Influence of MPTS on the graphite electrode
The MPTS reduction behavior on the graphite electrode was assessed using cyclic voltammogram (CV). The first and second cycles' CV curves for the graphite electrodes in 1.0 M LiPF6-EC: DMC (50:50, by volume) without and with MPTS are illustrated in Figure. 4a, b. In the first sweep of cathodic potential for baseline electrolyte, there is a reduction current peak approximately at 0.6 V (vs. Li/Li), which is ascribed to the EC reduction in the electrolyte[48]. On the other hand, the cathodic performance of the cell with the MPTS-added electrolyte is changed, and an additional peak are noticed at approximately 2.20 V in the CV curve. This peak can be interpreted as the electrochemical pre-reduction of MPTS on the graphite electrode to create SEI film. The reduction peak of MPTS vanished from the second cycle.
The cycle performance along with EIS analysis of Graphite/Li half-cells containing different quantities of MPTS were recorded to optimize the amount of MPTS in the electrolyte. The capacity retention was obtained after 50 cycles in 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% of MPTS for Graphite/Li cells at 0.5 C. As can be understood from Figure. S1 the inclusion of MPTS leads to increase in capacity retention and the electrolyte containing 1.5% MPTS possesses the highest value. But with the extra addition of MPTS the capacity retention decreased. The observed phenomenon can be attributed to the construction of a thicker solid electrolyte interface on the surface of the electrode and the subsequent increase in interfacial impedance, as evidenced by EIS analysis depicted in Figure. S2. Therefore, the electrolyte with 1.5% MPTS was determined to be the optimal amount of additive.
The charge/discharge test of cells without and with MPTS was conducted to realize the impact of MPTS on the cycle durability of Li/graphite half-cells (Figure. 5). The cells were cycled at 0.1 C during the initial three cycles (formation process), then at 0.2 C for the next 100 cycles. Graphite/Li half cells with initial charge-discharge curves with and without 1.5 wt% of MPTS are shown in Figure. 5a at a low current density of 0.1 C. The graphite electrode demonstrated first charge-discharge capacities of 340.64 mAhg− 1 and 370.70 mAhg− 1, respectively, with irreversible capacity (Cirr) loss of 30.05 mAhg− 1 and initial coulombic efficiency (ICE) of 91.90% in the additive-free cell. On the other hand, the MPTS-containing cell delivered a precise capacity in the first charge (353.94 mAhg− 1) and discharge (373.53mAhg− 1) with Cirr of 19.60 mAhg− 1 and ICE of 94.75%. These improvements in ICE and Cirr are due to the presence of the MPTS, which can reduce prior to electrolyte and shield the active sites on the graphite substrate and preserve it considerably from the carbonate electrolyte decomposition [49]. Generally, the Li ion intercalation occurs below 0.5 V vs. Li/Li+, exhibiting a long plateau ranging from 0.2 to 0.01 V in both cells. The cycling behavior and coulombic efficiency of Li/graphite cells are depicted in Figure. 5b, c. The outcomes revealed that the cell with MPTS has excellent cycle-life and higher coulombic efficiency compared with the cell without this additive. The specific charge capacities in the initial cycle at 0.2 C rate for the base electrolyte and the electrolyte with additive are 351.12 and 360.40 mAhg− 1 respectively. The initial capacity at 0.2 C rate is improved because the MPTS has been preferentially reduced to construct an efficient SEI film to protect against further electrolyte solvent decomposition. At the 100th cycle, the capacity in the MPTS-free electrolyte decreased from 351.12 to 286.60 mA h g− 1. The capacity retention was 85.38% after 50 cycles and 81.62% after 100 cycles relative to the first cycle at a 0.2 C rate. According to the cyclability of the graphite electrode cycled in MPTS containing electrolyte, the cyclic performance was enhanced, and the capacity retention was 93.17% after 100 cycles.
Figure. 5d shows the rate capability of Li/graphite cells without and with MPTS at various C-rates. As can be seen, the MPTS-containing cell represents a higher rate capability than the blank electrolyte. The related charge capacities for MPTS containing electrolytes at C-rates of 0.1 C, 0.2 C, 0.5 C, and 1 C are ~ 375, 353, 266, and 146 mAhg− 1, respectively. These values are greater than those of the blank in similar conditions (~ 350, 318, 244, and 97 mAhg− 1). Furthermore, the capacity retention of ~ 95% in MPTS containing and ~ 89% in the baseline electrolyte was achieved once the current density was reverted to the first 0.1 C. This is because the MPTS-derived interface film enhances the conductivity of lithium ions, boosts the fast transfer of Li ions, and diminishes the charge-transfer resistance (RCT) at different current densities, which is further proved by EIS characterization. Hereupon, introducing MPTS in the electrolyte noticeably improved the rate performance and cycle life. This can be explained by the fact that adding MPTS to the electrolyte favored the reduction reaction at a higher potential with the generation of a stable, denser, and thinner solid electrolyte interface. Hence the electron tunneling through the interfacial film is hindered, and subsequent decomposition of the electrolyte could be eliminated.
