The results of this study make evident the effects of sources and rates of N in sidedressing for potato crops as highly dependent on the soil‒plant interface. The plant nutritional status, soil chemical attributes in preharvest ridges, and tuber yields varied systematically and interrelatedly but distinctly among the potato cultivars. The Agata and Atlantic cultivars, the main cultivars planted in Brazil for the fresh market and frying in the form of chips, respectively (Fontes et al. 2010), have different nutrient requirements throughout their cycles, especially after the beginning of tuberization, highlighting the highest amounts of N and basic cations extracted by the Atlantic cultivar compared to Agata (Fernandes et al. 2011; Silva et al. 2020). This characteristic becomes relevant because, in addition to N transformations in the soil, the exports of basic cations are identified as the two main causes of acidification in subtropical soils (Dong et al. 2022).
Thus, the higher extractions of Ca, Mg and K by the Atlantic cultivar and the application of AMS rates in sidedressing may have been jointly determinant in the decreases in pH and base saturation in the ridges (Fig. 3), considering that these effects on soil chemical attributes were less intense with rates of AMS applied as sidedressing for Agata potato, except for the Al3+ concentration in the soil. Greater S extractions by the Atlantic cultivar, in relation to Agata (Fernandes et al. 2011; Silva et al. 2020), also justify a greater effect of AMS rates on soil Al3+ solubilization in the experiment with Agata potato, represented by the highest angular coefficient in the respective linear regression.
Soil acidification, particularly related to AMS application, can be attributed both to NH4+-N nitrification (Mizuno et al. 2000) and to the release of organic acids and protons in the root zone in response to NH4+-N uptake to maintain the internal ionic balance (Kissel et al 2020). One should also consider the greater affinity of sulfate anions (SO42−-S) than of NO3−-N for basic cations in the formation of zero-charge ionic pairs susceptible to leaching (Foloni et al. 2006), in addition to the colloidal exchange complex in planting furrows. Furthermore, soil acidification under AMS-N rates in the Atlantic potato experiment may also have been responsible for the increases in the leaf B and Mn concentrations, similar to what was observed by Maier et al. (2005) and contrary to the results obtained by Braun et al. (2011) for leaf Mn concentrations, who observed a linear decrease in Mn concentrations in Atlantic cultivar tubers with AMS-N rates.
Although soil acidification with sidedressing AMS was identified only in the experiment with the Atlantic cultivar, the Al3+ contents increased linearly with rates of AMS-N in sidedressing in both experiments. However, it should be noted that these increases in Al3+ contents occurred even with the application of 889 kg ha− 1 of agricultural gypsum in the planting furrows together with phosphate fertilization with single superphosphate. Consequently, the lower leaf Ca concentration in both potato cultivars and in the Mg concentration in Atlantic plants with higher rates of AMS may be related to the higher Al3+ ester provided by this treatment. Increased availability of Al3+ from the soil can also decrease concentrations and accumulations of Ca and Mg in shoots and roots of potato plants due to the competition of these cations for the same absorption sites in the roots (Lee 1971; Kock et al. 2020). Furthermore, NH4+-N uptake decreases Ca and Mg concentrations in the shoots of potato plants compared to NO3−-N nutrition (Polizotto et al. 1975; Davis et al. 1986; Cao and Tibbitts 1993) since the supply of NH4+-N inhibits the absorption of Ca and Mg by plants to maintain the internal ionic balance (Polizotto et al. 1975). The results obtained in the present study corroborate those obtained in a greenhouse by Maier et al. (2015), who also observed lower leaf concentrations of Ca and Mg and lower soil pH values after harvest in pot experiments with the Atlantic cultivar fertilized with AMS in relation to urea, ammonium nitrate and CN. Souza et al. (2021) also observed lower concentrations of Mg in tubers of the Agata cultivar fertilized with AMS compared to urea, both split at planting and as top dressing.
