In table 1 below we summarise the demographics and tobacco/nicotine product use behaviour of the study sample:
Table One Here
Amongst the 100 adults surveyed (all of whom were currently smoking) 59% perceived combustible cigarettes to be more harmful than e-cigarettes, 21% thought that e-cigarettes had the same level of harm as combustible cigarettes and 9% indicated that, in their view, e-cigarettes were more harmful than combustible cigarettes. 11% of respondents were unsure of the relative harm of combustible cigarettes and e-cigarettes. In the remainder of this paper, we look in detail at those smokers who indicated that in their view e-cigarettes were more harmful than combustible cigarettes with the focus of our interest being on how and why these smokers had come to perceive e-cigarettes to be so harmful despite the wide ranging evidence to the contrary.
Qualitative Data and Analysis
Across those adults who perceived e-cigarettes to be more harmful than combustible cigarettes there were a range of reasons offered in support of that view.
Scare Stories in the Media
In explaining their view of the harms of e-cigarettes, a small number of interviewees drew attention to what they regarded as alarming reports about e-cigarettes in the media:
There was this big scare about all these teenagers having this, their lungs filling with fluid from vaping and all, I can’t remember. You know I think it was very much, no one really knew if it was the cause or correlation or whatever was going on with it but I just thought like you’ve got, people don’t know and that was the problem is that they were, some people were saying yes it is the vape, some people were saying no it’s nothing to do with the vapes and I think the fact that there was no definitive answer is what makes me kind of uneasy with it. I think there’s just you know you just don’t know what you’re putting in your body.
I think it was probably that big news cycle scare we had a few years ago. Like I said who knows if that was, you know just scaremongering, or any actual evidence. I haven’t done my research. I’m talking about all these harms, but I actually have no idea really but also I think just kind of being irritated by people almost invading my space with it is probably what’s influenced my, you know my opinions of harm because it’s like I didn’t consent to this, I don’t want you near me with that so.
Despite some of the interviewees drawing attention to media coverage as being the reason why they perceived e-cigarettes to be more harmful than combustible cigarettes, in fact such media coverage was only one of the number of factors that appeared to lie behind individuals’ assessments of relative harm.
Concerns About Technology
In explaining their perception that e-cigarettes were likely to be more harmful than combustible cigarettes it was more common for interviewees to draw attention to what they felt were concerns around the -cigarettes technology itself; specifically that e-cigarettes were likely to be more harmful than combustible cigarettes because of the technological nature of the devices in contrast to what was seen as the “natural” quality of combustible cigarettes:
I think maybe because… I’m throwing off a bit about the electrical part… the electronic devices because anything that come- I think our body naturally has like some sort of electronic field within where how everything operates. And I just, I don’t know, I think maybe it’s a mental thing for me thinking that maybe if it’s something I’m electronically pulling something, like is it being charged as I’m inhaling it with the vape or something. Am I also pulling in other things into my body? Whereas at least with a cigarette you know, it’s, okay it’s bad enough because you’ve got the nicotine and the paper, the rolling paper that it’s in. But with the electrical device it’s like, okay, is there anything else that I’m inhaling? So, I think that’s more- So I think, yes, I think that’s probably why I don’t know. I think that’s what throws me off a little bit, yes.
E-cigarette is basically chemical, hydrocarbons you know, you've got hydrocarbons, you’ve got all different chemicals that are in the e-cigarette. So, if you’re smoking something organic, which is like tobacco is organic, it’s natural and smoking you know, chemicals like benzene and ethylene and so many chemicals. Obviously, chemicals are more harmful to your body than natural, organic stuff kind of thing. So, each of those chemicals, it's not natural, you know, it's like if you eat natural fruits and salad it’s good for you because it’s natural. But if you’re smoking e-cigarettes, it’s completely toxic, it’s chemically. It's like a chemical poisoning, basically.
The only thing is that I would think with an e-cigarette you’re inhaling something that is somewhat electrical, naturally I would think is that even a good thing? You know, so I think it, I think it would probably be a bit more dangerous, but I don’t know. But I think, yes, yes.
