The growth inhibition of plant pathogenic D. solani by P. donghuensis P482 depends on two iron scavengers: PVD and 7-HT.
To understand the impact of the iron scavengers on the antibacterial activity of P. donghuensis P482 against Ds, antibiosis assays were performed on LB-agar (full medium), CAA (amino acids medium) and SMM (a single organic acid medium) (Fig. 1). HYST, a type strain for the species (Gao et al., 2015), was included in these analyses (Supplementary Figure S1). The results obtained for the wild-type (WT) strains (P482 and HYST) showed the impact of nutrient availability and iron ions on the antibacterial activity against Ds. In LB, the amount of iron ions is high enough (c.a. 4.3 µM of Fe (Cunrath et al., 2016)) to limit the production of PVD, and the antibacterial activity of P482 and HYST might be attributed only to 7-HT (Yu et al., 2014; Krzyzanowska et al., 2016). A similar role of 7-HT was also observed for HYST and SVBP6 antifungal activity, where 7-HT played a crucial role (Muzio et al., 2020; Tao et al., 2020). Jiang et al. (2016) showed that 7-HT can form a complex with ferric chloride (Fe(III)) in the stoichiometry of 2:1 (Jiang et al., 2016) and deprive the environment of iron. Bacteria from the Dickeya genus required iron to grow, especially during growth on and inside plants and during infections, as demonstrated for D. dadantii 3937 (Expert et al., 1996; Franza et al., 2005). Therefore, the observed Ds growth inhibition might result from iron depleting by 7-HT of P. donghuensis.
To verify the role of iron scavengers of P482 in antibacterial activity, we used previously obtained P482 mutants affected in the iron scavengers synthesis or transport: PVD_A and PVD_B (KN1009, KN3755) and 7-HT_A and 7-HT_B (KN4706, KN4709); GacA affected in Gac/Rsm regulatory pathway and involved in the 7-HT synthesis; and the EmrA (KN4243) mutant affected in potential antimicrobial(s) transportation out of the cell, the EmrA protein (Matuszewska et al., 2021) (Table 1). The results obtained in LB for the mutants affected in PVD synthesis were similar to that of WT, and the mutants affected in 7-HT synthesis confirmed the previous findings (Krzyzanowska et al., 2016), in which the antibacterial activity of strains unable to produce 7-HT was highly diminished (Fig. 1A). Furthermore, GacA, involved in the regulation of 7-HT synthesis (Chen et al., 2018) but not in the synthesis of pyoverdine (Muzio et al., 2020), lost its ability to inhibit the growth of Ds, indicating the importance of the Gac-Rsm regulatory network for the antibacterial activity of P482. Significantly, in the case of EmrA, the antibacterial activity towards Ds was reduced to c.a. 70% of WT, confirming its role in the potential secretion of the antimicrobial(s).
Adding 10 µM FeCl3 to the rich medium affected the antibacterial activity of WT (up to c.a. 60% of WT in unsupplemented LB) and PVD_AB mutants (to c.a. 50%) (Fig. 1A). In the presence of 100 µM Fe(III), a decrease in the antibacterial activity of these mutants was observed (up to c.a. 25% of the WT activity), although, under this condition, we expected that the antibacterial activity of WT and the PVD_AB mutants would be maintained by 7-HT, as observed for the unsupplemented medium (Fig. 1A). Thus, the remaining PVD mutants’ antibacterial activity is either attributed to 7-HT or another unidentified factor (Matuszewska et al., 2021). The supplementation of LB-agar with the increasing Fe(III) concentration had no impact on GacA, 7-HT_A, and EmrA mutants, except 7-HT_B, which showed a slight increase of the antibacterial activity compared to that observed on unsupplemented LB-agar.
