Forty-three individuals completed the eligibility survey and provided their contact information, with 22 individuals (51%) agreeing to participate in the study. Participants had a mean (standard deviation) age of 59.5 (8.2) years and worked in a range of occupations. The majority of participants were female (82%; n = 18), and just over half had knee OA (54%; n = 12). Characteristics of study participants are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Characteristics of study participants
| Age | Sex | BMI | Site of OA | Education | Occupation | Employee/ Self-employed | Hrs/week |
P01 | 70 | F | 27.1 | Knee | Diploma | Community nurse | Employees | 6 |
P02 | 67 | F | 20.9 | Knee | University degree | Oral/maxillofacial surgeon | Self-employed | 40 |
P03 | 57 | M | 49.4 | Knee | Certificate I-IV | Building services officer | Employee | 38 |
P04 | 56 | F | 43.3 | Knee | University degree | Teacher | Employee | 60 |
P05 | 66 | M | 27.8 | Knee | University degree | Mortgage broker | Self-employed | 30 |
P06 | 56 | F | 25.7 | Foot | University degree | Change management lead | Employee | 40 |
P07 | 48 | M | 26.5 | Knee | Certificate I-IV | Pest management | Employee | 40 |
P08 | 65 | F | 36.9 | Knee | University degree | Gallery assistant | Employee | 37 |
P09 | 64 | F | 31.2 | Hip | University degree | Trainer and counsellor | Employee | 24 |
P10 | 74 | M | 28.4 | Hip | University degree | Food vendor | Self-employed | 20 |
P11 | 68 | F | 28.5 | Ankle | Diploma | Accounting and training specialist | Employee | 23 |
P12 | 57 | F | 25.2 | Knee | Diploma | School crossing guard | Employee | 10 |
P13 | 62 | F | 55.5 | Ankle | Secondary school | Accommodation assistant | Employee | 30 |
P14 | 62 | F | 25.2 | Foot | University degree | Teacher | Employee | 40 |
P15 | 64 | F | 31.6 | Foot | Diploma | Records manager | Employee | 23 |
P16 | 50 | F | 20.0 | Hip | University degree | Public servant | Employee | 75 |
P17 | 56 | F | 27.8 | Ankle | University degree | Office administration | Employee | 22 |
P18 | 57 | F | 23.7 | Foot | Diploma | Yoga teacher | Self-employed | 15 |
P19 | 47 | F | 27.3 | Knee | University degree | Public servant | Employee | 36 |
P20 | 41 | F | 41.4 | Knee | University degree | Health and safety advisor | Employee | 40 |
P21 | 60 | F | 33.2 | Knee | Diploma | Account manager | Employee | 45 |
P22 | 60 | F | 31.5 | Knee | Diploma | Office worker | Employee | 36 |
Education level refers to the highest level of education completed. |
Abbreviations: F, female; M, male; BMI, body mass index (kg/m2); OA, osteoarthritis, Hrs/week, Hours worked per week |
Experiences working with lower limb OA
Six major themes were generated in relation to participants’ experiences of working with lower limb OA (Table 2). Each theme and sub-theme are described below with participant quotes denoted using individual identifiers.
Table 2
Themes and subthemes | Description |
Experiences working with lower limb OA |
1 | Weight-bearing physical demands are challenging | Participants with lower limb OA experience exacerbation of symptoms and difficulties performing weight-bearing job tasks (e.g., bending) and weight-bearing transportation (e.g., walking). |
2 | Lower limb OA can affect work performance | Work performance, quality, ability to perform tasks, and ability to work as desired is negatively affected by lower limb OA. |
3 | Emotional consequences of pain | There are emotional consequences to lower limb OA (e.g., anxiety, irritability, fatigue, attention) that impact productivity at work treatment and relationships with colleagues. |
4 | Concerns about work in the future | Participants have concerns about their futures at work |
| a) Ability to remain in current job | Participants have concerns about being able stay in their current job in the future due to the perception that job demands will be too difficult with progressing age and worsening of OA. |
| b) Perception of ageism and disability discrimination | Participants feel that they cannot show their age or any symptoms or disability associated with their lower limb OA in the workplace for fear of judgment, perceived weakness and pressures to retire. |
| c) Worry about future employability | Participants felt that future employment options are limited because of physical limitations due to their lower limb OA. |
5 | Positive experiences of supportive colleagues and managers | Participants shared positive experiences associated with having supportive colleagues and managers |
6 | Minimal effects on sedentary work | For many people, lower limb OA has minimal effect on work when work is mainly sedentary |
Strategies to manage work with lower limb OA |
1 | Adjustments at work to help manage pain | Participants made adjustments at work to help manage pain and avoid exacerbations. |
| a) Equipment adjustments | Participants change their workplace (e.g., desk, chair) and personal (e.g., external supports, footwear) equipment to help manage pain at work. |
| b) Work schedule | Some participants adjust their work schedule to help manage their pain. |
| c) Changing the way they work | Participants change how they do things at work how they undertake their work to manage their symptoms. |
| d) Changing roles or jobs | Participants change job tasks, roles within an organization or change jobs to avoid exacerbating symptoms and to enable them to manage work. |
2 | Regular strategies to manage pain | Participants have strategies they use at work to help relieve and manage their pain. |
