Study setting {9}
RELIANT is being conducted in two operating rooms at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), an academic medical center in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Eligibility criteria {10}
Patients will be eligible for inclusion if they are 1) ≥ 18 years of age at the time of bronchoscopy and 2) scheduled for navigational bronchoscopy for the evaluation of a peripheral pulmonary lesion. Patients will be excluded if they are enrolled in another trial which requires one specific navigational platform or if they decline to participate.
Who will take informed consent? {26a}
Research informed consent will be obtained by the proceduralist or a member of the study team at the time of clinical informed consent for the procedure.
Additional consent provisions for collection and use of participant data and biological specimens {26b}
Not applicable.
Explanation for the choice of comparators {6b}
ssRAB and DT-ENB are the two most widely used navigational bronchoscopy platforms for sampling peripheral pulmonary lesions. Observational comparative data suggest that ssRAB has a diagnostic yield and complication rates that approach those of DT-ENB and may be easier to learn (9). However, high quality comparative data from randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm these findings.
Intervention description {11a}
Patients assigned to the ssRAB allocated OR will undergo bronchoscopy with navigation via ssRAB. Patients assigned to the DT-ENB allocated OR will undergo bronchoscopy with navigation via DT-ENB. The study protocol only determines the approach to bronchoscopy, ssRAB or DT-ENB, other clinical decisions will be at the discretion of the bronchoscopist per usual care.
Bronchoscopies with both platforms will follow our routine clinical protocol, which has been previously described (6,7,9). Bronchoscopies are performed under general anesthesia with neuromuscular blockade. Radial endobronchial ultrasound is available for all procedures. Mobile cone beam CT (mCBCT) is available and used at the proceduralist’s discretion. Biopsies are obtained using transbronchial needles, biopsy forceps, cryoprobes, and/or other sampling devices at the discretion of the bronchoscopist. Rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) is performed in most cases to assess specimen adequacy. All patients recover based on the usual VUMC standard of care, which includes two hours of monitoring in the recovery area. Imaging to assess for possible pneumothorax is obtained if clinically indicated at the discretion of the proceduralist. Post procedure, patients will be managed and followed per usual care. For patients not diagnosed with malignancy, we will review their interval chest CT scans to assess the target lesion for progression, regression, or stability for up to 12 months.
Criteria for discontinuing or modifying allocated interventions {11b}
There is no established situation or condition in which ssRAB or DT-ENB is known to be superior. However, in the unlikely scenario that during the conduct of this trial such evidence becomes available, the treating physician would be allowed to modify the allocation as would be expected for usual care. Additionally, if the assigned platform is not functioning or defective, the treating clinician is allowed to use whichever navigational platform is needed for patient care.
Strategies to improve adherence to interventions {11c}
Research staff will prospectively monitor to ensure that randomization is used to determine the approach to navigation in both operating rooms throughout the study period, to confirm that all patients receive the strategy to which they are initially assigned, and to confirm that the device assigned to each room and the patients assigned to each room are not changed following randomization. The only threat to adherence would be if the assigned platform is unavailable or non-functional in which case the proceduralist would use the alternative device as needed for patient care, and the patient would be included in the intention-to-treat analysis as a cross-over.
Relevant concomitant care permitted or prohibited during the trial {11d}
The only part of the procedure controlled by the study is the bronchoscopy platform. No clinical interventions are prohibited or discouraged by the study.
Provisions for post-trial care {30}
No additional ancillary care or follow up beyond what is done for routine clinical care is planned for the purpose of this trial. While rare, complications are expected as part of these procedures and well-documented in the literature (5-13,15). There will be no compensation for participating in the trials or for complications incurred as these are expected as part of routine care.
Outcomes {12}
Primary Outcome
The primary endpoint will be diagnostic yield, defined as the proportion of procedures that results in acquisition of lesional tissue.
Lesional tissue is defined by the presence of pathological findings that readily explain the presence of a pulmonary lesion. The following common pathological findings are pre-specified:
- Malignancy
- Specific benign pathologic finding including
- Organizing pneumonia
- Frank purulence/robust neutrophilic inflammation
- Granulomatous inflammation
- Other specific benign findings such as hamartoma, amyloidoma or other uncommon causes of PPLs with distinctive pathological patterns.