Due to their metabolic plasticity, Pseudomonas spp. can thrive in various environmental niches (Raaijmakers et al., 2008; Loper et al., 2012; Bai et al., 2015; Zboralski and Filion, 2020; Getzke et al., 2023) using available sources of carbon and nitrogen to establish and outcompete competitors via production of antimicrobials (Duffy and Defago, 1999). Therefore, we verified how nutrient and iron limitation (amino acids as the source of carbon and nitrogen) influences the antibacterial capacity of P482 and its mutants. We also examined the roles that 7-HT and PVD play in this process. The antibiosis on CAA (nutrient-limited and iron-restricted medium (Cunrath et al., 2016)) indicated that the PVD mutants demonstrated c.a. 60 and 45% of the WT activity for PVD_A and PVD_B, respectively (Fig. 1B). EmrA presented c.a. 40% of the WT activity, and the remaining mutants showed no antibacterial activity. Interestingly, when 10 µM Fe(III) was added to the medium, WT showed more than 90% of its activity compared to unsupplemented CAA, and the PVD mutants showed even higher antibacterial activity than on the unsupplemented CAA (about 62% and 70% for PVD_A and BVD_B, respectively). C.a. 60% of the WT activity was also observed for EmrA. These results indicate that in iron-restricted conditions, low concentrations of exogenous iron ions in the medium caused the increase in antibacterial activity of PVD mutants, plausibly resulting from iron chelation by 7-HT and/or the activity of another unidentified antimicrobial factor (Matuszewska et al., 2021). A further increase in Fe(III) concentration caused a decrease in antimicrobial activity: for WT to 50%, for both PVD_AB and EmrA to 20% and 16%, respectively. These results confirmed that 7-HT is a primary antimicrobial produced by P482 with antibacterial activity (Fig. 1B).
Contrasting results were observed on SMM (Fig. 1C). Succinic acid is one of the organic acids in the root exudates in many plants and is a preferred carbon source utilised by pseudomonads in the plant rhizosphere (Kamilova et al., 2006). The SMM containing succinate as a sole carbon source is a nutrient-poor and iron-restricted (Cunrath et al., 2016) medium, described and used as a preferred medium for promoting siderophore biosynthesis in P. fluorescens by Meyer and Abdallah (1978). Interestingly on SMM, PVD mutants lost their antibacterial activity against Ds entirely, unlike the 7-HT mutants, which retained at least c.a. 60% of the WT activity. Thus, we might assume that under this condition, the function of 7-HT in PVD mutants is inhibited, or 7-HT is not synthesised. In addition, for EmrA and GacA, a significant reduction of the antagonistic activity (on average to about 40% of WT) was observed. This indicates that access to iron via the PVD iron acquisition system is essential for antibacterial activity under nutrient-poor conditions. Thus, PVD is a key antimicrobial under these conditions. These results contrast with these of Matuszewska et al. (2021), in which other single carbon sources, such as glucose or glycerol, were used in the antibiosis assay. The PVD mutants showed significantly lowered antibacterial activity against Ds, regardless of the carbon source used; however, they still were able to inhibit Ds growth. At the same time, 7-HT mutants remained partially active on glucose and restored the mutation effect on glycerol (Matuszewska et al., 2021).
Supplementation of SMM with 10 µM of Fe(III) lowered the antibacterial activity of the WT strain to c.a. 70% of its activity on unsupplemented SMM (Fig. 1C). Although SMM supplementation with 10 µM Fe(III) had a limited effect on the antibacterial properties of the remaining mutants compared to their activity on unsupplemented SMM, an increase in the Fe(III) concentration to 100 µM resulted in approx. 70% reduction of the WT ability to inhibit the growth of Ds and its decline by the other mutants tested. We can assume that iron availability under the nutrient-limited condition determines the antibacterial potential of P482 based on the cooperation of PVD and 7-HT. However, the production of both iron scavengers might be regulated by the concentration of iron in the medium (Jiang et al., 2016).
Together, these results confirmed that in the nutrient-rich (LB-agar) environment, the antibacterial activity of P482 relies on the 7-HT activity. However, under nutrient-poor conditions (SMM), PVD is pivotal.
Evidence of reciprocal synthesis of the P482 PVD and 7-HT
Presence of 7-HT and PVD in the cell-free culture supernatants
As the antimicrobial potential of P. donghuensis P482 requires both types of iron scavengers: PVD and 7-HT, we investigated their production and secretion over time in P482 and its mutants via monitoring the UV absorption (Fig. 2, Supplementary Figure S2) of the cell-free supernatants collected from the bacterial cultures in CAA. For this analysis, the Fur (KN4870) insertional mutant was included to get insight into the role of the ferric uptake regulator, the Fur protein, in synthesising pyoverdine and 7-HT by P482.