Frequency of Use
Along with concerns to do with the nature of the technology itself. concerns were raised as to the greater quantity of harm being caused by e-cigarettes deriving from the greater frequency with which these devices would be used compared to combustible tobacco products:
I don’t think, well my friends actually vape, and they used to smoke and I think that since they’ve been vaping if I’m in the car with them it’s in their hand. It’s constant whereas when they smoked it wasn’t constant because you couldn’t light up that cigarette every five minutes that you wanted to whereas you’ve got this vape, you just pick it up and that’s it, you keep putting it down. I think that’s had a big influence on my opinion on it but other than that I haven’t really read up on it to be honest because I don’t, I don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong on the Internet, but I have my own views on it. I just feel that it’s harmful. I think it’s the same as cigarettes. They tried to make it a substitute for smoking. It’s all the same, you’re putting the same stuff into your body.
I think the harm you’re going to do yourself; you’re going to put stuff in your body that you shouldn’t either way. I think with the smoking you have the restriction of you can’t smoke in cars, you shouldn’t smoke in cars, things like that and you kind of feel, I’m the kind of person I can’t sit in smoke. Yes, I smoke, I don’t like the smell of it. I smoke outside. With the vaping they don’t smell so I think that you’ve got that constantly there, it’s not causing an issue to you or anybody else because it doesn’t smell. Obviously if I’m in a car with somebody I’m taking that in as well so it’s no good for me. I don’t know I just think that it’s the same as smoking the vaping. I don’t see any difference. If not, it could be worse because they’ve manufactured a liquid that goes into this electronic device with stuff in that you don’t know what’s in there and you don’t know what’s in cigarettes either so it’s
I think, I think the vaping and the e-cigarettes are, I think it’s easier to do. Obviously if you’re at home say if you obviously didn’t have kids around you could smoke in your own living room if you were vaping. I mean personally I don’t smoke indoors. Obviously, I’ve got a child, I go outside but I find that people that vape they sit there with it constantly in their hands so they’re smoking more. They don’t have that break where they’re going outside for their cigarette break and it’s just there in front of them so they can do it inside. So, I think they’re doing it a lot more. It’s going to do more damage to their body in the long run because they’re vaping and smoking a lot more during the day.
In these cases it was the perceived greater frequency with which e-cigarettes were likely to be used (in contrast to the wide ranging restrictions around the use of combustible cigarettes) that resulted in e-cigarettes being judged to cause more harm than combustible cigarettes. The comparison of relative harm between combustible cigarettes and e-cigarettes was being influenced in some cases by a judgement about the relative frequency with which these products might be used rather than by a direct product to product comparison.
Uncertainty Regarding the Impact of Long-Term Use
In explaining their thinking as to why e-cigarettes were believed to be more harmful than combustible cigarettes, a number of interviewees drew attention to the uncertainty over the harms associated with the long-term use of these devices, with some interviewees drawing attention to how long it had taken for public health bodies to identify the health harms of combustible cigarettes:
I think it, the harm (of vaping) would be that dependency and you know the harm of not, I think the harm is not knowing what the harm is long-term. You know if you, if you’re vaping for 10/15 years what is that actually doing to your lungs, to your brain? You know you are, there are chemicals in a vape. People presume it’s just, oh it’s just water vapor and like bubble gum flavouring. It’s not, they have all sorts in there, we just don’t know what they are. Same with cigarettes you know for years everyone smoked you know because no one understood the harm of it and then decades later it’s causing cancer, it’s causing you know all sorts, people’s teeth and nails are falling out and I think that, that kind of goes the same with vapes. I think there’s just no one knows really what happens. It could be ruining your lungs; you just don’t know.
There you go. I know I’m inhaling nicotine, and everything bad for me. You don’t know actually know what you’re inhaling. In another 50 years, I think it will come out that they are awful for you. That’s my opinion. Maybe I’m wrong but nobody really tells you what’s in it. And that’s what scares me. You pick up these little- they’ve got like, little tubs, little bottles that you fill them up with. If you read the packet- which my lads have got them. It doesn’t say what it is. It will give you a rough description, but it doesn’t say what percentage of what is in these tubs. You’re going to look next time you buy one.
Uncertainty About E-liquid Content
In addition to expressing concerns about the technology of e-cigarettes some interviewees drew attention to their concerns around the chemicals contained within e-liquids:
I think the trouble is, even now, we’re still- nobody knows what’s really in it to cause massive effects. Smoking, we know what it’s going to do. We still smoke and we know exactly what it’s doing to us. E-cigarettes, we don’t know, but we still use them.
