The present study investigated the relationship between MRI signal intensity of different neuromodulators’ seeds and the Five Factor Personality Inventory score in 135 healthy young participants. As hypothesized, greater structural signal intensity of the Locus Coeruleus (LC) was found to be related to higher scores in the Openness to Experience (OE) trait, and with a greater Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score. When neuromodulator seeds were considered together in a Bayesian model, catecholamines (LC + VTA) were the strongest predictor of OE, followed by the LC as stand-alone predictor of OE, and thirdly the LC combined with the serotoninergic DR. These findings are the first evidence linking neuromodulatory MRI signal intensity to personality traits.
Given the OE trait is commonly associated with intelligence (both fluid and crystalized/verbal) and is frequently named as the “intellect” trait in the literature (Moutafi et al. 2006; Anglim et al. 2022; De Young et al 2020; Bartles et al. 2012; Rammsted et al. 2018; DeYoung et al. 2013; Schretlen et al. 2010; DeYoung et al. 2005; Ackerman and Heggestad 1997), we examined the extent to which LC-NA signal intensity might account for this relationship. A mediation analyses revealed that, in comparison with the other neuromodulatory nuclei, only the LC accounted for the relationship between OE and IQ, supporting the assertion that the LC-NA system may be a key neurobiological substrate mediating the relationship between openness to experience and intellectual expansion. We also established that the relationship between the LC and OE remained when the effect of IQ was regressed out, demonstrating that unique variance in the openness trait is associated with LC-NA system signal intensity. Finally, it was apparent that the LC was not exclusively associated with the OE trait. We also observed a weaker relationship between LC and the Conscientiousness (C) scale.
We interpret the key findings of the current study in the context of the Noradrenergic Theory of Cognitive Reserve (Robertson 2013&2014) proposing that more protracted responses to novelty and chronic exposure to enriched environments in high-OE trait individuals is underpinned by the activation of the LC-NA system. Why might novelty be an important factor for increasing LC signal intensity? One potential underlying mechanism could be increased frequency of LC phasic firing in response to novel events. Ghosh and Omoluabi (Ghosh et al. 2021; Omoluabi et al. 2021) examined single unit recordings from the LC during novelty exposure in rats. After six-weeks of LC stimulation (LC phasic activation for 20 minutes five days per week) rats showed increased response to novel stimuli, and greater LC health (increased macrophage activation and greater LC fiber density), along with increased cognitive functions and reduced AD biomarkers in comparison with rats which did not undergo the LC phasic activation. Rats not exposed to novelty showed greater LC neurodegeneration with increased AD biomarkers and poorer cognitive outcomes. Omoluabi et al. (2021) concluded that LC-phasic firing in response to novelty was protective against the detrimental effect of AD biomarkers (pre-tangle tau production in the LC), preventing LC fiber loss resulting in greater LC axonal integrity and more preserved cognition.
Consistent with the aforementioned animal study, a recent fMRI study in humans carried on 128 healthy individuals from the Harvard aging study (Prokopiou et al. 2022) found LC activity significantly increased while novel stimuli were presented. They also reported that lower novelty-related LC activity was associated with greater cognitive decline related to AD biomarkers levels (beta-amyloid PET). Krebs et al. 2018 have also demonstrated that phasic LC activity when a contextually-unexpected stimulus occurs, namely, a novel stimulus that is incongruent to context.