During the first six hours of the strains’ growth in the iron-restricted CAA medium, we observed a slight increase of absorbance at the values expected for pyoverdine (405 nm) (Jiang et al., 2016; Muzio et al., 2020) for WT, Fur and 7-HT_A; however, no characteristic peaks for 7-HT (327 and 393 nm, (Jiang et al., 2016)) were noted (Supplementary Figure S2). The results indicated that these two mutants produce PVD under the tested conditions from the very beginning of the culturing. Interestingly, Jiang et al. (2016) reported that the production of 7-HT, likewise pyoverdine in HYST, also starts at 6 hours of culture (Jiang et al., 2016). Since 12-h of growth, the peaks characteristic for 7-HT were observed for P482 WT, the Fur and EmrA mutants with the stabilised value in 24-h of growth (Fig. 2). However, as expected, these characteristic peaks were absent in GacA and the mutants of 7-HT. Moreover, these peaks were also undetectable for PVD mutants PVD_A and PVD_B, indicating that 7-HT biosynthesis is related to pyoverdine synthesis. The peak characteristic for PVD is superimposed on that of 7-HT in the region around 405 nm (Jiang et al., 2016; Muzio et al., 2020) in P482. Therefore, it is impossible to cleanly indicate its presence in the tested mutants. However, the lack of a 405 nm peak in PVD_A and PVD_B and its presence in Fur and GacA are evident. After 24-h of bacteria culturing, the pyoverdine peak is slightly shifted towards 415 nm wavelength in these two mutants. A tiny peak of 415 nm was also observed in 7-HT mutants; although the analysis was not quantitative, we can assume that the PVD production in these two mutants is highly reduced.
Together, these results indicate that the production of P482 PVD is related to the synthesis of 7-HT, as the PVD mutants are also affected in the synthesis of 7-HT. Likewise, in the case of the 7-HT mutants, the synthesis of P482 PVD is highly diminished. Thus, we can presume that the synthesis of these two compounds is mutually dependent. Furthermore, these results support the role of both iron scavengers in the antibacterial activity of P482.
Expression of the genes involved in PVD and 7-HT syntheses
The timing of iron scavengers’ synthesis showed that they are produced after 6 hours of the P482 WT culture in CAA (Fig. 2). However, the peaks characteristic for 7-HT were undetectable in PVD mutants. Therefore, we verified the expression level of the genes essential for synthesising both iron scavengers, targeting the BV82_3755 gene for PVD and BV82_4709 for 7-HT, during the first 12 hours of growth. The RT-qPCR analysis revealed an increase in the expression level of both genes between 6 and 7 hours of growth in CAA. The expression of BV82_4709 increased over the time of the experiment (up to 12-h of culturing), yet in the case of the BV82_3755 gene, we observed a sudden drop in the expression level at the 9 h of culture, followed by a slow increase over the next 3 hours. The expression level of BV82_4709 is higher than that of BV82_3755; however, the increase in expression of both genes over time is consistent with the synthesis of both iron scavengers (Figs. 2 and 3A). These results confirmed that both iron scavengers are produced reciprocally under tested conditions. It might be possible that pyoverdine synthesis is essential to start the synthesis of 7-HT. Therefore, we analysed the expression level of these two genes in the genetic background of the selected P482 mutants:7-HT_B, GacA, and Fur in the case of BV82_3755, and PVD_B, GacA, and Fur for BV82_4709 (Fig. 3B and C). The expression of BV82_3755 was significantly decreased in the genetic background of 7-HT_B, and GacA mutants and meaningly increased in the Fur mutant (Fig. 3B).
Surprisingly, the GacA impairment decreased the expression of BV82_3755; thus, the Gac/Rsm pathway also seems involved in the pyoverdine synthesis regulation. The Gac-RsmA pathway is involved in the 7-HT synthesis regulation (Yu et al., 2014), so the lack of the functional GacA might indirectly affect pyoverdine synthesis via the lack of 7-HT production (Fig. 3C). Consistent with this hypothesis, the expression of BV82_3755 was highly reduced in the 7-HT deficient genetic background. These results show that the functional BV82_4709 gene (relevant to synthesising the acyl-CoA dehydrogenase) (Krzyzanowska et al., 2016) is also essential for pyoverdine synthesis.
