Geometrical as well as kinematic or dynamic similarities are taken into account while scaling a prototype. Looking to the nature of the problem, researcher may adopt ‘true’, ‘adequate’ or ‘distorted’ model17. True model is scaled by satisfying all the similarities. Adequate model is scaled aiming primary parameters of the problems allowing secondary parameters to influence to deviate the prediction. A Distorted model will achieve the predicted behavior with distortions in the similarities or vice versa13. Among all these three types, this study has adopted ‘adequate’ model for the low-cost shake table test. The similitude laws are considered with reference to a geometrical scaling factor (λ). Finalising the scaling factor (λ), the following key-points are considered:
The physical size of the shake table
Pay-load capacity of the shake table
Headroom availability in the laboratory
Necessary material’s availability
Sizes of available structural members to be used for scaled model
Member connection possibilities in the scaled model
Cauchy similitude and Froud similitude are the basic similitude relationships that, one may adopt for the testing of a scale-down model14. This study adopts Froud similitude laws. The inter relationships of all the geometrical and dynamic primary parameters are explained in Table 2.
Table 2
Adopted similitude relationships
Mass density
Specific density (ρ)
Scaling Factor (λ)
The primary consideration for deciding the scaling factor (λ) is the size of the shake table and headroom available at the SVNIT laboratory of earthquake engineering. The simplified prototype has overall dimensions as 49.5m x 49.5m x 152.55m. The shake table size being (700mm x 1000mm) and headroom height permitted in the laboratory, the scaling factor (λ) arrives to 75. Approximating λ = 75 gives model dimensions as 660mm x 660mm x 2034mm. Well, It has to be checked for other parameters also.
The DiaGrid member size of the simplified prototype is uniformly W14 x 370 which is having a cross section area as 70322 mm2. As the studies have shown that DiaGrid members mainly carry axial forces, thus the cross-section area dimension is targeted for deciding λ. The minimum dimension of round steel bars available in the market is 3mm, but advisable is 4mm (for welding requirements). 4mm diameter bars with a cross section area as 12.5mm2 allows the scaling factor as 75 \(\left( \sqrt{70322/12.5} \right)\).
The floor load (DL + LL) on the building15 is around 1000 kg/m2. Considering 49.5m square floor, the total load on the typical floor is 2300000 kg. So, the total floor load from all the 36 floors is 83000000 kg. Adding self-weights of the diagonals and central core columns, the total weight of the simplified prototype is 96520000 kg∗. For designing the scale model, the specific density ρ (the ratio of overall mass over overall volume) is taken as 1.
$${}_{\varvec{s}\varvec{i}\varvec{m}\varvec{p}\varvec{l}\varvec{i}\varvec{f}\varvec{i}\varvec{e}\varvec{d} \varvec{p}\varvec{r}\varvec{t}\varvec{o}\varvec{t}\varvec{o}\varvec{t}\varvec{y}\varvec{p}\varvec{e}}= {}_{\varvec{m}\varvec{o}\varvec{d}\varvec{e}\varvec{l}}$$
$$⟹ {\left(\frac{Total Mass}{Overall Volume}\right)}_{\varvec{s}\varvec{i}\varvec{m}\varvec{p}\varvec{l}\varvec{i}\varvec{f}\varvec{i}\varvec{e}\varvec{d} \varvec{p}\varvec{r}\varvec{o}\varvec{t}\varvec{o}\varvec{t}\varvec{y}\varvec{p}\varvec{e}}= \frac{96520000}{49.5·49.5·49.5}= {}_{\varvec{m}\varvec{o}\varvec{d}\varvec{e}\varvec{l}}=258.22 kg/{m}^{3}$$
$${⟹}_{\varvec{m}\varvec{o}\varvec{d}\varvec{e}\varvec{l}}= {\left(\frac{Total Mass}{Overall Volume}\right)}_{\varvec{m}\varvec{o}\varvec{d}\varvec{e}\varvec{l}}=\frac{Total mass of the model}{0.66·0.66·2.034}= 258.22 kg/{m}^{3}$$
\(\therefore Total mass of the model= \frac{258.22}{0.66·0.66·2.034}=230 \varvec{k}\varvec{g}\) (1)
Self-weight of the model plus some additional mass on each floor can satisfy this specific density criteria. Another important parameter to be considered is related to the dynamic similarity, i.e. natural frequency of the building. The calculated natural frequency of the simplified prototype is 0.44 Hz. Therefore, the natural frequency of the scaled model should be 3.8 Hz (\(\sqrt{75} \times 0.44 ).\) This also fits into the frequency range of the unidirectional shake table available at the SVNIT laboratory of earthquake engineering.
Looking to all the above major key parameters, the scaling factor finalised is λ = 75.
