cholesterol normalizes once a euthyroid state is achieved, suggesting cholesterol metabolism normalizes.22 We did not observe this in our cohort, although cholesterol homeostasis may take longer than our observation period to normalize in cats after I-131 treatment. Similarly, higher mevalonate levels in hyperthyroid cats did not return to similar levels as euthyroid controls following I-131 therapy and achievement of euthyroid state.
Hypercortisolemia has previously been documented in hyperthyroid cats, which was corroborated by our results.23,24 However, to our knowledge, no studies have evaluated cortisol levels after treating hyperthyroidism in cats. Our data indicate persistent hypercortisolemia in hyperthyroid cats following I-131 therapy and euthyroid status. Ramspot et al. assessed the adrenal function of hyperthyroid cats via the adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test and by measuring urine cortisol to creatinine ratios (UCCR).23 Hyperthyroid cats had significantly higher post-stimulation cortisol concentrations; however, adrenal gland size and UCCRs did not differ significantly from controls. Those authors postulated that cortisol levels should eventually normalize after successful treatment. Alternatively, another study reported significantly higher UCCRs in hyperthyroid cats than in controls.24 It was presumed that this increase was associated with stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis due to increased clearance of cortisol associated with a hyperthyroid state. When UCCRs were measured following I-131 therapy, ratios were significantly reduced compared to baseline in the hyperthyroid cats.24 However, our data suggest that despite achieving a euthyroid state, steroid biosynthetic pathways are persistently altered for at least three months, which is supported by increased adrenal size measured by ultrasound in treated hyperthyroid cats.25
Serum total T4 is the screening test of choice for diagnosing hyperthyroidism in cats,26–29 and this was corroborated by our finding that thyroxine measured by tandem mass spectrometry was the best model predictor by RFA. However, additional biomarkers for hyperthyroidism in cats may be valuable in some cases. Increased awareness of feline hyperthyroidism in cats has led to more routine total T4 monitoring, often paired with serum biochemistry profiles, during wellness evaluations for geriatric cats. As routine screening becomes increasingly common, cats are diagnosed earlier in the disease course with less severe clinical signs are often less severe than historically described.30,31 Early screening may partly explain why approximately 10% of hyperthyroid cats overall and up to 30% of cats with early or mild hyperthyroidism have a serum total T4 within the normal reference range.26,27,29 This is typically attributed to early-stage hyperthyroidism or concurrent non-thyroidal illness.26 Free T4, T3 suppression testing, and thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation tests have been suggested as adjuvant tests for the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in these cases; however, tests are not always reliable in the face of non-thyroidal illness and can be challenging to perform in the clinical setting.29,32 Alternatively, repeating serum total T4 or free T4 measurements several weeks after equivocal testing or treating patients presumptively with methimazole and monitoring response to treatment (resolution of clinical signs) are common clinical approaches.32 As such, novel biomarkers capable of discriminating euthyroid from hyperthyroid cats with non-thyroidal illness or early hyperthyroidism would be helpful. Further evaluation of mevalonate/mevalonolactone, creatine phosphate, and other candidate biomarkers is required to determine their suitability for supporting a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in cats with concurrent non-thyroidal illness. As these candidate biomarkers correlated with thyroxine in our cohort of hyperthyroid cats, it is possible that they would also not distinguish occult cases of hyperthyroidism.
Our results identified many metabolites that defined the feline hyperthyroid state. Changes in fatty acid biosynthesis and metabolism, including the acylcarnitines, that we discovered in hyperthyroid cats are similar to reported changes in hyperthyroid people.33 Although T4 was the best model discriminator (based on random forest analysis and corroborated by biomarker analysis), other discriminant metabolites were 1-pentadacenoyl-GPC, mevalonate, ribose, creatine phosphate, alpha-ketoglutarate, trans-urocanate, 2’-deoxycytidine, and pimelate. Other noteworthy metabolite alterations include serotonin, alpha-tocopherol, and carnitine. In humans, alpha-ketoglutarate, creatine (increased in the hyperthyroid state compared to controls), and alpha-tocopherol have been documented to be significantly altered in the hyperthyroid state vs. euthyroid controls.8,13 However, many metabolites identified in this study have not been previously observed or evaluated in humans.