In the case of GacA, the expression level of BV82_4709 is decreased (Fig. 3C), confirming the importance of the Gac/Rsm regulatory pathway in the 7-HT synthesis (Agaras et al., 2018). At the same time, we discovered that the functional BV82_3755 gene is essential for the expression of BV82_4709 and, consequently, the synthesis of 7-HT (Fig. 3C). This result aligns with the UV absorption analysis indicating the absence of 7-HT peaks in the PVD_B mutant. Likewise, these findings indicate that the functional BV82_3755 is crucial for 7-HT synthesis.
These results indicate that synthesising one of the iron scavengers is necessary for synthesising the other (Fig. 3). It was reported earlier that siderophores such as pyoverdine secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa might impact the synthesis of the virulence factors such as exotoxin, endoprotease, and pyoverdine itself (Lamont et al., 2002), indicating its regulatory role. Moreover, it was also suggested that siderophores of P. aeruginosa: PVD and pyochelin might act as the sensing molecules in like manner in quorum sensing mechanisms, employing iron content in the environment as the signal to the lifestyle change. So that, it was especially essential that synthesising both siderophores requires the presence of the ferric-siderophore complex and is linked with the positive autoregulation loop (Cunrath et al., 2020). However, in the case of PVD and 7-HT in P. donghuensis, the common synthesis mechanism of these two compounds must be further elucidated.
Interestingly, in the genetic background of fur defective mutant, the expression of BV82_4709 is of the same level as in the WT. Therefore, we might conclude that, unlike pyoverdine synthesis (Cornelis et al., 2022), the synthesis of 7-HT is not under the control of the Fur global regulator. This result is consistent with the genomic study performed for P. donghuensis SVBP6 (Agaras et al., 2018), in which no fur-box was found near the 7-HT operon. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to show experimentally the lack of a role for the Fur regulator in 7-HT synthesis.
Secretion of PVD and 7-HT results in rapid binding of iron by P482
To verify the iron-binding velocity of P482 and its selected mutants, we assessed the kinetics of iron chelation of the cell-free culture supernatants from the CAA medium by measuring the rate of discolouration of the CAS blue solution. During the first 6 hours, all mutants, except for PVD_B, showed decreased iron-binding velocity compared to the WT strain (from c.a. 75–50% of the WT capacity) (Supplementary Figure S2) and PVD_B showed similar to the WT rate of iron chelation. Over the next 6 hours, the maximal iron-binding velocity of the tested mutants changed (at 12 hours of culturing) and dropped to c.a. 10–20% compared to WT. However, Fur reverted to c.a. 80% of P482 within the next 6 hours of growth (18 h of culturing). Nevertheless, the maximal iron-binding rate of other mutants remained very low (10–20% of the WT iron-binding velocity) during the entire experiment (up to 48 h). Interestingly, the mutation in the emrA gene impacts the iron-binding capacity.
Together, these results indicated that both iron scavengers are needed for the effective iron-binding by P482, and the disruption of the biosynthesis pathway of one (PVD or 7-HT) affects the global iron-binding kinetics in P482.
P. donghuensis produces a novel pyoverdine (PVD482)
The IEF revealed differences in the fluorescent and non-fluorescent iron-chelator profiles of P482, its mutants, and other Pseudomonas spp. tested
Since pseudomonads produce various types of siderophores (Bultreys, 2007; Matthijs et al., 2009), we explored the profile of fluorescent and non-fluorescent siderophores produced by P482 and its selected mutants and compared them with the siderophores’ profiles of other plant-associated Pseudomonas spp.: P. putida KT2440, P. protegens Pf-5, P. entomophila L48, and the sibling strain of P482, P. donghuensis HYST, (Table 1). These results confirmed the presence of siderophores - the fluorescent pyoverdine(s) and the non-fluorescent ones in the case of P. donghuensis strains, P482 and HYST, and the mutants: GacA, 7-HT_A, 7-HT_B, and Fur (Supplementary Figure S3). None of the siderophore types was observed in PVD deficient mutant PVD_B (Supplementary Figure S3), as no fluorescence nor CAS agar discolouration were observed for this mutant. Unexpectedly, a faint fluorescent signal was observed in the case of EmrA (Supplementary Figure S3A), yet no CAS agar discolouration was observed in the overlayer assay (Figure S3B). The results obtained for GacA agree with those obtained from the analysis of the UV spectra of culture supernatants (Fig. 2), where the pick of PVD was observed but not with that of the expression level of the BV82_3755 gene in the GacA genetic background.