Although the VBM analyses revealed that the LC was the key predictor of OE, a Bayesian multiple regression model explored the combined effects of LC with the other subcortical nuclei. This analysis revealed that LC + VTA was a stronger predictor of OE than the LC alone. An additive involvement of the dopaminergic system in shaping personality may explain this relationship: exploratory behaviour that characterizes openness will be further reinforced by the reward value of novel experiences via the mesolimbic dopamine system. Alternatively, the role of DA in supporting the OE trait may have a genetic basis as catalyst for the conversion of DA to NA. (Barnes et al. 2011). Furthermore, the role of the DR nucleus, while only a negligible contributor to the model on its own, also combined with the LC to predict OE trait variation. Serotoninergic involvement in OE trait expression may involve increased sensitivity to stress during exploration of novel environments. Previous work has found that cerebral 5-HTT levels are associated with OE (Kalbitzer et al 2008; Ren et al. 2021). However, 30% of DR is composed by catecholaminergic neurons (Farley et al. 1977; Baker et al. 1991; Ordway et al. 1997; Kirby et al. 2003), therefore this association might reflect common dopaminergic and noradrenergic involvement in OE expression. Overall, the synergic involvement of these three main neuromodulatory nuclei may contribute to shaping the nature of openness via different pathways – through VTA-DA mediated reward sensitivity, DR-5-HT potentiation of stress-related responses during exposure to novelty, as well as overarching explore-exploit behavioral patterns promoted by the LC-NA system (Tochigi et al. 2005; Zmorzyński et al. 2021; Ren et al. 2021; Deyoung et al. 2008; Deyoung et al. 2011; Deyoung 2013). We observed positive relationships between the signal intensity of such nuclei and OE, therefore these interpretations are based on the assumption that greater structural signal intensity (tissue density – integrity) of these nuclei would ensure an adequate neuromodulatory functioning building the ground for a more developed OE trait. Conversely, lower signal intensity (reduced tissue density – integrity) of these nuclei would undermine the normal neuromodulator biosynthesis underlying OE trait expression. This interpretation is supported by the literature reporting how variations of neuromodulators’ concentrations can bidirectionally affect personality traits expression (Tochigi et al. 2005; Narita et al. 2015; Ward et al. 2017; Fischer et al. 2018; Käckenmester et al. 2019; Kanen et al. 2021). By contrast, reduced signal intensity of the neuromodulatory subcortical system can result in poorer bioavailability of such neuromodulators (May and Paxinos 2012).
A unique contribution of the LC-NA system in this study was its mediatory role in accounting for a relationship between OE and IQ. This intercorrelation highlights LC-NA system centrality in higher order cognition. Greater IQ and higher OE scores are both conceived as Reserve proxies that reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia (Cuttler and Graf 2007; Franchow et al. 2013; Ihle et al. 2019; Karsazi et al. 2021; Rammsted et al. 2018; Schretlen et al. 2010; Ackerman and Heggestad 1997; Tautvydaite et al. 2017; Sharp et al. 2010). The integrity of the LC-NA system, given its role in neurodegeneration, might be a common factor contributing to the expression of these two constructs in terms of brain and cognitive health (DeYoung et al. 2013; Robertson 2013&2014). These findings are therefore suggestive that the LC signal intensity even at young age, can significantly affect cognition and personality expression with the potential to build resilience to neurodegeneration in later life. Although the current study is the first to link LC-NA signal intensity to OE, there is previous evidence that the noradrenergic system is associated with greater cognitive performance and intelligence (Tsukahara and Engle 2021; Zhao et al. 2014; Clewett et al. 2016; Liu et al. 2020; Wilson et al. 2013; Elman et al. 2021; Jacobs et al. 2021; Plini et al. 2021; Dahl et al. 2022; Dahl et al. 2019; Dutt et al. 2021).
Although OE showed the strongest relationship to the LC, a secondary VBM association was also observed between the C trait, conscientiousness, and the LC. The C trait, which reflects perseverance and focus, is associated with increased attention performance and reduced speed of processing (Yoneda et al. 2022; Chapman et al. 2017; Sutin et al. 2019) and improved memory (Lucchetti et al. 2016; Allen et al. 2018; Sutin et al. 2019 b). These cognitive domains also implicate LC-NA system integrity and functioning across several studies (Aston-Jones et al. 2000; Aston-Jones and Cohen 2005; Bari et al. 2022; Grueschow et al. 2022; Dahl et al. 2022; Unsworth et al. 2017; Plini et al. 2021). Moreover, further work has found that greater C scores are associated with both greater resistance to Dementia (Yoneda et al. 2022; Kaup et al. 2019). and lower risk of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease (Wilson et el. 2007; Terracciano et al. 2017; Sutin et al. 2018; Aschenbrenner et al. 2020). It should be noted that the role of additional variables needs further investigation. For example, it is documented that individuals who are high in C are more prone to engage regular physical activity (Sutin et al. 2016), which is also known to be related to better brain and cognitive health and to the LC-NA system. Clearer dissociation of the role these different protective factors is warranted.
The current findings demonstrates that the C trait combined with greater OE expression in healthy individuals is associated with greater signal intensity in the LC. It remains to be seen whether these personality traits, through interaction with LC-NA system over the lifespan, provide greater resilience to neurodegeneration. However, these significant clinical implications warrant longitudinal investigation.