Biopsies not meeting any of the above lesional pathological criteria will be adjudicated as not meeting the primary outcome (not being “diagnostic"), including biopsies with normal lung parenchyma or airway components on biopsy, atypia not diagnostic of malignancy, or non-specific inflammation. A blinded panel will review all non-malignant biopsies at the end of accrual to confirm specific benign or non-diagnostic findings on biopsy. Procedures will be adjudicated as not meeting the primary outcome if the procedure starts but biopsies are not obtained (due to failure to navigate to the lesion, or complication, or equipment failure). A procedure will be considered started at induction of general anesthesia.
Biopsies obtained without the use of DT-ENB or ssRAB (e.g., sampling of central lymph nodes using the linear endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscope) will not be included in the diagnostic yield calculations. In case of repeat bronchoscopies, only the index bronchoscopy will be included in the diagnostic yield calculation.
Diagnostic yield is one of the most commonly reported outcomes when evaluating advanced bronchoscopic methods (2,5-13,15). We have chosen the most conservative definition of diagnostic yield, consistent with our prior publications. (6-9).
Secondary, Safety and Exploratory Outcomes
The sole prespecified secondary outcome will be the duration of the navigation procedure (in minutes), defined as time from the start of airway registration to the removal of the bronchoscope after completion of navigation procedures.
Safety outcomes will focus on procedural complications within 7 days of the procedure including:
- Pneumothorax
- Bronchopulmonary haemorrhage
- Respiratory failure
- Anesthesia complications
Exploratory clinical outcomes are:
- Radiation exposure, defined as radiation dose delivered to the patient during the study bronchoscopy, recorded as a dose area product (mGy/cm2)
- Additional diagnostic procedures, defined as any diagnostic procedure performed after the study bronchoscopy which targets the same peripheral lesion for diagnostic purposes (including repeat bronchoscopy, transthoracic needle biopsy, or surgical lung biopsy) between completion of the index procedure and 12 months. Repeat biopsies of lesions determined to be malignant by study bronchoscopy which are performed specifically to obtain additional tissue for further testing but that does not change the malignant diagnosis, will not be considered additional diagnostic procedures.
- Diagnostic accuracy at 12 months post-biopsy, defined as the number of true positive lesions (malignant) plus true negative lesions (specific benign diagnosis) with no evidence of malignancy at 12-month follow-up (no interval biopsy diagnostic of malignancy, regression on CT or stable size with no plan for repeat diagnostic procedure), divided by the total number of biopsied lesions.
Participant timeline {13}
Sample size {14}
The diagnostic yield of DT-ENB varies widely in the literature based on the definition (2, 5-8, 15). Based on data from prior studies using a similar diagnostic yield definition as this trial, we estimate the diagnostic yield of DT-ENB to be 80% (6-9). The diagnostic yield of ssRAB has not been fully elucidated, but published data suggest an overall diagnostic yield approaching 80% as well (9-13). Assuming the diagnostic yield for DT-ENB is 80%, with a non-inferiority margin set at 10%, cluster size of 2, and no intracluster correlation, 202 clusters (OR-days) would provide an 80% power to conclude noninferiority at a one-sided type I error rate of 5%. The noninferiority margin was chosen based on what would be considered a clinically significant difference that would favor ENB over RAB, despite RAB’s better learning curve and enhanced stability. We assumed no intracluster correlation given the very small cluster size and the low likelihood that patients in each cluster will be significantly different. Based on an average of 2 cases per day, we anticipate that approximately 400 patients will be enrolled in the 202 clusters of this trial.
Recruitment {15}
The Interventional Pulmonology group at Vanderbilt University Medical Center performs over 400 navigational bronchoscopies per year making it one of the highest volume centers in the US. Every patient undergoing navigational bronchoscopic biopsy of PPL will be eligible for inclusion in the study. Given the broad inclusion criteria and the comparison of modalities that patients would experience as part of routine clinical care outside of research, we expect that the number of patients who decline to participate will be small.