The design and construction of 1:75 scale model
The overall size of the scaled DiaGrid model is 660mm x 660mm x 2034mm. The diagonal members- the main load carrying members of DiaGrid mechanism- are finalized as 4mm diameter mild steel bright bars. Peripheral beams connected to the DiaGrid members are finalized as 3mm steel bright bars. The mild steel plate of 2mm thickness is used as slabs. The central core with vertical columns is designed with the same 4mm diameter mild steel bright bars. The 5mm thick base plate is projected 100 mm outward from the plan dimensions of the model.
All the joints are welded joints with higher fabricating accuracy. To depict the actual DiaGrid joint (DiaGrid Node), 20 mm x 20 mm plates with 2 mm thickness are used and the DiaGrid members and ring beams are welded uniformly to this steel plate. This enables the transferring of forces as uniformly as in the actual prototype. Moreover, during the excitations, to control the unwanted buckling in the diagonals, ring beams are introduced at half floor height to reduce the unsupported length of the diagonals.
The material used to manufacture the model is steel bright bars for 1D structural members and mild steel plates for 2D structural members. The stress-strain relationship of a 12mm bright bar is shown in Fig. 3. The tensile test results are used to define the material properties in SAP2000 software.
The self-weight of the model including the base plate is around 93 kg (Fig. 4). According to dynamic similarity requirement, the mass should be 230 kg (Eq. 1). An additional mass of 137 kg is to be installed before testing the model. Further, distributing this additional mass into 9 floors, each floor should be allotted around 15 kg of extra mass. The diagonal grid does not allow much space to apply the masses. So, 3 numbers of 5 kg each mass blocks (Fig. 4) are designed in such a manner that they can be easily placed or removed from the model when required.
Special care is taken for mounting the model onto the shake table. The model should be perfectly mounted to match the exact lateral direction of the shaking movement. If there exists a little deviation in mounting, the shaking may produce torsion in the model. To achieve this, a uniform grid of bolt holes are fabricated on the base plate to match the holes on the shake table. The detailed construction drawing of the scaled DiaGrid model is shown in Fig. 5.
Scaling of earthquake time histories
A typical earthquake time history data is in the form of acceleration/ velocity/ displacement versus time. Three actual earthquake time history records, including Kobe (Japan, 1995), El Centro (USA, 1940) and Uttarkashi (India, 1991) are selected for performing the shake table test on the scaled model. The detailed description of selected earthquakes is given in Table 3. One may select as many variety of earthquakes as he/she can, but to keep the study concise and simple, only three actual time histories are considered.
The scaling of the actual earthquake data is done considering the principle of dynamic similarity. The accelerations of the model and the prototype remain same, (Table 2) i.e. the scaling relation is 1.0. Therefore, the accelerations of actual earthquake and scaled earthquake need to remain same. Thus, the ‘time’ is scaled16.The original time step (time interval between two successive data value) of the earthquake time histories is scaled with \(\sqrt{}\). Each time step is multiplied with (\(\sqrt{75}\)) = 0.1155. The earthquake time histories are shown in Fig. 6.
Table 3
The primary details of selected earthquakes
Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)
Hypo-central distance
Time Duration
Original time step (𝚫t)
Scaled time step 0.1155*𝚫t
El Centro,1940
Testing of the scaled model
The main aim of the shake table test is to evaluate seismic response and to observe behavior of a structure. The top storey displacement, inter-storey displacements, modal frequencies, damping ratio etc. can be the parameters for studying behavior of the structural model. To achieve the above aim, the scaled model is prepared according to the design and construction requirements (Fig. 5). The model is firmly fixed on the shake table. The data acquisition system is attached to record the acceleration values. The accelerometers are fixed at floor levels to capture acceleration v/s time data. The displacements v/s time data can be obtained by double integrating the captured acceleration v/s time data.
The data acquisition system here used is NI cDAQ-9174, along with the LabView software to record and process the captured data. The model consists of total 9 floor levels, but considering the availability of ‘input ports’ in the data acquisition system, the accelerometers are attached at 8 floors, starting from the top (Fig. 7, Fig. 8). The time history input to the shake table is prepared as follows:
The displacement time histories are derived from the scaled time histories of selected earthquakes. Double integrating the scaled acceleration time histories in time domain gives scaled displacement time histories. These scaled displacement time histories can be given as input (Fig. 9) to the shake table controller. The test is performed to evaluate the lateral displacements under the effect of the applied earthquakes. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the recorded acceleration data is also performed to assess the natural frequency of the tested scaled model in order to confirm dynamic similarity.
A trial test is done in prior to the actual test using few known constant frequency cycles. The results are verified using SAP2000 software (similar to a sine sweep test).
*Calculated by authors