APP and its derived fragments modulate the expression of proteins of the mitochondrial transport machinery
We studied the expression of the mitochondrial stop protein syntaphilin (SNPH), the mitochondrial rho protein (Miro1), the kinesin-binding proteins (TRAK1 and TRAK2), the motor kinesin (Kif5 (A, B, C) isoforms), and the intermediate chains (ICs) of the cytoplasmic dynein motor (lC1,2) in neuroblastoma cells expressing APP carrying the double Swedish familial mutations KM670/671NL (APPswe) and their control cells expressing pcDNA3.1 empty vector (Control) (28) (Fig.1). This cellular model has been previously described to accumulate amyloid precursor protein (APP)-derived fragments (i.e. Aβ and APP-CTFs) and to manifest mitochondrial structure and function alterations and a defect of mitophagy process (23). We noticed a reduction in the expression of Miro1 and TRAK1 (Fig., 1a, c), Kif5 (A, B, C) (Fig. 1a, d), and an increase in IC1, 2 level (Fig., 1a, d) in APPswe versus control cells, while the expression of SNPH (Fig., 1a) and TRAK2 (Fig., 1c) remained unchanged. We identified a low molecular weight (» 50 kDa) second band recognized by the Kif5 (A, B, C) antibody that we labelled as Kif5 (low) showing in APPswe cells a mirror upregulation versus full-length Kif5 (A, B, C) (Fig. 1a, d).
Because APP is involved in several housekeeping cellular functions (34), we investigated whether the down expression of full-length wild-type APP may impact the expression of mitochondrial transport proteins. Since APP shares some functional redundancies with the amyloid precursor-like proteins APLP1 and APLP2, we compared control mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF APPWT) with cells depleted of APP and of APP-like proteins 1 and 2 (APLP1 and APLP2) (MEF APPKO). We confirmed the absence of APP expression and observed a reduced endogenous APP-CTFs levels in MEFs APPKO cells (Fig. 2a). We evidenced an enhanced expression of SNPH, Miro1, TRAK1, TRAK2, and Kif5 (A, B, C) in MEFs APPKO cells when compared to controls (Fig. 2a, b, c, d) and noticed a mirror downregulation of Kif5 (low) band versus full-length Kif5 protein and of IC1, 2 protein in MEFs APPKO (Fig., 1a, d).
Neuroblastoma cells show a “compacted dense shape” of the mitochondria reticulum that was technically not adapted for the analyses of mitochondrial movement using imagery and time-laps acquisition. Thus, we studied mitochondria movement in MEF presenting “a flat shape mitochondria reticulum” and we revealed a reduced mitochondrial movement in MEF APPKO compared to MEF APPWT (Fig. 2e, and supplement Video. 1). Since the expression levels of several proteins implicated in mitochondria movement are upregulated in MEF APPKO, we speculate that the reduction of mitochondria motile fraction in APPKO cells is associated with enhanced expression of SNPH known to block mitochondria movement (Fig. 2a, b).
Together, these pieces of data point-out a contribution of endogenous APP and of APP-derived fragments accumulation in the control of the expression of a set of proteins constituting the mitochondrial transport machinery complex.
Accumulation of both Aβ and APP-CTFs modulates the expression of several proteins of the mitochondrial transport machinery complex
In order to discriminate between the impact of Aβ and APP-CTFs on the expression of transport proteins, we used: i) the β- and the g-secretases inhibitors in APPswe cells, to modulate the processing of APP and the levels of APP-CTFs (C99 and C83) and Aβ; and ii) MEF double knock-out for presenilins 1 and 2 (components of the g-secretase complex) (MEF PSDKO). We previously reported that both β- and g-secretases inhibitors block Aβ production in APPswe cells (35). We also performed a new set of experiments and confirmed that, while the inhibition of the g-secretase triggers an accumulation of both C99 and C83 fragments in APPswe cells (Fig. 3a, and Supplement Fig. 1a), the inhibition of the β-secretase blocks C99 production and enhances the level of C83 (Supplement Fig. 1a). We then showed that g-secretase inhibition in APPswe cells triggers a reduction in SNPH levels (Fig. 3b, c) and potentiates the reduction in the expression of KIF5 (A, B, C) (Fig. 3b, e). In parallel, we observed that the reduced expression in Miro1 and TRAK1 in APPswe cells remained unchanged upon g-secretase inhibition (Fig. 3b, d), suggesting the prevalence of APP-CTFs accumulation over Aβ blockade in these alterations. Finally, we showed that the inhibition of the g-secretase abolishes the APP-induced increases in Kif5 (low) and IC1,2 (Fig. 2b, f), thus signifying a potential implication of Aβ accumulation in these alterations. These observations indicate that the expression levels of mitochondrial transport proteins are mitigated by either APP-CTFs or Aβ accumulation.