The graphite/Li half-cell's AC impedance in MPTS-containing and blank electrolytes after 2 and 100 cycles was measured for further investigation. As observed in Figure. 6a, b, there are two semicircles in the Nyquist plots. A semicircle at a middle-frequency (Rct) illustrates the electrode charge transfer impedance, a semicircle at a high frequency (interlayer resistance, Rf) corresponds to the impedance of migration of Li+ from the electrolyte to the electrode, and the Warburg (Wo) impedance, which is relevant for Li ions diffusion in the solid [49]. Obviously, after two cycles, the Rct and Rf of the cell with and without MPTS are comparable and almost close to each other, as shown in Figure. 6a, c. Nevertheless, after 100 cycles the resistance of the blank electrolyte displays a remarkable growth as indicated in Figure. 6b, d. It becomes noticeably higher than that of the MPTS-containing electrolyte, demonstrating the drastic consumption of the blank electrolyte, as a result of degradation products, enveloping the graphite electrode surface. On the other hand, the Rf and Rct of the cell with MPTS prominently reduced after 100 cycles, which is
consistent with the achieved higher cycle stability compared to the blank. Such interfacial resistance reduction during the consecutive charge and discharge can also be perceived in other studies. Decreasing the interfacial and charge transfer resistance can diminish the ohmic and activation polarization happening during the insertion/disinsertion of Li+ ions into the graphite electrode, leading to the significant cyclic performance of the electrode [50]. It should be noted that it is essential to do more detailed studies on realizing the interfacial ingredients that make such changes in impedance in future research. The EIS data are used to determine the diffusion coefficients of Li ions (DLi+) and the exchange current density (J0)[51] according to Eqs. (1) and (2):
D = T2R2/2A2F4n4C2σ2 (1)
J0 = RT/nFRctA (2)
Where T = thermodynamic temperature (298 K), R = gas coefficient (8.314 Jk− 1mol− 1), A = area of the electrode (A = πr2) [52], F = Faraday coefficient (96500 Cmol− 1 ), n = transferred electron number through insertion/de-insertion of Li ion (for Li+ n = 1), and C = Li+ ion concentration in solid, and σ = the slope of the linear part in Z′ ∼ ω−1/2 (Warburg factor) [53]. σ (Ω·s− 1/2) can be achieved from the equation [54] (3):
Z′ = RS + Rct + σω−1/2 (3)
Figure. 6e, f displays the Warburg factor (σ) by fitting line slopes for the blank and MPTS-containing electrolytes. The DLi+ of the cell with MPTS is 1.42 × 10− 11 cm2s− 1 and 2 × 10− 11 cm2s− 1 after 2 and 100 cycles, respectively, which is greater than DLi+ of the cell without additive after 2 and 100 cycles (1.25 × 10− 11 cm2 s− 1and 0.41 × 10− 11 cm2 s− 1). Moreover, the exchange current density (J0) of MPTS containing electrolyte after 100 cycles is 8.18×10− 4 A cm− 2, which is approximately 3 times greater than that of base electrolyte (2.82×10− 4 A cm− 2) suggesting that the cell with MPTS possesses much better kinetics[52].
The morphology of graphite electrodes was also studied. Figure. 7a-f represents the FESEM and TEM micrographs of the fresh graphite electrode before and after 100 cycling in the electrolyte with and without MPTS. As can be seen, there is no covering on the fresh graphite electrode surface, while deposits are created on both cycled graphite electrodes, which shows that the formation of SEI layer happened after contact with the electrolyte. In the MPTS-free electrolyte, the surface of the graphite is covered with spherical particles, which suggests that a secondary reaction takes place between the electrolyte and electrode surface during the cycle[55]. Consequently, the film may cause an increase in the electrode’s impedance value. However, the homogenous, smooth and compact morphology is seen on the graphite surface with the MPTS containing electrolyte, which diminishes the direct contact between the electrolyte and electrode surface. The TEM images of samples without and with additive in Figure. 7e, f shows that a better quality layer with MPTS is formed than the sample without additives. This illustrates that adding MPTS makes it easier to create a better SEI film. Figure. 7g, h represents the EDX elemental mapping of cycled graphite electrodes in additive-free electrolyte and MPTS-containing electrolyte, respectively, which proved the presence of the S element on the surface of graphite in the electrolyte with MPTS.