| a) Changing positions and postures | Position and posture changes while undertaking work are used to relieve and manage pain. |
| b) Taking breaks | Participants take a break from their work to go for a walk or move around to help manage their pain. |
| c) Medications and other adjuncts | Medications and adjuncts such as topical creams and thermal modalities are used for pain relief as needed at work. |
3 | Healthcare professional consultation, but not usually specifically for work | Participants with lower limb OA often seek help from healthcare professionals for pain and symptoms affecting all of their lives, not just in relation to work. |
Theme 1: Weight-bearing physical demands are challenging
Almost all participants described difficulties performing weight-bearing tasks (e.g., walking, bending, carrying load, standing for prolonged periods), with some individuals discussing activities they needed to do at work and others discussing their transportation to and from work. One participant said “there was a lot of walking, a lot of up and down stairs involved, and it just became too painful” (P17); whereas, another participant said “…it’s only the days that when there is the crouching down, carrying things… that I find that stresses my knee” (P08). In terms of getting to work, a participant indicated their “…biggest drama is the walking to and from the train station. And in fact, the job that I’m currently doing, I took that role because it was based close to the train station” (P06). Weight-bearing physical activities were predominantly associated with pain, and sometimes other symptoms (e.g., loss of limb control, fatigue). For example, one participant said: “…it always feels slightly more painful, and I always feel a little bit more uneasy going downstairs. …like I’m going to lose control” (P19). At times, participants felt that their difficulties performing weight-bearing tasks impacted their colleagues/co-workers:
“…if I’m trying to keep up with people, I can’t walk as fast as them. And because in my role currently, I work in hospitals, so I need to move around pretty fast. And if I’m with a colleague, they tend to have to slow down for me… to accommodate my pace” (P21).
Weight-bearing job requirements and transportation to, from and around work was challenging for study participants and provoked lower limb OA symptoms.
Theme 2: Lower limb OA can affect work performance
Some participants indicated that their performance at work was at times negatively affected by their lower limb OA, particularly in relation to ability to fulfil duties, activity limitations and time to complete tasks. Participants described that their physical limitations affected their work performance. Examples include, “…it inhibits my ability to be as active as I would be in my class” (P15) and it “…just slows me down. … I just can’t get to places as fast, or far” (P03). Other participants described the mental impact of being in pain, stating that because of their OA, their training “…goes down a few notches” (P11), or explaining that their job is “…very mentally demanding…if I’m in constant pain…it could, on a bad day, reduce me down to 60% productivity” (P22). Reflections from participants indicated that job performance and productivity could be negatively impacted by their lower limb OA.
Theme 3: Emotional consequences of pain
Participants described experiencing a range of emotions (e.g., anxiety, irritability, impatience and fatigue) due to the pain associated with their lower limb OA. Emotional consequences of being in pain influenced their interpersonal relationships (e.g., interactions with others and relationships with colleagues). One participant said “…it makes me very irritable… it can make me short-tempered with the staff around me…” (P02). Participants described being less social, feeling withdrawn and limiting interactions or collaborations with others: “…sometimes you don’t even feel like talking to people really, because you could be so down…” (P12). Participants also said their lower limb OA pain “…causes a lack of concentration” (P22), or that they would “zone out” (P04) and not pay attention. These consequences resulted in feeling agitated, missing things and reduced work productivity (see Theme 2).
Theme 4: Concerns about work in the future
This theme had three sub-themes: Ability to remain in current employment, Perceptions of ageism, and Concerns about future employability. Participants described concerns about their ability to stay in their current job, due to the perception that their job demands will be increasingly difficult as their OA progresses and with increasing age (sub-theme: Ability to remain in current employment). One participant described being concerned that in the future “…there’ll be a lot less things that I’ll be able to manage” (P04). Some participants indicated they may retire/leave the workforce earlier than they would if they did not have lower limb OA. For example, one participant said:
“I’m approaching retirement and it is a factor in that because I’m thinking I’ll retire earlier rather than later. If I felt a hundred percent physically capable, I might continue to work a couple more years, but with the factor of the knee, I do have the concern that I won’t be able to keep up. I won’t be able to do the job as effectively as I maybe should, and I don’t want to be seen as being the weakest link sort of thing” (P08).
