Other Measures of Frailty
Various tools and physical indicator were used to assess the components of frailty[Table1].
Table 1
Alternates measures of the TFI with continuous and dichotomous variable. Items of the TFI
Questions | Alternative measures Continuous variables | Categorical variables |
1. Do you feel physically healthy? | In general, how would you rate your health? (Excellent, very good, good, fair or poor) | Excellent, very good or good = 0; fair = 1 |
2. Have you missing a lot of weight recently without wishing to do so? | Participants met our criteria for shrinking if they had a BMI of 18.5 kg/m2 or less, or if they reported that they had lost 5 or more kilograms in the previous year. | ≥ 5% indicating shrinking (Fried et al., 2001) |
3. Do you experience any difficulty in your daily life due to problematic walking? | Walking speed was measured by calculating the average time required to complete a 4-meter walk. Participants were asked to get up from a chair with a handle, walk 4 meters, then turn back and walk back to the chair and sit on it.. Which was measured with a stopwatch (chen, et al 2015) | > 5 presented as difficulty in walking |
4. Do you experience any difficulty in your daily life due to existence problem in maintaining your balance? | TUG test The TUG test measures the time the respondent takes to rise from an armchair, walk three meters, and return to the chair. | < 10s indicated 0 and > 10 indicated difficulty in balance |
5. Do you experience any difficulty in your daily life due to poor hearing? | Making telephone calls (independent, need help or unheard) | 'Need help' or ‘unheard' indicating hearing impairment |
6. Do you experience problems in your daily life due to poor vision? | Can you see the words on this questionnaire clearly by the distance (about 20 cm)? (Extremely, quite a bit, somewhat, a little bit or not at all) | 'Somewhat' to ‘not at all' indicating vision impairment |
7. Do you experience any difficulties in your daily life due to lack of strength in your hands? | A modified sphygmomanometer was used to measure hand muscle strength. For this purpose, the subjects were asked to sit completely comfortably in a chair with a handle and place their hands in a comfortable position on the chair holder (at a 90-degree angle) and by holding the corrected sphygmomanometer, the strength of their hands was measured | > 135–145 mmHg considered as difficulty in hand strength |
8. Do you experience any difficulties related to your physical tiredness? | How tired have you been over the past month: Full time: 1, most of the time: 2, sometimes: 3, little time: 4, never: 5 If the answer was all the time or most of the time, the score was one, and if the score was sometimes, little or never, the score was zero. | 'All of the time' to ‘a little of the time' indicating problems in your daily life due to physical tiredness |
9. Do you have any difficulties with your retention? | The 20- items Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) | Cognitive impairment determined by a score less than 21[ 57Cano et al, 2012] |
10. Have you depressed during the last month? | The 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) | ≥ 4 indicating felling down |
11. Have you felt furious or worry during the last month? | During the past 4 weeks, have you furious the amount of time you spent on work or other activities as a result of any emotional difficulties (such as feeling depressed or anxious) (all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, a little of the time, or none of the time) | 'All of the time' to ‘a little of the time' Presented dysfunctional emotion role |
12. Are you able to cope with difficulties well? | I am able to do, what I want (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree or strongly disagree) | 'Neutral' to ‘strongly disagree' indicating unable to do at one's will |
13. lonely living? | who do you live with? (Living with family or living alone) | Living alone indicating positive |
14. Do you sometimes miss having people around you? | The Adaptability, Partnership, Growth, Affection and Resolve (APGAR) scale | < 7 was considered as having family dysfunction |
15. Do you receive adequate support from other people? | The Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS) (Xiao, 1994) | Less than the 25 were classified as having low social support |
Physical frailty which are the Persian version Physical activity for elderly (P-PASE) [26], the Body Mass Index (BMI), the Gate Speed [27] TUG test[ 28] ,one item to poor hearing, one item to determine poor vision and one item to assess poor hearing, a hand grip strength test using a changed sphygmomanometer [29],one item to assess tiredness, Cognitive impairment evaluate using Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE)[ 30], The 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) for assessing feeling down[31], 1 question to assess nervous or anxious feeling, 1 question to assess to cope with problems ,1 question to assess living arrangement, family disfunction assessed by The adaptability, partnership, Growth, Affection and resolve (APGAR)[32]and, Social support assessed by the Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS)[ 33].