In the same sets of experiments, we assessed the impact of g-secretase inhibition in control cells and noticed that the endogenous accumulation of APP-CTFs (23) does not impact the expression of mitochondrial transport proteins (supplement Fig. 2 a-c). We also reported that β-secretase inhibition in APPswe cells does not impact the expression of our proteins of interest (Supplement Fig. 1), indicating the prevalence of C99 over C83 in the observed effects upon g-secretase inhibition.
Since g-secretase has over 150 substrates (36), we undertook to ascertain that the changes we observed in APPswe cells are genuinely linked to APP-CTFs over accumulation and not to other g-secretase substrates. We thus demonstrated that the reported modulations of mitochondrial transport proteins (Fig. 2) are not observed in MEF APPKO treated with the g-secretase inhibitor (supplement Fig. 3). This confirmed that the modulation of protein expressions observed in APPswe cells were not due to the processing of other substrates than APP by g-secretase.
In addition, we studied the expression of the mitochondrial transport machinery complex in MEF PSDKO in which an accumulation of APP-CTFs occurs (Fig. 4a). Interestingly, MEF PSDKO showed a significant reduction in SNPH, Miro1, TRAK1, TRAK2 and IC1,2 levels when compared to control MEF (MEFs PSWT) (Fig. 4a, b, c, d), thus almost mimicking the results obtained in APPswe cells treated with the g-secretase inhibitor and supporting a contribution of APP-CTFs accumulation to the alteration of the expression of mitochondrial transport machinery.
Intriguingly, we noticed that the expression of full-length Kif5 (A, B, C) and its lower band were not altered in MEF PSDKO (Fig. 4a, d), while they were regulated in APPswe-cells treated with the g-secretase inhibitor. This may suggest that Kif5 low band production is regulated in a cell-type specific manner (SH-SY5Y versus MEFs) and/or does not solely implicates APP-CTFs accumulation.
All together, these data point-out a drastic deregulation of mitochondrial transport proteins linked to PS knock-down. In fact, we revealed a reduced mitochondrial movement in MEF PSDKO when compared to their controls (Fig. 4e, and supplement Video 2).
Thus, both genetic depletion and pharmacological blockade of g-secretase concur to support a major deleterious effect of APP-CTFs accumulation on the expression of mitochondrial transport machinery.
APP and some of its derived fragments alter the colocalization of several proteins of the mitochondrial transport machinery complex with mitochondria
We used differentiated SH-SY5Y cellular models to investigate the localization of proteins of the mitochondrial transport machinery complex in a polarized cellular context. We first notice a reduction of the proliferation of control and APPswe cells and validate their morphological changes towards a phenotype of polarized cells approaching that of neurons (Fig. 5a). Differentiated control and APPswe SH-SY5Y cells show branched morphology as revealed by an increase of the staining with two microtubule markers (β3-tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins, MAP2) (Fig. 5a). Differentiated cells also show an increase of the staining of neuronal marker NeuN and of tyrosine hydroxylase (a marker for dopaminergic and adrenergic neurons) (Fig. 5a). We also verified that differentiated APPswe cells provides an AD “neuronal like” study model accumulating APP-CTFs upon g-secretase inhibitor treatment (Supplement Fig. 4).
We then determined the intracellular localization of SNPH, Miro1, TRAK1, TRAK2, Kif5 and IC1,2 by immunofluorescence and we stained mitochondria using TOMM20 antibody. Differentiated APPswe cells show a reduction of the localization of SNPH (Fig. 5b, c), and Kif5 (Fig. 5b, e) in mitochondria, and an increase of the localization of TRAK1 (Fig. 5b, d) in mitochondria, while the localization of Miro1, TRAK2 and IC1,2 remained unchanged (Fig. 5c-e). Interestingly, g-secretase inhibition amplifies this phenomenon by triggering an additional diminution of the mitochondrial localization of SNPH and Miro1 (Fig. 6a, b), and of TRAK1 and TRAK2 (Fig. 6a, c). These data demonstrate that the localization of a set of transport machinery components to mitochondria is impacted by APP-CTFs accumulation. Noticeably, we observed an increase of the localization of Kif5 in mitochondria upon g-secretase inhibition (Fig. 6a, d), while the localization of IC1,2 remained unchanged (Fig. 6d). It should be mentioned here that Kif5 (A, B, C) antibody used in the immunofluorescence analyses cannot discriminate between full-length Kif5 or cleaved Kif5 (low) forms as detected by SDS-PAGE (Fig. 1-4). Intriguingly, while the expression of transport proteins was almost not altered in APPswe cells treated with β-secretase inhibitor (Supplement Fig. 1), we noticed in these cells a reduction in the localization of Miro1, TRAK 1 and TRAK2 (Supplement Fig. 5 a-c) and an increase in IC1, 2 localization to the mitochondria (Supplement Fig. 5 a, d). These data support a contribution of the a-secretase-derived APP fragment (C83) accumulation to the alteration of the localization of some transport machinery components to mitochondria. In a complementary set of experiments, we investigated the specific impact of Aβ oligomers (Aβo) on the localization of the same set of transport proteins in mitochondria using control differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. Aβo treatment triggers a reduction in the localization of SNPH, Miro1 (Fig. 6e, f) and TRAK1 (Fig. 6e, g) to mitochondria, while the localization of TRAK2, Kif5, and IC1, 2 remains unchanged (Fig. 6g, h).