Assignment of interventions: allocation
Sequence generation {16a}
Parallel cluster randomization is used for this study given impracticability of patient-level 1:1 randomization. The ssRAB and DT-ENB platforms are randomly allocated based on operating room day. A biostatistician not involved in patient care generated the randomization sequence using R programming language in randomly permuted blocks of size 2 and 4, stratified by day of the week. Stratification by day of the week was added to minimize imbalances that could arise due to differences in the amount of time each provider spends in each operating room (e.g., due to vacation). One randomization sequence was generated for each day, and a mirror sequence with the opposite allocation was assigned to the second operating room on days where both operating rooms are scheduled to perform bronchoscopy for peripheral pulmonary lesions. On these days, a single envelope contains the specific allocation assigned to each room.
Concealment mechanism {16b}
Allocation is concealed in sealed, opaque envelopes, clearly marked with the day of the week, and are opened by the OR staff each morning on days with navigational bronchoscopy cases scheduled. The envelopes were prepared by support staff not involved in patient recruitment or scheduling. The envelopes are located in one of the operating rooms in a clearly marked, secured box.
Implementation {16c}
The allocation sequence was generated by a statistician not involved in clinical care. The participants are enrolled by the study personnel, including interventional pulmonary attendings, fellows, and/or advanced practice providers, who obtain consent for both the navigational bronchoscopic procedure and the collection of data and use for research. Participants are assigned to interventions according to the day their bronchoscopic procedure is scheduled by the blinded schedulers.
Assignment of interventions: Blinding
Who will be blinded {17a}
SPIRIT guidance: Who will be blinded after assignment to interventions (eg, trial participants, care providers, outcome assessors, data analysts), and how.
Patients are scheduled for their procedure days in advance by a blinded scheduler without any knowledge of what platform the OR will be randomized to for the scheduled day of the procedure. It is not possible to blind the bronchoscopist or the patient to the platform used the day of the procedure, as they are both large distinctive-appearing pieces of equipment. However, the patient, the proceduralist, and the scheduler are blinded at the time of scheduling and will remain blinded until the day of the procedure. Additionally, thoracic pathologists are blinded throughout the study, such that allocations will not influence the histopathological interpretation.
Procedure for unblinding if needed {17b}
Not applicable.
Data collection and management
Plans for assessment and collection of outcomes {18a}
All data collected in this study are captured as part of routine clinical care. Data will be collected in a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant REDCap database (16). The database is composed of several case report forms (CRFs) that include demographic, radiographic, procedure, complication, histopathology and follow up data. Data will be entered by the proceduralists, and study team members who are trained in use of the CRF. Data collected in the CRFs include but are not limited to: study participants’ demographic and risk factors for lung cancer, nodule size and other nodule characteristics, procedure details including duration, platform and tools used, specific histopathologic findings, radiation dose and any complications that occur during or after the procedure. Follow up data including repeat bronchoscopic biopsy and additional biopsies obtained by alternative means (transthoracic needle biopsy or surgical biopsy) will be collected by review of the electronic health record.
Plans to promote participant retention and complete follow-up {18b}
RELIANT is a pragmatic trial embedded in our clinical practice. As such, patients will be followed per usual care at the discretion of the proceduralist. Primary, secondary and safety outcomes will be captured by the end of the procedure or adjudicated within seven days. Follow up for the purpose of this study is only required for two of the exploratory outcomes, diagnostic accuracy at 12 months and additional diagnostic procedures. We, therefore, expect the rate of missingness due to loss to follow-up to be low. Given that the primary purpose of biopsy for peripheral pulmonary lesions is the evaluation of possible malignancy, the vast majority of patients return to their follow up appointments after biopsy. Standard operating procedures are in place at VUMC to ensure patient follow-up, which should also minimize loss to follow-up.
Data management {19}
REDCap is a secure, HIPAA compliant, web-based application (16). Only key study personnel approved by the IRB will have access to the database. Data will be entered daily by the proceduralists, and study team members experienced with the database. The database was built with data quality checks in place such as specific data entry restrictions e.g., integer only, ranges, etc. Key data fields have been marked as required and need to be completed before finalizing the CRF.
