Active inland faults are widespread in Japan and investigations are important for earthquake forecasting and seismic hazard assessments (Toda, 2016). Comprehensive geological summaries of fault zones in Japan and the Geology of Japan, including the study area, can be found elsewhere (Moreno et al., 2016). The study area is located in Central Japan approximately 70 km NE of Nagoya (Fig. 1). The Atera fault is one of several major left-lateral, strike–slip active faults in Central Japan and extends for ca. 55 km from Nakatsugawa city to Gero city in Gifu Prefecture in a general NW to SE trend (Takagi et al., 2005). The outcrop consists of fault breccia, clay-rich fault gouge, and cataclasite (Niwa et al., 2009) and cover, in a cross-section, significant asymmetry due to different protolith lithology, and record several stages of deformation. The architectural evolution of the Atera fault zone is based on a field-based and microstructural study (Niwa et al., 2009). The last recent displacement occurred along the Atera Fault during a major earthquake in 1586 (Toda et al., 1996).
Central Japan has a long and complex deformation history that has continued to the present-day and is reflected in a strong interrelationship between topography, erosion and neotectonics. Good surface exposures make the region attractive for the study of fault gouges which are otherwise poorly preserved due to extended weathering. The ages of the basement and host rocks are well constrained and supplemented with a large set of regional thermochronological data. However, there have been few studies specifically on localized retrograde authigenic clay mineral formation in discrete fault zones in Japan, although such brittle faults are widespread and similar to studies reported within the European Alps (Zwingmann and Mancktelow 2004, Zwingmann et al., 2010a). The fault outcrops investigated in this study are located in Kawaue, Nakatsugawa City (Fig. 1c; Niwa et al. 2009; 2015). The Kawaue basement comprises: the Inagawa granite, the Gero Ash-Flow sheet of the Nohi rhyolite, the Naegi–Agematsu granite, the Toki Sand and Gravel Bed, and the Ueno basaltic rocks (Fig. 2). The Inagawa granite is part of the widespread Ryoke granites, which intruded into the southwestern Japanese Islands during the Cretaceous. The Inagawa granite age was constrained by CHIME analyses in two localities with ages of 82.6 ± 1.8 Ma and 81.9 ± 1.4 Ma (2s) which are identical within error (Suzuki and Adachi, 1998). The Gero Ash-Flow Sheet, a welded tuff, yielded a younger 75.2 ± 6.2 Ma (1s) Rb–Sr whole-rock isochron age (Shirahase 2005; Yamada and Koido, 2005), and is part of the Late Cretaceous Nohi rhyolite composite volcanism in Central Japan (Yamada et al., 2005). The Naegi–Agematsu granite, which intrudes both the Inagawa Granite and the Gero Ash-Flow Sheet, was dated at 67.2 ± 3.2 Ma (CHIME, 2s) (Suzuki et al. 1994) and 71.3 ± 1.6 Ma (SHRIMP, 2s) (Nakajima et al. 1993). The terrestrial Toki Sand and Gravel Beds are of upper Miocene to lower Pleistocene age (Editorial Committee of CHUBU II 1988). The Ueno Basaltic Rocks are extrusive rocks from a late Pliocene to early Pleistocene volcano group above the Toki Sand and Gravel Bed. K–Ar ages of the Ueno Basaltic Rocks at Sakashita ranges from: 1.41 ± 0.12 Ma (Uto and Yamada, 1985), 1.68 ± 0.11 Ma (Shimizu et al., 1988), 1.64 ± 0.08 Ma to 1.54 ± 0.08 Ma (Ujike et al., 1992) with an overall average of 1.57 ± 0.05 Ma (2s) based on error propagation. The Atera fault in the Kawaue area separates the welded tuff of the Gero Ash- Flow Sheet from the Naegi–Agematsu granite (Fig. 2a). The studied outcrop rocks include welded tuff of the Gero Ash-Flow Sheet and granite of the Naegi–Agematsu granite (Fig. 2b). The welded tuff is rhyolitic and phenocryst-rich, with phenocrysts of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, and biotite in a glassy groundmass accompanied by quartz and chlorite. Remaining feldspars are highly sericitized. Clay minerals and calcite occur as secondary minerals caused by groundmass alteration.
The Naegi–Agematsu granite is composed of: quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, and biotite, showing micrographic texture with minor sutured structure. Biotite is partly chloritized, needle-shaped, and fine-grained (Niwa et al., 2009; 2015).
The Atera fault outcrops consist of an ~ 42 m wide fault zone, subdivided into paired damage zones derived from welded tuff and granite, and a 1.2 m wide fault core (Fig. 2). The welded tuff damage zone, which is dominant in the western part of the fault zone, is composed of a 10 m wide zone of welded tuff with a high fracture density and a 14 m wide fault breccia. The granite damage zone in the eastern part of the Atera fault is composed of a 12 m wide zone of granite with a high fracture density and a 5 m wide granite cataclasite.
The 1.2 m wide fault core is clay-rich and contains fragments of welded tuff, granite, and basalt. The fragments in the 1.2 m wide fault core are friable and are associated with fractures. The basalt fragments can be correlated with the neighboring volcanic rocks of the Ueno Basaltic Rocks (Niwa et al., 2009). This observation places a constraint on the maximum age of fault core formation. The fault core trends NW-SE to NNW-SSE with a subvertical dip. Slickenline plunging gently south is developed along the border of the fault core (Fig. 2c). Some rounded fragments have been rotated and display asymmetric tails indicating a sinistral sense of shear. These structural features of the fault core are consistent with the general structure of the Atera fault.
Aside from the 1.2 m-wide fault core, a 30 cm-wide fault overprints the granite cataclasite (Fig. 2c). The fault gouge is clay-rich and includes granite fragments. The trend of the gouge is subparallel to the 1.2 m wide fault core, i.e. NW-SE to NNW-SSE strike, and a subvertical dip and slickenlines on the gouge plunge gently south (Niwa et al., 2015).