Some participants said that rather than leaving the workforce prematurely, they may instead consider taking different roles that they could manage with their OA. For example, one participant thought that they would:
“…stop taking roles that require me to catch public transport, require me to get off a train or walk to an office. I have thought that I have to start looking for roles where I’d get in my car and drive to the workplace” (P06).
In the second subtheme, some participants described concerns about the Perception of ageism. Participants described feeling that they could not show their age, any limitations in their ability, or symptoms of OA in the workplace for fear they would “sound like an old person” (P14) and perceived as a “failing physically” (P21). Participants were concerned that if their workplace knew they had lower limb OA, they would be encouraged to take early retirement or be “branded with a pre-existing health condition that might impact on my ability to do my job” (P14). One participant feared they would be viewed as “…a ticking time bomb…’let’s get rid of her before we get some sort of claim’ or something” (P11). Self-perceived ageism led participants not to disclose or admit they had OA (and were in pain) to colleagues and/or employers. One participant said:
“…if I said something [about my OA], I would be encouraged to retire. That’s the way it rolls… There is this inherent thing with older people and health problems. The solution to everything is ‘why don’t you stay home and retire’, and I don’t want to do that” (P14).
The final subtheme, Concerns about future employability, encompassed participants concerns about the future in terms of their ability to secure employment, limited job options, and concerns about job security in current roles. One participant said they felt “…uncomfortable and worried about the future…[because] if I’m feeling pain now, it’s only going to get worse” (P16). Participants discussed that they have been unable to accept job opportunities because of their lower limb OA. For example: “I know if I went back to teaching, I would be very much in demand as a mathematics or a science teacher, but I physically can’t do that” (P17) and “…there are some jobs that I’ve been offered that… would require a lot of walking. And, I’ve said no to them, because it’s so painful to walk” (P06). Participants with specialized or in-demand skills, and those who were eligible for the aged-pension tended to have less concerns about job security.
Theme 5: Positive experiences of supportive colleagues and managers
Participants with lower limb OA shared positive experiences associated with having supportive colleagues and managers: “We compare notes because obviously my colleagues are of similar age to me and a few of us suffer the same way. We whinge to one another a bit” (P02). Participants said that sharing the load, “discuss[ing] it with someone who knows the feeling...” (P10) and having others who understood their situation had a positive impact on their well-being. Participants also described the positive impacts of having helpful and supportive employers and colleagues who do not have OA. Participants described colleagues helping to manage their lower limb OA pain/symptoms by “reminding me to get up and move around,” (P20) and giving “me a lift if I need one…” (P03). Participants who were comfortable disclosing their lower limb OA/pain to their managers/employers felt that this led to a positive work experience, where employers would ask if they “…need to go home or need to rest” (P07) and permit them to “…do what you have to do, if you need to get up and walk, do it” (P16). However, this was not always the case. Some participants said they had not discussed their lower limb OA/pain with the employers and/or colleagues because they felt they would not understand, it would not make any difference, or due to fear of ageism and job security (see Theme 4, subtheme 2 and 3).
Theme 6: Minimal effects on sedentary work
Participants described their experiences with sedentary jobs, noting that sedentary jobs were more manageable than jobs with higher physical demands. One participant with a desk-based job said their “…knee pain does not affect my ability to work at all. I am perfectly fine to do the job I’m doing” (P19). While many participants said their lower limb OA didn’t affect their ability to complete their job demands, they still described experiencing difficulties: “If the pain is really bad, then sometimes it’s difficult to sit for long periods. And when I stand up, I get pain…” (P22). Participants reported mixed experiences and impacts of their lower limb OA on sedentary work.
Strategies to manage work with lower limb OA
Participants with lower limb OA also described strategies to manage their pain and symptoms at work. These strategies were related to three main themes and seven sub-themes, which are described below (Table 2).
Theme 1: Adjustments at work to help manage pain
Participants described a range of adjustments used at work to help manage pain and avoid exacerbations that related to four sub-themes (Table 2).
In the first sub-theme, Equipment adjustments, participants explained how they made adjustments to workplace equipment (e.g., ergonomic office chairs, sit-stand desks and footstools) to help manage their pain. In relation to their sit-stand desk and ergonomic chair, one participant said:
“…the flexibility to be able to stand up when I need, it means I don’t have to leave the office as often to go walking, to get it going and having the ergonomic chair supports both my knee and my hip…. So, there are two things that really, I found changed a huge dynamic of how I work” (P04).