Confidentiality {27}
All patient related information in this study will be entered and stored in a Vanderbilt University Medical Center REDCap database, which requires two factor authentications if accessed from outside of VUMC’s firewall. Research informed consents will be kept in a research binder in a locked file cabinet in a locked office. Only key study personnel approved by the IRB will have access to this database and binder as necessary to conduct the research. Every effort will be made to protect the privacy of research subjects. Subject names and protected health information (PHI) will be kept confidential to the extent possible and as required by applicable laws and regulations. All records and data related to the study will be maintained in secure protected spaces, with access restricted to key study personnel approved by the IRB who (i) need access to the information to fulfill the terms and obligations under the Protocol and (ii) are under the same obligations as study personnel to keep the information confidential. Following publication, a de-identified dataset will be created.
Plans for collection, laboratory evaluation and storage of biological specimens for genetic or molecular analysis in this trial/future use {33}
Not applicable.
Statistical methods
Statistical methods for primary and secondary outcomes {20a}
Descriptive Analysis
To characterize the study sample, baseline demographic and clinical data will be described overall and by group. Categorical variables will be described using frequencies and proportions, and continuous variables will be described using means and standard deviations or medians and interquartile ranges, as appropriate. Missingness will be reported for each variable. At a minimum, the following variables will be described at time of enrollment:
- Age (years)
- Gender (male, female, unknown)
- Race (African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Caucasian, Multiple, Native American, Other, Unknown)
- Ethnicity (Hispanic, Non-Hispanic, Unknown)
- History of cancer (yes/no)
- Smoking History (current, former, never)
- Body mass index (BMI)
- Lesion characteristics
- Size (mm)
- Location (middle vs peripheral)
- Upper lobe (yes/no)
- Density (solid, part solid, ground glass opacity)
- Distance from pleura (cm)
- Bronchus sign present (yes/no)
- Procedure details
- Rapid onsite evaluation (yes/no)
- Operator
- Digital tomosynthesis (yes/no)
- Cone beam computed tomography (yes/no)
- Biopsy tools
We will describe the outcome variables overall and grouped by study arm using the same approach as for the demographic data. Summary statistics and graphical representations may be displayed, and missingness will be reported for each variable. No statistical comparisons between groups will be done for this descriptive analysis.
Primary analysis
The primary analysis for the trial will use an intent-to-treat approach. Participants will be evaluated by treatment group as assigned regardless of what was delivered. All eligible participants will be included.
The primary outcome variable (diagnostic yield) will be compared between groups using a generalized linear mixed model with one-sided test. The primary model will be covariate adjusted, including fixed effects for device assignment, lesion size, density, peripheral location, and bronchus sign, and a random effect for operator. Should the model demonstrate signs of overfitting, covariates may be selected based on priority order (device assignment, lesion size, density, peripheral location, bronchus sign, operator).
If non-inferiority is demonstrated, we will proceed with a superiority analysis using the same approach as the non-inferiority analysis, an adjusted generalized linear mixed effects model with the same covariates used in the primary analysis. No adjustment will be made for multiplicity. The superiority analysis would be conducted at a p-value of 0.05.
Secondary and exploratory analysis
A sensitivity analysis using a per protocol approach will be conducted to analyze participants based on the device used. We will use the same approach as the primary analysis, an adjusted generalized linear mixed effects model using the same covariates.
The secondary outcome, procedure duration, will be compared between study groups using a generalized linear mixed model. If the procedure duration is skewed, alternative models may be pursued, such as a cox regression. The primary model will be covariate adjusted following a similar approach to the analysis of the primary outcome. Analysis of the exploratory endpoints will follow a similar approach.
Safety analysis
Procedure complications are expected in usual care, although uncommon. We will report all procedure complications for each device, overall and by type. If event rates exceed 5%, we may proceed with a comparative analysis, which will involve a generalized linear regression model for binary outcomes as specified for the main analysis, with the exception that covariate adjustment may not be possible. The safety analysis dataset will group participants by device used, regardless of assignment.
All model results will be summarized with point estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), which will be emphasized over p-values when reporting the results for secondary outcomes. No adjustments for multiplicity will be made.
