Our experimental results demonstrated high efficacy for lithium chloride applications in colonies with and without brood when applied by feeding in syrup or candy. In the preliminary experiments in the year 2018 with broodless colonies, we already reached a mean efficacy of more than 90% with both the syrup and the candy application. We then decided to continue with the candy treatment, because of the slower consumption by the bees which enables a continuous flow of LiCl into the colony for more than one week through a single feeding. The field test with broodless colonies in the year 2021 revealed an even higher efficacy of 98%, which was significantly different from colonies treated with the standard formic acid Varroa control in the same apiary. This confirmed that the high efficacy of LiCl, which had previously been demonstrated by Kolics et al. (2020b) with the dribbling method, can also be achieved using a single application of 2.5 kg candy spiked with 50 mM LiCl. The next field test with broodless colonies in the year 2022 had only a 78% efficacy. Two reasons could potentially have caused this significantly lower efficacy compared to the 2021 study. First, we reduced the duration of the treatment from 9 to 5 days to reduce the impact on brood loss in the first subsequent brood cycle seen in the 2021 experiment (see below). But this shortened period was obviously not sufficient to achieve a high efficacy. Second, the mean infestation per colony was 456 mites compared to 2,129 in the year before. In colonies with relatively low mite numbers, the reinvasion of mites in late summer and early fall (Frey and Rosenkranz 2014), a common occurrence in apiaries in this part of Germany, can have a greater impact on the calculation of the efficacy. Our experimental apiaries were not in the direct vicinity of colonies managed by other beekeepers, however even over a distance of 1.5 km an invasion of more than 100 mites per colony is possible (Frey et al. 2011).
Our repeated short-term LiCl treatments of colonies with brood also revealed a good efficacy of 88% and confirmed the results of former field tests with lithium salts in breeding colonies (Stanimirovic et al. 2021), however at the cost of high brood removal rates (see below).
Our analysis of honey bee crops and stored food for traces of lithium demonstrated an even distribution of the active ingredient lithium within the colony, despite food uptake differing somewhat between colonies. This low variance between colonies in the distribution of the active ingredient Lithium and the efficacy of treatment results in high levels of treatment success throughout an apiary, which cuts down on varroa reinvasion and potential transfer of mites between strong and weak colonies (Giacobino et al. 2023).
In contrast to currently available varroacides, our application method of lithium chloride takes advantage of the social behaviour of food sharing in bees, called trophallaxis (LeBoeuf 2017). This leads to a rapid distribution of the treatment food throughout the whole colony (Crailsheim 1998; Nixon and Ribbands 1952) with sufficient amounts of lithium to kill Varroa mites in sampled bees within 48 hours of application, as demonstrated by the spike in mite fall within two days of LiCl administration (see Fig. 6). We always detected substantially lower levels of lithium in the food samples than in the crop of the sampled bees. In 2021, when about 1.7 kg of a 50 mM candy was applied per colony, the maximum lithium content found in open food cells was 36 mg/kg, whereas in the crop it rose to 131 mg/kg. In 2022 when the feeding period was reduced from 9 to 5 days, the maximum lithium levels were somewhat lower, with similar low levels in food compared to bee crops as seen in 2021. To produce honey from nectar or stored food from a beekeeper applied food source like syrup or candy, honey bees rework the food source multiple times, before permanently storing it in a cell (Park 1925). During this food processing, the bee’s ventriculus removes contaminations and excess water. Honey bees also have the capacity to remove heavy metals from collected nectar in the process of producing honey (Borsuk et al. 2021), which could help explain why we always detected substantially lower lithium concentrations in stored food compared to crop samples.
As shown in previous studies, exposure to lithium chloride during larval development can result in high brood mortality (Rein et al. 2022). We thus paid particular attention to the survival of the first batch of brood reared after release of the queen. In 2021, the long treatment period of 9 days resulted in low brood survival, most likely due to an overlap of applied LiCl food and the presence of the first larvae. To avoid this loss of brood, we shortened the treatment period to 5 days in 2022, reducing the exposure of the sensitive early larval stages to LiCl. Brood survival increased, but with high variance in survival rates among the colonies. We assessed a second brood cycle, which showed that there are no long-term effects to brood survival from LiCl as was also observed in 2021. This is also supported by the fact that 34 colonies treated with LiCl (from all experiments) overwintered well and only one colony died due to queen loss in fall 2022. Thus although we see a short time frame of brood loss immediately after treatment, the colony then successfully rears brood and does not suffer any population loss from this brief interruption.
Other studies tested different lithium chloride applications in broodless colonies with even higher concentrations, but failed to evaluate the aftereffects on brood reared post treatment (Kolics et al. 2022). Stanimirovic et al.(2021) carried out lithium citrate treatments in colonies with brood and stated that there were no side effects observed during the year, which is too long an observation window to catch any carryover effects of lithium citrate on brood post treatment. Our experiments with repeated short-term treatments in colonies with a free-roaming queen and brood (A3) clearly confirm the low tolerability of honey bee larvae for LiCl. The goal with this new application method was to limit the contact of larvae to LiCl for a maximum of 1–2 days by feeding the treatment repeatedly in small amounts. However, this did not provide the desired reduction in brood loss. Both the first and second brood assessment during application resulted in low survival rates and so clearly a treatment with lithium chloride in colonies with brood is only possible at the cost of lost brood during the application period. As seen in our studies, the side effects on brood only occur during and shortly after the period of the treatment when lithium contaminated food is still circulating among the nurse bees.