The X-ray diffraction patterns of the graphite electrodes before as fresh and after cycling in the electrolytes with and without MPTS were indicated in Figure. S3. Each of the electrodes was made under equal circumstances. As shown in figure S3, there are two peaks at approximately 26 and 55 related to the graphite structure. The findings suggest that the structure of the graphite electrode remains unchanged throughout cycling in the electrolyte with or without MPTS. Hence, the alteration in the morphology of graphite surface isn’t caused by phase transition of the electrode, but rather by the incorporation of MPTS into the base electrolyte. This implies that a protective film originating from MPTS forms on the graphite surface, leading to an enhancement in the performance of the cell.
Figure. 8 represents the FT-IR spectra of the cycled and pure graphite electrodes in the presence and absence of MPTS. The peaks at 2926 and 2849 cm− 1 in the fresh electrode represent the asymmetric and symmetric vibrations of the CH2 groups, respectively. The C = C and C-O bands originating from chemisorbed oxygen groups are a result of the peaks at 1641 and 1089 cm− 1, respectively [49, 56]. According to studies, the chemical composition of the layer of SEI can be ascertained by the electrolyte ingredients [57]. The construction of the SEI layer by EC happens via two mechanisms. In the first mechanism, lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) and gaseous compounds are the main products of the electrochemically-induced reduction of EC[58]. In the second path, the main component of SEI is lithium ethylene dicarbonate (LEDC), which are substantially insoluble in the electrolyte [59]. The reduction of DMC causes the formation of lithium methyl carbonate (LMC) [57]. The pronounced peaks at 1633 cm− 1 (C = O) and 1052 cm− 1 (C‒O) are correlated to ROCO2Li species. The characteristic peak at 1448 cm− 1 shows the existence of Li2CO3 [31]. The bands at 1106 and 1245 cm− 1 exist in the FT-IR spectrum of the cycled graphite in the electrolyte with 1.5% MPTS. To determine these peaks, we checked the FT-IR of the pure MPTS. In the region from 1100 to 1400 cm− 1, two bands at 1175 and 1350 cm− 1 are detected, which are associated with the symmetrical stretching and asymmetrical stretching of SO2, respectively[49, 60]. Hence, the peaks at 1106 and 1245 cm− 1 were ascribed to the symmetric and asymmetric SO2 stretching, respectively, shifted to the lower frequency and proved the MPTS reduction products incorporation in the construction of SEI layer. In addition, the peaks related to the C = O, and C-O are also observed, creating a stable SEI layer.
The XPS of graphite electrodes without and with MPTS was conducted after 100 cycles to determine the chemistry of the layer of SEI. As can be seen in Figure. 9, the C 1s spectrum has two maxima at 284.2 and 285.5 eV, referring to C‒C and C‒O covalent bonding due to carbon black and lithium alkyl carbonates (R-CH2OCO2-Li), respectively. In addition, the bands at 291.2, 289.9, and 287.7 eV are related to the PVDF, Li2CO3, and C = O bond, respectively[47]. As depicted in Figure. 9, the peak intensity of C = O decreases by adding MPTS, elucidating that MPTS could prevent solvent degradation. Moreover, the inclusion of MPTS reduces the intensity of Li2CO3, one of the major degradation derivatives of carbonate-based electrolytes, in O 1s and C 1s spectra, demonstrating the positive effect of MPTS in suppressing the electrolyte decomposition. Furthermore, three characteristic peaks assigned to LiF, LiPxFy, and LiPxOyFz can be seen, which are related to the decomposition products of LiPF6[61]. It should be noted that by increasing the electrolyte decomposition products, the interfacial impedance would increase and lead to poor cycling behavior of the graphite electrode. The intensity of these peaks decreases in the presence of MPTS, indicating that the MPTS-derivative SEI film limits the degradation of LiPF6. The XPS results support the EIS data. After 100 cycles, the cell with MPTS added electrolyte has a much lower impedance than the cell with baseline electrolyte. As shown in C 1s and F1s, the peak of PVDF almost vanished after 100 cycles in electrolyte with 1.5 wt% MPTS, elucidating that the uniform SEI layer covers the graphite electrode, being consistent with the TEM result. As seen in EDX elemental mapping characterization and XPS spectrum of graphite after cycling with MPTS-containing electrolyte, S-containing products can also be observed in S 2p spectra of the surface of the electrode after cycling in 1.5 wt% MPTS electrolyte at 166.6 eV and 168.5eV related to R-SO2Li (two-electron reduction) and RSO3Li (one-electron reduction) respectively, which are assigned to the reduction reaction of MPTS, as discussed in Figure. 3.