In the case of other Pseudomonas spp., we observed both types of siderophores, fluorescent and non-fluorescent; however, with different pI (isoelectric points). Interestingly, for L48 (P. enthomophila), while the fluorescence was observed, we did not observe discolouration of the CAS agar. However, the siderophores produced by L48 have already been well-characterised, and PVD produced by this strain was unique among 450 different Pseudomonas spp. (Matthijs et al., 2009). The IEF results obtained in our study differ from that obtained by Matthijs et al. (2009); considering these differences, it is worth noticing that although both groups used IFE to determine the siderophores profile, there were technical differences in the experimental setups, e.g., purified pyoverdines (Matthijs et al., 2009) versus culture supernatants (this study).
Together, the results of IEF revealed that P482 and HYST produce fluorescent siderophores with similar pI, yet visibly distinct from those produced by P. putida KT2440, P. entomophila L48, and P. protegens Pf5. The mutants PVD_B and EmrA, affected in the synthesis of PVD or its secretion (respectively), did not discolour the CAS agar and thus did not produce siderophores.
It was already noticed that among already structurally described pyoverdines of Pseudomonas spp., several could not be distinguished due to the identical IEF profiles and the way of iron uptake (Meyer et al., 2008). Here, we tested only three other Pseudomonas sp.; therefore, to better understand the P. donghuensis PVD character, we performed in silico analysis of the genes involved in its biosynthesis, followed by NMR and mass spectrometry.
In silico prediction of the amino acid chain of P482 PVD reveals a 7 aa peptide
Using in silico tools, we predicted the amino acid sequence of PVD synthesised by P482 and located other non-NRPS type genes involved in synthesising this siderophore in the genome of P482. Our earlier study reported that strain P482 harbours two gene clusters encoding non-ribosomal peptide synthases: one cluster with a single NRPS-encoding gene (BV82_1009) and the second with three adjacent genes of this type (BV85_3755, BV82_3756, BV82_3757) (Krzyzanowska et al., 2016). Furthermore, allele exchange mutagenesis of BV82_1009 and BV82_3755 led to a non-fluorescent phenotype, indicating that those genes are involved in synthesising a fluorescent siderophore-pyoverdine (Krzyzanowska et al., 2016). Therefore, in this study, we explored in silico the genome of P482 to locate other non-NRPS type genes involved in synthesising pyoverdine and predict the amino acid sequence of P482 PVD (PVDP482). Non-ribosomal peptide synthases (NRPSs) are modular enzymes in which each subsequent module is responsible for incorporating single amino acids during the elongation of the synthesised non-ribosomal peptide. A module consists of three core domains enabling the elongation process: peptidyl carrier protein (PCP), adenylation domain (A), and condensation domain (C). Additional domains may also be present, responsible for the release of the polypeptide product (thioesterase, TE, or reductase) or its modification (e.g., epimerisation, lipid chain attachment, cyclisation) (reviewed in (Hur et al., 2012)).
Three NRPS-like genes of P482: BV82_1009, BV85_3755, BV82_3756, and BV82_3757 were analysed regarding protein modules they encode, and the predicted amino acids incorporated by these modules into the polypeptide chain of pyoverdine (Fig. 5). BV82_1009 was found to encode three NRPS modules, one with an epimerisation domain. The amino acid incorporated by the first module was unanimously predicted to be gluconic acid. The prediction for two subsequent amino acids was ambiguous or unavailable. Additionally, BV82_1009 encodes an N-terminal CAL domain presumably responsible for the acylation of ferribactin – the precursor of pyoverdine (Hohlneicher et al., 2001). The presence of the CAL domain followed by gluconic acid indicates that BV82_1009 is a pvdL. Inline, the same gene name was suggested by the eggNOG-mapper (Table 2). PvdL synthesises the conserved N-terminal tripeptide of ferribactin and introduces myristic- or myristoleic acid residue to the free amino group of the first amino acid of ferribactin. The three amino acids incorporated by PvdL, L-glutamic acid, D-tyrosine, L-2,4-diaminobutyrate, are conserved for ferribactins of fluorescent pseudomonads, the latter two amino acids further converted into the chromophore (Ringel and Brüser, 2018). This allowed speculation that the unidentified amino acids incorporated into ferribactin by PvdL encoded by BV82_1009 are D-tyrosine and L-2,4-diaminobutyrate, respectively. BV82_1016, a gene located near BV82_1009, was found to encode L-2,4-diaminobutyrate synthase PvdH.