Together, these data (Fig. 5 and 6) firmly demonstrate a defect of the mitochondrial transport machinery localization to mitochondria linked to both Aβ and APP-CTFs (C99 and C83).
The expression of several proteins of the mitochondrial transport machinery complex is altered in 3xTgAD and AAV-C99 mice
We then studied the expression of our proteins of interest in the hippocampus of the 3xTgAD mice that harbour an early and progressive accumulation of APP-CTFs starting at 2-3 months of age followed by the production and the accumulation of Aβ at 6 months of age and forming the amyloid plaques at 10-11 months of age (18, 27, 37). We first revealed an increase in SNPH expression in young 3xTgAD mice (aged 4 months) hippocampi when compared to age-matched control mice hippocampi (Fig. 7a, b), while the levels of the expression of Miro1, TRAK1, TRAK2, Kif5 and IC1,2 expressions remain unchanged or slightly but not significantly increased (Fig. 7a, c, d). On the contrary, we reported a significant decrease in SNPH, Miro1 and TRAK2 in old 3xTgAD mice (aged 13 months) when compared to age-matched control mice (Fig. 7e, f). In parallel, while we noticed a trend decrease of the expression of TRAK1and IC1,2 in old 3xTgAD mice hippocampi, Kif5 (A, B, C) and Kif5 (low) remain unchanged (Fig. 7a, g, h). In addition to APPswe mutation, the 3xTgAD mice overexpress a mutated form of the Tau protein (TauP301L) and are knocked-in for presenilin1 (PS1) carrying M146V mutation. Thus, in addition to an impact of APP-derived fragments, we cannot exclude a potential contribution of mutated PS1 and/or phosphorylated Tau to the alterations of the expression of the mitochondrial transport machinery complex observed in this model. To investigate the specific impact of the C99 accumulation on mitochondrial transport machinery in vivo, we used AAV-C99 mice overexpressing C99 fragment in an endogenous APP, PS and Tau background (23). Interestingly, SDS-PAGE analyses revealed a drastic reduction in the expression of SNPH, Miro1, TRAK1, TRAK2, and Kif5 (A, B, C) in AAV-C99 injected mice brains when compared to AAV-Free injected controls (Fig. 8a-d), thus revealing a role of APP-CTFs accumulation in mitochondrial transport alteration in vivo.
The expression of several proteins of the mitochondrial transport machinery complex is altered in sporadic AD human brains
We lastly questioned whether human SAD brains manifest an altered expression of mitochondrial transport proteins. We stratified AD brains into early Braak stages (I-III) and late Braak stages (IV-VI) (patients’ information in Table 1). Quantitative analyses revealed a significant reduction in the expression of SNPH (Fig. 9a, b) and TRAK2 (Fig. 8a, e) in Braak IV-VI AD brains versus age-matched non-demented control brains while TRAK2 (Fig. 9a, e) and IC1,2 (Fig. 9a, h) levels were gradually reduced in a disease-dependent manner (i.e. Braak IV-VI AD brains versus Braak stages (I-III) AD brains). In parallel, we noticed that the expressions of Miro1 and TRAK1 are slightly but not significantly reduced in Braak IV-VI AD. Interestingly, correlations studies including control and AD brains revealed a statistically significant positive correlation between the expression levels of several transport proteins (Fig. 9 i), namely between SNPH and Miro1, TRAK1, and TRAK2. Miro1 expression also positively correlates with that of TRAK1, TRAK2 and Kif5 low. Both TRAK1 and TRAK2 expressions correlate with Kif5 (A, B, C). Finally, IC1, 2 expression level correlates with TRAK2 and Kif5 (A, B, C) (Fig. 9i). These correlations have to be put in perspective with the fact that transport proteins follow a decreased expression trend in a disease-dependent manner in AD. We further documented the relationship between the level of APP-CTFs and Aβ (Fig. 9j, k and supplement Fig. 5), and the expression of transport proteins and showed statistically significant negative correlations of SNPH, and TRAK1 levels with APP-CTFs levels, and of SNPH and TRAK2 expressions with Aβ level (Fig.9 k). These AD brains also manifest enhanced phosphorylation of Tau on serine231(pTauT231) and threonine422 (pTauS422) residues quantified versus total Tau protein (tTau) (Supplement Fig. 6a). However, we found that the correlation extent is restricted to SNPH and pTauS422 but not with pTauT231 (Supplement Fig. 6b).
Together, these data support the findings in cellular and mice AD models mimicking familial forms of the disease and point-out altered expression of mitochondrial transport proteins in human AD brains, mostly contributed by APP-CTFs and Aβ.