3.1 Pressure pulse-wave peak decay analysis before and after bifurcation
Three different locations, namely, A, B, and C, on the central axis of the abdominal aorta were selected as monitoring points to analyze the propagation of the pressure pulse wave and axial velocity pulse wave in the abdominal aorta (Fig. 3).
Figure 3 shows the characteristics of pressure pulse-wave propagation at three different monitoring points on the abdominal aorta. The pressure pulse wave at the three monitoring points underwent multiple reflections, and the wave amplitude magnitude was unaffected by the reflected wave during the first ascending phase of the cardiac cycle in any of the three monitoring points. At monitoring point A, which was close to the entrance end, the pulse wave propagating through the entrance was superimposed on the reflected wave generated at the border of the exit end, which resulted in a pronounced change in the pulse waveform during the first descending branch phase, which manifested as a heavy beat wave. Comparison of the three different monitoring points revealed the considerable decay in the pressure pulse-wave amplitude before and after the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta. The highest pressure pulse-wave peak was observed at monitoring point A in the main vessel before the bifurcation and the lowest at monitoring point C in the branch vessel after the bifurcation. When monitoring point A was used as the base point, the peak pressure pulse wave at monitoring point B near the bifurcation and at monitoring point C after the bifurcation decreased by 22.06% and 41.25%, respectively. Thus, the bifurcation geometry feature can reduce effectively the wave amplitude in pulse-wave propagation and equalize the distribution of bioenergy carried by the pulse wave.
3.2 Analysis of the peak attenuation of the velocity pulse wave before and after bifurcation
Three different locations, namely, A, B, and C, on the central axis of the abdominal aorta were selected as monitoring points to analyze the propagation of the pulse-wave velocity in the abdominal aorta (Fig. 4).
The axial-velocity pulse waves at all monitoring points underwent multiple reflections, and in the first ascending phase of the cardiac cycle, the wave amplitude magnitude was unaffected by the reflected waves. In the comparative analysis of the three monitoring points, the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta elevated the peak of the axial velocity pulse wave, and the first-wave peaks at the three monitoring points were analyzed. The peaks at monitoring points B and C were higher than that at monitoring point A by approximately 22.30% and 116.06%, respectively.
3.3 Pulse-wave velocity assessment of the abdominal aorta
The research on pulse wave velocity dates back to the early part of the last century. The pulse-wave velocity in arteries reflects vascular stiffness and vascular health indicators, and it is expected to gradually become an important and relatively independent predictor for cardiovascular disease assessment (Nichola et al. 2019). A noninvasive diagnostic tool for determining the degree of atherosclerosis using pulse-wave velocity can be used to aid the early screening of related diseases.
This section focuses on the conduction velocity of pressure pulse waves in the abdominal aorta, which may be noted. In general, the pulse transit time (PTT) can be obtained by measuring the PTT, as shown in Eq. (8):
where \({S_{PW}}\)denotes the pulse-wave conduction distance, and \({t_{PTT}}\) is the pulse-wave conduction time measured chronologically at the corresponding conduction distance. For the calculation of propagation velocity of the pressure pulse wave in the bifurcated vessels of the abdominal aorta, combined with the description in Section 3.1, the first wave peak at monitoring points A, B, and C was used as the timing point for calculation, and given the distance between different monitoring points and the time difference between wave peak points, the calculated average wave velocities of the pressure pulse wave were 12.50 and 19.13 m/s on the AB and BC segments in the artery, respectively. The pulse-wave velocity in the BC segment after bifurcation was approximately 53.04% higher than the average wave velocity in the AB segment before bifurcation. By contrast, the axial velocity pulse-wave speed differed in that at all three monitoring points before and after the vascular bifurcation, the axial velocity pulse wave underwent multiple reflections and was unaffected by its reflected wave during the first ascending phase of the cardiac cycle. The analysis of the first wave at the three monitoring points may be useful as an example. The peak velocity waves at position points B and C were approximately 22.30% and 116.06% higher than those at position point A, respectively. The average velocities of velocity pulse wave in the AB and BC segments of the vessel were 13.00 and 4.07 m/s, respectively, with the latter being 68.70% lower than the average velocity of the former, a trend that is the opposite of the pressure pulse-wave situation.
The bifurcated geometry of the artery reduces the propagation speed of the axial velocity pulse wave. In addition, the results of this calculation and analysis, when combined with the tradional Chinese Medicine (TCM) pulse theory, confirm that the TCM pulse theory distinguishes between “floating,” “medium,” and “sunken” pulses. The results of this calculation also confirm the Chinese medicine theory that the pulse has “floating,” “middle,” and “sinking” characteristics and “number,” “shape,” and “potential.” The large or small amplitude of the pressure pulse wave corresponds to the floating or sinking characteristics of the pulse, respectively, and the size of the velocity pulse-wave amplitude reflects the “potential” characteristics of the pulse.
3.4 Stress field distribution in the abdominal aorta
Diseases, such as abdominal aortic atherosclerosis, abdominal aortic thrombosis, and aneurysms, are clinically common and a serious health and quality of life problem for patients. These clinical conditions share disrupted balanced distribution of the healthy body stress field in the abdominal aorta, with histologically significant lesions, such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and aneurysm, which result in a redistribution of the stress field across the abdominal aorta.
This section calculates the distributions of the stress, strain, and blood flow fields over the abdominal aorta. The stress, strain, and blood flow field distributions on the abdominal aortic wall were examined at 0.13, 0.20, 0.27, 0.41, and 0.66 s, starting with the diastolic timing of the heart during one cardiac cycle. Figure 5 shows the von Mises stress cloud over the abdominal aortic wall, without considering the various lesion scenarios, based on the bidirectional fluid‒solid coupling model described in Section 2. As shown in Fig.s 5(a) and 5(b), the stress and strain distributions on the abdominal aortic wall were relatively uniform at approximately 0.13 s. At approximately 0.20 s, stress concentrations appeared at the bifurcation, stress concentrations at the bifurcation were evident, and the strain was the greatest at 0.27 s. At approximately 0.041 s, one cycle of the pulse wave propagated to the proximal part, at which time the stress and strain in the abdominal aortic inner wall approached zero, and at 0.066 s, given the reflection of the pulse wave, the stress and strain fields were redistributed based on the superposition of multiple waves in the bifurcated vessel.
Blood flow field was also redistributed at the bifurcation, which predisposed the arterial bifurcation to a load imbalance due to its inability to resist the pressure of blood flow in the lumen; as a result, lesions of varying degrees of severity, which depends on individual patients, were observed (Mei 2007; Liu et al. 2013). This finding confirms the high clinical probability of atherosclerosis and lesions at the location of the abdominal aortic bifurcation. Analysis of the effect of elastic modulus of the abdominal aorta on the propagation characteristics of pulse waves.
In terms of the mechanical properties of the material, changes in the elastic modulus of the vessel wall are one of the causes of atherosclerosis, plaque, thrombosis, and other lesions in the inner wall of the abdominal aorta. The general trend is that as lesions occur, the elastic properties of the vessel decrease, which must also affect the propagation of pressure and velocity pulse waves in the artery. Therefore, in this section, the elastic moduli of the abdominal aorta were considered to be 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 MPa for the numerical calculation of pulse-wave propagation characteristics based on the bidirectional fluid‒solid coupled finite element analysis model in Section 2 and with reference to changes in elastic modulus parameters of the arterial vessel wall of patients with atherosclerosis in the literature (Jiang et al. 2016).