Table 2
Genes related to pyoverdine synthesis in strain P. donghuensis P482.
Prot. size (aa)
Proposed gene name A
Putative role in pyoverdine synthesis B
RNA polymerase sigma factor, sigma-70 family protein
sigma factor required for the expression of pyoverdine biosynthesis genes and other, often virulence-related genes
D-alanine–poly(phosphoribitol) ligase, subunit 1
assembly of ferribactin, an initially acylated peptide precursor of pyoverdine; the first module of PvdL incorporates either a myristic- or myristoleic acid side-chain as the first building block of ferribactin
2,4-diaminobutyrate 4-transaminase family protein
Synthesis of L-2,4-diaminobutyrate (L-Dab), one of the three first amino acids in ferribactin incorporated by PvdL, from L-aspartate β-semialdehyde
putative pvdJ/PvdD/PvdP-like protein
maturation of pyoverdine chromophore
efflux transporter, outer membrane factor (OMF) lipo, NodT family protein
transport of mature pyoverdine to the extracellular medium
RNA polymerase sigma factor, sigma-70 family protein
sigma factor required for the expression of genes encoding the outer membrane pyoverdine receptor/importer FpvA
fecR family protein
anti-sigma factor binding to PvdS and FpvI, resulting in their inactivation
transporter-associated domain protein
deacylation of ferribactin; additional role in quorum sensing – cleavage of certain N-acyl homoserine lactones
membrane dipeptidase family protein
Takes part in the modification of side chains in ferribactin to succinamide
aminotransferase class-V family protein
modification of glutamic acid within the tree initial aa in ferribactin
formylglycine-generating sulfatase enzyme family protein
maturation of pyoverdine chromophore
pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase family protein
produces L-N5-formyl-N5-hydroxy ornithine (L-fOHOrn) from L-ornithine by hydroxylation
Cyclic peptide transporter
transport of acylated ferribactin from the cytoplasm to the periplasm
non-ribosomal peptide synthase
assembly of ferribactin - an initially acylated peptide precursor of pyoverdine
non-ribosomal peptide synthase
assembly of ferribactin - an initially acylated peptide precursor of pyoverdine
D-alanine–poly(phosphoribitol) ligase, subunit 1
assembly of ferribactin - an initially acylated peptide precursor of pyoverdine
While the N-terminal part of pyoverdine precursor ferribactin is relatively conserved, the rest of the side chain is more strain-specific, and so are the related NRPSs. The cluster comprising BV85_3755, BV82_3756, and BV82_3757 in P482 encodes seven NRPS modules, three containing epimerisation domains and a single thioesterase’ release domain’ encoded by BV82_ 3755 – the last of the transcribed genes (Fig. 5). According to NRPSpredictor2 the sequence of peptide synthesised by the NRPS complex encoded by the three genes was Asp-?-?-Glu-Ser-Asp-Lys, with the question marks symbolising the lack of unambiguous identification. A complete prediction, not entirely consistent with that obtained by NRPSpredictor2, was provided by the PKS/NRPS analysis website: Asp-Arg-OHOrn-Gln-Ser-Asp-OHOrn (with OHOrn standing for hydroxy ornithine) (Fig. 5). In relation to the latter prediction, the genome of P482 harbours a gene (BV82_3751) encoding PvdA, which produces L-N5-formyl-N5-hydroxy ornithine (L-fOHOrn) from L-ornithine by hydroxylation.
Apart from the genes mentioned above, more those related to pyoverdine synthesis were identified in the genome of P482. Among them there were pvdP (BV82_1017) and pvdO (BV82_3749) involved in the maturation of the pyoverdine chromophore (Ringel and Brüser, 2018), other genes related to modification of ferribactin: pvdQ (BV82_2211), pvdM (BV82_3747) and pvdN (BV82_3748), transport-related genes opmQ (BV82_1018) and pvdE (BV82_3752), and regulatory genes pvdS (BV82_1008), fvrI (BV82_1021) and fpvR (BV82_1169). The summary of the genes involved in pyoverdine synthesis is presented in Table 2.