Fewer participants described making changes using personal equipment at work to manage their pain. One office worker said they “…wear the good shoes. If the pain gets really bad, I’ll actually wear my sneakers to work” (P06). Other participants described using braces, external supports and orthotics.
In the second and third sub-themes, participants described making adjustments to their Work schedule and Changing the way they work to help manage their pain. Work schedule adjustments included reducing the amount they work by making “each session shorter” (P02) or working fewer days per week. Many participants described making changes to the way they work, such as changing their activity level, postures, load, and weight-bearing transportation, to avoid symptom exacerbation. Participants described “…modifying how much weight I carry…” (P21), “…making sure I wasn’t getting up and down too much… so…rearranging my work to make sure if I had to go to the printer, I would wait until I had lots of things ready to print” (P17), “…using a trolley and push it, rather than carrying the weight myself” (P08) and “…restricting my walking… I’ll ask if I can get a parking place close to the office. I’ll take the lift instead of walking up the stairs” (P13). Participants used these strategies to help manage their pain at work.
In the final sub-theme, participants described Changing roles (e.g., job tasks) or jobs to minimize their physicality at work. Participants changed job tasks/roles within an organization to avoid exacerbating activities or activities they were no longer able to do because of their lower limb OA, such as long periods of standing or active transportation. For example, one participant said they are now in a “deskbound role, which is great for my knees” (P19). When participants were unable to modify the demands of their job, they described “pushing through” the pain, taking sick leave, resigning, and/or taking up alternative employment. One participant said, “Even if it’s painful, I have to try and block it out” (P12) and another described how they “work around the pain…” and that they would “just get through it, limp through it…” (P07). Participants who discussed the need to change jobs because of their lower limb OA, indicated that they “had to re-evaluate how I’m going to live for the next 10 years” (P11) and another “had to resign from jobs because of foot pain… and too much time on my feet” (P17). Changing roles within an organization or changing jobs were realities associated with lower limb OA.
Theme 2: Regular strategies to manage pain
Reactive strategies participants described to manage/relieve pain were related to three sub-themes (Table 2). In the first sub-theme, participants described Changing positions and postures for pain relief, such as changing from sitting to standing or vice versa, shifting load to the unaffected side, changing joint angles (e.g., straightening legs when sitting) and elevating the legs. One participant said they “…shift position of my hip somehow, it makes it more comfortable…turning a little bit left or right, finding a position where the joint is less painful” (P18) Others described changing the position of specific joints: “…I flex [my ankles], because that seems to help a lot” (P11), “I’ll straighten [my knee] out…” (P04), and “…I’ll do a few swings…to prevent [pain]” (P08). Some participants also described elevating their lower limbs to relieve pain, saying that at times, they’ve “…got to put my feet up” (P14). Participants recognized that they have “adapted my behaviour” (P08) to try to manage their lower limb OA pain at work.
In the second sub-theme, participants described Taking breaks. This commonly included walking or moving around, which while similar to changing postures, involved short breaks from job tasks. For example, one participant said they would “…either stand up and then just have a stretch for a few minutes or else I would go for a walk for five minutes or so” (P19). Participants described the need to do this relatively frequently “…probably a least every hour, if not more often, I get up and move, go for a little walk…” (P20).
In the final sub-themes, participants explained that they used Medications and other adjuncts at work for pain relief. They described using anti-inflammatories, paracetamol, topical creams, thermal modalities and hydrotherapy as needed to manage pain. Participants’ willingness to take pain medication at work varied, with one participant describing taking “a fairly mild painkiller, probably twice to three times a day…” (P21), and another saying they only “…occasionally take anti-inflammatories…” and they “..try not to” (P15). Together with medication, taking breaks and changing posture/position, participants used a range of strategies to deal with their lower limb OA pain at work.
Theme 3: Healthcare professional consultation, but not usually specifically for work
Participants described seeking advice from health professionals for pain and symptoms that affect all aspects of their lives, not only in relation to their work. One participant said they “…see a physio and an exercise physiologist, regularly, more to help me overall, not just for the work perspective” (P20). Participants applied general strategies provided by healthcare professionals for managing their pain to the workplace (e.g., "wearing a support" (P02), avoiding “stairs and slopes” (P22), and "take painkillers" (P05)). A few participants discussed receiving specific interventions at work, such as a “workstation assessment” (P16) and a ‘check in’ from “workplace injury management people” (P03), but it was more common for participants to report seeing healthcare professional for overall manage of their OA, and not specifically for work.