Interim analyses {21b}
There is no plan for interim analysis and thus no boundaries for early stopping.
Methods for additional analyses (e.g. subgroup analyses) {20b}
Differential effects
To determine whether differences in outcomes are dependent on baseline characteristics, we will introduce interaction terms into the models developed for the main analysis. Specifically, we will test the interaction between device assignment and the subgrouping variable. Each variable will be tested one by one, such that all main effects but only one interaction term is included at a time. The following putative subgrouping variables are prespecified:
- Nodule size (continuous, treatment effects will be estimated at 1.5cm and 3cm)
- Presence of bronchus sign
- Solid vs subsolid nodule
- Peripheral vs central location – Peripheral defined as outer 1/3 of chest
Methods in analysis to handle protocol non-adherence and any statistical methods to handle missing data {20c}
Missingness on the primary or secondary outcome is not expected due to the proximity of its measurement with the procedure and its integration into clinical documentation. Procedures missing the primary outcomes will be considered not diagnostic. Missing covariates will be imputed using multiple imputation with predictive mean matching. There may be missingness on exploratory outcomes. For missing exploratory outcomes, a complete case analysis will be performed.
Plans to give access to the full protocol, participant level-data and statistical code {31c}
The protocol and the statistical analysis plan will be available with the published study manuscript. Deidentified participant-level dataset will be available upon reasonable request and with appropriate IRB approval.
Oversight and monitoring
Composition of the coordinating centre and trial steering committee {5d}
There is no coordinating center or trial steering committee for this single center randomized control trial embedded within usual clinical care.
Composition of the data monitoring committee, its role and reporting structure {21a}
The Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) consists of 3 members with expertise appropriate to the conduct of the study, including thoracic surgery, pulmonary medicine, biostatistics, and clinical trials. The DSMB will evaluate any research related serious adverse events (SAEs) or unanticipated adverse events (AEs). Outcome data may be presented to the DSMB at the DSMB’s request with no plan for interim analyses. Appointment of all members was contingent upon the absence of any conflicts of interest. All the members of the DSMB are voting members. The DSMB developed a charter and reviewed the protocol and appropriate regulatory documents during its first meeting. The DSMB will meet two additional times at approximately 33% and 66% enrollment to review safety event reports in aggregate, and ad hoc as needed. The DSMB will have the ability to recommend that the trial end, be modified, or continue unchanged.
Adverse event reporting and harms {22}
This pragmatic randomized controlled trial is embedded within usual clinical care and compares two standard of care approaches to biopsy peripheral pulmonary lesions. Clinical adverse events are well documented in the literature and discussed in detail with the patient during the clinical procedure consent. Clinical adverse events are, therefore, considered to be related to the clinical procedure rather than related to the research. Clinical adverse events are systematically collected and reviewed by the DSMB but not individually reported to the IRB. The primary risk of research participation is breach in privacy and confidentiality and many safeguards have been established as detailed previously. Serious unanticipated adverse events will be reported to the DSMB and IRB per current institutional standards.
Frequency and plans for auditing trial conduct {23}
There is no plan for trial auditing.
Plans for communicating important protocol amendments to relevant parties (e.g. trial participants, ethical committees) {25}
We anticipate no major changes to the protocol during the conduct of this study. If needed, however, any changes to the protocol will be made in the form of a written amendment and must be approved by the IRB prior to implementation. Protocol changes to eliminate an immediate hazard to a trial patient may be implemented by the investigator immediately. The investigator must then immediately inform the IRB and DSMB. All proceduralists are co-investigators and actively involved in this study, as such, any important modification will be communicated in person or via email.
Dissemination plans {31a}
Any manuscript or releases resulting from the collaborative research must be approved by the investigators and will be circulated to applicable participating investigators prior to submission for publication or presentation. A publication plan consistent with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) will be created prior to analysis and publication of any data. All data will be made available to authors as required. The publication of sub-studies and post-hoc analyses will not precede the primary publication. Publication of results will be determined by the investigators. All authors are expected to disclose financial relationships or affiliations that could be considered conflicts of interest per journal or medical society requirements.