The chemical structure of P482 pyoverdine (PVDP482)
The chemical structure of PVDP482 was analysed using 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The chemical shifts of the proton resonances for PVDP482 at 295 K are listed in Supplementary Table S6, and the diagnostic region in the TOCSY spectra of PVDP482 are presented in Supplementary Figure S4). We identified hydrogen nuclei resonances of the chromophore, succinate, and peptidic chain of PVDP482. The sequential assignment of the molecule was confirmed according to Hα(i)-NH(i + 1) correlations in the ROESY spectrum.
The NMR spectra were confirmed by mass spectrometry analysis. The mass analysis of HPLC purified P482 pyoverdine showed the presence of two major ions [M + 2H+]2+ 639.7876 and [M + 3H+]3+ 426.8642 on ESI spectra with the mass of 1277.5659 (Fig. 6A). One major signal in MALDI ionisation is 1278.2 [M + H+]+, corresponding to mass 1277.2 of the compound (Fig. 6B, C). The 1260.2 m/z ion visible in the MALDI spectrum differs from the main signal by 18, corresponding to the loss of water molecule. Successive lower masses observed on the spectrum correspond to further defragmentation reactions of the molecule taking place during ionisation. Ions higher than the main signal corresponds to adducts with ions such as, e.g., Na+, as exemplified by the signal 1300.2 m/z [M + Na+]+. Checking the MALDI spectrum in the range of higher masses revealed a small signal of m/z 2555.9. The performed fragmentation of this signal (MALDI TOF/TOF) gave a response in the form of an ion corresponding precisely to the PVDP482 mass, which indicates the possibility of the interaction of two molecules and the formation of homodimeric forms (Fig. 6D). To confirm the isolated PVDP482 structure, the ESI MS / MS fragmentation analysis was performed for the doubly charged 639.7876 precursor ion. It was possible to identify both series of ions (b and y) on the spectrum characteristic for fragmentation by collision-induced dissociation (CID). The difference in masses revealed the presence of two modified ornithines in the compound structure, characteristic of most pyoverdines. One is the cyclo N5 -hydroxy ornithine (cOHOnr) form located at the C-terminus of the pyoverdine chain, confirmed by the presence of related characteristic ions: m/z 131, 84 (-CO). The other is the formyl derivative, N5-formyl-N5 -hydroxy ornithine (fOHOrn) (Fig. 7A), the third amino acid in the sequence, confirmed by ions m/z 131, 114 (-NH3), 113 (-H2O), and 86 (-NH3, - CO). The chromophore (1S)-5-amino-2,3-dihydro8,9-dihydroxy-1H-pyrimido[1,2-a]quinoline-1-carboxylic acid is linked with succinic acid. The fragmentation spectrum shows the m / z 101.0619 ions corresponding to the loss of the succinic acid residue, 259.1248 to the loss of the chromophore structure, and the m / z signal 360.1721 related to the loss of the entire construct (chromophore + succinic acid). The chemical structure of pyoverdine produced by P482, PVDP482, was established as chromophore group (Chr), N-formyl-N-hydroxyornithine (FoOHOrn), O-formylserine (FoSer), and N-hydroxy-cyclo-ornithine (cOHOrn) (Fig. 7B). Considering all mass spectrometry data, the sequence of isolated P482 pyoverdine is as follows: Chr-Asp-Arg-FoOHOrn-Gln-FoSer-Asp-cOHOrn. Comparing the proposed sequence to the classification presented by Cezard et al. (Cezard et al., 2015), it is most similar to pyoverdine isolated from Pseudomonas sp. (strain LBSA1), where the sequence is as follows: X-Asp-Arg-AcOHOrn-Lys-Ser-Asp-cOHOrn. In our case, the X residue is a chromophore group, the first ornithine in the sequence has a modification in the form of formylation, the lysine residue is replaced by a Gln residue, and the serine residue has a modification in the form of formylation. Thus, PVDP482 can be classified as class II pyoverdine (PvdII)(Cezard et al., 2015).