The main limitation of the current argumentation lays on the cross-sectional nature of the study. A longitudinal study would provide more accurate casual relationships among these variables and would enable to understand possible trajectories. However, personality traits measured by NEO-FFI tend to be stable throughout lifetime (McCrae et al. 2011; Gnambs et al. 2014). This gives us more confidence in the mediation analyses and in the partial correlations, which may help us understand the actual nature of these relationships.
Another potential limitation is selection bias - people who were recruited via the LEMON study might be, by nature of their voluntary participation, individuals who are “highly open” to engage in new experiences and this might limit the representativeness of the sample to general population. This selection bias may also have been exacerbated by excluding individuals with ongoing psychological or psychiatric symptoms. The current sample reported low levels of anxiety, and had a low level of neuroticism compared to other scales such as OE or C. Therefore, the possible detrimental effect of “high tonic” LC firing commonly observed in response to stress and anxiety could affect or reduce the LC-OE relationship and their possible neuroprotective outcomes (Rorabaugh et al. 2017; Ghosh et al. 2021; Omoluabi et al. 2021). Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning we found no relationships between LC signal intensity and anxiety scales which could affect the present set of findings.
Other minor limitations are the relatively small size of the sample, which can explain why the results did not survive the most conservative multiple comparison corrections on a voxel wise approach, while it remained significant after Bonferroni correction on ROI analysis. Lastly, the constraints of the self-report personality questionnaires with forced choices, along with the IQ measured on the base of vocabulary only. However, within these limitations, we made the attempt to account for the confounding variables, controlling for age, gender and TIV. In the same vein, we also systematically tested with numerous control analyses different relationships, and we also tested the antithetic hypothesis to consider the alternative direction of effects. A total of 60 VBM control analyses contrasted to our main analyses yielding greater confidence in the validity of our key findings.
Clinical implications and future directions
Together, these findings are suggestive that personal attitudes to life, captured by the personality of openness (and Conscientiousness), might be influenced, in part, by activation of the noradrenergic system. These findings may provide explanatory ground concerning the neuropsychological dynamics underlining the association between OE and resilience to neurodegenerative diseases while supporting Robertson’s theory (Robertson 2013&2014; Tautvydaite et al. 2017; Sharp et al. 2010; Cuttler and Graf 2007; Franchow et al. 2013; Ihle et al. 2019; Karsazi et al. 2021). Indeed, as outlined by Robertson (Robertson 2013&2014), LC-NA system plays an important role underpinning all the attentional processes, and in particular the exposure to novelty along with managing and developing problem-solving skills. This interacting with greater Conscientiousness may ensure consistent cognitive control eliciting optimal noradrenergic tone (Robertson 2013&2014; Aston-Jones et al. 2000; Aston-Jones and Cohen 2005). In keeping with this, a dispositional ‘openness’ trait might drive a greater noradrenergic tone throughout lifetime, leading to more frequent phasic activation of LC-NA system yielding to greater LC integrity and greater brain and cognitive health (Robertson 2013&2014; Omulabi et al. 2021; Clewett et al. 2016; Dutt et al. 2021; Mather et al. 2021; Plini et al. 2021; Prokopiou et al. 2022). This ‘openness’ trait throughout lifespan might interact with other reserve variables, such as I.Q. via the mediation of the LC-NA system. Indeed, several studies reported greater OE is linked to greater crystallized intelligence (Rammsted et al. 2018; Schretlen et al. 2010; Ackerman and Heggestad 1997). Alternatively, it is possible that LC-NA characteristics could contribute to the ‘openness’ personality characteristic, or that the relationship is explained by other variables. However, the newly established link between personality traits, LC-NA system, and cognition outlines the intercorrelation between neuropsychological variables and opens to potential psychological interventions targeting the LC-NA system. Cognitive and behavioral approaches (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – CBT) which focus on OE, in people who score low in OE and C, might be considered among the preventing strategies for neurodegenerative diseases (Forgeard et al. 2019). This might be beneficial improving people’s well-being both in enhancing the executive/attentional domain (Forgeard et al. 2019; Jackson et al. 2012) and in building the resilience ground to neurodegenerative diseases. Personality traits (OE especially) might be considered as critical component to focus on for brain health potentially influencing the neuroprotective role of LC-NA system particularly in the face of neurodegeneration. Future studies should replicate these findings and design longitudinal investigations considering biological biomarkers, personological and cognitive variables using high-res MRI to better understand the neuropsychological dynamics which underpin our novel findings.