Decreases in leaf Ca concentrations in both potato cultivars according to the increase in sidedressing N rates, which were inverse in Agata plants and less intense in the Atlantic cultivar when both were fertilized with CN, can be attributed to a dilution effect of N fertilizers. However, even at the highest N rate applied, leaf Ca concentrations in both cultivars were above the lower limit of 7.5 g Ca kg− 1 considered adequate (NEPAR-SBCS 2017). This difference between potato cultivars with the application of Ca with CN can be attributed to the lower accumulation of dry matter in the leaves of Agata plants than in those of Atlantic plants with the application of CN (Silva et al. 2013), justifying the absence of a dilution effect and increases in leaf Ca concentrations in the former. Furthermore, potato plants treated with NH4+-N show greater leaf area (Qiqige et al. 2017) as well as lower concentrations of Ca and Mg in the shoot (Polizotto et al. 1986; Davis et al. 1986; Cao and Tibitts 1993, 1994) than those treated with NO3−-N, agreeing with the more pronounced decreases in leaf concentrations or lower concentrations of Ca in both potato cultivars and Mg in the Atlantic cultivar with rates of AMS-N in relation to the other sources of N. Similar results to this study were obtained by Maier et al. (2015) in three experiments in a greenhouse, where CN application systematically provided higher leaf concentrations of Ca and Mg compared to urea, AMS and ammonium nitrate in Russet Burbank and Atlantic cultivars.
Unlike leaf Ca concentrations, the dilution effect does not justify the absence of treatment effects on leaf N concentrations in the Agata cultivar, as this cultivar has leaves with lower dry matter production compared to Atlantic potato leaves (Fernandes et al. 2010; Silva et al. 2013). In the present experiment with the Agata cultivar (Fig. 1a), only trends of linear increases in leaf N concentrations were identified for rates of urea-N (R2 = 0.77; P = 0.094) and AMS (R2 = 0.98; P = 0.138), as well as a quadratic effect for CN-N rates (R2 = 0.99; P = 0.139) (data not shown). In this case, the assessment of the nutritional N status of the plants may have been hampered by the difference between the dates of emergence of the plants in the two experiments, by the volume of rainfall between the application of the treatments and the leaf sampling, and by the differences between the system roots of the studied cultivars.
Leaf samplings were carried out 18 and 28 days after the application of N as sidedressing in the respective experiments with cultivars Agata and Atlantic. During the period from the application of treatments to the collection of diagnostic leaves in both experiments, 154 mm of rainfall was recorded, of which 47.5% (73 mm) occurred in intense events in the five days following the application of treatments. This rainfall regime in these different time intervals for the nutritional diagnoses of the plants, associated with the smaller accumulation of roots of the Agata cultivar in relation to the Atlantic potato (Fernandes et al. 2010; Silva et al. 2013), justifies both the absence of variations in leaf N concentrations in the Agata cultivar and the occurrence of more significant variations in nutrient concentrations in the experiment with the Atlantic cultivar. The absence of differences between N sources in the leaf N concentrations of the Agata cultivar was also attributed to the short time interval between top dressing and leaf sampling by Souza et al. (2019) in the evaluation of AMS, urea, and AMS with nitrification inhibitors.
Except for the respective control treatments, the leaf N concentrations in both potato cultivars are within the range considered adequate, from 40 to 60 g kg− 1 (NEPAR-SBCS 2017). However, the maximum leaf N concentrations observed in this study for the cultivars Agata (44.0 g kg− 1 with 210 kg urea-N ha− 1) and Atlantic (45.8 g kg− 1 210 kg CN-N ha− 1) are lower than those observed in studies that evaluated the application of N at planting in potato crops. For example, considering the application of urea at planting at the maximum rate used in the present study (210 kg N ha− 1), leaf concentrations of 65.1 g N kg− 1 were measured in Agata potato (Coelho et al. 2010) and of 48.9 and 50.6 g N kg− 1 were measured in the diagnostic leaves of Agata and Atlantic potatoes, respectively (Oliveira et al. 2020).
Thus, later assessments of the N nutritional diagnosis of potato plants, in addition to the recommended standard time for the crop, are necessary for more accurate assessments in studies on top-dressing N fertilization for potato crops. The results obtained by Souza et al. (2019) corroborate this argument based on N concentrations in diagnostic leaves of the Agata cultivar in three experiments in three local years with collections 8, 10 and 20 days after the application of N. These authors measured leaf N concentrations of 45.3, 46.9, and 53.9 g kg− 1 under AMS and of 43.9, 44.0, and 50.6 g kg− 1 under urea. According to Fernandes et al. (2022), later samplings of diagnostic potato leaves after traditional sidedressing N fertilization are feasible and necessary to maintain N availability throughout tuberization to obtain higher tuber yields.