We identified several significant metabolites in hyperthyroid cats that reflect altered cellular energy metabolism. Lower creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine) may reflect lower muscle masses often seen in hyperthyroid cats.34,35 As creatine phosphate serves as a rapidly mobilizable reserve of high-energy phosphates in skeletal muscle, myocardium, and the brain, reduced serum levels also reflect changes in energy metabolism at these sites.36,37 In this study, post-I-131 treatment creatine phosphate levels improved but were still significantly reduced compared to controls, further indicating persistent negative energy balance in previously hyperthyroid cats. Alpha-ketoglutarate was increased in hyperthyroid cats compared to control cats, which may be consistent with an overall increase in TCA cycle activity associated with a hypermetabolic state.38 Although these levels decreased post-I-131, they were still slightly elevated compared to control cats, indicating a persistent hypermetabolic state during our observation period.
Similarly, transurocanate was reduced in the hyperthyroid state and did not return to normal levels post-I-131 treatment, further suggesting persistent alterations in the TCA cycle. Ribose was elevated in hyperthyroid cats compared to controls but did not return to normal following I-131 treatment and euthyroid state. As a vital component of DNA, RNA, ATP, ADP, and AMP, this supports altered carbohydrate and energy metabolism in hyperthyroid cats, which is corroborated by differences in fructosamine levels between healthy and hyperthyroid cats.39
Although there was some overlap in serotonin levels in hyperthyroid and healthy cats, overall, concentrations were higher in hyperthyroid cats. While increased thyroid hormone concentrations can directly explain clinical signs of hyperthyroidism, other metabolic alterations, such as this potential increase in serotonin, may also contribute to clinical signs. Higher serotonin levels could partly explain some clinical manifestations in hyperthyroid cats, including behavioral changes, vomiting, and diarrhea. Increased serotonin and cortisol may also explain heterogeneity in clinical signs among individual hyperthyroid cats.
We identified two candidate nutritional targets for cats achieving euthyroidism post-I-131, vitamin E and carnitine. The most bioactive form of vitamin E is a-tocopherol, an essential antioxidant. Vitamin E reacts with the peroxyl radicals and protects membranes from excessive oxidative damage. Lower a-tocopherol levels have been documented in hyperthyroid people.40 Hyperthyroidism is associated with increased oxidative stress, and rodent models of hyperthyroidism have demonstrated vitamin E supplementation benefits.41,42 This has been corroborated by studies in hyperthyroid humans, where vitamin E supplementation was associated with improved time to achieve euthyroid status.43 Cats have a less favorable glutathione status than dogs, making them at higher risk for oxidant injury as a species.44 This further suggests that vitamin E supplementation is likely beneficial in hyperthyroid cats. However, in one study no differences were found in vitamin E concentrations between control cats, and hyperthyroid cats before treatment or 2 months after I-131.42 Therefore, additional work is necessary to determine if vitamin E supplementation is appropriate for hyperthyroid cats. An essential participant in b-oxidation is carnitine and other acylcarnitines. Carnitine facilitates long-chain fatty acid transport into the mitochondria for b-oxidation.45 Given its metabolic role, carnitine is concentrated in skeletal and cardiac muscle and other tissues that metabolize fatty acids as an energy source.46 The significantly lower carnitine levels post-I-131 could perpetuate altered energy metabolism, less efficient lipid metabolism, and impaired b-oxidation into the euthyroid state. Therefore, carnitine supplementation in euthyroid cats following I-131 therapy may be beneficial.
This study had a modest sample size obtained from a single clinical site. The sample size was targeted based on previous metabolomic studies conducted in cats and dogs and guidelines from the metabolomic lab that conducted the analysis. Further supporting the validity of our results is the robust metabolic phenotype occurring in hyperthyroidism. Future studies with multiple sites may be interesting in evaluating geographical differences in hyperthyroid cat metabolomes. This approach might also reveal candidate location-related risk factors. Our follow-up period was relatively short. Therefore, it is possible that a longer monitoring period would disclose the normalization of more metabolic perturbations. A longer longitudinal study would be needed to determine if supplementing any of the targeted metabolic disturbances described above is (i) beneficial and (ii) required long or short-term. Finally, the nature of untargeted metabolomic analysis only provides a semi-quantitative measurement of analytes. Therefore, follow-up studies quantitatively measuring metabolites of interest are needed to validate findings from untargeted metabolomic studies like ours.
Our study defined the metabolome of hyperthyroid cats, which demonstrates significant alterations in lipid, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism. Some of these metabolomic changes persisted after I-131 treatment despite a return to euthyroidism. These persistent changes were associated with oxidative stress, cholesterol and steroid hormonogenesis, energy metabolism, and lipid metabolism. These data suggest that recovery to normal serum T4 concentrations following I-131 therapy may belie persistent metabolic derangements in successfully treated hyperthyroid cats. Further studies are needed to determine if hyperthyroid cats could benefit from additional nutritional or medical treatments to address these lasting metabolomic derangements.