Different types of spread F for low-latitude regions have been shown in Fig. 1. This has also been compared with the Range-Time-Intensity plots using JULIA coherent scatter radar data in Fig. 2. The life cycle of spread signatures observed start with huge plumes and intense spread to reduced spread later in the evening down to spread signatures similar to mid latitude spread F characteristics.
Comparison and Validation of foF2 data- The data from the detection algorithm has been compared with SAMI2 and IRI models and shown in Fig. 4. The detected values show a good match with the other values giving confidence in the algorithm. Both of the models provide an average behavior of the ionosphere and are not expected to capture small-scale day-to-day variation.
Solar Cycle Variation – The existence of Equatorial Spread F does not exhibit a strong variation with solar cycle variation for the three sites, however the values of foF2 and hmF2 tend to increase during solar maximum for all the sites. The high occurrence of spread F during solar minimum over Cachoeira Paulista in Brazil was observed by Candido et al., [2011]. Lower plasma densities during solar minimum is essential for development of gravity waves and this leads to the spread F development [Candido et al., 2011] which is similar to Fig. 1 (c) & (d). The spread F in Fig. 1(b) is due to equatorial plasma bubbles and is mainly during solar maximum years. More plasma bubbles occur during high solar activity during October and March [Sahai et al., 2000]. Spread F is mostly consistent throughout solar minimum and maximum and does not show much change except maybe radar plumes are more observed during solar minimum [Hysell and Burcham, 2002]. Figures 5–6 show another observation that all the stations tend to have more range spread F events during solar minimum, and more frequency spread F events during solar maximum. Abdu et al. [1983] and Candido et al. [2011] observe this similar pattern over Fortaleza, Brazil and Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil respectively.
Seasonal Variation - The three stations at different longitudes show varying seasonal patterns in Figs. 7–8. For Jicamarca most spread F is observed during vernal equinox and winter solstice; Ascension during autumn equinox and December; and Kwajalein during vernal equinox and summer. This may be due to the local angle of declination. Abdu at al., [1992] mentions how the declination angle affects the sporadic E and F layers. Abdu [2001] discusses similar results with angle of declination and its effects on ESF variation. When the terminator aligns with the magnetic field line, both the ends of the tube are in dark, it leads to maximum magnetic eastward wind and maximum longitudinal gradient in integrated conductivity. This causes maximum amplitude of pre-reversal enhancement in the vertical drift and therefore maximum irregularity or ESF occurrence [Abdu, 2001] and we see similar result for all the three sites. Tsunoda [1985] and Aarons [1993] show similar results with scintillation data. Afolayan et al., [2019] have similar seasonal variations for Jicamarca and Kwajalein.
An interesting observation from this study and Bhaneja et al., [2018] is that places located at negative declination tend to have most spread F conditions during northern winter seasons (December-February) while places at positive declination have most spread F during northern summer seasons (June-August). Jicamarca has similar seasonal pattern as Wallops Island [Bhaneja et al., 2009, 2018], because both Wallops 75.5°and Jicamarca 76.8° are on close longitudes. This suggests that same or close longitude locations have similar spread F occurrence statistics irrespective of their latitude locations. Equatorial Plasma Bubbles (EPBs) or Radar Plumes shown in Fig. 1(b) has the highest occurrence during equinoxes during the low angles for Jicamarca. Burke et. al., [2004] used DMSP data and found that the EPBs maximize at low angles and mostly occur during April and Aug-Sept periods.
ESF is almost always observed near dusk for all seasons and levels of solar activity and thus we see longer duration of spread F for Jicamarca data. For Jicamarca, less spread F during northern summer (May-August) is observed, probably due to downward drift velocity caused by westward electric field. Evening upward drift velocity and early reversal time causes increase in spread F during equinoxes and Sept-April time. More spread F over Jicamarca is observed between months of September and April and has also been observed by Fejer et al., [1999], Chen et al., [2006], Chapagain et al., [2009] and Aol et al., [2020]. During December strong post sunset spread F is observed for Jicamarca. The spread F during the equinox and December months occur mostly during quiet geomagnetic times, and similar for May-August months [Chapgain et al., 2009]. Aarons [1993] observes similar spread F patterns for Kwajalein and Ascension Island. Tsunoda et al., [2015] did seasonal study of ESF using data over Kwajalein and found more spread F during months of May-August for Kwajalein.
foF2 and hmF2 variation - Figs. 9 & 10 show variation of hmF2 and foF2 for the three stations and Saito & Maruyama [2007] observe variation of h’F with longitude. Jicamarca has the highest hmF2 for solar maximum for all the three stations. Ascension Island has the highest foF2 of all three stations and higher foF2 is observed during solar maximum for all the stations.
Solar activity variation – Fig. 11 shows the variation of spread F with F10.7. Jicamarca pre-midnight and high F10.7 values show more Range Spread F while post-midnight and high F10.7 show more Frequency Spread F. For Ascension Island, pre-midnight and high F10.7 values show more Range Spread F and post-midnight and high F10.7 show more Frequency Spread F. Kwajalein shows more frequency spread F for solar min. High solar flux levels and geomagnetic activity are conducive for the formation of very high-altitude plumes. Post midnight spread F is mostly plumes and during solar minimum and during solstices June and December months. Radar plumes are not observed during solar maximum summer June months.