Because whatever it is in e-cigarettes is artificial, and man-made. Nicotine is natural. With these e-cigarettes, whatever it is you're smoking is man-made. It’s not been around long enough to cause- for instance, if you went and bought a vape machine, or whatever it is, it does not say on the packet anywhere it’s better for you than smoking. It doesn’t say it. They can’t say it because they don’t know if it’s true yet.
I think, I don’t know the heated devices I think that, I just think that an electronic device is, obviously smoking isn’t good either way, but I think the electronic devices are obviously doing something to the liquid or however it’s, whatever they’re using there. So, then you inhale it into your body and I think that the chemicals that are burning together when it’s being smoked I just think that it’s not doing any good for your lungs, your mouth and definitely you know it affects your breathing.
E-cigarette Use Much Less Bounded
Alongside concerns around the content of e-liquids and the frequency of their use, concerns were also expressed that the use of these devices was much less bounded than was the case with combustible cigarettes resulting in these devices being used much more widely than was the case with combustible tobacco products -thereby potentially exposing many more people to some level of harm:
My sister has a vape and it drives me mad, and she was, we were at a family dinner and she’s sitting there at the table inside vaping. I just thought no, this is gross. Like I didn’t ask, I don’t want to smell like peppermint oil whatever it is. It was, oh they just, it really drives me mad, and I think there’s just at least with like smoking you can you know there’s a smoking area, you don’t have to go in it. You know people can’t smoke inside anymore; people tend to like you can avoid it. With vaping people just seem to do it like they have no, I mean this is you’re really see this is really getting on my nerves just talking about it, people really just seem to be quite, they don’t care what you think of it. Like they don’t, because they think it’s harmless, I think that’s what annoys me. People think it’s harmless and they don’t actually know what they’ve, like my sister started vaping occasionally with her friends I would say maybe four months ago and now she’s constantly doing it. She’s got a full-on nicotine addiction, she never had any issue with smoking or anything like that and now she’s dependent on them I would say. She uses them when she’s in the car. I just think like this ugh. Her room smells of it as well and I just think it infuriates me that people presume they’re harmless and think that everyone else then wants to like sit in a cloud of water vaper or whatever. It’s, that’s what bothers me. I think it’s the social aspect more.
A small number of interviewees explained their perception of the greater harm associated with the use of e-cigarettes, in comparison to combustible cigarettes, by drawing attention to the nicotine content of e-liquids:
When you have like a substance like nicotine it alters your, your like neurotransmitters and you know the messages in your brain and how it receives them which is why you end up craving nicotine and things like that because your body builds up a certain tolerance and dependency and you see it with you get it with drugs like you know cocaine and all sorts, you see it with cigarettes, you see it with really kind of anything that alters that kind of neurochemistry and I think nicotine it’s, it almost scares me to have a dependency on something like that, like a real need for it and I’ve never been a full-time smoker or anything like that and I always remember like being very much like I’ll one cigarette or like one evening where I’ll be smoking and I’m not buying a pack because it’s just that dependency on something it intimidates me.
Finally, it was evident that for a small number of interviewees the perception that other people had that e-cigarettes were less harmful than combustible cigarettes generated a concern on their part that these devices might actually be causing more harm than combustible tobacco products:
I think they are more harmful now than I would have a few years ago and I think that’s because people presume they’re harmless. That’s what makes me feel they’re more harmful because people just think there’s no problem with it. It was the same with smoking like 50 years ago. People didn’t think anything of it. They would smoke with their kids in the same place and you just you presume it’s harmless and that creates a bigger problem so that’s kind of similarly how I feel…. I think that when you, you go into any situation and you think like oh like this is perfectly fine this, there are no risks here that is when you know you are more likely to have an issue. Like if you think like if you’re going to a sports day and you’re like oh I’m going to just go running you know I don’t need to do a stretch I can just run 200 metres and then that’s when you’re more like to harm yourself because you’re not anticipating that you might pull a muscle, you haven’t done any stetches. You have no idea as to like the dangers and I think everyone like vaping is so common now and just so accepted and I think the fact that no one’s thinking well actually I’m putting nicotine into my body, no one’s thinking oh you know this could be a problem. They just think oh it’s water vapour, it’s not smoke so it’s fine. It’s like that’s not true, it’s still chemicals and you know I’ve no idea how it works. I’ve no idea what’s in them. I think that’s the problem. That’s what makes you know something being harmless more harmful because you’re not prepared for any of it.