The responses in tuber yield as a function of N sources and rates in sidedressing were consistent with the interrelationships between plant nutritional diagnoses and soil chemical attributes, both influenced by the different nutritional requirements of the studied potato cultivars. Despite being less demanding in macro- and micronutrients (Fernandes et al. 2011; Silva et al 2020) and having a smaller root system compared to the Atlantic cultivar (Fernandes et al. 2010; Silva et al. 2013), the Agata cultivar has higher nutrient utilization efficiency, i.e., produces more fresh tubers with less absorbed nutrients (Fernandes and Soratto 2013). This is probably the justification for this potato cultivar to have shown a higher AE, in addition to more responses and greater magnitudes to the rates of N sources in sidedressing in relation to the Atlantic potato, e.g., maximum increases in the total tuber yields of Agata and Atlantic of 67.5% (14.3 Mg ha− 1) and 55.9% (12.8 Mg ha− 1) with AMS and of 69.3% (14.0 Mg ha− 1) and 36.9% (10.3 Mg ha− 1) with CN.
The effect of sidedressing N fertilization on the Agata potato crop was dependent on the N source as well as the applied rate. With higher AE in terms of marketable tuber yields and total tuber yields, 70 kg N ha− 1 applied as AMS was advantageous, and between 140 and 210 kg N ha− 1, the total yields or marketable tuber yields and their respective AEs were similar between N sources. However, with 210 kg N ha− 1 applied as urea, there were still increases in tuber productivity, which did not occur with AMS and CN at this same rate. With this rate and source of N, there were increases in total productivity, of 14.7% (5.2 Mg ha− 1) and 19.1% (6.5 Mg ha− 1), and in marketable tubers, of 20.5% (5.1 Mg ha− 1) and 24.2% (5.9 Mg ha− 1), compared to the respective maximum tuber yields obtained with AMS and CN.
Possible increases in the availability of NH4+-N at the beginning of tuberization and of NO3−N at the end of the cycle with the application of a high rate of urea-N in sidedressing may have provided the respective filling and late initiation of tubers of the Agata cultivar. Regarding the application of urea in sidedressing, 137.2% and 91.2% increases were observed in marketable and nonmarketable tuber yields, respectively, with 210 kg N ha− 1. The hydrolysis of urea to NH4+-N is fast and occurs within 5 days, while most nitrification occurs 28 to 56 days after the addition of urea depending on temperature (MacLean and McRae 1987). The release of NH4+-N or ammonia (NH3) occurred with the application of urea-N according to pH conditions and altered the dry matter partitioning of the Agata and Atlantic cultivars in a hydroponic system, stimulating vegetative growth to the detriment of tuberization (Silva et al. 2013). The Agata cultivar has early to very early maturity (ECPD 2021), and fertilization with NH4+-N at the beginning of tuberization causes the plants to develop tubers early (Qiqige et al. 2017). In response, N nutrition must be precise and in a suitable form because while the supply of NO3−-N favours the growth of shoots and the initiation of stolons and stems, that of NH4+-N stimulates tuber filling (Osaki et al. 1995a) but can also be toxic to potato plants (Cao and Tibbitts 1998) or harmful to plant growth at any stage of development in excessive concentrations (Polizotto et al. 1975; Davis et al. 1986).
In the experiment with the Atlantic cultivar, the application of CN-N was the best option for sidedressing N fertilization because it resulted in more than twice the AE in marketable and total tuber yields in relation to the other N sources due to the deleterious effects of AMS-N at the soil‒plant interface and the absence of responses in tuber yields with urea-N rates.
The supply of NO3−-N with CN-N requires a higher energy cost for its reduction in plants, decreasing shoot growth, contrary to what occurs with urea-N (Silva et al. 2013). After absorption, NO3−-N is initially distributed to the leaves, where it is transformed into soluble amino acids, mainly asparagine and aspartic acid and glutamine and glutamic acid, which are then stored in petioles and stems and subsequently increase the number of branches and stolons and tuber growth (Osaki et al. 1995b) and the number of tubers per plant (Qiqige et al. 2017; Osaki et al. 2012; Gao et al. 2014). Bundy et al. (1996) observed the superiority of AMS in total tuber yields in two out of five years of study and in the average of these five years in relation to urea, CN and ammonium nitrate. According to these same authors, the leaching of NO3−-N with CN or the losses of nonhydrolysed urea or of NO3−-N also by leaching due to faster nitrification with urea than with AMS, or the losses of NH3 with urea, all associated with the superficial rooting of the plants, justified the obtained results.