From our comprehensive studies on LiCl, we can conclude the following regarding efficacy, distribution of the compound within the colony and side effects on brood for the treatment of broodless colonies:
A single feeding of 2 kg of LiCl candy kills more than 95% of Varroa mites under field conditions when exposure lasts 9 days. It could potentially be shortened, but 5 days was too short.
Side effects on the honey bee brood occurred only in the first brood cycle laid directly after the end of the application. If queens were released one week after treatment cessation, these side effects could largely be prevented.
Our data on the concentration and distribution of lithium within the worker bees of a treated colony indicate that within 48 hours lithium levels reach their maximum level within the bee´s crop and remain elevated for the duration of the treatment. Even some days after the end of the application the lithium concentrations within the crops of the bees should still be high enough to kill the parasitizing mites.
These results suggest that a promising strategy for future applications would be to start the treatment via candy one week before the release of the queen, when the colony only contains capped brood. The lithium concentration in the bees at the time of queen release should be sufficient to kill the few mites emerging with the last brood cells, yet subside to a harmless level by the time the first larvae hatch from queen laid eggs.
The long-term circulation of lithium in colonies post treatment and thus the potential risk of residue accumulation in the honey must be investigated before lithium-salts can be authorized as a varroacide. Lithium occurs naturally in some honeys (2.25–15.6 mg/kg) (Bogdanov et al. 2008), mineral water (1.7µg/l – 1,725µg/l) (Seidel et al. 2019), and even other beverages like wine and soft drinks (Seidel et al. 2020). We even found lithium at a concentration of 0.27 mg/kg in the APIINVERT® syrup sold as feed on the German market. It is thus hard to define an acceptable residue level, though the naturally occurring range in honey suggests a higher limit than with other varroacide residues is warranted. What is considered acceptable is currently debated; Kolics et al. (2021) found an increase in lithium in uncapped honey directly after application but claimed a “full recovery” by day 22 with a concentration below 0.25 mg/kg. Yet they found a concentration of 22.4 mg/kg in the ripe honey on day 28. In contrast, Stanimirovic et al. (2021) described an increase in lithium from honey supers from 0.018 mg/kg to 0.035 mg/kg seven days post treatment with lithium citrate as significant. Another study detected lithium concentrations seven days post-treatment between 0.05 and 0.9 mg/kg (Prešern et al. 2020). Our residue analysis of honey and stored bee food was conducted in the spring of the following year, which was almost ten months post treatment. We found lithium at rates of 3.1 to 5.4 mg/kg in the stored food of the brood chamber. Colonies were fed an additional 15–20 kg of sugar syrup post treatment to provide them with enough winter food stores, which must have diluted the lithium concentrations. In freshly made spring honey we harvested, we only found 0.1–0.2 mg/kg lithium which is far below the natural occurring concentrations. Our treatment method of feeding LiCl in candy does not lead to undesirable residues in honey. From a human nutrition perspective, lithium compounds are considered valuable micronutrients and a daily intake of 1 mg/day for a 70-kg adult is recommended (Schrauzer 2002; Szklarska and Rzymski 2019).
Lithium provides many advantages compared to current varroacides on the market. The most frequently used non-synthetic varroacides in Middle and Northern Europe are currently formic acid in the summer and oxalic acid in the winter, both of which require specific environmental or colony conditions for high efficacy and good tolerability (Adjlane et al. 2016; Steube et al. 2021). Our new application method, unlike these organic acids, allows the beekeeper to be independent of environmental factors. Even though caging the queen, in order to create a broodless period requires additional effort and time, especially in large beekeeping operations, such caging is becoming more standard as a method of integrated Varroa control (Büchler et al. 2020; Gregorc et al. 2017; van der Steen and Vejsnæs 2021). A brood interruption not only has the advantage that all mites are forced to reside on the adult bees, which makes them vulnerable to varroacides, it also interrupts the mite’s reproductive cycle which slows down this parasite’s population growth (Gabel et al. 2023; Jack and Ellis 2021; Rosenkranz et al. 2010). In the colonies with the repeated treatments where we allowed bees to keep rearing brood, three times as many mites fell (compare A3 with brood to A2 without brood in Table 2), even though the natural mite fall before the treatment was similar in both groups. Giacomelli et al. (2016) showed that queen caging alone resulted in a 40% reduction of Varroa populations, but should always be used in combination with a varroacide to achieve sufficient mite mortalities. As LiCl is a natural salt, the combination of queen caging and LiCl application could be a treatment option for organic beekeepers, too. A comparison of the additional workload generated by different summer brood interruption methods showed that queen caging was one of the least labor intensive ones with no impact on colony strength between the different methods (Büchler et al. 2020). A broodless period during late summer allows beekeepers to remove old combs and replace them with new ones, reducing pesticide residues in the lipophilic beeswax, which has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the productivity of the colony (Berry and Delaplane 2001; Taha et al. 2021).