The PASE compromised of 12 items related to the activities performed during past week. About each item, Weight, frequency and duration were assessed. The total score of the scale obtained by multiplying the amount of time spent in each activity (h/day) or activity participation (yes/no) by the weights of the items and then, summing the results [34]
The PASE translated and assessed related to validity and reliability in Iran by Keikavoosi & Salehi [26]. The Walking speed was assessed by computed the mean time required to complete a walking until 4-meters. Participants were asked to get up from a chair with a handle, walk 4 meters, then go back and walk to the chair and sit on it. that was measured with a Mobile pedometer [27] The time up and go (TUG) test measures the time the respondent takes to rise from an morris chair, walk three meters, and return to the chair [28], Poor hearing and vision difficulties were determined by asking participants to making calls by telephone, and by questionnaire reading respectively. Handgrip strength was measured by a changed sphygmomanometer which was used to assess strength of hand muscle. For this purpose, attainment, the subjects were asked to sit completely comfortably in a chair with a batch and place their hands in a comfortable position on the chair catch (at a 90-degree angle) and by keeping the corrected sphygmomanometer, the strength of their hands was assessed
boring assessed by asking the subjects regarding tiredness during the last 4 weeks, the question scored by Likert rating scale from all the time to never, Mini mental status examination (MMSE) [35] included 17 items, and it a widely used to test cognitive function in the elderly; by using MMSE orientation, attention, computation and memory, language and visual-spatial skills were evaluated. this questionnaire assessed related to psychometric properties among Iranian's older adults and reached optimal validation [37]. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is brief scale related to the elderly depression. GDS, includes 15 yes/no and 15 items (10 items shows the depression existence among participants. And other items (no.1, 5, 7,11,13) indicated depression in negatively responses. by summing the scores items, 0–4 reflected normal, considering age, education, and complaints; 5–8 reflect mild depression; 9–11 reflect moderate depression; and 12–15 reflect severe depression [38]. Scale validation assessed by Malakouti et al in Iran [39]. Activity Daily living (ADL) included the people's usual daily activities. It was considering as marker for assessing functional activity particularly related to individuals with posttraumatic difficulties, feeble persons and older adults. ADL compromised of feeding, bowl and bladder control, dressing and undressing, chair and bed transferring, bathing and toileting [39]. ADL validated in Iran [40]. Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) indicate participants’ difficulties with (I) ADL, it was compromised seven items such as use of telephone, shopping, food preparation, doing housework, ability to handle finances, responsibility for self-medication, and transporting out. IADLs included the activities performance whose is necessary for autonomous living. Dependency, needing partial help, and independency scored as 0, 1, and 2, respectively; the higher score shows greater dependency. IADL was validated in the Persian culture [ 40]
APGAR stands for adaptability, partnership, Growth, Affection and resolve (APGAR) and compromised 5 items related to five family function satisfaction (adaptation, partnership, growth, affection and resolve). The response might be 0, 1, 2 for each item and overall have a range between 0 and 10 resulting from sum of the scores of each item [41]. Family APGAR validated in Iranian older adults by Karimi et al, 2022[42]
Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS) [ 33] included 10 items and three subscales. mental social support (4 cases), objective social support (3 cases) and supportive behavior (3 cases). 4-point Likert score was used to score each item. The total SSRS score is the computation of the three subscales items. A higher score represents more social support.
The WHOQOL included four domains (psychological health: 6 items, Physical health: seven items, social health: three items; environmental health: eight items) with 26 items and a total Qol items, in addition one item pertains to general health. This self-administered questionnaire is cross-cultural instrument. Five-points Likert scale was used to score the items. [43, 44]
Data analysis
The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to assess the internal consistency of the items of the TFI and its domains, which is evaluated as acceptable if it is at least 0.70. Test-retest reliability was assessed by computing intra-class correlated coefficients (ICC), and was assessed by using the Caligari Jacques categories [45] (weak, 0.00–0.30; moderate, 0.30–0.60; very well, 0.60–0.90, excellent, ≥ 0.90). The Cohen’s kappa coefficients between each item of the TFI and it’s related to further measure, as well as Pearson correlation coefficients between three domains of the TFI and others frailty measures were used to assess the construct validity of the TFI. The convergent validity was proved by statistically significant Kappa coefficients. The agreement between each item of the TFI and its related measure (dichotomized variables) was evaluated using kappa coefficients (46) [< 0, poor; 0–0.20, Low; 0.21–0.40, relatively low; 0.41–0.60, to a moderate extent; 0.61–0.80, considerable; 0.81–1.00 well].
The convergent validity was also evaluated by statistically significant Pearson correlation coefficients. The divergent validity was expected that each alternate measure would have higher correlations with the same domain of the TFI, and lower correlations with other domains of the TFI.
ADL disability, IADL disability, were used as outcomes to examine predictive validity of the total TFI and TFI physical domain, depression as an outcome to examine concurrent validity of the total TFI and TFI psychological domain, and low social support as an outcome to examine concurrent validity of the total TFI and TFI social domain, respectively. IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 was recruited to assess for analysis the study data. One-tailed tests were used, and a P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.